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replicantdeviancy · 4 years
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Connor E. Arkeit (26yo) is a homicide detective for the Detroit Police, Central Precinct, in downtown Detroit. He has been working with the DPD for four years, experience outside of the academy of two years as an officer before receiving a promotion into the detective position in Homicide, where he has a further two years experience. Before joining the force Connor attended college at Michigan State where he had a double major in forensics & criminal psychology. He graduated summa cum laude along with his two brothers. Within the DPD Connor quickly made a name for himself, not only in regards to his appearance & magnetic, charming personality, but with his work performance. To date, his case record stands at seven assigned cases solved, thirteen cold cases solved; solving cold cases has become something of a hobby for himself & his brothers in their free time.
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Connor has expressed a certain skill level for making seemingly impossible connections through evidence that help solve his cases. The gift of imagination coupled with his extremely proficient sense of observation builds the underlining structure of in depth reconstructions of scenes & incidents, & he has the ability to run through those reconstructions within his minds eye. (Connor used to place himself into the point of view of the perpetrator in order to better understand them in a psychological profiling, but after the Zlatko case he no longer does.) In Connor’s imagination he is the unseen observer to the crime, watching it unfold either in pieces or as a collective in order to fully understand what happened. Note: Because of his observant capacity he is often able to predict events with a strong level of accuracy, aiding him in planning & execution of close quarters combat & defense.
Due to his mental condition, Connor is an extremely proficient tactician, using psychological & emotional manipulation both in his work as well as occasionally in civilian life. He has been known to leave those he is tasked with interrogating in a disturbed state of being in extreme cases, though more often than not his tactics are standard police interrogation techniques. He is a calm & collected negotiator who can bury emotional instability under pressure in order to accomplish his task. Connor has learned from many years of conscious practice to use his mental dysfunctions as a tool rather than a detriment, & while he can be incredibly empathetic & warm he also has the ability to shut his emotions off completely if it is necessary. He can lie without any indication save for the involuntary dilation of pupils, keeping his pulse steady & breath shallow.
His proficiency with weaponry & martial arts is impeccable, though he would claim he is still learning. His accuracy with firearms is upwards of 97% (conditions do apply) & he has proven a capable sniper. Close quarters combat is where he thrives & his dulled sense of pain helps mask the damage he might suffer. While not notably strong physically, Connor is very fast & agile, & he shows a talent for improvisation. He can be brutal if necessary. Around the office, the team gave him nicknames like ‘Bloodhound’ or ‘Plastic prick’ just to razz him, making him part of the group of older, more seasoned police officers. Criminals on the streets call him the Deviant Hunter.
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Notable Case:
A hostage situation following a murder of John Phillips on Aug 15th, involving a housemaid turned hostile after discovering he was going to be dismissed in favor of a replacement. (Evidence suggested there may have been romantic involvement between the suspect & the victim.) The daughter, Emma, was taken hostage by the housemaid, Daniel, & threatened with her fathers handgun at the edge of the high-rise balcony. SWAT was called in but with Daniel being so close to the edge of the building it was decided that a negotiator should come in to handle the situation. Connor was called onto the scene, arriving at 08:29PM, where he took the time to profile the suspect before engaging in negotiations. Connor managed to lull Daniel into a sense of security enough to feel assured he would walk out of the situation unharmed, though in cuffs. He released Emma & was taken down by SWAT snipers.
It should be noted Connor was left with a thick scar on his shoulder from a gunshot where the deltoid muscle peaks. In a fit of confusion & panic Daniel fired a single shot at Connor, having initially believed he was Xander, Connor’s younger brother, who was at the scene with his SWAT team that evening.
Sidenote: It was the triplet’s birthday.
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Zlatko Andronikov was a suspect in a large scale underground human trafficking ring in Detroit & was under investigation for multiple cases of murders in the area. A raid on his home in the historical district on Nov 6th uncovered a far deeper sinisterness to Zlatko than ever imagined. Beneath the mansion were cages where Zlatko kept some of his ‘experimental art’ - the ones who survived their transformations. People turned into mere flesh barely living, yet still breathing, tortured & disfigured beyond recognition as truly human. Most did not live beyond a few days after rescue, to which most believed was best. Zlatko was killed by a houseman he had manipulated into servitude & Connor was tasked with a profile on Zlatko in order to aid the court proceedings for Luther, in order to reduce his own sentencing for his employer’s death & for accessory charges.
This case broke Connor psychologically & he was forced to spend time on leave to recover from the traumatic experience of inserting himself into Zlatko Andronikov’s head on a psychological level.
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Connor, like his brothers, has been diagnosed with moderate high functioning antisocial personality disorder. It is because of this condition he is able to act in ways & in situations people may find uncomfortable, callous or almost impossible. He carries out his objectives without compromise lest the involvement of his partner might somehow compromise the situation. He has been shot protecting his partner, Lt. Hank Anderson, & has killed to defend him in the line of duty. Connor finds difficulty in attaching any kind of emotions to those he has not become close with, & his outward demeanor is more superficial than completely genuine. He is friendly, sociable & very kind, but mostly out of necessity to make work & life easier. He shows concern for others not on his behalf, but on the behalf of those he does care for who might feel sincerely for another. He does not feel guilty for any cruel or damning actions performed in the line of duty, only feeling remorse if he manages to upset someone he feels genuinely for. He lies, is very manipulative & has a tendency to flirt with people, men & women, in order to obtain something he wants with relative ease. He may also flirt in response to another’s flirtations, amusing himself by playing with them a little before moving on.
On the other side of the spectrum, when he does manage to attach an emotional connection to someone he cares deeply, almost manically. His desire to protect & see those he loves well is near insatiable & he has been known to use those same manipulative tactics on people closest to him, though with sincere intentions for their wellbeing. He does not & will not attempt to isolate people from others, insert himself into situations for attention, or harm them in any way, especially psychologically. If he loves, it is completely. He will also never lie to a loved one on any important matter, or really any matter at all.
Though it is very well hidden most of the time, Connor has anxiety & depression, though his depressive moods are few & far between. His anxiety, however, is in constant contention with his numb state of being & only in rare cases will it ever come to light. Nervous fidgeting, such as with pocket change or stress-grooming, are commonplace, though he is not prone to panic unless someone he loves is in danger or his objective is dangerously close to failure.
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Silent Hill - A fog loomed over him, not merely over his body but over his mind like a blanket, cool & soft, beckoning him into the darkness. Connor found himself in an unfamiliar place, in a state of utter deprivation, bewildered yet too fatigued to do anything about it. It was not a fatigue of the body, but of the mind which was so powerful it stole all strength from his body & he could not move himself. He didn’t know why this town stole him away, but he knew he would either become a sacrifice for God or repent for his past mistakes.
Resident Evil - Full outline HERE.
Hannibal/Silence of the Lambs - In pursuit of the Chesapeake Ripper, the team under Jack Crawford of the FBI grew needy for assistance as Crawford became further concerned that his specialized profiler, Will Graham, had been compromised psychologically & feared breaking him. Through his resources Crawford touched base with Detroit PD’s director of criminal psychology, Amanda Stern, who suggested her own protégé Connor Arkeit as a worthy successor. As such, Connor was assigned to work with FBI & transported temporarily to Quantico. There he was directed to work with Graham & learn what he could, ready to take over should there be a need for it. Instead he learned to completely harmonize with his partner, after realizing they both possess the same gifts of imagination & reconstruction. However, he realized Will could not turn off his empathy, & slowly Connor began to take on more & more in his role as profiler, both using Will for information & protecting him from further psychological trauma with mixed results.
Marvel 616/Netflix - Many months after the incident in New York when the world learned that extraordinary heroes walked among them & villainy came not only from the furthest reaches of the globe, but from beyond the stars. After the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen helped expose the corruption within the city & FBI filtered out the turncoats within the NYPD, New York was in dire need for replacements. The Arkeit siblings volunteered for a temporary transfer to help clean up the city & maintain order. Having grown up so close to the city limits of Detroit & fully immersing themselves into it’s culture, darkness & light, the trio believed they would be fit to handle the task. On a more personal note, the boys were highly intrigued by the tales of super heroes & vigilantes, & the exploits of organized crime within Hell’s Kitchen. Connor was intent on learning all that he could, against the warnings of his siblings that he might get in over his head.
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replicantdeviancy · 4 years
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Scar Analysis: Connor E. Arkeit
This analysis is to express any & all (current & optional) scars Connor might have in his Human Verses. More will be added as Verses are expanded. All are derived from optional wounds obtained during the game (besides those associated with gender reassignment) & have been carefully selected for certain plot points or story arcs. As there are still plenty left, there are opportunities for future use.
Right Temple - Miniscule, faint & circular. Obtained some time during early childhood, before Connor can remember.
Left Deltoid, Center, Mid - Thick & slightly keloid from poor skin regrowth, somewhat rough. Obtained  in the line of duty from a gunshot during a hostage negotiation situation by a housemaid named Daniel [Expunged], in which the bullet deeply grazed Connor’s shoulder muscle, creating a tunnel-like gash. Recovery was slow as skin was unable to be completely closed with stitching.
Underbust, Below Pectorals - Thin, faded twin scars, only slightly discolored with time. Obtained during mastectomy surgery associated with gender reassignment (age 21).
Mid-Abdomen, Above Navel - Small, slightly puckered circular wound. Obtained from a gunshot in the line of duty during a police raid in which Connor acted to protect his partner. No complications. The bullet did not hit any major organs.
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replicantdeviancy · 4 years
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Reconstructions Analysis:
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Connor’s reconstructions are like a complete experience to him, something concocted by the mind from evidence collected & manifested in his minds eye in such vivid detail it seems almost real. He chooses to observe from a third person perspective, though if he decides upon it he can enter the point of view of the perpetrator or the victim. He has developed this ability as such that he can freely wander the scene & use that capability to help piece the puzzle together & find more clues in that state of being, things that were moved or no longer present, etc.
Externally he is capable of semi-cognizant meandering & can even respond when spoken to, but his verbal replies will be stiff & stilted. When he is in this state, all higher brain function is dedicated entirely to the reconstruction & only his most basic functions are left in reality. Essentially, the parts of the brain which control the automated functions like heartbeat, breathing & the like (Medulla Oblongata, Brain Stem, etc) are effectively (partially) separated temporarily from those which control imagination, memory, speech, & process cognitive thought (Frontal, Cerebral, Temporal, etc). In-depth conversation will not be possible, at least with any real level of participation from Connor until he’s fully present & aware of his surroundings again in reality, & anything discussed will not be recalled. Basically, speaking to him in this state would be like speaking to someone who sleep-talks.
Connor has the full capacity to feel & experience the point of view of anyone he inserts himself into during the reconstruction, which is precisely why he no longer does so. After a particularly troubling case in which he was tasked with reconstructing a serial killer & human trafficker’s point of view in order to profile him for a proceeding trial, Connor suffered a psychotic break. He was forced to take leave for some time from work & struggled for months disassociating his true self from the delusion of this murderer’s madness. For a time Connor felt himself not only capable, but considering following the same gruesome acts performed by this killer, which terrified him to no end. Because of his own diagnosed disorders, Connor is perfectly aware he is & has always been capable of heinous acts without any emotion or remorse, but he chooses to follow a better moral compass instilled upon him by other, more mentally sound individuals. He no longer inserts himself into the killer’s perspective unless absolutely necessary, because he doesn’t ever want to feel himself urged towards something his true self doesn’t actually want to do.
This isn’t to say that he hasn’t killed people, but it was always in the line of duty. However, he has never attached any emotion to the acts except for a single incident involving his partner. Hank Anderson was kidnapped & beaten with the intention of killing him as his partner, Connor, was forced to watch. Connor killed the kidnapper, a former member of a drug trafficking ring in Detroit previously disbanded by Anderson in his earlier years on the force. Connor’s was not an act of protection; it was cold blooded revenge fueled by an outraged anger & he killed the perpetrator as if he were executing him. This incident prompted his second psychiatric evaluation (His first was during training at the DPD Academy); his second failure. The outcome of the exam & recommendations were overruled by Director Amanda Stern, who deemed Connor still fit for duty in spite of his actions. He was placed on temporary leave for mental wellness & returned to action within the month. To this day he still feels nothing besides a faint sense of protective self-righteousness & if put in the same position he would not only repeat his actions, he would done it faster.
Due to his diagnosed mental disorders of Antisocial Personality Disorder & selective (dark) empathy, during inserted POV reconstructions are the only times in which he truly feels emotion on a heightened level, or rather to the level a normal, neurotypical individual would experience. Because of this be can be disoriented & emotionally unstable after a reconstruction, as he isn’t entirely equipped to handle that kind of emotional stimulation, even though a part of his brain certainly is. Eventually he will return to his usual calm, polite & outwardly sunny self, though inside he is more or less numbed.
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replicantdeviancy · 4 years
❛ how’re you holding up? ❜
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                                @murdcck | 𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 | Accepting
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                  A breath was taken, deep & slow into his lungs, filling them with the crisp air of the chilled New York morning from the open window & his mind with a meager calm. Admittedly, Matt Murdock wasn’t always the best of company - the detective had found that out soon enough - but he was thoughtful. No one could deny that. Thoughtful of others, not of his own health & safety. Connor eyed the newest of the man’s injuries left uncovered upon his visage, one of many he expected, & his own face took on an incredulous, tired expression. He knew the lawyer couldn’t see it, but he imagined he could understand the mild frustration in him by how that breath was released as a sigh. Cheek resting in his palm, he shrugged nonchalantly, absently. It didn’t matter if Matt wasn’t aware of it. His tone was enough, the fatigue laced within.
                  ❝ I mean… I’m tired & in desperate need of a second double shot latte. But that’s a typical Monday afternoon. ❞   How very true, especially since taking on this new assignment, much to the chagrin of his partner back in Detroit & his siblings who weren’t fond of missing him for extended periods of time. Hell’s Kitchen was never bereft of excitement, & while the young, curious detective enjoyed the challenge, the long hours didn’t love his body. He knew that beneath the disguise of concealer & a cheerful smile he appeared as fresh as death warmed over, but this was far from atypical for him. It appeared similarly for the other as well.
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                  Of course Connor imagined Matt wasn’t simply referring to his bodily fatigue, but the mental fatigue of the more recent incidents within the island’s borders. It was said that New York was the city that never slept & that sentiment held true for it’s criminals as well, not to mention it’s vigilantes. Connor anticipated that the other man was concerned for his emotional state. A kind thing, that, but not necessary. Nevertheless, Connor was flattered for the idea alone, yet he immediately turned the conversation back to the other.   ❝ & what about you? ❞   A gentle creak of the chair as he moved, weight shifting slightly as Connor sat up, leaned just a little closer to reach, to touch. Not quite over the wound, but close. Just close enough to use it as a reference point but not to jostle it in any way.   ❝ That looks like it hurt…  ❞   One could only imagine where Matt got that from. Truthfully, he often looked like he had caught Hell & had it beaten out of him.
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