omega-high-offical · 4 years
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Welcome Students and Staff!
Here's a little information about Omega High:
It is an open AU, meaning you can add your own characters/AU's into it! We'd love to see Your additional Students and Staff!
This is all bassed on a community discussion which can happen here at ΩHIGH official Discord!
Omega High is a story of change and morals. With side stories that carry important ideas and messages!
It is still in the works, we still have plenty of students and staff to work on. See it fisrt on the discord!
Principal- Core Frisk
Vice principal- Temmie
Mascot- Toby
Front Desk- Geno
Councillor- Dream
Grievance Councillor- Death
Librarian- Alphys
Gym- Swap
Art- Ink
Construction- Error
Culinary- Muffet
Astrology/Earth science- Outer
Music instructor- Shyren
Drama/theater- Mettaton
History/STUCO director- Nightmare
Math- Cross
English- Fell
Sex Ed- Lust
Basic sciences- Sci
Cafeteria workers- Sans and Grillby
Swim coach- Undyne
(Feel free to add your characters! We need multiple teachers for certain subjects!)
__________ *s- usually a secret to fellow classmates *N/A- Student has no determined role
Students and basic roles
Library Assistant- Goth
Cheer coach- Palette
Rugby player- PJ
Punk/Astrology- Killer
Punk/Forensics- Horror
Punk/Photographer(s Student News)- Dust
Public relations(STUCO)- Color
Super senior- Burger Pants
Reporter(Student News)- Cil
Writer(Student News)- Quill
Class Clown- Cray
Environmentalist- Cloud
Treasury(STUCO)- Omni
The 90's kid wannabe- Fresh
Shy bookworm(involuntary delinquent)- Lotus
Delinquent- Rurik
Home EC- Lux
Student Council prez.-Frisk
Student Council V.Prez.- Chara
(Feel Free to add Your characters as a Student!)
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omega-high-offical · 4 years
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4 notes · View notes