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a-zif · 9 months
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send your character's height and i'll compare it to mine. 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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a-zif · 4 months
Curious how many kids does Azif have exactly? I don't think I've seen it mentioned before ^^
unofficially the limit does not exist. the temple she's part of has an orphanage (this is where she herself grew up) so she and her husband have fostered many children.
but officially she has four kids (so far*), they are: 1. zuriel (tiefling, redemption paladin) 2. oberon (half orc, zealot barbarian) 3. zarja (tiefling, wildfire druid) 4. to be named aasimar boy. no class, he's still just a baby at this point!
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a-zif · 9 months
Dronia is 5'11
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send your character's height and i'll compare it to mine. 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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a-zif · 9 months
attempts to pickpocket >:)
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“—uh?”  unfortunately for the rogue, āl azif notices her before the deed is done. perhaps amalthea's sticky fingers should aim for a less perceptive target next time. instinctively the priestess grabs the woman by the wrist, her touch is gentle still.  “were you looking to be blessed?” 
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a-zif · 9 months
What hurt the most when returning to Archenbridge? Was Al Azif close to any of the corrupt clergy members?
i've been meaning to write down a more detailed explanation of the temple structure and politics that lead to azif running away originally and eventually returning to reclaim her home. unfortunately i haven't had the braincells to come up with names and stuff lmao
but the long story short is that she wasn't close to any of the clergy people who were corrupt. she was, however, close to the elder members who were considered too old to run the business and bureaucratic sides of the temple (which to be fair, are inevitable parts of existing in a trading hub like archendale). they were the closest she ever had to a family and was trained by them, but most of them had passed away by the time she was a late teens / young adult.
so in the period of time between her childhood and becoming an adult, most of those top leading spots were filled in by people coming in from other locations (so new to the temple, but not new to clerical work) so she wasn't close or well acquainted with them.
i described them as "a group of corrupt clergy members" for the sake of brevity but i do realize that it's giving cartoon mustache twirling villain (though from azif's pov that's what they are) when in reality it's just people who saw a temple with an aging leadership positioned in the capital of a very wealthy and well defended dale and saw an opportunity to join and rank advance and maybe have a more important role than what they had wherever other temple they lived in before.
which would be an okay approach and attitude if we were talking about corporate jobs in the real world, but it's not so having people mostly interested in serving their own interests and inevitably getting greedy and drunk with the financial gain they could get from these new positions felt very villainous to azif and like her home was corrupted. and in many tangible ways, it was effectively corrupted. think allowing less people to take in shelter because it "costs too much money" or only bothering to host the cultural events temples of lathander are known for unless they found a way to make money off them.
tl:dr: capitalism ruins everything.
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a-zif · 9 months
"A beautiful woman like you shouldn't go walking alone~"
[[Ty tor the follow back :D]]
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āl azif is no stranger to being warned about the dangers of the outside world, specially for someone like her — a celestial touched mortal, that is. as for being a recipient of beauty, she is not so sure about.  “why not?”  she asks earnestly, although more so trying to gauge what are the other's intentions. then adding diffidently,  “my guard will be here any moment!”
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a-zif · 9 months
@palaedins said:
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“ as long as you’re happy, don’t worry about me. “
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“i do not believe my happiness has any bearing in this.”  a quiet laugh escapes the priestess, more so endeared than amused. there is no malice in the gesture, there no malice in āl azif whatsoever. “if anything, i'll have piece of mind knowing there aren't thousands or millions with lingering symptoms from being infected with the mindflayers' worm.”  she goes on, though she does appreciate the sentiment, but the circumstances never were about her feelings — more specifically her happiness — to begin with. besides, as long as the morninglord's light shines bright to guide her, she will find a way to happiness! even when facing adversity this holds true. then again, it's much easier to be optimistic for her given there has never been a illithid tadpole within her skull.  “now, please tell me if you've experience anything strange?” 
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prompts 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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a-zif · 9 months
@draconisa said:
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❛ i don’t feel so good. ❜
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 “what is wrong?”  āl azif shifts her entire attention towards daenerys with an inherent sense of urgency, brows raising and fully white eyes scanning the woman head to toe in case there might be any outward signs of what is happening to her. just as swiftly the priestess presses a hand behind daenerys' back in case she loses her balance, and within a blink of an eye words spoken in celestial begin to leave her lips. a golden glow comes to life through the dawnbringer's somatic casting, channeling curative magic that should mend whatever ailment was just about to take over.   “how is that? feeling any better?” 
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prompts 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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a-zif · 9 months
@draconisa said:
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❛ it’s too dark, i can’t see anything. ❜
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“oh,”  the priestess stops on her tracks, quickly moving closer to the other woman with the realization she can't see in the dark like azif can. her night vision is nowhere near perfect by any means, but in comparison with a human those in the likeness of celestial such as azif can navigate the lack of light without much trouble. this she seems to have taken for granted, and apologetically she offers daenerys her arm to hold onto.  “that's okay, just grab my arm. i won't let you trip over, i promise!”
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prompts 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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a-zif · 9 months
@battleaster said:
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❛ did you hurt yourself? ❜ ( i’m going to spam you with cam memes and you can do with those as you will )
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azif looks up at her husband, white eyes wide with shock. her gaze quickly scanning their surroundings as if disoriented, most certainly not entirely sure what happened. she slipped. she had been running after their daughter when she just slipped, or tripped, or the earth beneath just decided to turn upside down and sent her flying. she's as mortified with embarrassment as she is just... puzzled. azif has never exactly struggled with coordination, in fact she has always been quite light on her feet and agile. but of all symptoms byproduct of her carrying their second child, the one she couldn't have predicted struggling with was having her center of gravity shift completely and throwing off her balance. and as result, azif has never felt as ungraceful and uncoordinated as she does at this moment. she wants to bury her face in camael's chest and hide in his arms to never have to face anyone ever again... or at least until the embarrassment passes. instead she lifts her white robes to inspect her leg where she can feel a distinct discomfort, as soon as she does so there is a visible bleeding trail along the shin where the skin has been lacerated on impact. “it's just a scratch,”  she dismisses it immediately, lest she will cause any more worry or trouble for her camael. “but i do need help getting up... i'm so sorry.”
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prompts 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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a-zif · 1 year
@draconisa asked:
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" power is a bloody business. "
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“ it does seem so.”  azif has never been ambitious, has never lusted for power. for freedom yes, but never power. she realizes it's an effective tool to accomplish one's goals. so much so that many consider it worth the loss of life that comes fighting for it. but the dawnbringer couldn't personally relate, she is much too used to a life of humility and simplicity.
she is also uncertain this is exactly a virtue, perhaps a woman like the one before her could accomplish a greater good than azif herself ever could because of the power she possesses. 
“ what would you do with it? i can't imagine anything being worth the blood spilled over it. ” 
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misc prompts 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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a-zif · 1 year
@madefate asked:
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❛ you shouldn’t be out here by yourself. ❜ / from sandrine!
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lips part soundlessly for a moment as she's taken by surprise. she has to adjust her vision, forced to look upwards to meet the woman's face. she is so tall, but in all fairness most people are tall to azif.  “ i-i'm not alone. ”  the words spill out from her mouth with hurry, skittishly moving closer to the wooden caravan she and her other half have been using for shelter from the forest, camp has visibly been set up around it.
broadly speaking her response was not a lie, she is traveling with her husband but at the moment he's not here and the realization that she has said a half true (a half lie) fills her with immediate guilt.  “ i mean, i am right now but i'll be okay! my husband will come back soon from the city. ”  she explains timidly with a hint of hesitance, soon could be a few minutes or a few hours and she's anxious about being apart enough...
the priestess looks at the woman, as though trying to decipher anything about her in case she should run. she's not just tall but strong looking too, roughen up, sun kissed skin, blade on sight. she doesn't seem threatening, though she looks like she could be dangerous if she wanted to.  “ if i'm not allowed to set camp here i'll move. ”  she offers apologetically, her voice small and bashful almost making her look smaller than she already is.
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misc prompts 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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a-zif · 9 months
' Kin , I've come bearing great news . a Selûnite outpost has been made known , I seek to visit with my dearest Isobel . & , I've come along to either invite you alongside us , or if declined , a not forever farewell . As I intend to return , once our business is completed & everyone is surely to be in safe hands . '
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this is good news without doubt. there is no greater news but to know loved ones are finding a home to call their own. then why is it that āl azif is suddenly met with an overwhelming sense of loss? she smiles in response, even if there is a bittersweet undertone to the gesture. her features unable to avoid conveying sadness no in spite of how genuinely happy she is for the pair.
“indeed those are great news.”  she concedes with a soft nod and a following moment of hesitation before she dares to ask, “but... will i see you again?” it is in moments like this one can see the priestess for the mortal that she is. holy in the celestial energy that flows through her, but thoroughly human at the end of the day. a mortal woman with human attachments. however selfish it may be, now that she knows what is like to be in the presence of her kin she cannot help but feel overcome with sorrow at the thought of being without her celestial sibling.
as soon as the sadness comes to her, shame follows. white eyes look away from the paladin, her fingertips covering her mouth as though regretting the words that just slipped past them. “apologies, moon sister. it's just... i have grown used to your presence, and your isobel's too. i'm known to grow attached, this is a flaw of mine.”
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a-zif · 1 year
@ospraey asked:
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❛ if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode. ❜
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a heavy heart can hurt as much as a stab wound, the priestess knows this much because she feels so much. it is an inherent part of her celestial blood, she has been told. those borne from the touch of mount celestia are burdened with a heightened sense of empathy, absorbing the sorrow and grief of the world around them. a heart too big and too sensitive for a mortal body to withstand.
azif has never met another of her kin, never before considered what that would feel like. and now that she is in presence of a kindred soul overwhelmed and distressed it just feels surreal. it hurts. she can heal injuries and wounds, but her god can't grant her the power to heal a hurting heart. 
“ please, lie down. it's been a long and rest always helps — if there's anything to be discussed it can be done after dawn. ”  she can only plea politely, full of care. swiftly on her feet to get a bedroll ready and as comfortable as possible for maverick to take a well needed rest. after dawn indeed, that is when the warmth of the morninglord will embrace them. 
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misc prompts 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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a-zif · 9 months
hi. this blog + it's aesthetics are absolutely gorgeous! i was wondering what kind of psd coloring you used or did you make it yourself? c:
hi there! i make all my things. i also adjust my psd a lot for every icon / graphic depending on what the starting screencaps looks like. this psd is pretty close to mine though!
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a-zif · 9 months
kaey is 5'2 !
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send your character's height and i'll compare it to mine. 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐.
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