#Àlpha Happy Lowman
maggyme13 · 3 years
The Alpha next door (3/?)
AN: Here is the third part. I hope it is easy to read, with all the convo in here,
So here it is! I hope you enjoy^^
Warnings: I don´t think so
Wordcount: around 2.5k
Part 2
The Alpha had left for his house soon after, but not without saving his number in her phone and checking the security of her house.
It was just afternoon the next day when she saw her car being parked in her driveway by the Alpha. A tow-truck was parked in the street.
“All good. Tires are new and I checked the whole engine.”, he rumbled handing over her keys.
“Thank you-”, she smiled, only now realizing she did not even know his name.
“Happy.”, he frowned in a way that showed he had just realized the same thing.
“I wanted to make some cake. Do you want some?”, she asked tensely. Overnight Millie had accepted her fate and planned to make the best out of her situation. First thing was to get to know the Alpha more.
“Either lemon or chocolate.”, she added.
“I take what I get.”, he answered with a smile tucking at his lips. His animal was pleased his chosen Mate wanted to care for him.
“Thank you for bringing my car over. I could have come and got it myself.”
“Had to do a test-ride either way. I will come over after work.”, he shrugged and waved goodbye.
In the end, she decided to make a chocolate cake, one of her favorites, and couldn´t resist eating a piece when it was still warm.
For dinner, she would eat leftovers from the day prior and Millie was just finished when the sound of an approaching motorcycle reached her ears.
“Here. I made a chocolate-cake. This is your half. I hope you like it.”, she smiled upon opening the door, “Do you want to come in?”
“No. Have to go back to the clubhouse. Thanks for the cake.”, and with that, he was gone again with the cake secured in one of his saddle-bags.
The night was quiet and as much as she felt refreshed, that much she felt alone. She had awoken alone.
During the day, she caught herself checking if the Alpha had returned to his house. But he would not return for another four days.
And with every passing day, she felt more and more restless.
On the fourth day, she could not think straight. Three times she had to restart the commission she was working on. During lunch, she nearly cut off her finger trying to cook.
Well, takeout it is. There is no way I will risk losing a digit over food.
Deciding to order a large pizza tonno, some salad, and garlic bread she dialed the Pizzeria and readied the table.
Leftovers would be breakfast for the next day.
Nice food´s here!
Taking the money plus tip out of her wallet, she almost danced to the door.
“Thank you, you can kee-”, she beamed, “-p the rest. ...Happy?”
There in front of her stood the Alpha next door with her order on hand and a pointy look on her face.
“You are back… P-please, come in. How have you been? Other than angry I mean.”
“Told you to call if you need anything.”, he rumbled.
“Yes. My apologies. I did not think that included takeout as well.”, the Omega mumbled immediately looking to the floor, “I won´t do it again.”
A deep sigh left his chest.
“Where do you want the food?”
“Living-room please.”, she whispered making room for him to pass, only to follow at once.
His warm scent spread through her nose, lungs, and veins, clearing her foggy head in just minutes. She felt relieved and a contempt  Purr left her chest.
A purr that did not get unnoticed by the Alpha.
“Missed me?”, he chuckled interested and Millie answered even before he had finished his question.
“Yes!”, she blushed, “I mean. It was strange. Nothing felt right. I could not think straight. Had to restart my commission three times today. Couldn´t sleep well either.”
“Mhm, sounds like with-drawl to me.”
“Maybe. Never had one.”, she mused,” But for now I am hungry. Do you want to stay and join me? I ordered enough for three days or two people.”
“Then take a seat. We can watch TV if you like. Or talk.”
“TV´s fine.”
“Alright. I have some coke, sprite, or beer.”, she offered from the kitchen.
“Thought as much. I bought a twelve-pack with different types.”, she explained offering two different bottles for him to chose. A stout and a light. He took the stout.
“Happy to hear. What do you want to watch?”
“Don´t care.”, he shrugged.
“Me neither. Comedy?”
And so they ate and watched a movie together.
In the end, Millie had leaned against his side and started to drift off into a slumber.
“You want me to leave?”, the Alpha asked when he noticed her state, even though his animal did not want to do so. Neither did he want the Omega to feel uneasy.
But it was already too late for the question, for she was already too deep in the dream world. He moved her, trying to wake her up, but nothing happened.
The next time she awoke her pillow was moving and making a sound.
Must have left the TV on.
That is not the TV
Sitting up with a start, she almost fell of the coach if it wasn´t for the Alpha´s arm around her back.
“I am sorry.”, she squeaked and he laughed.
“For someone who did not want me to let me go yesterday, you sure can´t get away fast enough today.”
His exclamation got her eyes huge in shock and cheeks red in embarrassment.
“I am so sorry. I hope I did not keep you from something important.”
“Just work.”, he grumbled, “Already took care of it.”
 “I will call them and apologize.”, she spoke already looking for her phone.
“Omega, stop.”, he growled, “I said I already took care of it! So leave it!”
His tone and the unknown situation made her freeze in submission, “I am sorry. How long was I asleep?”
“Sixteen hours.”, he mumbled, “Couldn´t wake you up. Decided to let you sleep. Looked like you needed it.”
“I- I could not sleep well the last nights. Guess you being here helped. Thank you.”
“Is fine. Tonight will be long enough.”, he hummed.
“Oh. Today is Friday, right?”
“Then I think I will head out to the supermarket. Get some chips, popcorn, some soda and maybe chocolate. I am in the mood for a long movie-night.”
Can´t sleep either way probably. 
“What movies?”
“Tolkien-verse or Harry Potter. Don´t know yet. Whatever I am in the mood in tonight for. You can join me later if you want.”
“Can´t we have guests at the clubhouse.”, he almost sighed. 
“Alright. Can I go shopping on my own or do you want to join me?”, Millie asked not wanting to go against his will, again.
“I -”, he started but was interrupted by the ringing of his phone,” -Yeah? Not your concern where I am. Took the day off. Listen Tragger… What do you want?- Fine. Be there in two hours. -then tell that Gemma as well. - I don´t care!”, he growled.
“You have to go?”
“Yes, go shopping. Call if anything happens.”, Happy ordered.
“Sure. I can keep you updated. Send you a message when I am at the market, on my way back, and home.”, Millie stated,” Do you need anything ?”
“M´fine.”, he rumbled.
“I can make you something to eat before you need to go. I can only offer you cereal and toast at the moment though.”, she offered, “And I should have some coffee as well.”
 “Thank you.”, the Alpha nodded in approval and she got up from her seat with a warm feeling, while feeling cold at the same time.
“Toast or cereal?”
“Toast´s fine.”
“Peanut-butter, cheese or sausage? Should be able to get some scrambled eggs with bacon ready as well if you like.”, she called out while leaning half into her refrigerator and squealed when he suddenly answered from right behind her.
“Coffee and toast is fine.”, he stated before laughing,” Sorry.”
“F-fine. I just did not hear you moving.”, she breathed with a hammering heart in her chest, “So coffee and toast it is.”
The man of Meyham was not happy about being forced to help prepare the clubhouse for the visiting charter. That was the prospect's and croweaters' job after all. But seeing that he had stored a few of his weapons and ´toys´ in one of the spare rooms, he cleaned that room without any fuss.
“So, where have you been this morning?”, Tragger asked with an amusing smirk,” Does not sound like you calling in work. What were you doing? Or should I ask: Who were you doing?”
“Shut it Tragger! You are too noisy for your good.”
“I say that shy neighbor of yours. The one you went over and beyond to get the car ready.”, he continued, ducking out of the way in case the other Aloha would throw the knife he held in his hands.
“I said shut it!”, Happy growled instead,” And keep it shut!”
“So I am right. You were with your Omega neighbor. Got a bit possessive over her? Hey, not the first Alpha who does. Though you might let the others know. Heard a few of the others talk about that shy Omega whose tires got sliced.
“Just telling ya. Gotta go though… Gemma asked for my help a while back and I want to piss her off as much as I want to piss off you.”
Happy was still thinking about what his brothers had just told him when his phone informed him about an incoming message.
* I am at the Store*, he read and smiled.
* Good. Be careful*, he answered.
* Sure, will do!*
The next message came nearly one and a half hours later: * On my way home now! Got you some more beer*
* Thank you.*
“Got a good message, brother?”, the Scotsman cheered beside him.
“And what if?”
“Ah, I don´t want to get on yer bad side. Ya just seem different since yer rut.”
“If you´re sure. I am fine with that. Just checking in.”
“Mrmh. Bobby in charge of the BBQ again?”, he asked instead of answering the Beta.
“Yes, Gemma prepared the meat with Tara´s help. Are you hungry?”, Chibs laughed.
“Just ask one of the girls to fix ya a sandwich. They missed ya and were pretty broken when Tig returned claiming you were in rut and did not need their help.”
Happy just shrugged hearing that. He could not care less about their hurt feelings. His animal was only interested in one female now and felt disgusted by the thought of eating something a croweater had prepared.
Their scents had turned foul in his nose since his last rut.
“maybe.”, he nodded and left for the kitchen to see if he could find something in the fridge. He was followed by his brother´s eyes who shook his head in amusement.
He knew why his brother acted that way, he had once acted like that as well.
“Mr. Happy. What can I do for you?”, Chucky asked once the former had entered the kitchen.
“Looking for food. Is there any?”
“Yes. There are some bagels left. I will prepare you some.”
Happy had just gotten handed the bagel by Chucky, when the last-most important message- arrived on his phone.
*Back home. Just putting away the groceries. And then trying to choose a movie.* 
*Let me know what you chose.*
*Why? Want to join me later? But sure. I just hope I can stay awake. *
* maybe*, he chuckled when answering her. Maybe once his brothers are dead-ass drunk, he can leave. But that would mean he had to stay sober as well. At least sober enough to ride.
The evening promised to become fun.
In the end, Millie decided to watch the Tolkien Hexalogy with fresh popcorn, soda, and self-made chocolate-covered fruits. 
 She had just finished the second Hobbit-movie and was preparing a huge portion of fries with salad when an uneasy feeling crept up her spine.
That was weird- Why am I feeling like this all of the sudden?
Unbeknownst to her did that have to do with an ego-hurt Alpha spying on her house, deciding if it was safe for him to enter.
No one had dared to deny him before and then that bitch had caused him to be dominated by another alpha. Like he was a weak Beta or even an Omega.
He knew the other Alpha had been around the house a lot, his scent lingered in the air when he had scoped it out earlier, so, smart as he was, he covered his scent with some cheap perfume. 
 He wanted revenge for the beat-up he received, though he knew he would not be able to beat the Alpha, he would be able to beat that Omega. Like that, he would get his revenge on both of them.
The Alpha had even brought a jammer to keep her from calling for aid.
Feeling the uneasiness to grow with every passing second, Millie walked around her house to see if the windows and doors were closed and locked. They were. But the feeling did not leave.
I should call Happy, right? He said to call him if something feels off. Right?
 Taking her phone, she realized immediately there was no service.
Strange! Still have a cable one in the kitchen though. Hope he still picks up though.
He indeed did after a few seconds that felt like minutes, but he did not say a word when he did.
“Happy? It´s me, Millie. I have this strange feeling and now my cell won´t work. You told me to call when something is up- I think. Sorry if I am interrupting your party”, she explained, nervously playing with the phone-cable.
“Stay in the kitchen and keep the doors locked!”, the Alpha finally answered and at once ended the call.
“Okay.”, she breathed her answer nonetheless and did what he had said.
Standing there, she waited for the rumble of a motorcycle to reach her ears, and only five minutes later the sound of several closed in.
Part 4
AN: so, what do you think? What is going to happen next?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)Thank you very much.
:@jadepc@pacifyhxlsey @thankyoukarenclifford @thankyouforanonymity  @punkrockhufflefluff @scarletraine @buckycaptspideypool  @markusstraya @graveyard-groupie @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil@marshyrebelcloud
Alpha next door:
@wiccanmetallicrose @gloriousqueenjellyfish @peterfrauchen @anni1607
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