jiminable · 3 years
Good day
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hello! <3
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jiminable · 3 years
i relate to this jk so much bddjdj not really into social media, more of the scroller type of person (?), just scrolling and seeing what’s going on with everybody’s days.
damn jk just minding his own business yet people be stirring up rumors hbdhdh poor baby :(( HE LOVES PUPPIES! in no world could he ever do that to puppies! i love these tsundere types of oc, the mature ones! highlight of this chap is sis busting into the men’s locker room without hesitance lmao where do i get that kind of confidenceee and also jk covering his nipples lmao!
#JeonJungkookIsOverParty 01
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summery: in which Jungkook is in deep shit
wordcount: 3k
genre: fake dating!au, college!au
rated: PG for now, fluff, (eventual) smut
warnings: just cursing and jungkook being a dumb bitch
author's note: a john tucker must die trope? but like the other way around?? me?? writing a mini series?? i said a few days ago i needed a jungkook that was so jason mendoza-like bc he's a legend and we love himbos so here's my poor attempt. the chapters won't be too long tho so bare with me mis amores!!
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There's a few reasons why Jungkook is not into social media.
For starters, Jungkook hates conversations via text. There's something about answering instant messages right away that awakens this weird sensation of anxiety deep in his gut.
Jungkook is an ignorant. Meaning, he likes to ignore stuff. It's in his dna. It's his speciality; like ignoring projects which deadlines are in twenty four hours or ignoring advice from people who probably have his best interest at heart and, particuarly, ignoring his phone's notifications that most likely will provoke a terrible discomfort from his head to his toes. Jungkook has been guilty of many things in his life: eating the entire batch of cookies his mom would bake and then blaming it on his neighbor's dog, popping a boner in the middle of class and excusing himself for 'not feeling very well' just so he could go home and jack off to tentacle porn, borrowing PC games from friends that still remain on his dorm's shelf... But ghosting and leaving people on read definitely takes the cake.
The second reason that causes that strange animosity against social media is the unrealistic beauty standarts the internet has perpetuated in his generation. Jungkook loves women of all shapes, colors and sizes: he likes them thick, he likes them petite; he likes big boobs, small boobs, saggy boobs; slender legs, thunder thighs, cellulite, stretch marks... Jungkook lives for women. What Jungkook doesn't live for, though, is the amount of low fat, low carb salads he's so used to hearing women order at restaurants. He hates the fact that complete strangers hiding behind a phone or a computer have such control over women to make them insecure and change their pyshique to try to resemble that idea of perfection.
But it there is one thing Jungkook truly despises and loathes about social media. Something that makes Jungkook's blood boil in anger. Something that has Jungkook clenching his jaw so tight, and the veins in his neck about to pop at any second. Something he thought he would never be a victim of.
Rumors. And people eating those rumors up.
That's why he can't look away from his laptop's screen. Reading over and over again the amount of shit spread over the net about him.
The account in question, 'jjkexposed', was created barely two days ago. Two days in which Jungkook has gone on with his day to day tasks, oblivious as to what was happening around him. Just living his ordinary life, being late to class as usual, being the first one to disappear amongst the crowd and ignoring, in typical Jeon Jungkook fashion the incessant vibration of his phone inside his jeans pocket.
That was, until Jimin decides to rush inside of Jungkook's dorm after nearly punching the door down.
"Bro, you have to see what's being said about you."
Bullshit, is what's being said. And the more Jungkook reads, the more infuriated he becomes.
"Dude, what the fuck? I've never in my life murdered a puppy! I love puppies!" he paces around the room, hair flying in every direction. "And I've never said a racial slur! 'Guk' is short for my name! I am korean! Also, misogonistic?"
"Misogynistic." Jimin corrects.
"I don't hate miso soup! It's my favourite soup, like, ever!" he finally stops his movements, his body coming down until he's sitting on his mattress, arms resting on his thighs. He sighs. "This is crazy."
"Bro, it doesn't mean you hate miso soup. It means you hate women." Jimin's standing before him, propped on Jungkook's desk with his arms crossed. Jungkook's brows almost disappear into his hairline, his eyes wide as he stares at his friend.
"That's even crazier, dude! I was just watching porn this morning thinking about how much I love women!"
"That's not- nevermind." it's Jimin's turn to mess his own hair with his fingers. "Listen, I don't know who's behind this, but you obviously have a nemesis that's doing everything in their power to see your downfall. This," his finger points to Jungkook's laptop. "is spreading fast, Jungkook. It's all people are talking about right now."
Now, Jungkook is a lucky guy that's always managed to stay popular and relevant throughout anything. Ever since his kindergarden years, he's never had to try too hard to gain his teachers', friends' or even family members' favouritism. Jungkook was born with a magnetic glow, a halo of some sort that could charm anyone present and that it has only become bigger and bigger as Jungkook became older.
Jungkook is a golden boy. He's respected, loved and praised by everyone. He's the captain of the soccer football team, the greatest goaler in his university's history. His charisma is a talent, or so he thinks. The mere gesture of smiling to get away with anything has worked every single time, without fail.
But apparently, the day that talent stops working in his favour, is today.
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It's only been one week and Jungkook is already thinking of getting rid of his phone for good. Maybe changing his name and moving to Mexico. Or to a secluded cabin where he can only eat leaves and hunt mosquitoes for a living, completely removed from society. Maybe he'll build his own tree house, he's always wanted one anyway. He's been watching Youtube tutorials on how to make your own loincloth, so he's sure it can't be that diffic-
"Why am I doing this?"
"I'm trying to go unnoticed."
"So why do we have to wear sunglasses and a hoodie inside the library? Why are we even in the library?"
"I'm trying to study."
Jimin raises his brows at Jungkook and then eyes the book between his hands. "That's a Harry Potter book, and it's upside down."
"Okay, fine. This is the only place people don't look at me."
"Well, people are gonna start noticing you if keep wearing stuff that makes you look like you're on your lunch break from shoplifting." Jimin is trying so hard to keep his voice down, but his friend has been driving him nuts lately.
Jungkook finally closes the book he most definitely wasn't reading. "I just don't know what to do. Seokjin told me I had to fix this immediately. Apparently, having a problematic player on the team is not his cup of tea."
"I mean, can you blame him? People are still talking and you're still quiet. That's like basically confirming their assumptions. Why haven't you tried to shut down the rumors?"
"They're saying I practice satanic rituals with animals' blood to look this good, bro. Which, in a way, is kinda super dope, I'm not gonna lie." Jungkook chuckles but Jimin does not. "But it doesn't matter if I make a public statement denying everything or not. People believe what they want to believe."
Jimin takes a deep breath before releasing it slowly. "You'll eventually come up with something, dude. Just... Stop looking suspicious. Seriously, sto- See? You're doing it again! Looking around under those sunglasses like you're trying to hide something!"
"I'm not acting like I'm hiding something, I'm watching myself for a possible terrorist attack!"
Jimin rises from his seat. "Whatever. Just don't be late for practice again. Seokjin threatened to stick the goal net up your ass."
"Tell Jin he's too kinky for my taste!" he shouts after Jimin as he walks away, which earns him dirty looks from every student in the room. "Sorry." he whispers in response before deflating in his seat in embarrassment. It's only then when he allows himself to eye his surroundings. He'd been feeling paranoid for the past few days and even scared to make eye contact with anyone.
Which fucking sucks because that's not Jungkook at all. Jungkook is confident, always walking with his head held up high and a cocky smirk on his face. And now he can't even do that without being met with people's facial expressions of disgust and disappointment.
But right then, in his process of scanning his environment, Jungkook sees you.
It's not the first time he's seen you, of course. He constantly sees you around campus despite your ability to blend in and not attract other people's attention. Right now, Jungkook guesses you've caught his attention.
He doesn't know much about you, but he knows a few things. He knows you spend too much of your time at the library, mostly because you work here. You sit behind that desk, with your glasses on and always with a book in your hands, answering students' questions and checking their books in and out. He knows because he's only had one single interaction with you that resulted in you, rudely scolding him and almost whisper-yelling at him for missing the due date before dismissing him. He shivers at the thought. That was one of the most terrifying experiences in Jungkook's life.
He adusts his sweatshirt's hood on while his gaze studies you over his shades.
You're definitely pretty, but definitely not Jungkook's type. Sure, he can't help but admit that the librarian look you got going on causes something to stir inside Jungkook's pants, but as dumb as people think he is, he is not that dumb. You're way smarter than him, and you don't look at him the same way others do. It's like you don't care about who he is and feel no need to kiss the ground he walks on.
You're one of those 'woke' girls that contributes to campaigns against racism, who cares about saving the bees and using metallic straws, who is an active member inside the LGBTQ+ community, who goes on rallys and protest marchs defending women's rights and-
Wait a minute.
A lightbulb going off inside Jungkook's brain, his brows coming together in concentration, his mouth slightly parting as the gears in his head start working.
He must've looked creepy, with his shades on and most of his face covered by the fabric of his hoodie. Specially when a smirk starts pulling the corners of his mouth upwards. And you must've noticed, because suddenly you're lifting your head from your book, looking for the source of your unexpected discomfort. When you find it, when you find him, your eyes slowly narrow as you assess him for a while from a distance. And then you're rising your hand and flipping him off.
Which only causes Jungkook's smile to grow even bigger.
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"I need your help."
You look up from the computer screen, blinking at him momentarily. You recognize him immediately despite the shades and the hoodie. It only takes one glance at him for you to go back to work.
"You haven't even-"
"You left with a Game Of Thrones book almost two months ago and you still haven't returned it yet, despite the four warnings." Jungkook doesn't like the way you don't even look at him. He doesn't like the tone of your voice either, like you just started talking to him and you're already bored.
"It's super long and it's all words! I was expecting at least a few drawings of dragons but there's no-"
"Then just watch the HBO show." you say through gritted teeth.
You ignore the fact that he knows your name. "When you read it, which I doubt, and when you return it, which I doubt even more, I might listen to you. Now, if you excuse me, there's a queue of people behind you and I have work to do."
Jungkook shifts to look behind him at the five or six people looking at him with disdain. Tugging at the strings of his hoodie, he turns back to you.
"I'll be back tomorrow."
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You don't expect him to be back the next day, but Jeon Jungkook is apparently very persistent.
You guess it has everything to do with him not being used to hearing 'no' for an answer. You might not know Jungkook on a personal level, but you know guys like him. There's something about privilaged boys who get everything they want by just snapping their fingers that irritates you to no end and makes you clench your fists so hard your nails dig into your skin.
So, yeah, you're surprised when A Song of Ice and Fire lands on your desk.
"What's with the sunglasses and the hoodie again?"
"Will you listen to me now?" his hands are gripping the edge of the desk and you allow yourself to sneak a glance to the ink adorning his skin.
"What?!" there's a lot of things Jungkook doesn't have under control right now, and his voice pitch is one of them.
There's a collective 'Shhhh' in the room that makes you sigh. "Jungkook, I'm at work right now and I-"
"Please." there's a tone of desperation laced in his voice, almost as if his throat is constricting the words from coming out. But it's the look in his eyes when he takes the shades off, and the obvious dark bags under them that makes you feel pity for the boy in front of you.
You consider him for a moment, already regretting your next words. "5:30 at the cafeteria and you're paying."
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"Again, what's with the sunglasses and why are you looking around like you're waiting for the cops to blast through the door at any second?"
"Because that's exactly what might happen!" regardless of him choosing a secluded space in the whole cafeteria, Jungkook can still feel every person's judgmental eyes on him. Or maybe it's the paranoia. Whatever it is, Jungkook only knows he hasn't been able to sleep well for the last week or so and that he's so terribly tired he would do anything to make it stop.
"What are you talking about?" the expression of your face doesn't match everyone else's and, even if you're looking at him like he's insane right now, at least you're not looking at him like he's a bad person. And for that, Jungkook is grateful.
"The account, is what I'm talking about!"
"What account?" you're genuinely confused as you sip your coffee.
"The dead puppies? The vore fetish? The herpes story? The misogonistic claims?"
"First of all, it's misogynistic, secondly... what?"
Now it's Jungkook who looks confused. "It's all over social media!"
You simply shrug your shoulders. "I'm not really into social media."
He stays quiet for a moment. Merely two days ago, he was thinking about how you were definitely not his type. Now he thinks you might be just it. "So you really haven't heard anything?"
The grunt of exasperation you release speaks for itself. "About what, Jungkook?"
He looks from side to side, looking for God knows what, slowly sipping on his strawberry milkshake before turning his attention back to you, lowering his voice. "There's this instagram account called 'jjkexposed' and whoever runs it started posting a ridiculous amount of bullshit about me and now everybody and their mama believe I'm this terrible monster with an STD who likes crushing baby animals with his feet. "
You blink a few times, slowly letting the information sink in. Bringing your cup again to your lips, you size him up, narrowing your eyes. "And...?"
"And!" he takes his shades off again, leaning forward on the table, and you recognize the beginning of the same smirk you caught just a few days ago in the library. "You would be the perfect girlfriend for me."
There's a beat of silence between you two, your eyes trying to find in his what the gag is. Then you break the quietness by standing up and gathering your things. "Okay, it was nice meeting you Jeon Jungkook. Good bye."
"No, no, no, wait!" he hurriedly stills your movements by wrapping his hand around your wrist. You immediately try to ignore the warmth that spreads up to your elbow. "Please, sit down and let me explain." It's the doe eyes again that make you snatch your hand from his and return to your seat, defeated. You cross your arms and wait for him to elaborate. "It's not like that! You would be my fake girlfriend."
You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Why?"
"Because, would a smart and intellectual girl like you who dreams about saving the planet and the people living in it ever date an 'allegedly'-" he air quotes with both hands.
"When you use air quotes with the word allegedly, it defeats the whole purpose of-"
"Fine, let me start over: would a smart and intellectual girl like you ever date an allegedly sociopathic jerk like me?"
"No." you deadpan.
"Exactl- wow, you didn't have to say it like that, damn." with an upset look, he brings a hand to his chest while the other grabs his milkshake. "But that's the point. If you agreed to fake dating me, people would realize that I'm not a bad person."
"Jungkook, I don't even know you and I wouldn't get anything out of this."
He nods his head as he looks around, his tongue poking his cheek. "You wanna know what was the first thing I did this morning?"
"I'm afraid you're gonna tell me anyway."
"I opened my eyes, and the first words that flew out of my mouth were 'Alexa, play Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance.'"
You wince. "That's... rough."
"Rough? Rough is my dad's stuble after a week of not shaving. What's happening to me right now is bloody atrocious."
You ignore the poorly executed british accent at the end of his sentence and settle instead on breathing deeply. There's a part of you that's trying so hard to avoid his eyes so you don't agree with his scheme right away. "Just... Just let me think about it, okay?"
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Your mom would always say you were an empath. She could tell right away, from the day you cried at five when you realized you could kill ants just by walking without realizing it, to the day you read your first book about gender equality. 'Your purpose in life is to fight for those who need it', she would say. 'Your purpose in life is to do the right thing.'
"Did you see him today?" it's a whisper, but the library is quiet enough and the girl's voice isn't.
"He barely goes to class anymore and when he does, he's wearing those stupid shades and alternates between the same three hoodies."
You're not used to eavesdropping. You think it's rude and an invasion of people's privacy, and you don't like violating anyone like that. You usually mind your own business unless the situation calls for you to act.
"The fact that we gained so many followers in a week is just so... iconic."
But at that, you stop placing books on the shelf. Your body reacts on its own, carefully leaning towards the shelf until your ear is close enough to the gaps between the tomes.
"Ryujin created a burner account and started the hashtag 'Jeon Jungkook is over party'. It was trending topic in a matter of minutes. Even people from different colleges are hopping on the bandwagon."
It's the giggles for you.
After having your mouth ajar for a few seconds, it closes on its own, your jaw aching painfully. Your grip on the book is so tight that you're sure Bécquer is turning in his grave.
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You don't think you've ever stepped inside the soccer team's locker room before, and thankfully so because the smell of sweat and testosterone is already making you want to throw up. But you're a determined individual. One who doesn't easily back down from any challenges.
"Excuse me, miss, but you cannot be here." you don't know who the guy with the preppy hair is, but judging by the whistle around his neck, you deduce it's Kim Seokjin.
"I'm looking for Jeon Jungkook." you cross your arms over your chest. The height difference between you and the team's coach doesn't really bother you at all.
"That son of a..." you relate to him massaging his temples. "Jungkook! Come here! What the fuck have you done now?!"
Not too long passes before you hear and see bare feet stumbling around the corner. It shouldn't be a surprise that the man summoned would appear with just a towel around his waist. "Oh, God, not the beginning of a young adult novel, please..." you murmur under your breath.
"Huh?" Seokjin frowns at you and you plainly wave your hand in front of you.
"_____? What are you doing here?" when you return your attention back to Jungkook, he's decided to cover his nipples with his hands. You had to admit the dumfounded look on his face is pretty comical and straight out of a sitcom.
"I'm sorry, now I'm lost." Seokjin faces you. "I thought you were here to yell at him, wish him hell or whatever. JK," and now he faces him. "Who's this?"
Jungkook clears his throat and gulps. "She's uh-"
"His girlfriend." you intervene. That results in both males' eyes to almost burst out of their sockets.
"His... girlfriend?" Jin repeats.
"My girlfriend!" you don't hear his feet nearing you, but you feel him slipping an arm around your waist and it's enough to make your whole body stiff. You're suddenly aware of too much warm and tattoed skin against yours even through your clothes.
Seokjin looks like you're speaking a different language, but when you look up to the boy beside you, with his wet hair framing his face and his doe eyes looking down at you with something that you could only describe as relief and gratitute, and a smile that tells you you're saving his day, you can't help the small smile tugs at your lips.
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jiminable · 4 years
hello! i’ve been on tumblr for a while now and have been an avid fic reader. since it’s quarantine and i have nothing to do, i would like to start writing!
send me your requests for bts drabbles! fluff and angst only, thanks!
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jiminable · 5 years
i made this at two in the morning after watching run bts; it’s soft hours y’all, hope you like it.
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jiminable · 5 years
i’m not annoying ig? hehe bdjddjd 💓💓
@entlein117 @bangtann-bangdamn @sugakookieswithmytae @sleepyje0n plus everyone who sees this eee
everytime you see this post you gotta compliment yourself!!!!!!!! at least once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha
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jiminable · 5 years
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tagged by: @entlein117 & @sleepyje0n 💓💓 ( thank you!! )
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jiminable · 5 years
i love everyone in @seokinkjin’s gc and nobody can top that 😤😤
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jiminable · 5 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are give this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen,but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out! 💘
bby ty so much 🥺😭💓 sadly, i have nobody to send it to but i would like to dedicate this to all people of sizes, colour and race 💘 and to you as well, you are beautiful inside and out! i love you! 💖
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jiminable · 5 years
i have a draft that i’ve been wanting to complete, it’s a yoongi angst. anybody up for it? i really want to try and complete this hhh 🥺🤧
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jiminable · 5 years
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thank you to my angel @seokinkjin for tagging me in another one, i love you 💘💘
─ this is a brief representation of me hehe, it’s actually quite accurate like my hair is curly and wavy and big like very, very big; or more like very thick? i don’t know hahah. and yes i wear glasses since my eyesight is bad oof. i am a student so that’s why my character is wearing and the uniform is super similar too wow i’m jungshook. just know that my hair is damaged due to constant rebondin; i just stopped recently and treatments too so my hair just became thick and curly, it just sticks out in many different directions you know? hehe 😅🤧
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jiminable · 5 years
rules: answer the questions and tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better!
thank you so much for tagging me @seokinkjin! you are such a big soft honeybun 🥺 i love you to the moon and back 💗
↳ i have tons actually – den den, danee and kika
↳ female
astrological sign:
↳ aries
↳ 5’9 | 150cm
↳ straight but heads up to the lgbtq+ community, i love y’all ❤︎
hogwarts house:
↳ i don’t really know where i fit in these but people have said that i place in gryffindor?? but i think i’m more of a ravenclaw i think lmao
favorite animals:
↳ i love wolves and dogs hehe but tbh how do you even choose a favorite like c’mon
where i’m from:
↳ phillippines, mabuhay! 🇵🇭
dream trip:
↳ gosh this is hard but i would like to go to either greece or ecuador yeeet ❤︎
when i made this account?:
↳ i think it’s a year and a half ago? i think?
why i created this account?:
↳ it’s for nsfw reasons, i’m sorry
↳ only one and it’s my bby adri, and i wouldn’t ask for more even if you give me a billion ❤︎ ily bubs
↳ can’t tag more, i’m sorry :(
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