sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
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Ruth Bernhard
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
haters will see a winter enjoyer and say "why are you going outside it's cold and boring" and not even see the beauty in desolation and stillness 🙄
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
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— Mahmoud Darwish, Another Road in the Road
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
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Clara Balzary, 2017
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
my vision of post-TWOTL will graham and hannibal lecter largely involves the specific visual of them driving in the car together with hannibal behind the wheel, parking, hannibal going around to the other side of the car to open will’s door like a gentleman, and will, entirely zoned out, throwing his door open directly into hannibal
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
no one suffers more than girls who are a bit like their fathers
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
they should make a sleeping that is easy
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
thank god i'll never be 15 again
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
what do they put in october and november that makes them the most ungodly mental breakdown psychosis inducing months imaginable. what are they storing in the orange leaves and generally grey drowsy atmosphere
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
one thing about me is that i will buy a beverage
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
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She saw her moment and got glossed up for it
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
one thing about me is that i love giggling. like hehe
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
Why are menstrual pads always wrapped in flowers and shit why don’t they ever put anything cool on there. Like shadow the hedgehog
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
"I wouldn't want to bother anyone," I say as the thing inside of me eats me alive.
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sleepwellbeasts · 2 years
i want so badly to go back to early 2000s livejournal to have toxic fights about willow/tara from btvs where everyone takes it too far and i hack a user i loathe’s curated spuffy fic forum and delete it and they retaliate by contacting the big name blogs and convincing them to sign a callout post for me that both damns me to a wave of hate and creates a strong counter-army of users who will now defend my every move. we end up mutually doxxing each other and losing our irl jobs over it but we physically cannot stop ourselves, it’s like a frenzied itch we have to scratch, until s7 hits and we suddenly realize that it was all for nothing. but then one day, after years of our blogs being inactive and when everyone has already left the site and left behind their shells of blogs documenting the past years of their lives, i make my last post and say where i’ll be waiting for them and hours later im leaning against the empty bus stop i detailed in my post, kicking my shoes against the gravel because i feel so dumb for hoping, but the bus finally comes and the rusted doors scrape open and only one woman walks off, walks right in front of me, and i finally get to put a face to that damned animated blingee spike icon and it’s raining and theres a slight autumn chill, i don’t have a dollar to my name because of her, i never imagined her cheek would be that soft, and i kiss her right there against the faded ad for goldman’s real estate firm, with its ink bleached of color from time
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