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replicantdeviancy · 4 years
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Xander A. Arkeit (26yo) is a SWAT detective for the Detroit Police, Central Precinct, in downtown Detroit. He has been working with the DPD for four years, experience outside of the academy of three years as an officer before receiving a promotion into the detective position in SWAT, where he has a further single year of experience. Before joining the force Xander attended college at Michigan State where he had a double major in forensics & criminal psychology. He graduated summa cum laude along with his two brothers. While his outward appearance is nearly identical to his brothers - his eyes are a stunning bright grey - Xander were a stern, almost severe expression more often than not & due to his aloof sociability he can seem standoffish, even cold. However, his work performance is exemplary & he has not only proven himself a brilliant detective, but a stellar member of the SWAT team, where he can put his stamina & strength to good use.
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While Xander possesses a similar tallent to his older brothers in that he can reconstruct situations & scenarios through the gift of a vivid imagination & a peculiar way of thinking, he finds difficulty in assimilating into a subject & expanding upon their point of view. Because of the different levels of severity between the brothers & their mental disorders, each may express traits uniquely. Xander shows less capacity in social aptitude, but his selectiveness of empathy is far less out of his control. He finds it easily to feel anothers emotions but unable to properly understand them, & thus his reconstructions can be stilted or incomplete, very much technical in nature. Because of this he is much better adapted to physical tasks, & has found a place for himself in SWAT, where he holds the favor of Captain Allen, who has sought to groom him for a future position as his replacement as Captain.
Xander has shown an impressive extend of fighting prowess & physical ability, & is proficient in a wide range of weaponry, martial arts & close quarters combat. He is also an excellent sniper, however he prefers a full frontal style to his methods of fighting. He is an apt tactician who does not easily wither under pressure, & easily makes up for his lack of social prowess on the field. He is curt & strong willed, but aims to protect his teammates. He has also proven to be levelheaded & thoughtful in any situation, including under fire. He is lean & muscles dense, & for his body size he is remarkably strong, which he uses to his full advantage. His stamina & tenacity exceeds that of his brothers by miles & though he is the youngest, Xander has inserted himself into the protective roles both on the field & off.
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Notable Case:
A hostage situation following a murder of John Phillips on Aug 15th, involving a housemaid turned hostile after discovering he was going to be dismissed in favor of a replacement. (Evidence suggested there may have been romantic involvement between the suspect & the victim.) The daughter, Emma, was taken hostage by the housemaid, Daniel, & threatened with her fathers handgun at the edge of the high-rise balcony. SWAT was called in, Xander leading the team with Captain Allan in command. Their orders were to eliminate the threat & rescue Emma Phillips. Through trial & error it was determined that both a frontal assault tactic & well placed snipers would not yield desired results - Daniel had positioned himself at the edge of the building after having broken the glass barrier railing & with no nearby buildings to position a sniper behind him, no clear shot could be made. It was then suggested by Xander that his elder brother, Connor, would come in to serve as a hostage negotiator, as he was well aware of his brothers persuasive capacity & manipulative prowess, which would prove tactically advantageous. Connor was called onto the scene, arriving at 08:29PM, where he took the time to profile the suspect before engaging in negotiations. Connor managed to lull Daniel into a sense of security enough to feel assured he would walk out of the situation unharmed, though in cuffs. He released Emma & was taken down by SWAT snipers.
It should be noted Connor was left with a thick scar on his shoulder from a gunshot where the deltoid muscle peaks. In a fit of confusion & panic Daniel fired a single shot at Connor, which in turn sent Xander into an emotional state of rage-fueled panic, & he had to be physically restrained by his commanding officer & peers from intervening. It was later determined that the shot was made due to heightened anxiety of the perpetrator due to a case of mistaken identity. Daniel had initially misidentified Connor as his younger sibling & shot out of fear.
Sidenote: It was the triplet’s birthday.
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While each of the Arkeit boys is afflicted with moderate antisocial personality disorder, in Xander the condition is more readily expressed & most easily witnessed. Each may experience a range of selective empathy, but to the youngest the ability to switch the capacity of it is more difficult & he was never able to hone the skill of expertly controlling empathetic capacity like his eldest brother. Xander is not a social butterfly. He is reclusive in social gatherings & refrains from participation in most conversations that do not pertain directly to work, as he has developed a level of comfort with his teammates that nearly matches that of his family. In social situations he will tolerate the unwanted presence of multiple individuals, but prefers interactions one-on-one for the sake of social anxiety, which has built as a result of his inability to properly convey himself verbally or emotionally. He struggles to express opinion outside of a work situation, & will easily become frustrated with his own social ineptitude. However, within the presence of his two siblings another side comes forth & he blossoms from a wallflower & will engage actively in conversation without fear of judgement or false preconceptions.
Unlike his brothers, Xander finds it incredibly difficult to lie, yet in turn he is brutally honest. He, too, holds the same functional control of his vitals & not entirely on purpose. Due to the unique condition of his empathy disorder & Antisocial Personality Disorder, the moral compass & capacity of emotional aptitude are lacking. He has a very hard time understanding the emotions he can feel off of others, & while he suffers anxiety as a result of this confusion, it is rare his pulse will ever spike because of it. He can be eerily calm & is extremely observant, able to point out details most would not recognize. Quietly learned, unassuming, his mind is perhaps the most dangerous part of him. However, between the three, Xander is the most emotionally vulnerable. He can become anxious or emotionally compromised in extreme situations, usually resulting in aggression or, in a worse case scenario, tears.
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Silent Hill - Reserved
Resident Evil - Full outline HERE.
Hannibal/Silence of the Lambs - Reserved
Marvel 616/Netflix - Reserved
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replicantdeviancy · 4 years
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There was never a lacking of culture within the Arkeit household. As children, Connor took on a very maternal role as the trio grew more & more distant from their parents, & he would often read to his younger triplets in the yard or in bed late at night. Xander fell deeply in love with the haunting beauty of existentialism in the classics & to this day his favored book is Paradise Lost by John Milton. In their youth the boys raided their mother’s bookshelves & often found a treasure trove of information & literature to feast their starved minds upon. They became intrigued by the works of Shelly, Blake, Milton & many others, as their words of a lost wonderment of the human condition & the self spoke to them, as they felt unable to truly be themselves within their own household.
Later in life, when Connor met Markus during a hospitalization, their cultural interests as a family were only allowed to grow, even in the confines of the gritty reality of the hardened lives of law enforcement had threatened to taint them. Nevertheless, though art was not a constant focus in their world, the ability to escape from the darkness, to pause & breathe & speak with others who would relate on the subjects of their fancy became a kind of sanctuary inside of the real world, especially for Connor. He came to truly appreciate the conversations he might have with this new friend & his loved ones, in the relationships forged through an appreciation of aesthetic & art in all forms, especially the written word. Connor’s favorite poem is by William Blake; Auguries of Innocence. ‘Heaven in a wildflower’ - the line struck him, as he decided that beauty could be conceptualized even in the most mundane, or dare say it the most morose & macabre realities of human existence.
Note: (Hannibal/Silence of the Lambs verse) Connor knew the line of which Hannibal Lecter referred to Will Graham while in his incarceration. The line spoken seemingly at random & without context, yet very much a clue as to the nature of his perception of the Red Dragon. ‘A Robin Redbreast in a Cage Puts all Heaven in a Rage.’ A quote reminiscent of his childhood. In turn, he was also familiar with Blake’s work The Red Dragon & The Woman Clothed in the Sun.
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replicantdeviancy · 4 years
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phantomdream said:
                                      31 and 79 for Connor, 4 and 66 for Xander
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031. Are they superstitious about anything?
I wouldn’t say so. Connor is a person who is very grounded in reality & anything that he believes in is scientific, logical & rational. He has experienced a few strange events in life & is always the first to try & debunk the unexplainable. Cops aren’t usually a superstitious group, but that isn’t to say weird things don’t take place.
079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others?
Extremely. His capacity for empathy is immense & he can empathize with anyone, though it is selective due to psychological issues. Because he has borderline Antisocial Personality Disorder, which at times almost directly conflicts with his empathetic sense, he can, for a short while, switch that sense off completely & distance himself from others emotionally. Unfortunately, if he does this too long or two often it can be very psychologically detrimental & he has suffered a complete emotional breakdown once or twice because of it. Thankfully, he has the two opposing factors balanced out for the most part & uses his empathy & psychology as a means of adaptation to his environment on the field or as a tool for work purposes.
He is also a human lie detector. Unless someone is capable of controlling purely involuntary responses of the body, he will spot falsehood immediately.
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004. Do they prefer being alone or with others?
One would suspect Xander prefers solitude, given how socially inept he is. Quite the contrary, he prefers company, though more often from a single companion or with someone he knows well & can stick to when in a crowd or gathering. Often this is a close friend or family member.
066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature?
He is oddly content wherever he winds up, being the type to bloom, or rather survive, where he’s planted. Xander is a very adaptable man, though if he were completely honest he would admit to preferring the city just a little more because he’s used to the modernness of city life. Nature in small doses or at the park offers a sense of peace in a chaotic world, but a weekend in the woods might give him anxiety over being unable to connect to the internet or get signal on his phone.
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