Éditions Scylla & Charybde
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We're very proud to announce our new imprint Éditions Scylla & Charybde. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, books were often heavily illustrated. Many, and sometimes dozens of illustrations were commissioned for particular editions of very popular books. Also, some early fiction magazines published stories with a large number of illustrations.Éditions Scylla & Charybde will be the imprint we use for some of these heavily illustrated publishing gems that we think of as the precursors to, and inspirations for, some of the great Pulp Fiction tales we've been bringing to you. For instance, our recent publication of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas by Jules Verne has 110 plates etched by two artists. The edition we created was reproduced from the Geo. M. Smith edition of 1873. Another book, Real Ghost Stories – The Supernatural Experiences of Mr. Flaxman Low by E. and H. Heron was published in Pearson's Magazine in 1899 and contains 83 illustrations.All books published under the imprint Éditions Scylla & Charybde will have fully internally linked Lists of Illustrations. We're planning to produce more works by Jules Verne, more works by H.G. Wells, as well as some works by Edgar Allen Poe, and H. Rider Haggard among others. Oh and how did we come up with the name? Glad you asked! Scylla and Charybdis were the two monsters on either side of a strait that Odysseus had to navigate through in The Odyssey. They were the original "between a rock and a hard place," if you will. We kind of 'Frenchified' it up to make it look fancy. Read the full article
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