#Élodie Rakato
razorvine · 3 years
any headcanons on the newest survivors?
@gooobert sorry this took so long I’ve been kind of stressed out lately I hope you enjoy. Cheryl-- -- She still really misses Harry, and she has pretty good relations with all of the older males at the campfire, Ace, Ash, Tapp, and Bill all remind her of her father in some ways and she has made an effort to get to know all of them. -- Felix however is the older male authority figure she has the best relationship with. In a lot of ways he reminds her directly of Harry who was a more soft spoken kind person. -- When in the proper group she’s kind of a troll to the killers, Feng, Steve, Quentin, Nea. They all kind of bring out her mischievous side. -- She is good at digging up secrets, and has been part of a group who has been trying to figure out the whole mystical angle of the Entity and where it comes from, Zarina, Felix, and now Elodie have been finding bits and pieces by digging through the trial areas and sharing information with each other. She wonders if the Entity has a direct connection to the cult in Silent Hill or not. She knows that it in some ways is similar to the supernatural beings from there because she can manipulate it (Repressed Alliance.) -------------------- Felix---- ----  Repressed gay man! Like yeah sorry this is a firm head canon, he was at the center of an old money family, so he was expected to have an heir and all that stuff. He just has been so conditioned to not even think about it that his sexuality has come as a complete shock to him. Sex with women not satisfying? It’s just the normal part of life, that’s how it is.. --- Dislikes getting dirty, he hates it so much.. Is a super neat freak, makes a lot of the other survivors laugh at him. --- Has a very nice voice very warm and soothing, probably could do an ASMR channel on Youtube and make crazy money. -- Swears in German when things get out of hand. ------------------------
---- A very adventurous eater, has traveled to so many places and tried so many things she’s willing to eat almost anything at least once. And a bad experience isn’t enough to put her off trying it again if said item has been prepared differently. 
--- Knows that Felix is gay and wonders how he hasn’t figured it out yet. --- Is a master at the backhanded compliment. --- has super keen eyesight, and tends to be the first one to catch Ghostface or Michael when they are in trials with her.
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