#ˢᵐᵒᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵒʸˢ ʳᵒᵒᵐ ⁻ ⁽ michael answered ⁾
darklydescended · 6 years
7. (angel, jade), 12. (michael, jade, carmilla, angel), 2. (angel)
ily for sending them to my main babies lmao
7. How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral?
ANGEL //  She, for the most part, perceives herself as positive. Will she kill somebody in an instant? hell yeah. but she doesn’t see herself as a negative person. 
JADE // she sees herself having a chaotic nature - often pushing people away that she cares about most . but she would easily consider herself a neutral person. she is negative and hurtful when she needs to be but she can also have a kind and soft heart.
12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has.
michael // ( okay so these will be mostly AU but here we go ) //
michael loves his bike as much as his life. out of everything he brought from his old life this is the most important to him. hes always spent time fixing it up and cleaning it. it is one thing that brings him joy.
michael enjoys weight lifting. he is by no means a typical california muscle beach meat head but he likes to keep himself in shape.
he is ready to take on any challenge and prove himself. he hates being looked down upon due to how his father figure was. dare him to do something- he is likely to do it. hell, he almost ran his bike off of a damn cliff.
in his vampiric life - michael often staves off his thirst as long as he can. this has a negative effect on the vampire and he will often bathe in the blood of his next victim - enjoying every last drop in a gorey mess.
although he wasn’t at first - michael is extremely loyal towards david and the boys. they have become his new family and he would do anything for them. 
JADE // 
she loves scissors. not a single day goes by where she doesn’t have a pair on her. 
her favourite pair of scissors was broken by Cat on accident ( in a story with @bibbleobsessed , specifically ) . they were an actual prop from her favourite horror film.
jade’s favourite horror film is THE SCISSORING. and no. it is not a lesbian porn, okay.
she is EXTREMELY talented at staying in character. one time she grabbed a PIPING HOT cake pan from the oven and gave herself third degree blistering burns on her hands and she STILL didn’t break character.
take Jade’s coffee away and you will find yourself on the wrong side of her scissors. trust me. it’s like the one thing she loves. besides cat.
she can turn into a panther. an odd ability, but one that has proven to be useful. so if you want a giant black house cat / like sookie @vampirecrack / there you go.
carmilla LOATHED every minute she was forced to spend inside that blood filled casket, forever mourning the death of her beloved ELL.
her maman is satan incarnate. she would literally pick a hot date with satan over spending one day with Lilita like ever again.
carmilla hasn’t had a single night’s rest since she felt the betrayal of her sweet Ell seeing her as the monster she was.
feeding from Ell all those nights was her biggest regret. if she could go back then she would gladly change the outcome.
angel LOVES reading comic books. her favourites are dark horse comics. but she has been known to own an issue of batman that is  e x t r e m e l y   rare when she was human. 
she always wore a single black leather braided cord bracelet - up until she gave it to STAR. her sister hand made it for her when they were little and it meant the world to her. some days she regrets giving it to star, other days she is happy because it was a tie to her old life.
she was raised in a CATHOLIC family. they sent her to private school as long as she can remember and she  h a t e d   every moment of it.
s o m e b o d y   always seems to steal her clothes and knives. but she’s cool with it. she’d never try to get them back anyways - unless her siouxsie sioux signed shirt or the cure tour shirts happened to disappear.
angel would KILL to go to a misfits or sex pistols show live. she always used to secretly watch them on TV back home behind her parents back.
( and another for shits and giggles ) Angel cut her hair short when she was fourteen while her mother and father were out of town at a conference. when they returned her father beat the living hell out of her literally telling her it was the devil’s haircut. oddly enough they didn’t say a SINGLE thing to her sister ANNIKA when she damn near shaved her head bald not long after.  
2. Does your character have any noteworthy features? Freckles? Dimples? A scar somewhere unusual? etc. // angel
the majority of the upper left side of her face is scarred permanently. she received it as punishment by her ex-coven leader Billy when she disobeyed an order to kill Star. instead she helped her and michael escape their clutches - no matter how much she hated michael for gaining star’s heart. angel is EXTREMELY self conscious about the scars and if she finds that somebody is staring at them she will just look away and towards the ground, staying silent. they serve as a permanent reminder to her to remain loyal to those closest to you. though she will answer any questions when asked about them - to an extent. 
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darklydescended · 4 years
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