#˗ˏ✎ k. tobio × reader
starryparkrr · 2 years
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Chapter l: claire de lune
Pairing: k. tobio × reader(they/them)
Warnings: nothing for this chapter ! lmk if you find anything though :)
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It was a soft tune.
A barely audible one, when it first started in Kageyama’s head. As if the person playing was lightly tapping the keys of the piano, electing the soft notes from its large build. Feather like touches bringing out the delicate sounds.
It was strange, Kageyama noted, that the song was even playing in his head, on repeat might he add. He can't recall a time he had ever listened to the piano, let alone took the time to memorize the song that was playing. He wouldn't consider himself a man who listened to classical music, that was for sure.
He liked it though.
It was graceful and beautiful sounding in way that truly pleased his ears and cleared his mind. He was supposed to be focusing on the math problems the teacher was currently writing on the board, but how could he focus when the song just restarted itself once more in his head? Like an endless time-loop.
Kageyama slumped in his chair as the song picked up its pace and grew louder with each press of the key. He couldn't help but feel an oncoming headache as he went to rest his head on the table in front of him. The once barely noticeable notes, now completely consuming his senses.
"Hey, Kageyama," he heard a soft voice call out, and felt the slight poke of a pencil eraser on his shoulder. Without lifting his head from the desk, he rolled his head to turn and look right at the source of the voice. Hinata, of course. When was he not being bothered by the red head.
"Are you ok?" Hinata questioned, completely abandoning the equations on the board, like the boy he was questioning had done awhile back.
"'m Fine. Just got a small headache," Kageyama flatly stated before turning his head back on the desk and closing his eyes to relish in the song, once more starting over.
Ok, now it was just getting annoying.
Sadly, his class period continued on like that, with him unable to focus until the teacher finally dismissed them to go to break. In a rush, Tobio stood up, slightly feeling lightheaded, before starting towards the door with Hinata right on his tail.
They continued down the halls as Shoyo began to talk his ear off about God knows what, but Kageyama chose to use his selective hearing at this time. His mind wandering off to different places. They carried on until finally exiting the school and walking towards the usual table they went to for the past two years.
As they approached, Tobio could see Tsukishima and Yamaguchi already there with their bentos unpacked already digging into their lunches. Hinata noticed as well, right before darting towards the table screaming out the names of their two friends. Loud and energetic as always.
Tobio rolled his eyes before taking the few final steps to get to the table and sitting down with the other three. Immediately, Yamaguchi initiated conversation with them, asking how their first week was going.
Tobio added a few things every now and then, answering when spoken to, however he kept having a weird feeling overtake him. His eyes drifting off to his left as if something were missing. Or someone.
"Where's Yachi," Kageyama called out as he tore his eyes away from the seat to his left. Hinata, who sat on his right, simply shrugged his shoulders.
"Probably got held back a little after class to talk to the teachers," Yamaguchi added with a nod of his head, content with his answer.
"Why do you ask," Tsukishima, who sat right in front of him, asked, staring Kageyama down. His eyes spoke a million words, but only those 4 passed his lips.
"Just feels weird not having the table full I guess," Kageyama brushed it off like it was nothing, because it was, as he shrugged his shoulders, "I'm going to the vending machine." He quickly added on.
He stood from his seat and turned around sharply before starting towards the corner of the school that had the nearest vending machine. Once he was out of range, Tsukishima turned to Hinata with raised eyebrows. His golden eyes speaking for themselves.
"So, how is it so far?" He chose to voice his thoughts just to make sure his question was answered.
"I'm not sure," Hinata answered honestly, looking down at his hands as they wrung together in worry, "maybe this year will be different."
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Tobio took his time going to the vending machine, no rush at all in his steps towards the little snack machine. He marched on as he began to hum the song that had started back up in his head, and once again he found himself becoming annoyed at the melody. Almost like a broken record, it would restart after the last note was heard.
Eventually, he made it to his destination before pulling out his wallet and entering the right amount of money and pressing the button to get the milk he wanted. He stood there as the machine worked its magic and smiled slightly when the sound of the box dropping indicated he could get his milk.
He bent down and grabbed it right before taking the straw and punching it through the hole. He wrapped his lips around the tiny tube just as he turned around and he felt his body freeze without his consent.
A few feet away sat a table all by itself. It looked rough and beat up, old and barely stable as if no one had sat in it for quite some time. And yet it felt like he had seen that table before. Like he had sat there before. However, with how bad his memory had been lately he couldn't quite recall the memory. He could barely even remember his 1st and 2nd years, as if big chunks were ripped from his mind for no reason.
"Kageyama?" A small voice spoke up from beside him. He jumped slightly, turning his head fast before making eye contact with the short blonde before him.
"Are you ok? You sort of just zoned off... right in front of the vending machine, by the way," she chuckled nervously as she motioned to the machine.
Tobio jumped once more, but this time to move out of the way so Yachi could get her desired drink. They both stood there in awkward silence before Kageyama decided to break it, "everyone was wondering where you were, since you weren't at the table."
Yachi’s eyes widened slightly before she took her lips away from the straw to respond, "I had to talk to the teacher about a few things is all."
Kageyama nodded his head in understanding before motioning that they should start back towards the table, and with a nod from Yachi they both started their way there, talking about how the first half of their day had gone so far. After all it was their first week as third years.
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It was like an itch, Kageyama realized. One that was out of reach, and you just could not scratch no matter how hard you stretched towards it.
That is how he would describe the song in his head, because no matter how hard he tried he couldn't identify the name of it or where he had even heard it from.
At first, he thought probably from Tsukishima. After all, that lamp post always had his headphones on with his music really loud. Maybe, he had listened to it subconsciously without even realizing it until now. Then again Tsukishima didn't really seem like the classical music type to him.
Nevertheless, Tobio was sick of hearing the song in his head. All throughout practice it had been there, creeping up on him during a serve. Starting back up when he went to set. Even when he was drinking water on break it started its onslaught of keys that truly made him want to pull his hair from its roots.
Thankfully, practice was coming to an end soon, and he would be able to go home and sleep off the virus he probably had. A good night's rest always helped clear his mind and escape from reality.
"Alright everyone," Yamaguchi called out, "that's the end of practice for today! I'm so glad you first years decided to join our club and I hope that this year brings great things!" Yamaguchi continued on giving instructions on the cleanup and the future practices that would be held, Tobio saw no need to listen, after all he had been doing this for a few years now. Plus, he was VC, he already knew Yamaguchi’s plans for the year.
They started with picking up the balls, before moving to the nets, and finishing with cleaning the floors. It was routine at this point, and they were able to finish fast with the occasional help of the first years. Once complete, they all headed out right before Yamaguchi locked the gym doors and called it a night officially.
The lively chatter of the team carried through the night as the group of boys started to walk towards the school gates all in their own group conversations. Kageyama trailed behind before turning left and walking away from the rowdy crew.
"Kageyama, where are you going?" Hinata called out, stopping slightly as a few boys walked past him, every so often glancing at the ravenette.
"I'm going to get something to drink. Go on without me!" Tobio called out not even stopping to take a glance at the departing crowd. Hinata shared a glance with Yachi, but she just nodded her head and they both continued on with the club members.
Tobio started off towards the vending machine as he rummaged through his pockets for the change he got from lunch. It was always the perfect amount for the second milk he would get at night after practice.
Then he froze once more, with his consent this time.
It was almost like DeJa’Vu from lunch. Going to the vending machine and stopping in shock from something random.
Although this wasn't something random. No, this was the sound of that damn song once again, but this time someone was actually playing it. Out loud.
Tobio felt his body run cold and chills travel up his spine as he slightly turned his body towards the entrance of the school closest to him. He swallowed the lump in his throat before mustering up the courage to take the first step towards the sounds coming from the halls.
He started wandering the first floor before he realized it was coming from higher up. He slowly started going up the stairs, one by one, each step making the sounds louder right before he reached the second floor where he could hear the music loud and clear. It was surrounding him. Consuming him like he had been dunked in water, making him feel insanely uncomfortable.
With a shaky breath, he resumed his search for the sounds before he came up on the music room that was in the far-left corner of the hall. He clutched his fist as he heard the song in person for the first time. It gave him an overwhelming sense of nausea, and he had to stop right by the door to take a breather to calm his nerves. And as he did, he got to listen closely to every note that left that room. A tender melody that he knew so well.
With one final pep talk to himself he arched his neck slightly, letting his head peak through the cracked door, and he saw... them.
They sat there on the bench before the black instrument, their fingers running across the top dictating each sound that came out. The soft moonlight that trickled through the open window produced a makeshift spotlight on them, making them illuminate in the night. And in that moment Kageyama knew, that even the Gods were listening to them play.
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i hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of my kageyama series ! i'm trying to make the reader non-binary so any gender can read this story and feel included ! sorry if it was a little boring :( the future chapters will get better i promise :) thank you once again for reading, love you <3
━starryparkrr© all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or claim my work. plagiarism is prohibited.
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starryparkrr · 3 years
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" i don't know how i knew that. "
━ wandering the halls in search of the strange song stuck in his head wasn't what kageyama thought he would find himself doing after practice. mindlessly doing circles around the 2nd floor trying to work up the courage to peek into the music room where your figure sat playing the one song he couldn't get out of his mind. (k. tobio × reader)
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Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
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━ ©starryparkrr all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or claim my work. plagiarism is prohibited.
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