#୨୧.. nory !
xlxvesxckx · 2 years
[I hope you'll love me one day]. Jotaro Kujo.
synopsis: Having a crush on someone like Jotaro was dangerous. But not because of him. It was the girls who hung around him like buzzards who would make your life hell, when all you wanted was to be loved by your friend.
warnings: bullying, violence, suicidal thoughts, angst, some comfort, jotaro being jotaro near the beginning.
Au: None Pairing(s): Jotaro Kujo x Reader Based off: Some personal experiences of mine (explain more in a/n).
A/n: I wrote this based off some experiences from Highschool of mine, I used to be bullied and I know how it felt to think no one had my back.. I wrote this as a comfort fic for myself mostly, but I know there's others who dealt with this as well. I just want you all to know that you are loved. Someone out there loves you, and if you don't think it then I'll be that person. I hope that you never feel alone again and know that you can turn to me if you ever feel down.
Heres my Kofi if ya wanna support my work! Enjoy the fanfic!
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
‘There he goes…’
You sigh watching the item of your affection walking past you with his unwanted entourage.
Who was this male you may ask? 
His name is Jotaro Kujo, he was the most popular boy in the school, against his will though. He was strong, known for beating up anyone who dared looked at him the wrong way.
You, were Y/n L/n, school outcast basically. You only had two friend to call your own and one was this weird ghost thing that followed you around. You called it piper, it was a pretty ghost like humanoid surrounded by music notes. It was a pale pink color and had no facial features besides a nose and mouth.
You were used to being alone, even when you went home you were alone. So to see someone like Jotaro who had people surround him effortlessly, you couldn't help but like him.
You had several classes with the male and he always peeked your interest, from the day he started back coming to school after being gone for 50 days. You saw something in him that none of the other girls saw.
And that was a normal human being.
"Oi! Y/n!"
You looked up from your spot to see Noriyaki Kakyoin coming towards you. He was one of the popular kids too, he was skilled at the arts and he was practically best friend with Jotaro.
You and him weren't best friends, but you consider Nori close enough to trust.
"Hi Nori! You need something?" You asked as your eyes wandered by over to Jotaro.
Kakyoin followed your eyes and a smirk landed on his features, one that you saw too often.
"Y/n….you already know what I'm about to say.."
"Nope. Nope. You can't make me!"
Kakyoin sighed as he sat beside you. "Come on, the two of you are practically alike! You both like peace and quiet, you both like to stay to yourself" Kakyoin was always trying to get you to admit that you liked Jotaro.
You had attempted to tell him before but that was right before he left for 50 days. When he came back, you could tell that something in him had changed. Kakyoin told you it was him being more sheltered from nearly losing some of his closest friends and family.
You chalked it up to him simply not wanting you around. Hell, you assumed he roped you in with the other girls he found annoying.
Kakyoin would try and keep your hopes up but you didn’t want to risk your feelings being hurt.
It was white day. The day where people confessed to their crushes and gave things to the ones that they loved the most.
Your goal was to give Jotaro the sweets you’d worked so long on.
With help from Kakyoin and his mom, you managed to make several different sweets all in the shapes of marine animals since you heard about the stoic males love for marine life.
You made sure to decorate it in stars and made it a pretty black and purple box. “You know, The colors remind me a bit of Star Platinum.” You mumble to yourself and Kakyoin only chuckles at you.
Kakyoin had to basically force you to talk to Jotaro so you can get to know him better, he wanted you to be able to trust Jotaro and not see him as the big hulking brute. 
The three of you bonded over being the only stands users, a fact that you guys made sure of. Kakyoin remembers the relief that washed over your face when he and Jotaro showed you their stands, it reminded you that you weren’t alone…and only solidified your crush on Jotaro even more.
“It does. Now, are you actually gonna give it to him?” Kak teases nudging you as the two of you walk to your classes. You looked down at the box in your hand before thinking about it for a second. “If i can get him alone, I will.” “You know well that we are always on the roof for lunch…You can do it then.” 
You sighed as You arrived at your classroom, looking at Kakyoin, he gives you a mini salute and heirophant green gives you a little thumbs up. (Your Stand Name) echoes the same emotion that you have before you entered the classroom.
You had to make it past this class period and to lunch. 
That all you had to do, seems simple enough right?
“Oh here comes the weirdo~!”
There was a group of three girls that made your life a living hell.
Tsubaki, Neji and Kakura.
They basically were the heads of the weird little group that follows Jotaro around all the time. And because you were a girl, that was close to Jotaro they made your life a living hell. The only other girl they tried to mess with was Evan, but she graduated and always told them off. Evan was kind of your protector and then she had the nerve to graduate.
So now you had to deal with them yourself.
When you walked into class you managed to make it to your seat but as soon as you sat down, the box you worked so hard on was quickly snatched by tsubaki.
The chemically dyed blonde held it in her hand before smirking down at you. “Aww the little weirdo has a crush? Who in the hell would like your ass at this school??”
You stood up to get it back but was forced back into your seat by Neji and Kakura. 
"Wait…Is this for Kujo-San?"
"Ooo~ I think it is!"
"What makes you think Kujo-San would actually like this?"
She asked snarkily and you didn't want to answer it, but you started getting scared once you saw him walk into the classroom.
Tsubaki got this awful smirk on her face before standing up. "I'll go ask him myself~" You struggled to get up out of your seat but Neji and Kakura forced to down.
Neji getting out a switch blade before pressing it against your side.
"Move if you wanna bitch." She muttered.
You watched helplessly as Tsubaki walked up to Jotaro.
"Hiii Jojo~! Happy White Day!" She said handing the box to him. "I made this all by myself just for you, because you deserve the best~"
Jotaro raised an eyebrow before walking straight past her. He went to sit in his seat. Which was in the back row 5 seats across from you. You were surprised he even showed up today, you knew he despised this holiday so you wondered why he came.
Tsubaki stomped her foot and walked right back up to him, "Um, Jojo didn't you hear me? I made you a white day gift!" She reiterates, a bit louder this time making the male sigh.
"Yare Yare, if I ignored you then there's your fucking answer." He said coldly and Tsubaki, pouted.
"Well! Since you hated it so much, it's actually from the weirdo over there! Yea! Creepy Y/n made it! I think she's been stalking you because she mad-"
Jotaro cuts her off with a hand raise, You could feel his eyes move over to you. You froze as your eyes looked to where he was, you could see a slight dust of pink glide across his features. And as quick as it came it was gone.
"Didn't I say I don't fucking care? Get away from me." He then goes to a book he brought with him.
Tsubaki angrily looks back at you before walking back over with your box."That was all your fucking fault weirdo!" She yelled before sitting in her seat.
You sighed in relief as her two lackeys went to sit down too, leaving your box bon your desk.
You glanced back over to Jotaro only to lock eyes only to lock eyes with him.
You gave an embarrassed wave and he only gave a tilt of his hat.
That could've went way worst.
Oh but it got worse.
After class you went to the bathroom, you wanted to make sure you looked presentable when you officially confessed to Jotaro. When you left the bathroom you went to the stairwell to get to the roof you bumped into the three stooges.
Tsubaki rolled her eyes as she walked over to you.
“Do you really think Kujo-san is gonna like you? He doesn’t like any fucking body.” She starts off rudely and you just try to ignore her, but that seemed like the wrong thing to do.
Tsubaki pulls you back by your shirt and forces you to the ground with a harsh thud. You cry out in pain as your back hits the hard. Tsubaki then reels back her foot and kicks you in the side.
“Don’t you dare turn your fucking back on me bitch!”
You curled up in a ball as her crew comes together to start kicking you, all of them yelling obscenities at you.
“Fucking Bitch!”
“Jojo will never love you!”
“Fucking weirdo!!” “Just Kill yourself already!!”
Your eyes widened at that last statement as tears started to fill your eyes. All you wanted was Jotaro to care about you. Yea he may seem standoffish, mean and rude. But you knew deep down that he was loving and cared about his friends. 
All you wanted was for him to recognize you as more than a friend. Not just the weird girl who he has to save from his posse of girls every other fucking day.
You felt useless, you couldn’t even get the energy to summon your stand as you were so weak. It hurt your heart and you just wanted to cry more.
Eventually you broke out into sobs as they continued their assault on you, Kicking and punching you.
Neji landed a particularly hard kick to the back of your head causing you to scream out in pain.
Tsubaki laughed at your suffering “That’s what you fucking get for messing with whats mine!!” She screamed at you. 
And as a final blow of disrespect, she opened the box of candy you spelt time lovingly making for Jotaro and dumped it out over you. She then threw the box at your head while she was laughing. 
“Come on girls..I’m tired of looking at this disgusting thing.”
You hear the three of them leaving but you don’t have the energy to get up and go after them.
“Kill yourself~! You’re fucking useless Y/n. Face it. He’ll never like you.”
Your entire body hurts. You feel weak, and you feel numb. You took a few hits to the head and could feel yourself going in and out of consciousness.
You didn’t want to go out like this..but with how you feel right now.
You really wanted to.
You should’ve known better than to have feelings for Jotaro, because you didn’t have to be worried about getting your feelings hurt by him.
You had to worry about getting hurt by his fangirls.
Your eyes start getting heavy as you see a pair of shoes coming towards you.
“Y/n! Oh my God! Jotaro get over here quickly! She’s hurt!”
It was Kakyoin and Jotaro. You thought they were already up on the roof, you weren’t expecting them to come later. You wished that they were on the roof. That way if you were severely hurt from your injuries, you would die by yourself, and not in the arms of your friends.
Your feel your body get lifted off the floor and held close to a warm body. You used the remaining part of your strength to look up, locking eyes with a…worried Jotaro?
You couldn’t even question it as you felt yourself slipping to darkness, the last thing you heard was him cursing under his breath and the sound of him running.
“Fuck..Fuck. Please don’t fucking die on me…”
You open your eyes to darkness, looking around to see where you were.
‘Am I dreaming?’
You look down at your hands and see that you’re still in your school uniform. When you look back up you see Jotaro standing across from you with his back turned to you.
You give a weak smile before running over. “Jojo! Hey! Jotaro!” You place a hand on his back before seeing him snatch away from you. He turns to face you with a disgusted look on his face.
“Why the fuck are you touching me?”
You bring your hand with a confused look. “H-huh?..”
“Don’t you fucking huh me. Get the fuck away from me!”
He moves to walk away but you grab his arm. “Wait! Jojo we’re friends remember? Why are you acting like this??” You were on the verge of tears. You were confused you didn’t know where you were and now your friend didn’t want anything to do with you.
He scoffed before pushing you away. “Stay away from me. Do not talk to me ever again, I don’t want to be seen with you.” He started to walk away from you and you went to follow him but was blocked by an invisible barrier of some kind.
“W-wait! Jotaro Please! Please! Don’t leave me!!” You screamed banging on the barrier but it seemed he couldn’t hear you. Tears were now streaming down your face as you banged helplessly trying to get his attention, but he continued to walk away from you, not even bothering to look back.
You jolted awake in shock, scaring the blonde woman that was sitting at your bed side. “Oh my! You’re awake! I’ll go get Jojo!” You watched the woman hurry out the room, you could barely register what she was saying but when you heard heavy footsteps coming towards the room. You assumed she was getting someone.
When you looked to the doorway that she went through, your eyes widened as Jotaro walked through the doorway. The male walked over to you and sat down near you. “Are…Are you okay?” He asked and you nodded slowly. Jotaro let out a sigh of relief before pulling you into his arms.
He placed his face in the crook of your neck as he held you. You were about to protest before you felt something wet against your neck, “Jotar-” “Shh..Please. Just let me hold you.”
You stayed silent as he rocked back and forth with you in his arms. Jotaro soft cries filled the room and you felt awful. You couldn’t help but wrap your arms around him as best as you could.
“I thought i lost you…I thought I lost you because of those stupid fucking bitches.” You hear him mutter and he soon lifts his head to place his forehead against yours. This is an emotion you’ve never seen from the male, and it scares you a bit to be honest.
“I came so close to losing all my friends when we went to egypt. I don’t want to come home and lose you.” He raises one of his hands to cup your cheek before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on your lips. You gasp softly, your mind was freaking out, Jotaro is kissing you, he was kissing you!!
Jotaro pulls away and gives you a soft smile. “Hey, say something…I’m trying to make sure you’re alright.” You giggle softly and return the smile. “I’m alright Jojo..just a little shocked right now..after all I thought you-”
“You thought I hated you by the way I acted? Far from it. I was afraid something like this was going to happen. I knew how those girls were. I’m sorry.” Jotaro interrupts before placing your head on his chest. You could hear the soft beating of his heart and was about to talk when he beat you to it. “You hear that?..” He asks and you nods. He chuckles quietly, “That only beats for you. I’m sorry, i promise to protect you from now on.”
“I love you Y/n..”
I want all of you to know that if you ever feel down, just know that there is someone out there that loves you. and if you think there isn't, think again because I am one of them. <3
I love you all, take care of yourself please and have a good day/night/afternoon.
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nori-the-cat · 3 months
₊˚⊹♡ Nori's Tea - Enhypen's Love Lifeજ⁀➴
This post is based on tarot and it is for entertainment purposes only. Remember, tarot readings should be taken with a grain of salt. The tarot reading below is based on my interpretations of the energy I receive from the cards. All of it is alleged and energy can always change.
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―୨୧⋆ ˚ Member A:
In the love department, things for member A are kind of like a roller coaster - exciting ups and downs. He might be looking for a real heart connection with someone special, but things are a bit confusing right now (like trying to find your way in a maze). There could be some old baggage (maybe past relationships) that's holding him back from finding something new.
The death card here is reversed and it's screaming at my face. This card in general is about transformation or change. Since it's reversed, this card tells me member A is still reluctant to change or move on from something in his past.
There's someone that he likes right now and he thinks other people are after the person he likes so he feels a little competitive. He is also learning to balance his love life with other aspects of his life, such as his career and personal responsibilities. This imbalance could be causing him stress.
While all of this is happening in his life, he is figuring out aspects of his love life. He's thinking about things a lot while he weighs his options. He's not sure about changing things, but he's also feeling optimistic and good about himself. It's a bit tough for him to move on from the past, but there are big changes happening, and he feels like things will be good in the future. He's had some recent wins in love, and that's making him feel more sure of himself.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ Member B:
So, what's the deal with his love life? It seems a bit confusing.
On one hand, he might be putting in all the effort, showering someone special with charm. Sounds like he's got the feels! But hold on, there might be some obstacles or competition clouding things up. Maybe he even feels the need to defend his love or deal with some judgmental folks.
The truth is, he might be single right now. Maybe things just haven't clicked, or timing hasn't been on his side. Whatever the reason, he seems okay with flying solo for now. He's focusing on finding balance in his life, and while he might be open to love later, it's not his main priority.
Here's the thing: When he does look for love, fairness is a big deal for him. He wants a relationship built on honesty and respect, where everyone gets treated equally. To him, any choices he makes about love will have an impact. He's choosing wisely.
Speaking of choices, things might be a little foggy for him right now. There could be some confusion or doubts swirling around. Don't worry, for him, this is probably just temporary.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ Member C:
This charming goofball we all know might put on a bit of a tough-guy act, but deep down, he's a total sweetheart. Imagine a cuddly teddy bear trying to roar like a lion – that's him!
His love life is taking a turn for the brighter. After feeling a bit stuck and maybe even a little down about dating, he's starting to see things in a whole new light. Sure, there might be a few bumps in the road – a little shyness or past experiences to work through – but the overall feeling is positive. Think sunshine and butterflies.
This new outlook means he is open to making deeper connections, the kind that go beyond the surface. He's ready to take charge and make choices that will set him up for a truly happy love life.
However, he might have been hurt in the past. Maybe there was some mistrust or even a betrayal that left him feeling unsure. But hold on, there's good news! He's on the road to healing, and the future looks bright.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ Member D:
Is member D having trouble finding love? Maybe. Life, work, and even past heartbreaks can make dating a challenge. Right now, he might feel stuck or unsure of what he wants. He could be frustrated because things aren't going as planned. Maybe people in his life aren't being super supportive, making it even harder to find that special someone.
There could also be a lack of balance. Maybe his career is taking up all his time, leaving no room for romance. Or, maybe he's just not feeling the spark with anyone he meets. The good news? There's hope! He has the potential for a happy and healthy relationship. But it might take some work. He'll need to be patient, open to new opportunities, and put in the effort to find the right person.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ Member E:
Seems like member E got his life on track these days. He's crushing it at work, which makes him feel super confident and independent. The thing is, he might be a bit busy (or maybe just not quite sure what he wants yet) so finding love might take a while. But that's okay. E's got a positive attitude and is starting to figure out his feelings. He might need to work through some stuff first, like maybe some doubts or insecurities, before he's ready to settle down with someone special.
The good news is, member E seems to have some amazing women in his corner. One of them, like a super supportive BFF (best friend forever), is always there to listen and give him a shoulder to cry on. Another one, more like a wise mentor, helps him stay grounded and gives him practical advice.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ Member F:
Looks like member F might have had a bit of a bump in the road with his crush. They're trying to patch things up, but now he's stuck wondering what to do next. Maybe things aren't moving as fast as he'd hoped, or they just can't seem to have a heart-to-heart about what's going on.
Member F might be thinking about whether it's worth keeping things going with someone who's been on his case lately, making it hard for him to feel close. Past arguments could also be making him hold back, leaving things feeling a bit stale romantically.
So, what's going on with F's love life? It seems like things are a bit up in the air right now. He might be feeling overwhelmed and stuck, maybe even thinking a lot about past relationships. There could also be some competition or tension going on, making him feel like he doesn't have much control.
But here's the good news: even though things feel confusing, Member F seems to be taking a smart approach. He's taking a step back to see things from a different angle. It's like he's hitting pause to figure out what he really wants and how to get there.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ Member G:
Member G's been thinking a lot lately about his past relationships and what he really wants in a partner. Don't get him wrong, stability and a lasting connection are super important to him. But with everything going on in his career and being in the spotlight, it seems like finding love can be pretty stressful at times.
Lately, something big happened that changed the way he sees love altogether. Maybe it was a breakup, or maybe he just had a lightbulb moment. Whatever it was, it's clear G's looking for a relationship with some structure and support now. He wants his love life to be a steady, calming force, something he can control and rely on.
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nori-the-cat · 8 months
☆⭐︎Nori's Master List⭐︎☆
Nori’s tarot game: Closed
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୨୧ SM Entertainment
୨୧ Other K-pop idols
୨୧ Kpop Predictions
୨୧ To-do list
୨୧ My Anon Asks Rules
୨୧ Nori Secret Reading
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Hi! You call me Nori. I'm in my 20s. I'm not always active because I have a corporate job too (unfortunately). I’m not a professional tarot reader. But I enjoy doing tarot reading. Think of me as your neighbourhood cat. I snoop around and find out. 🐈‍⬛ 🐾
Besides tarot, I also love astrology analysis. But I don’t do it often. Please be patient with me. I'm still learning how to interpret my cards.
I'm not always active, but when I'm active, I do tarot readings and astrology posts for K-pop idols.
Drop your questions in my inbox!💌
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I don’t do tarot readings on 18+ or NSFW content, future spouses, sexual orientation, marriage life, sickness, and death. These are things I deem as invasive.
I do tarot readings on career, love life, romantic scenarios, and ideal type or preference. Most importantly, as long as the idol (person) allows me to post it, I will post the tarot reading.
Keep in mind I am human and not God. I can't fully see everything in the tarot card reading. I have my limitations and the person (idol or celebrity) I read has their boundaries.
I don’t do personal tarot readings so I don’t accept personal questions for my tarot readings.
My tarot readings are alleged and it’s for entertainment purposes only. So, take it with a grain of salt as they are based on my knowledge of tarot and intuition.
My anonymous feature is not always on. If you’re too shy to drop a question in my inbox and fearing people know it’s you. You can DM me and choose an emoji, so I can refer the tarot reading to you. As long as your tarot reading request is not invasive, I might take it.
My readings are posted depending on my energy and time.
My to-do lists are not a reflection of what will be posted next.
My anon list
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