#ִ ࣪𖤐Church of Rosario
blackenedrosary · 10 months
15 questions !! Thank u for tagging me @shuinami ( GO check out her art NEOW. 🔫)
1. Were you named after anybody? Yes but I changed my name some time ago.
2. When was the last time you cried? Before yesterday 😦
3. Do you have any kids? Do my Hello kitty plushies count? 😞
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Mm, not really.
5. What sports do you play / have played? I'm an art kid, sports are not my forte !!
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone? Their face (?) Or their eyes to be more specific
7. Eye color? Dark brown 🐎
8. Scary movies or Happy endings? Happy endings when I can't handle scary movies lol
9. Any special talents? Define special
10. Where were you born? Between the stars and the sky
11. What are your hobbies? Drawing when I have the energy, gaming, writing very rarely.
12. Do you have any pets? No :(
13. How tall are you? 5'4 :3
14. Favorite subject in school? English !!
15. Dream job? Kaigai J-pop idol 😞
I don't got anyone to tag , feel free to do this if u want !! <3
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blackenedrosary · 6 months
Finally!! I finished >:) I'll probably post something else later.
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blackenedrosary · 6 months
I gotta make tags or something if I'm getting into posting my art here. AUGHHH
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blackenedrosary · 6 months
I have to have some amount of organization! So here's my tags!
Directory | Tags & Info!
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Trigger warnings or content warnings
Ask box rules!
Things I like or are interested in
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Welcome to my Tumblr art blog! Address me as Rosario, Rosaria, or Rosary. I don't mind! I'm just someone who draws and does crafts! I use He/Him.
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⚠️ Content / trigger warnings
• My blog features aspects of organized religion, religious imagery, and such. If you can not handle it, please do not keep reading and exit my blog! /nm
• Artwork or stories I make about certain fandoms may be dark or very dark due to the nature of certain games or fandoms I'm interested in, such as DL. I'll be sure to tag accordingly and add trigger warnings. Please make sure to avoid my posts if certain topics may trigger you. Trust me, I want all of us to enjoy ourselves, and having someone panic, feel anxious, or spiral due to my work is not the type of thing I am striving for.
• Please keep in mind that the characters' words or actions do not reflect the beliefs of the author.
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✝ I won't answer ask that make me uncomfortable! I'll just delete them.
✝ Please make sure to use tonetags, I would greatly appreciate it.
✝ Nothing too NSFW please.
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Needy Streamer Overload, Diabolik Lovers, Obey me / Obey me NB, Reverse 1999, Sanrio, PMMM, to name a few.
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🎼 Tags !!
Please remember not to repost my art without my direct permission!
#ִ ࣪𖤐Church of Rosario – Any of my rambles, me speaking in general!
#ִ♱ First | No Betrayal – Reblogs of any kind, but mostly art!
#♱ Second | No Deception – Art tag! This is what I'll put my art under.
#♱ Third | No brutality – Ask Answer tag!
#♱ Fourth | No Insolence – I might post writings under this tag!
#♱ Fifth | No Falsehood – OC's will probably be posted to this tag! <3
If my OC's get too much to keep a number on, I'll make specified tags for them, but for now, that's fine.
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Aponia graphic banner by @horrorification on Tumblr.
White dividers by @pommecita on Tumblr.
My current pfp (K-ange) is by @epsiloner
My banner is by @yamiistein
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