#Úrsula Corberó Delgado
luegootravez · 4 months
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Úrsula Corberó by © Fausto Elizalde
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cosmonautroger · 4 years
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viclentdelights-x · 2 years
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                                      RAMONA DELGADO 
Age: Twenty-eight 
Species: Witch (earth and blood magic) 
Group: Loyal to her best friend, Dara and Miss Victoria 
Occupation: Bartender at Delirium (if that’s okaaaaaaaay??)
Relationship status: Single
Sexuality: Pansexual 
FC: Úrsula Corberó
About Romona 
Dark and light magic. Good and evil, demons stealing your soul and offering up dark magic as a temptation and yada yada yada. This is what you hear constantly when your witchy family is also heavily religious; honestly, growing up felt like a cult more than a coven. 
Ramona grew up in a small and conservative town somewhere in America (leave me alone) that oddly enough had a long history with witches and their own brand of religion that seemed to go hand in hand with one another; it had been the reason her parents had moved Ramona and her two oldest siblings to the town. 
The coven was large and mostly those that attended the church and brought the garbage that was spewed out each week, something that Ramona felt was off from a young age. Dark and light. Light and dark. No, surely thinking wasn’t so damn black and white, right? They were all witches, bestowed by whomever with magical GIFTS that were all the different colours of the damn rainbow -- how could some be good and others be evil when magic just came to you? 
While Ramona’s entire family had an affinity with water, Ramona felt more akin to the earth and began focusing on spells that she was drawn to, not overthinking why already she felt different from the rest of her family and drawn to a girl in her church, one that had something familiar about her; Dara soon became her best friend -- her only friend really. 
The two girls started practising magic together, spending more and more time just the two of them and diving into any and every spell they could get their hands on, yet there was an element about their magic that felt empty, as though something were missing still -- when Ramona was fifteen, she and Dara found themselves sneaking out and heading out of town to a dive bar, one where they’d encounter a vampire, a friend of the owner’s and one that they caught feeding in the bathroom. 
The blood was deliciously powerful and mesmerised the two witches who felt drawn to the crimson liquid that somehow spoke to the pair in a way nothing else ever had. The blood whispered ideas and seemed to open a door to an entirely different realm of possibility, one that for some reason, the vampire sensed as well and had seen that look before; it was the same look the vampire used to wear when they were a witch, all those years ago. 
Fate. It was the only word for it and over the course of the next year, the two, now blood witches, met regularly with the vampire and were passed on knowledge from the woman’s life -- she still had her families grimoire and gifted it to the two women, who she said reminded her of her long since lost family; a family who practised the magic that would be seen as taboo; as evil. 
The vampire left Ramona and Dara one night, telling them of an island she knew, wanting them to travel with her, though the two females were hesitant due to their young age and families, opting to stay behind. 
When Ramona turned eighteen, however, she was expected to join the coven officially, pledging herself to them and all that they stood for. This, however, wasn’t how Ramona felt and she pleaded with her parents to see things in a different light, that there was no dark or light magic, just simply magic and that not all creatures were demons of the night -- which is when she began to tell them of her own magic and the vampire who had been like family to her, one the witch had shared a kinship like no other; a blood connection that she’d only ever felt with Dara. 
Banishment. How ridiculous of a notion and she had screamed that they were fools, ignorant and blind to the truth -- it didn’t matter, however, as the curse had already been put in place well before they had all set foot to witness the ceremony. Their magic couldn’t save them, not from the two witches whom had made their own blood pact two years ago, whom spent the last two years embracing all that they were and weaving their families blood to listen to only them; it was a shame -- it didn’t have to be that way. 
Ramona and Dara left that night, travelled the country in search of others who were like them and yet only ever found that vampires worshipped what they did, saw the power in the blood. Blood. The life force of all creatures. 
Has been on the island for two years now -- they came in search of the vampire who saved them from their miserable lives, though haven’t come across her.
Worked for vampires for the past ten years as they travelled, digging into their magic more and finding a depth of power.
Ramona still wears her family cross; perhaps a little ironically. 
Still believes that all magic is simply just magic. 
Works as a bartender simply to listen to the blood, to gain information. 
When the pair learned of the vampire sire lines and where the original came from, well, let’s just say their interest was peaked; the power in that blood would be tremendous. 
Met Victoria and instantly she reminded them of their friend, struck a deal and found themselves working for her -- she is the oldest vampire they’ve been able to work for thus far. 
Lives quite naturally, in a small cabin with very little. Grows her own food and has an extensive garden; poisons, especially, get Ramona going. 
Has killed since that night, though doesn’t think that its her magic’s fault, more-so herself as a person. A gun isn’t good nor bad, just depends on the user. 
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Name: Sofia Delgado Species: Human (Medium) Occupation: Bookmaker at The Stacked Deck Age: 33 Years Old Played By: Beck Face Claim: Úrsula Corberó
“Some monsters have voices in their head, urging them to kill; mine are begging me to stop.”
Sofia was pushed out of her mamá’s car at the age of ten with only a vague, finger-point indication of where she would spend the rest of her days. “White Crest, niña mala,” her mamá spat, “find your tita and let her handle you.” Sofia wore no shoes - she’d refused, ever since learning to walk - and carried only a small bag on her back. Inside, a spare pair of underwear, her childhood doll, and a switchblade she’d stolen from her tío’s garage.
The walk to town was as alarming as it was awakening; strange faces leering at her from behind tinted glass, the thick stench of life and loss oozing from conspicuous shopfronts. It was just a normal town, moderately abuzz with afternoon trade, but Sofia’s head felt heavy with a strange force tapping at her skull. As always, yet now more than ever, she hungered.
After questioning enough strangers, Sofia found her tita’s home and, inside, her tita. Cold, white and rigid on the kitchen floor. There was no blood; the kitchen was sterile and the scene, with the sun setting through netted curtains, soft. It wasn’t the first time Sofia had witnessed death, often peeking over the sofa to watch the news late at night, but it was the first time she’d been in the same room as it. Despite the deep-set look of horror carved into her tita’s features, there were no tears or screams, just an overwhelming sense of comfort. Peace. 
Sofia poked her tita’s corpse with the tip of her switchblade. When nothing happened, she shrugged, placed the blade back in her pocket, and went to the fridge to make herself a jam sandwich. The body remained on that same floor for three days, a curious ornament and silent guardian. It was only when the front door rattled with a concerned neighbour that Sofia recognised the urgency of the situation. With great difficulty, she attempted to drag her tita towards the pantry and stuff her between rusted tins and bags of rice, but her young arms were too weak and the neighbour – a middle aged man with small eyes and a drooping chin – had already battered down the backdoor.
“What have you done?” he hollered, rushing forward. Sofia’s answer of “nothing” was true, so she felt no fear in vocalising it. The accusations continued to flow, each more bizarre than the next. A monster, a demon, a sea witch. He cornered her against the kitchen cabinets and demanded she show him her true face; she obliged. Just a smile. A twitch of the lips, a dilation of the pupils. Her face was that of Sofia Delgado, human, female, barely a decade old. She pulled her blade from the pocket of her pinafore and stabbed him twelve times in the neck without uttering a word. Her chest blossomed with pride, the buzz in her head fading, the thirst in her throat sated.
It wasn’t hard to get away with murder. It took over an hour to heave the man’s lifeless body towards the overgrown weeds beyond her tita’s fence and, once settled, she left him to rot. Then she ran to the WC Police Department in tears. “Please,” she’d wailed, “I was dropped at my tita’s this morning, but she won’t wake up. Please!” The authorities confirmed her grandmother had died of natural causes and placed Sofia into care.
By the time the man’s body was found – a lonely conspiracy theorist who most mocked for his declarations of the supernatural – Sofia’s alibi, age and pleasant demeanour had secured her innocence. One being, however, would not let her rest. As she was left to settle in the tiny dormitory of the foster home, just outside of town, the buzz in Sofia’s mind began to harden, white noise becoming words: I know what you did, devil child, it said, Monster! Demon! Witch!
Sofia twisted around and was met with the melting face of her first kill. He followed her everywhere, oft screaming condemnations, sometimes pointing out others in the community whose existence aggravated him beyond death. Frank, the ghost, was tethered to the Earth – and to Sofia – through pure intent to rid White Crest of the supernatural.
Sofia remained in the foster home until she was sixteen, with families perturbed by her empty eyes, knowing smile and outward twitching when Frank’s would yell late into the night. The older she became, the more she understood the need for discretion. Though a pretty face and faux naivety could grant her some margin, she no longer had the defence of childhood.
Sofia didn’t kill again until she was approved to live alone, choosing a derelict bungalow dumped between The Bend and Gallows Grove. It was another middle-aged man, one who’d ogled at her legs as if he owned her. His spirit, worthless and weak, didn’t have the strength to haunt her. Better still, he was from out of town.
To this day, that’s how Sofia selects her victims. Taking a job at The Stacked Deck, she can pick out the immoral and insignificant, those without the souls to shame her in the afterlife. It doesn’t always work; she’s still shrouded with the screams of spirits – both victims of hers, and those who cling to her untrained aura. But the bloodshed calms the noise for just a moment, and the kill – only every couple of years, annually at most – keeps her sane. 
Rarely do White Crest’s inhabitants suspect the pretty little human female, which remains both a security blanket and a cause of annoyance for Sofia. Why must she be assumed the better sex, pious and polite; why must she be the better species, in control of her whims? The world is washed from state to state by tides of blood, the laws of the land designed by lesser men who are too cowardly to taste chaos at their own hands. Though Sofia doesn’t howl at the moon, she sees something in the beauty in an intrinsic desire to kill.
Character Facts: 
Personality: Aloof, deceptive, intimidating, impersonal, suave, self-reliant, composed, calculated, flirtatious
Sofia lives in a ramshackle bungalow on an off-street of Burns Road. She’s never had the money or the inclination to buy a car, so townsfolk will often see her walking home, barefoot, through precarious streets at a leisurely pace, humming to keep the ghosts at bay. The rubble and glass that graze her toes are a reminder of the solid ground beneath her feet, the pain proof that she’s in control of her body, the journey enough to exhaust the senses. With tired legs, a glass of whiskey and a strong spliff, she can pass out in seconds with their threats of damnation only whispers lulling her to sleep.
She has her own corner in The Stacked Deck, not an official table, rather a booth that regulars know not to occupy. There, she takes and delivers bets ranging from next week’s hockey game to more sinister odds, profiting off the misdeeds of others. Occasionally, she’ll be asked to cover the bar. Both are perfect places to mark and monitor her next victim, paying close attention to the scum of the streets with little tethering them to home. Her role sometimes means significant interaction with White Crest’s supernatural community, and she is no longer shocked by their existence.
Though her home is dilapidated and her work less than honest, she presents herself as stylish and suave. Sharp bangs, cute chokers and easy movements. She’s a single-salt whiskey, red-wine and nicotine kinda girl, the sort that suggests trouble but only the fun kind. In her line of work, and with her particular interests in mind, it’s safer to suggest trouble than claim purity.
Sofia prefers to use knives and will always bring her victims home, where it’s easier to hide the evidence. Whilst her kills are easy enough to hide – buried in Gallows Grove at the height of darkness – they’re not necessarily neat.
Not having a car means that she can privately request a chaperone for the walk home, though she’ll never accept a ride. When asked, she’ll explain that she has a fear of cars, a hang-up from her abandonment as a child. In truth, the parked car of a dead person outside her home would spark unwanted suspicion.
Sofia is an untrained medium with no guidance but experience. As her ability to see and hear spirits were provoked as a child, she has had time to adapt to their never-ending noise but cannot control their volume and presence beyond drinking and smoking to numb her senses. When accosted by a spirit of a victim, they’re physical, often bleeding and reminiscent of the moment she killed them. On the other hand, spirits with little connection to Sofia remain just voices in her mind, occasionally a wisp or shadow.  
Despite being somewhat reserved and off-putting, Sofia can socialise well. Her pleasant yet monotone voice, dark eyes and cool conduct promote mystery rather than murder. She will only say what she needs to dissuade suspicion and increase her standing upon Stacked Deck patrons. Gothic and aloof, there are some will be put-off by her presence in their town, whilst others will think her just another oddity.
She’s bisexual with a preference towards women, though does not date. Sofia enjoys sex as both a tool to her trade and a distraction from the ghosts that haunt her, though honest exploits (those safe from her claws), will always be kept away from her own bedroom.  
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multi-famdom · 4 years
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Quédate con quien te mire como Tokio (Úrsula Corberó Delgado) mira a Nairobi (Alba Flores)
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batesonbrooke6-blog · 4 years
~>Descargar]-El árbol de la sangre (2020) Ver Pelicula Completa ONLINE HD en Linea
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▶ Ver Trailer ▶▶ https://bit.ly/3dqmbdd ▶ Descargar ahora ▶▶ https://bit.ly/3dqmbdd
Título original: El árbol de la sangre Año: 2018 Duración: 135 min. País: España Dirección: Julio Medem Guion: Julio Medem Música: Lucas Vidal Fotografía: Kiko de la Rica Reparto: Úrsula Corberó, Álvaro Cervantes, Najwa Nimri, Patricia López Arnaiz, Joaquín Furriel, Daniel Grao, Maria Molins, Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, Josep Maria Pou, Ángela Molina, Luisa Gavasa, Lucía Delgado, Sergio Castellanos, Alba Planas, Mariano Venancio, Luka Peros, Lina Gorbaneva, Susana Garrote Productora: Arcadia Motion Pictures Género: Drama. Intriga
Sinopsis Marc (Álvaro Cervantes) y Rebeca (Úrsula Corberó) son una joven pareja que viaja hasta un antiguo caserío vasco que perteneció a su familia. Allí escribirán la historia común de sus raíces familiares, creando así un gran árbol genealógico donde se cobijan relaciones de amor, desamor, sexo, locura, celos e infidelidades, y bajo el que también yace una historia repleta de secretos y tragedias.
Etiqueta: El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa sub español primiere El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa subtitulada español primiere online El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino youtube El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino online El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino mega El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa en español latino HD El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino repelis El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino pelisplus El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino cuevana El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino pelis24 El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino Gnula El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino Estreno El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa audio latino El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa español latino El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa estrena online El árbol de la sangre pelicula completa castellano
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elkepesztovagy · 4 years
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Úrsula Corberó
Úrsula Corberó Delgado
August 11, 1989 (age 31)
, Catalonia, Spain
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hillstonhq · 4 years
what’s the oldest a delgado could be? also could I have fc suggestions?
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hey, anon ! the oldest muse 79 and 80 could be is 24 and there is no max age for muse 77. some fc suggestions are: leonardo dicaprio, josh duhamel, jon hamm, jeffrey dean morgan, ryan phillippe, maría pedraza, ivana baquero, úrsula corberó, margaret qualley, zoey deutch, marilyn lima, benedetta gargari, lili reinhart,, virginia gardner, saoirse ronan.
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naijawapaz1 · 5 years
Ursula Corbero Age, Height, Boyfriend, Affairs, Net Worth, Career, Family
Ursula Corbero Age, Height, Boyfriend, Affairs, Net Worth, Career, Family
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Born Name Úrsula Corberó Delgado Birth Place Barcelona, Spain Height 5 feet 4 inches Eye Color Brown Zodiac Sign Leo Nationality Spanish Ethnicity Hispanic Profession Actor Net Worth $3 million Weight 53 kg Age 29 Dating Darin Chinese (2016-) Sibling Mònica Parents Esther
After three publicly known failed relationships, Spanish beauty Ursula Corberofinally seemed…
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luegootravez · 5 months
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Úrsula Corberó by © Fausto Elizalde
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thewikiwiki · 3 years
Úrsula Corberó (Actress) Height, Weight, Age, Affairs, Biography & More
Úrsula Corberó (Actress) Height, Weight, Age, Affairs, Biography & More
Úrsula Corberó (Actress) Height, Weight, Date of Birth, Age, Wiki, Biography, Boyfriend and More Úrsula Corberó Delgado is a Spanish actress. She primarily known for her roles as Ruth Gomez in Fisica o Quimica (2008-2010), Margarita De Austria in the television series Isabel (2014), and Marta in the comedy film Cómo Sobrevivir a una Despedida (2015). Corberó became internationally renowned for…
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chosentester · 6 years
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⟼ AGE: 29 ⟼ PRONOUNS: She, Her, Herself ⟼ GENDER IDENTITY: Cisfemale ⟼ ORIENTATION: Bisexual biromantic ⟼ OCCUPATION: First Officer ⟼ HOMETOWN: Temecula, California (USA)
INTERVIEWER ⟼ Hello. Please state your name and flight ID for the camera, please. All of this will be recorded and sent to the HR department.
Kjerstin smiled just lightly at the statement. She knew this was all bullshit, but she was going to keep up appearances well. “My name is Kjerstin Kavanaugh. My identification is HR448A1. Did you get that? H-R-…”
INTERVIEWER ⟼ Thank you. Now, how do you feel about this mission? Emotionally? Mentally? Physically? Any particular way you may feel like describing it.
She sighed. “I feel like we’re all heading to our deaths in a way. Is that too morbid?” Kjer bit her lower lip, trying not to bite hard enough to break the skin. It was a bad habit of hers. “I feel like this can be very beneficial for humans, but I don’t know if we’ll be able to help everyone back home.”
INTERVIEWER ⟼ Did you join us through the lottery system?
“Nope. And I’m goddamn glad I didn’t. What makes you think I’d want to join up for a deadly mission just because I thought it’d be better? Like seriously!” Kjerstin snapped, quickly reeling herself in when she noticed the interviewer glare at her for doing so.
INTERVIEWER ⟼ What made you want to join us?
“Don’t know. At least not yet. Maybe it’ll show up to me in about.... what, ninety years? A hundred? I just want to do good.”
INTERVIEWER ⟼ Thank you. You may leave.
Kjerstin nodded, standing up from her seated position. “Thank you.”
⟼ FACE CLAIM: Úrsula Corberó Delgado  ⟼ STATUS: Taken by Admin Andromeda
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maksatbilgicom · 6 years
Úrsula Corberó Delgado
Tam adı: Úrsula Corberó Delgado Doğum tarihi: 11 Ağustos 1989 Doğum yeri: Barselona/  İspanya Boyu: 1,63 m Ailesi: Pedro Corberó, Esther Delgado Mesleği: Oyuncu ve manken Aktif Yılları: 2002’den bu yana Sosyal Medyada
Hakkında Bilgi
Son dönemlerin en popüler dizisi  La casa de papel ‘in Tokyo’su , Ursula Corbero ‘nun biyografi sayfasındasınız. La casa de papel dizisinde, Tokyo karakterine hayat veren İspanyol oyuncu, diziyle birlikte hemen ilk göze çarpan isimlerin en başında geleni oldu. Berlin , Profesör ile birlikte dizide Tokyo karakteri olarak , dizinin baş tacı diyebiliriz.
Tam adı ,Úrsula Corberó Delgado (İspanyolca) . Ursula Corbero, 11 Ağustos 1989 yılında , İspanya’nın Katalan şehri Barcelona’da  dünyaya gelmiştir. Aslen de Katolanyalıdır.
Ursula Corbero, çocukluğundan beri oyuncu olmayı hayal etmiştir ve istemiştir. Daha sonrasında ise bu fırsat karşısına çıkmış ve kariyerini bu yönde devam etmiştir. Daha 13 yaşındayken, profesyonel anlamda yapmaya başlamıştır. Birçok televizyon filmi , dizisi ve sinemada oyunculuk yapmıştır. Bunu da verdiği bir röportajda, “Hırslı olmasına borçlu olduğunu söylemektedir. Hiç bir zaman pes etmeden hırsıyla hedefine ulaşmaya gayret ettiğini” belirtmiş.
İlk kez,  2002 yılında yayınlanan “Mirall Trencat” adlı diziyle , dizilerdeki kariyerine  başlamıştır. Ardından televizyon dizilerine devam eden Ursula Corbero, Ventdelplà, Cuenta átras ve El Internado gibi dizilerle televizyon dizilerindeki kariyerine devam etmiştir.  Böylelikle kendi ülkesi olan İspanya’da tanınan bir isim oluvermişti.
Birçok ünlü markanın reklam yüzü ve bir çok sinema filminde yer almıştır. Ancak kendi yeteneğini tam olarak kanıtlaması,  Física o Química (Fizik ve Kimya) adlı komedi dizisiyle gerçekleşmişti . Buradaki rolüyle birçok ödüle sahip olmuştu. 2008 ile 2011 yılları arası devam eden dizide Ruth Gomez karakterini canlandırmıştı. Dizideki bu rolüyle , “En iyi kadın oyuncu” ödülü kategorisinde ulusal anlamda bir çok ödüle aday gösterildi ve bir çoğunu da kazandı.
Dünya çapında ünlü olmasına ise , dillerden düşmeyen dizi olan ve Netflix’in yayın haklarını satın almasıyla , daha geniş kitlelere ulaşarak üne kavuşan La Casa de Papel ile olmuştur. Buradaki Tokyo karakteriyle , izleyen erkek, kadın herkesi etkisi altına almıştır. Zaten bu başarı daha önceki ulusal anlamda yaptığı kariyerden de belliydi.
Ursula Corbero,La Casa de Papel’deki başarısı sayesinde birçok başrol teklifi almaya başladı. Hatta 2018 yılında , 2 filmde göreceğiz. El Arbol de la Sangre ve Proyecto Tiempo: La Llave  adlı filmlerde göreceğiz.
Ursula Corbero, oyunculuk kariyerinin dışından da “We Are Water” (Su Biziz) isimli kâr amacı gütmeyen bir yardım kuruluşunun da destekçilerindendir.
Ursula Corbero, özel hayatında ise La Embajada adlı dizide tanıştığı meslektaşı Chino Darín ile 2016’dan bu yana birliktedirler.
Ursula Corbero, güzelliği ve oyunculuğu dışında , farklı bir stile sahip ve zevk sahibi. Bunu giydiği kıyafetlerinde ve sürekli değiştirdiği saç modelinden de göreceksiniz. Yukarıda verdiğim,  Ursula Corbero’nun instagram hesabını erişebilir ve bahsetmek istediğimi anlamanız için göz atmanız yeterli.
Tokio se dispone a huir de su trampa – La Casa de Papel
El sensual twerking de Úrsula Corberó y Alba Flores – La Casa de Papel
Ursula Corbero on the red carpet for the Opening Ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival 2018
Úrsula Corberó and Alvaro Morte do the “Fast and Curious” by BIIINGE | 2018
Úrsula Corberó and Miguel Herrán promoting ‘La Casa De Papel’ in Vodafone Yu
  Ursula Corbero Tam adı: Úrsula Corberó Delgado Doğum tarihi: 11 Ağustos 1989 Doğum yeri: Barselona/  İspanya Boyu: 1,63 m…
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luegootravez · 7 months
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Úrsula Corberó by © Nico Bustos
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luegootravez · 6 months
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Úrsula Corberó by © Dan Martensen
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luegootravez · 5 months
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Úrsula Corberó by © César Segarra
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