#ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง  —— snow ‘fucking fairest’ white  — threedrops
jusright · 2 years
@threedrops​ said...
“Snows working unpaid overtime too goldie stop being a bitch”
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If anything that just makes her a source of the problem, does that hurt your pride Snow? Being the source of the problem you created rather than the solution your complex craves you to be? Does it taste bitter knowing you contributed to the very system that has killed so many fables? Does it make you feel good knowing there are hundreds of your subjects who would rather return and be killed by the empire in a hopeless war than ever submit to the broken shambles of this thing you call a democracy? You rigged it from the beginning. 
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jusright · 2 years
“ the journey - if you look at it all at once, it’ll overwhelm you. it’ll hurt your mind. if you take it day by day, then…then it won’t hurt quite so much. ” // when goldies working in fabletown
The smell of drying ink on parchment, an expansive library and the faintest metallic note filled her tiny corner of the office. Forbidden magic written in a language long dead sat in the pages of these tomes piled higher than the petite woman sorting through them. Adjusting her glasses she set to her difficult work, hours upon hours doing only something she knew how to do. A break was needed as she stretched tired limbs and strained eyes, blueish green hues shifted to gaze into the darkness of the never ending corridors. The only light was a lantern she had left deep in the darkness, but it was a mere speck even with her glasses on. One had to squint to even catch a glimpse of the pale orange glow. Goldie had translated and decoded thousands, no perhaps millions of these books through the years all for what? Fabletown didn’t appreciate her work, she was constantly written up and shut down every time she even dared to open her mouth. 
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Nobody was worse than the fairest fables, Snow White being the fairest of them all. Crane only kept her around because of her big doe eyes and lovely ASSets – she wasn’t fooling anyone with that. Everyone knew she slept her way to the top, even found a place in the mayor's bed. It wasn’t like she was good at her job, that ditzy princess hardly had a single original thought. All a bunch of spat back rhetoric from her higher ups, a mundy macaw could replace her in a heartbeat. Perhaps a parrot would be too smart for them though. Cracking her neck she sighed, those damn 13 floor witches were always having Snow come put the heat on her too. As if any of those overpaid magical corporate dogs could do what she did! Did they have any idea how long it took to learn over 50 dead magical languages? – her internal ranting was cut short by the sounds of heels on tile. 
A familiar sound she had learned to dread, please don’t be Snow. Please for everything decent don’t be Snow fucking White. 
Alas the Goddess wasn’t merciful on this day, as the deputy mayor’s assistant gave a polite knock. “Did I catch you at a good time Ms.Locks? I have a rather urgent request from Ozma herself. This book was just recovered from the homelands and needs to be translated by the end of the month. She said to cease all other projects to get this one done.”
Every single word that came out of her mouth was bullshit, oh how her blood boiled just seeing this woman but now hearing her spit this crap made her even more furious. Less than a month? What a bitch. She was so close to walking out, but instead grit her teeth. “You can tell those pompous oversized fucking fairies that I won’t drop everything I’m doing just to be their good little girl and get shit done on an impossible time frame. Less than a month? Who am I?? Fucking Merlin? No I’m not, because even Merlin wouldn’t be able to do what I do. What are they even paying me for that? Overtime? Oh I’m sure that’s not in the Fabletown budget.”
Snow gave a sheepish smile. 
“Oh are you kidding me? What disgusting abuse of power is this? You expect me to work overtime, burning myself out to get this task done and for what?” The blonde asked, giving a disgusted look as she leaned back in her chair. 
“Uhm well, it would benefit Fabletown greatly.”, Snow answered with a sigh, “Listen I know what you do is extremely valuable but we all have to make sacrifices.” 
“Sacrifices? Sacrifices. That’s almost funny coming from you.”, she scoffed right in the older woman’s face, “You’re exploiting me, just say that. ALL of this, so what? I crave the approval of this broken system YOU built? Yeah, I’ll pass. March your pretty pert ass right back up those stairs and tell the witches that I am ONE more impossible demand away from a walkout. If they value their precious spells so much and want me to keep discovering more and unlocking the magical potential in potions, magical objects and creatures alike in this barren world we all call home, that they can come down here and talk to me themselves! I’m sick of getting sent their little SONGBIRD.” 
Snow’s face contorted into a forced smile, Goldie wasn’t stupid she had been warned about her temper so many times that it had become an inside joke among the fables that worked at the business office. Clearly the deputy mayor’s assistant was doing her absolute best to avoid writing up their irreplaceable asset for the 17th time this month. So after a deep breath and regaining her composure she spoke…
“ the journey - if you look at it all at once, it’ll overwhelm you. it’ll hurt your mind. if you take it day by day, then…then it won’t hurt quite so much. ”
What. The. Fuck.
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“Did you poetically just threaten me to do this job anyway?”, her tone became mocking, “Just take it one day at a time, if you work at it little by little you can achieve your dreams.” Taking her glasses off she rubbed the bridge of her nose, “This has to be a violation of the terms I signed before taking this job, but then I’d have to hire a lawyer and the mayor would probably just settle outside of court or rig the system against me.” Well there were no more options, with a defeated sigh she held out her hand. 
“Fine. I’ll have it done next month, no sooner. I’ll lick their shoes for only a bit longer though, a time of revolution is upon Fabletown. With every year the ignored cries of those you step on get a little more desperate, within desperation will always come solutions. Ignorance will be your downfall.” 
Snow clapped her hands together, “Great. Lovely speaking to you as always Ms.Locks.” With a little too much eagerness the woman scurried from her sight not unlike a rat being chased with a butcher knife. That skirt was too tight for her.
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jusright · 2 years
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