lancelot-sharpkeen · 11 months
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[ anyway tier list of the killers lance could totally beat up or who could wipe the floor with him ]
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infernal-feminae · 7 months
Muse Added: Erebus
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wcrriorhearts · 4 months
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@thewholecrew said: grant entered the bedroom, holding tess in one arm while balancing a tray of breakfast in the other. with tessa holding and slightly nibbling on the mothers day card he settles the tray on daisy's lap where she was in bed. "happy mothers day," he said softly as he leaned down to kiss her cheek first then lips, "tessa and i made this for you," he said as he gave a gentle nudge to tess who smiled brightly and clumsily held the card out to her momma.
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it was her first mother's day and even though it was silly, daisy was so excited about it that she had woken up earlier than tessa even. not because she expected gifts or anything special, but simple because she had a chance to celebrate being a mother to the most gorgeous and special little girl. even though she had never dared to imagine having all of this one day - let alone with grant - she was happier than ever. tessa was an absolute blessing and every day with her healed parts of daisy that she hadn't even known were broken.
when the door opened and her two biggest loves in life came in, she couldn't help but laugh softly at the sight of tessa chewing the card. "good morning, little flower", she greeted tessie, before returning grant's kisses gently. "you made all of this for mama? thank you so much", daisy said as she took the card, before reaching out to take the little one from grant, so that she could snuggle her. peppering tessie with kisses, she opened the card and read it, tears immediately springing to her eyes. "how lucky i am to be your mama, huh?" she held tessa a little tighter, who most likely didn't know what exactly they were fussing about here, but she was already helping herself to some of daisy's pancakes. her gaze lifted to meet grant's and she smiled, placing another kiss on top of tessa's curls.
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archaictunic · 1 year
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modern verse ♥♥♥
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heroesburden · 2 years
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She wants headpats. . .
Head Pats????!!!!!
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phantommirrored · 1 year
@spiderstaff but first...
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"...What are you doing in my house?" It was a surprise for the phantom to return home and find a 'stranger' amongst his living quarters. He gently kicked aside one of the toys on the floor, it definitely was well lived in by the boy, that was for sure.
"Go home."
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erthlyheavn · 1 year
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@cold-inferno said: ❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜ and Verosika @ Erebus
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"What gave it away?" He asked, trying to force out a chuckle as he stood off to the side from the crowd of demons dancing or talking with each other. They looked like they were having a good time. He, on the other hand...didn't really do parties.
And the more her looked around, he began to notice that the other guest were predominately hellborns. He had yet to spot another sinner here. And it didn't help how his massive size made him stick out like a sore thumb.
"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" He asked, turning to Verosika. "Cuz I'm pretty sure I'm the only sinner here."
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saiibeo · 2 years
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“   how  did  you  manage  to  do  everything   incorrectly ??   ” / @skepticxsm i don't remember what meme this was but y e e t
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☠ ⟼ ❝ hacking isn't done incorrectly as long as you're not leaving a trail for them to follow and you get things done. if you're so sure you can do it better than by all means give it a go. i wasn't brought in for nothing. ❞ they sounded irritated, but far from angry. corvus had been at it for hours without very many breaks so they were a lot more snippy than they usually would've been.
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❝ why are you hovering over my shoulder anyway?
don't you have your own work to do? ❞
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demonsfate · 1 year
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❝ SO . . . where are the bad bitches ? i thought they'd be throwing themselves at my feet by now ! ❞
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seesgood · 2 years
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❝ we had that sub for hero support today and you know what they told me? ❞  her books drop with a heavy thud onto the lunch table as she sits ,  still obviously seething from the interaction .   ❝ that my powers would actually be super useful for organizing my hero’s wardrobe .  you know ,  because heroes have so many different style choices for their uniform ,  and the organization girl would be able to just wiggle her little fingers and put them in color order ,  or by season ,  or necessity ,  or appropriateness . ❞  she’d like to wiggle her little fingers and rearrange several of his internal organs ,  but that wouldn’t be very hero support of her .          /          open starter   +   sky high ! 
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lancelot-sharpkeen · 10 months
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[ hi ]
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galaxcias-archived · 1 year
@multianime — semi-plotted
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It’s nearing one in the morning. Normally for the students in the dormitory, they’ve already fallen asleep, or are ready to turn in after a long day. For those who choose to stay up, doing quiet activities like reading a book, doing beauty routines, playing video games or watching movies. And for the two classmates and that fourth option, only partially was the ‘quiet’ part of the activity true. Especially as they watched a movie that the redhead had rented.
Noticing something in the shot not entirely lining up, Kotoura’s hand went to the pause button before tapping her chin and looking closer at the screen. She returns to sitting upright shortly afterwards, her inquiry soon following.
“…is it just me, or did they totally use CGI for this guy’s quirk?” Of course, some actors literally had the quirks of the characters they played, as casting for authenticity had been on the rise lately. So much so that when a character’s quirk didn’t look quite right on camera, that more often than not that was the conclusion. She gestures to the screen to divert his attention back to it. “Take a look here, Izuku- the smoke doesn’t line up with his hand fully around his palms…I don’t think he’s got a smokescreen quirk at all!”
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wcrriorhearts · 1 year
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@thewholecrew said: “ marry me, daisy. marry me and make me the luckiest man in the world. “ / grant & daisy :'))))
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It is late, Bear sound asleep in his bed next to the couch - which he will vacate the second Daisy and Grant decide to go to bed - but his two humans are still awake. They've spent the day painting a few rooms in the house and ended the evening with pizza and cheap wine they found in a cupboard, but it's been a perfect night nonetheless. They have sat in front of the couch for hours, chatting, eating and sipping wine, until Daisy forced Grant to his feet and ordered him to dance with her, because she felt like it. It's out of his comfort zone normally, but he gave in to her anyway, which ended with them slow dancing through the living room at 1am, still covered in paint and dirt from the day.
This is exactly how Daisy expected love to be when she was younger. Effortless, perfectly imperfect and wholesome. Despite their rocky past, they have carved out a small piece of heaven for themselves lately and there's nowhere she would rather be, than here. Both of them have been postponing going back to work, because something that used to consume their lives suddenly feels inconsequential. They wasted so much time saving the world, that both of them entirely neglected living their own lives to an extend that made it worth living for, but this love has given it meaning again.
Grant has been quiet for a long moment, dark eyes trained on her in the dimly lit living room, before he speaks and Daisy freezes mid dance. They've never talked about marriage and she never expected him to care much about it. Sometimes everything they have built still feels fickle and fragile, because he has moments in which she knows he believes himself to be unworthy of all this. So for him to ask her - that is unexpected and Daisy doesn't quite know how to react. She never imagined herself in this position, for some reason. So she blinks and stares back at him, searching his face for a clue that this might be a joke, but he is entirely serious. "Oh, you're serious", she mutters, before cupping his face, a smile slowly spreading on her face. "Yes. I will marry you, Grant Ward! But only under one condition: you will finally accept that we are endgame. No more making yourself believe you don't deserve this and that it won't last. I'm in it for the long run, okay? You and me, until we're old and wrinkly."
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archaictunic · 1 year
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he's been in the depths for what feels like years at this point, but it couldn't have been more than a couple days, at most. lightroots were getting harder and harder to find, with a few even trapped behind walls that seemed to connect directly to the surface in some places. it was, honestly, a bit baffling.
however, nothing was as terrifying as seeing a figure in the distance a while earlier. he didn't approach - scared off by the glow of a strange mask. surely it must've been another monster, like a frox or the second marbled gohma he had seen. he was just trying to explore, not hunting for another grand battle, so he ran off before he really caught its attention.
now, he's approaching another one of these strange, abandoned mines... but there's already a figure there. link slows his approach, weary of interacting with anything humanoid down here. after all, every other person he's run into so far has been a yiga member, under the guise of a hylian researcher.
this one looks different, though. link approaches carefully, head tilted in obvious confusion towards this strange person.
@maskedmirrored - surprise starter ♥
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heroesburden · 1 year
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‘ Quick , I need a cat , stat. ’
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hellsurvivr · 2 years
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                        ❝  why is it .... .  ❞ she starts with a smirk. ❝  whenever something blows up, you always think im involved ??.  ❞ normally she'd be correct. but hey she was innocent. at least this time. but honestly, why blame her. why not blame stark.
@eeturnuhl - from this starter call
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