#໑: ted nivison
showf4lls · 1 year
could you do a ted nivison x gn!reader where its just pure fluff ? like maybe they both are just watching a movie and ted is like 'omg i love them so much' You can change this up if you'd like, but I absolutely love your writing, mwah!
― sleepy glances; ted nivison
cw + info! fluff, blurb / no CWs
notes! sorry it’s been so long! i’ve been so much busier this semester than i’d intended to be, but here’s this while i catch up. thank you for being patient!!
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it was safe to say that it had been a long week - it definitely felt longer than anyone had expected. by the time he’d gotten home, ted felt the exhaustion weighing heavy in his bones. he barely had enough energy to toe his shoes off by the front door, so instead of spending his friday evening at some packed bar, he opted to stay in and watch a movie with his lovely partner. the two of you laid sprawled across the couch, cozy in your pajamas. ted sat to one side of the couch, slumped into the cushions, while you leaned against the opposite arm rest, your feet in his lap.
the two of you sat half-asleep, blanket draped across your laps as you blankly watched some docu-series about conspiracy theories together. it was pretty dull, but it was something mildly interesting to take up the static space between your heads. and if not that, a reason to spend some time together.
you hummed and shifted under the blanket, pulling it up to your chest as you adjusted to get more comfortable. ted hummed back beside you, squeezing your ankle. a silent metaphor in place of him leaning over to kiss your cheek.
the pair of you went on like that for a while, watching your show and humming back and forth. an episode or so later and you had to adjust again; the position putting an uncomfortable pressure at the bottom of your back. ted turned his head to check on you and was overtaken by fondness. there you laid, head buried in the pulled-up hood of your hoodie like a turtle, the collar resting just below your nose. light from the television flickered across your face as you watched between slow blinks. his thumb traced patterns into your leg as he sat, observing. watched the reassuring rise and fall of your chest. felt the way your ankle would twitch whenever you closed your eyes just a little too long. a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth.
then you turned your head, squinting skeptically. it was quiet for a beat before you spoke. “what’re you thinkin’ about, hun?”
ted shook his head, letting his mouth curve. he didn’t dare look away. “oh, nothing. just thinkin’ that i love you.”
you rolled your eyes, raising your leg and knocking your heel into his chest. “oh, shut up, you sap.” ted laughed lightly and leaned back into the couch, watching you cross your arms over your chest. he almost thought you were going to go back to watching the episode when you gave a dramatic huff. “i love you too,” you grumbled, not meeting his eye.
ted couldn’t ignore the way the butterflies fluttered in his chest, smiling dorkily at your tv.
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showf4lls · 1 year
dating ted hcs please </3 IM DOWN BAD AND LOVE UR WRITING !!!! also, gn reader, tysm <3
― theodore, my love; ted nivison
info! headcanons, honey / gender neutral reader
cw! no CWs
notes! it's been a while but i'm back! at least for a little bit. things get kinda crazy with school so my activity isn't super consistent 😅 but i'm trying! anyways, hope you guys like these little headcanons!
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⎼ you guys are super lazy together but also super active at the same time, if that makes sense. like, you guys like having your lazy days in, but you also like going out and doing things, or doing all the really cliche tourist things when you're on vacation but also having days to relax
⎼ your relationship is very domestic. you guys are the friends that everyone assumes to be married. y'all do all the warm, fuzzy, homey things together. grocery shopping, laundry, looking at paint samples just because, scrolling through instagram trying to figure out what to make for dinner
⎼ if you're going somewhere together, you always show up together. rarely are there occasions where one of you shows up alone so that the other can meet them there later
⎼ y'all aren't always together (because you have healthy boundaries that keep things from getting toxic!), but when one of you sees the other from across the room, or one of you comes up behind the other to say hello, you get this glow - this smile that lights up the whole room. you'll turn and smile all wide at the other and give a soft, airy sort of greeting. it makes everyone around y'all melt
⎼ unless you're in an "i can help myself" kind of mood, ted probably won't let you lift a finger around him. he opens doors for you, lifts you over puddles, ties your shoes for you. the whole nine yards
⎼ it's not super frequent, but sometimes he'll plan cute little dates for you guys like the sweet, cliche ones from movies. he'll do it all secretly and surprise you with something cute
⎼ y'all love sharing a closet. both of you just think the other's clothes are so cozy and just feel a little more special than your own. but he especially enjoys seeing you lounging around, all curled up and relaxed in a tee shirt or hoodie of his
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showf4lls · 10 months
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ʚ ― lipstick ; various
info! headcanons, fluff / gender neutral reader
cw! no CWs
includes! chuckle sammy boys
request! lipstick trend
notes! i’m alive! sorry for taking so long y’all; life really hit the fan these past few months. i genuinely really do appreciate everyone’s patience through all of this. i can’t guarantee that i’ll be writing as regularly as i’d like to be since i’m supposed to be graduating at the end of this school year, but i’ll write when i can! glad to be back for now y’all. thanks for having me :]
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⎼ it wouldn’t take a lot to convince him. once you clued him in, he would be all about it, little to no convincing required
⎼ would mostly do it for the chance to take cute polaroids if i’m being honest
⎼ ted is in the business of doing whatever it takes to make you happy, little to no questions asked
⎼ he really does love the attention though, you sitting in his lap and peppering kisses all over his face, only stopping to reapply your lipstick. he likes the closeness, the fact that you’re looking only at him, the opportunity to hold you by the waist while he makes heart eyes at you
⎼ you have to do it three separate times at least because at the end of each go he just says, “ya know, i think we should do it again. no yeah, we can definitely do it again. these are all smudged... yeah i think we have to do it again, honey. sorry, i don’t make the rules.” and you cave every time
⎼ doesn’t think about the consequences until it’s actually time to take off all of the lipstick marks
⎼ would be a little reluctant, if i’m being honest. i would say that he’s the most logical out of all the chuckle sammy boys, so he would immediately realize the consequences of covering his face in lipstick marks
⎼ he would definitely cave after enough asking, though. say “please” all nice and he’s a goner. another man that would do absolutely anything if it meant making you happy
⎼ jokingly agrees under the condition that you let him choose the color(s)
⎼ i have a feeling that the texture would kind of bother him, but he might make himself soldier through it for your sake
⎼ keeps his nose scrunched up the whole time, eyes closed since he can’t see anything without his glasses on anyways
⎼ definitely takes advantage of the opportunity to get some cute pictures with you
⎼ more goofy than lovestruck throughout the whole thing
⎼ as soon as you say that you’re good and finished, he begs you to take off the makeup as quickly as you possibly can
⎼ really resistant to the idea. it’s an absolute no from him, so if it’s something you really want to do you’re gonna have to be sneaky about it
⎼ you’d have to do it (or at least start it) while he’s busy. maybe he’s cooking, or driving you home, or on a call with some friends and you randomly start kissing his face
⎼ he’s only half paying attention to you, so he doesn’t notice the red kiss marks that he’s slowly accumulating on his face
⎼ like i said though, you’d have to be sneaky about it, so it would probably be best to spread the process out over a couple hours, giving him kiss marks in intervals. he would probably just assume you’re being more affectionate than usual today and not that you’re actively scheming for some tiktok clicks
⎼ you would also strategically have to keep him from touching his face so that he didn’t smudge all of your hard work away
⎼ once he figures out what you’re doing, you better get your video quick because not only is he scrubbing that shit the fuck off his face, but he will find an equally embarrassing way to reign his vengeance upon you
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showf4lls · 9 months
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ʚ ― realizing ; ted nivison
info! fluff, headcanons, friends to lovers / gender neutral reader
cw! no CWs
request! friends to lovers trope where they realize they like each other
notes! not gonna lie, these headcanons are probably gonna get a followup fic
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⎼ y'all would start off as pretty tight friends, almost attached at the hip. you would go everywhere together (within reason of course), almost like each others' emotional support human
⎼ you guys would constantly be doing little things for each other, like buying one another trinkets that reminded you of the other person, sending them a funny tiktok or meme, making each other playlists
⎼ for the rainforest cafe or magaritaville roadtrip videos, ted would definitely fly you out to make a guest appearance or two, and would absolutely buy you a tee shirt from the gift shop
⎼ he would also call you for encouragement and moral support in the beginning of the trip, and every time you would have to talk him down, telling him about how it's "not that bad" and how he needs to "look on the brightside. if eddie's having such a good time, why aren't you letting yourself have that, too?"
⎼ you make a playlist for the roadtrip and he plays it in the car (for the entire drive)
⎼ asks you to help him brainstorm skits and video ideas sometimes, but doesn't really like putting the creative burden on you so he usually refrains
⎼ you're always the first to hear about things. yeah of course big things like new friends, big projects he's been brought onto, new hobbies he's picked up
⎼ but you're also the first to hear about all of this little things. a new restaurant he tried, a new band he discovered, the cool new socks he found
⎼ you're also constantly sending each other things that remind one of you of the other. memes, videos, random animals out in your day-to-day lives, a leaf that maybe has the same vibe as ted. literally anything that makes you think of one another
⎼ you realize that you like each other after you visit ted for the first time - like actually visit him. you stayed for two weeks, sleeping in his guest room and waking up to him either making you breakfast or getting ready to take you out for a morning meal. and it was nice
⎼ when the trip inevitably comes to an end, you can't get him out of your head, and he can't stop turning to tell you things before remembering that you're on your way home
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showf4lls · 2 years
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ˏ`⋆゚⊹ ted nivison !
the come down ໑ angst, hurt/comfort, minific
lipstick ໑ fluff, headcanons
make a home in you ໑ fluff, headcanons
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
realizing ໑ fluff, headcanons
sleepy glances ໑ fluff, one-shot
theodore, my love ໑ fluff, headcanons
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showf4lls · 2 years
Saw your post asking for ted requests SO HERE IT IS! 
prompt: head canons for: making up after an argument. like post-angst fluff, how would they apologise, makeup to the reader, etc.
( if you could do the full chuckle sandwich boys+ wilbur, that would be pretty cool. And if not, still cool)
― the come down; various
cw + info! angst, hurt/comfort?, fluff [not really but i tried], minifics / implied fighting, the boys are a little insensitive sorry
includes! ted nivison + charlie slimecicle + jschlatt + wilbur soot
notes! sorry, this turned out a little more angsty than i intended, but i hope you enjoy! it’s more hurt/comfort than fluff, my bad homies :/. i’ve also decided that i’m writing these minifics and then i’m putting out fluffier headcanons to go along with this because i don’t feel like these fill the actual request :> also when you fight with your partner, you should probably sit down and talk about it, not just say sorry and move on, i just didn’t know how to write that conversation so my bad y’all
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it’s like dropping a nuke; the big bang before the smoke clears, and then, silence. you can’t bring yourself to look at him, lips curved downwards and eyes watery. and he watches with careful, wide eyes, mouth hanging open on his words. then you make to leave the room, quietly maneuvering around him. he turns to you, making to set a hand on your shoulder, warm the icy facade he’d been responsible for creating, but you dodge, stepping just out of reach. “ted, please,” you hiss, voice quivering. barely holding it together.
and ted's hand falls back to his side. head drops, and he gives a single, understanding nod. without another word, you hole up in the guest bathroom, face buried in your sleeve.
ted waits. knows it’s important that you both have your space. to process, to cool off, to come down. he gives you time despite the magnetic pull behind his sternum. sits with his head in his hands as his mind lingers on how hurt you looked. how that had been because of him.
after a while, he moves to sit outside the bathroom door, legs folded against his chest, listening. making sure you’re not hurting too bad. and he waits. waits until he’s sure you’re ready.
he stands. quells the shaking in his fingers by curling them into a loose fist. raps them against the door so softly he hadn’t been entirely sure you would hear him - i mean, he didn’t want to scare you after all, you had every right to be upset with him after what he’d said-
and the door falls open to reveal you. teary eyes, hair messy from combing through it, cheeks red. and he wants to cry all over again. “god, y/n, i’m so sorry.”
your laugh sounds awfully close to a sob, but the wobbly smile you give settles him. “ted-”
“can i please just hug you?” he breathes. “hold you? just for a little bit.”
you stand for a moment, just watching him, before nodding your confirmation. “yeah,” you mumble, opening your arms.
ted scoops you up. squeezes you against his chest, peppers kisses over your head. “i’m so so sorry, i shouldn’t have said that-”
you shake your head. hum as you press your face against his heart, beating like a caged bird in his ribs. take fistfuls of his shirt in your hands and just hold him. “we were both way out of line.” you let him hum as he rubs circles into your back. “i’m sorry, too.”
both of you stand like that a while, taking a moment to just be present with one another. communicate without words how truly sorry you were and how much you love one another. ted, playing with your hair, is the first to speak. “i wanna make it up to you. i’m just so sorry.”
you pull back, frowning up at him. “i wanna make it up to you.”
“how about,” ted starts. “you go take a nice, warm shower while i get started on making dinner?”
you purse your lips, thinking. “only if we get to cuddle and have a movie night after - i know you’ve been wanting to watch that new film that came out on netflix.”
ted, raising his eyebrows, considers. “that does sound pretty nice.”
leaning up on your tiptoes, you resist the urge to giggle. “i’ll even make popcorn the way you like it,” you whisper.
“oh?” ted asks playfully.
you nod, the water eyes and the argument long forgotten. “deal?”
ted, nodding along, shakes your hand. “deal.”
god he’s such an asshole. that comment was totally unwarranted, and then he’d had the audacity to laugh it off, as if it wouldn’t hurt you. now he sits on the other side of the door to your shared bedroom, listening to the love of his life cry. he’d never regretted anything so quickly.
after a good 20 minutes of silence, he opens the door. slips in quietly. he knows you’ve acknowledged him, the sound of shuffling clothes and now-muffled sniffles says as much. if his heart feels like a bruise in his chest - if it aches like this - he can’t even imagine how you feel. wordlessly, he slots himself behind you and wraps himself around you in the most i’m sorry hug he’s ever given. “is this okay right now?” he whispers, cheek against your shoulder.
and you cough out a sob behind the sleeve of your sweater and nod. relax a little where your knees are pulled to your chest in what had been an attempt to fold yourself into disappearance - into the nothing that grows in your ribs. and now charlie’s crying and you’re crying and god, does it feel good to just let him hold you. “hey,” he rasps. reaches for the hands that clutch at your knees, wraps his around your own, slots his fingers between your knuckles and squeezes. “i’m so sorry. i shouldn’t have said any of that, it wasn’t fair of me. it was completely unwarranted.”
and now he’s rambling and you can tell by the way his voice breaks that he’s hurting every bit as much as you are, that he’s really sorry and he would do anything to take it back. now he’s stumbling over his words and crying into your neck and rasping apology after apology against your skin. so you lean into him and everything slows down. i forgive you.
charlie lets out a wobbly breath. inhales deeply, pulling the trembling, wobbly parts of himself back together. focuses on his breathing, focuses on the warmth of you in his arms, focuses on the squeeze of your fingers against his. “i love you.”
you hum in return, wiping at a few final tears. “i love you,” you agree.
and you yelp when charlie rises suddenly, accidentally jostling you forward. he clambers onto the bed, pulling his shoes off while holding a hand out for you. “come here,” he mumbles, not bothering to hide his falling tears. “please, come here. i just want to hold you for a little while. if you don’t want to, that’s okay, but-”
without a word, you stand. shrug your sweater up your shoulders and lay down in the middle of the bed. you let him roll over beside you. let him scrunch you up and pull you into his chest. let him move up so you’re resting comfortably in the space below his chin. and you stay.
as soon as the words left his mouth, he knew he’d crossed a line. jaw clicking shut, silence blankets you and the both of you stare at one another incredulously. a lump sits in the back of your throat, but it doesn’t do anything to stop you from leveling him with a glare. “really, jay?”
ouch, that hurt. he watches almost helplessly as you cross your arms and make to leave the room. “y/n-”
you just shake your head, not turning around as you make your way to the backyard. and sure, it’s pretty chilly, but you don’t have it in you to sit inside with him right now.
schlatt is at a loss. he doesn’t know what to do with himself now that you’ve made it abundantly clear that you’re upset with him. he doesn’t know what to say, what to think. just knows that he hurt you.
it’s hard. he wants to do something, but he doesn’t know how to do feelings. how to hold his heart in his hands for you, vulnerable and sorry. and he is sorry, he’s just not good at the communication part. never been one for wearing his heart on his sleeve - it makes him feel just a little too exposed. he loves you, but god it would kill him to put himself somewhere vulnerable and deal with it if you decided to hurt him. but you didn’t, because why would you? no, he struck first, and now he had to fix it if he ever wanted you to look at him the same.
he sits on the bedroom floor, jambo sitting across from him, thinking out loud. spends so much time working it out that the sun has fallen below the horizon by the time he stands. hesitates by the back door, wringing his hands and fidgeting, eyes fixed on your back.
you sit on the steps of the back porch, half scrunched up. crossed arms rest on the tops of your knees, a clumsy rest for your chin, as you stare up at the few stars that dot the horizon, having found peace in the moon and her companions.
schlatt’s scared of startling you. tries his best to open the sliding door as quietly as possible, but it screams on its track. he winces, but you don’t move an inch. bad sign.
ever cautious, he moves to sit beside you, legs stretching almost to the bottom of the steps. looks over to spot dried tear tracks in the dim backyard light. his heart aches.
the silence is tense, shattered when you mumble without turning to look at him. “took you long enough.”
he lets out a surprised laugh, a hot puff of air from the back of his throat, before sobering up. a beat passes before he gathers his bearings enough to speak. “look, i never should’ve said those things, alright?” you level him with a blank stare, and he continues. “it was uncalled for and fucked up of me and i’m-” his voice cracks and he pauses, giving a frustrated huff. “and i’m really sorry. i really don’t like that i said those things to you, and not just because they upset you. it... it didn’t feel right saying that. i’m sorry.”
you sigh, letting yourself fall into his side. “i know.”
schlatt yelps, one arm flying up to catch you. he laughs a little when you dodge it, opting for the softness around his ribs as opposed to his bony shoulder. he looks down at you. lets his arm rest around your shoulders as he observes you. “you know?”
you hum an affirmative, craning your neck to peer up at him. “you’ve never looked more like a kicked puppy in all the time i’ve known you.”
he rolls his eyes, suddenly bashful. “oh shut up.” and you two sit, just a few minutes, staring up at the sky. the silence is a little too fuzzy for his liking still, so he nudges you just barely. “i am sorry, you know.”
silent, your hand moves up to find his lingering somewhere near your elbow. you thread your fingers together and squeeze, just light enough for him to be sure that’s what you’re doing, to be sure that you meant to. “i’m sorry too.”
“i don’t even remember what we were fighting about, if i’m being honest.”
you laugh against his side, sniffling. “neither do i.”
another beat. another nudge.
“so... are we good?”
you laugh again. turn your head to bury your face in his side. “we’re good, jay, don’t worry.”
it had started as a playful debate - you hadn’t even realized when it began to spiral out of control. now you’re both sitting across from each other, red in the face and practically steaming. “are you serious?” wilbur counters, sneering. “how would you even- come on, y/n. listen to yourself.”
“hey-” your breath catches in your throat and your lip wobbles. “i was being serious, wil.”
a tense moment of silence. you cross your arms tighter to your chest, eyes focused on the table between you. suddenly you stand. “y/n-” he starts.
“i’m going on a walk!” you call over your shoulder as you approach the front door. “and you are not coming with me.”
he half-stands, chair scraping backwards. “wait, are you sure you should go out this late? the sun’s-”
the front door slams behind you, effectively shutting down whatever he was going to say. unsure, he sits back down. laces his fingers together. then suddenly moves to the window, waits to watch you make your way down the street. he’d at least make sure you made it out of the building alright. then it’s back to the table, hands clasped, to figure out how to make this right.
the minutes tick on and anxiety begins to buzz in wilbur’s veins; not only had he not apologized yet, but you haven’t returned home. he sits a moment, knee bouncing, worrying his lip as the wheels turn in his head. he stares out the window, debating internally. on one hand, he should give you space. you’d set a healthy boundary with him to have your own space while you both cool down. on the other hand, the sun had set. the sky is darkening rapidly; every second that passes is light lost, and it’s supposed to be cold tonight. with a hum, he stands. shrugs a good jacket on and holds one of your sweaters in the crook of his elbow as he leaves the flat, locking the door behind himself. he’s descending the front steps when he finds you sitting at the bottom, arms against your chest, hunched over your knees. “y/n, love, it’s cold out. you should come inside-”
“i’m fine, wil,” you insist, not facing him.
he frowns. sure, he deserves it, but he doesn’t want you to force yourself to suffer for it. without a word, he drapes your sweater over your shoulders, taking the opportunity to sit beside you. though, you don’t acknowledge him, only glare out at the streetlights. it’s silent for a moment.
then you huff, dropping your head. “maybe my opinion was stupid.”
ouch. “no, not at all, love. i promise,” wilbur assures you, leaning some weight into you from the way he leans against your side. “i- look.” he faces you, not expecting you to face him. and you don’t, but he counts the tiny shift of your body towards his as a win. “i didn’t mean what i said. your opinion is just as valid as mine, i just lost my temper and i’m really sorry for that. it won’t happen again, i just- i’m so sorry y/n. i didn’t mean for things to go that way.”
you sigh and let yourself slump against him. “it’s alright, wil,” you mumble, reaching for his hand. he meets you halfway. watches as you lace your fingers with his, as you swipe your thumb against the back of his hand. “i supposed i wasn’t much better.” he opens his mouth to protest, but you shake your head when you hear him inhale. “it’s both our faults, i think. we both took it a bit too serious.”
the lightness of your tone eased some of the tension from his shoulders. “i guess you’re right.”
you elbow him halfheartedly, energy zapped. “i know i’m right.”
he smiles fondly. “yeah, yeah.” presses a gentle kiss to your temple. “would you like to go inside now? your hands are cold.”
the corners of your lips curl, tired. you don’t move against his side. “and we can watch a movie or something?”
“course we can, love,” he mumbles against your temple. “anything you want.”
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showf4lls · 2 years
laz…i come forth with my request. i sincerely apologize in advance for the length i-
some basic info:
i go by ivy! and my pronouns are she/her/they
platonic match up with a cc! pleaseee
i’m pansexual hehe
my aesthetic is chaotic academia with a touch of cottagecore!!! i like wearing skirts and dresses but also funky sweaters and jeans or plaid pants
my personality:
i’m definitely more on the introverted side and i tend to stay at home
i’m the type of person who makes their friends order food or ask questions because i’m too nervous to do so 🥲
i’m pretty quiet and shy until i get comfortable with someone, im SUPER talkative and friendly. i’m a pretty loyal person, mainly bc i’ve had instances with friends who weren’t very loyal to me, so i could never let someone else down.
i’m super awkward in general so i’m not that outgoing unless i’m really forced too-
my sense of humor is sort of just dry/sarcastic except i’m horrible at doing either and i tend to laugh at my own jokes even if they aren’t that funny. it’s also kind of just chaos humor???
i have bad social anxiety so i’m not prone to stepping out of my comfort zone that easily but i’m learning to get better with dealing with it!!!
things i like and my hobbies:
i love movies with all my heart. like i’m really obsessed with them. i think the process of filmmaking is super cool and i really love the stories that films tell, and i’d love be a part of the film industry someday!!! not like an actor or anything, like a director or a screenwriter
i think history is fascinating!! especially the odd/morbid sides of history, i could talk about it for hours. i had an obsession with really dark and creepy sides of history as a kid and it’s just stayed around through the years lol.
my favorite movies are dead poets society, fellowship of the rings, the curse of the black pearl, and pride and prejudice and i can ramble on about each for HOURS. i’m a huge nerd what can i say
i collect dvds and cds!!! i think they’re super fun to collect, idk why.
my taste in music is like indie pop/indie folk
top three six songs:
“august” by flipturn
“krystal” by matt maltese
“call it fate, call it karma” by the strokes
“sex sells” by lovejoy
“ghost ship” by blur OR “the comfort of a laugh track” by roar
(i really couldn’t choose which ones i prefer so you get twice the amount, i am so sorry-)
if you could pick either someone from chuckle sandwich or the dream smp, that’d be awesome!!!
i live near the coast, so i really like cool weather and the beach!!
i got anxiety 😎 but i’m trying to get better at dealing with it
im trying to be more productive and also more attentive cause i have big issues with both whoops
i got a cat hehe
i hope that wasn’t too much ahhh. but congrats yet again on 200!!!!! 💞💕💕
― vibe check! i match you with... ted nivison !
cw + info! fluff, headcanons, platonic / no CWs
includes! cc!ted nivison
note! ivy i am trying so hard not to match you with every single one of the chuckle sammy guys rn, i really am. i was stuck on c!karl for you, too oml. YOUR MUSIC TASTE IS IMMACULATE WTF. also, for anyone interested, feel free to check out the event here!
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– super patient with you
– with your anxiety, he's constantly checking in (when it's warranted, of course; he doesn't like the idea of accidentally emotionally smothering you) and seeing if you need anything. if you're genuinely feeling anxious and overwhelmed, your wish is his commend; he wants you to feel as safe and grounded as possible when you're feeling anxious and will do anything you need to facilitate that
– in terms of productivity, he helps you try to find ways to motivate yourself! he'll help you try out setting up reward systems by yourself, making to-do lists, setting up a planner, putting things in a shared calendar, etc. to make sure that you're able to get things done. if you're having trouble finding something that works for you, he'll sit down with you and help you research for as long as you need, granted he has the time for it. if not, he'll set aside time later to do his own research for you
– if you want help working on being attentive (which, same here, honey), he'll gently check in on you every once in a while, usually during conversations or tasks you've been working on for a long time. if you seem hyperfixated, he'll usually leave you alone. if he's not sure whether you're paying attention or not, he'll call your name and gauge how you react
– makes fun of you for being nervous to talk to people (in an affectionate way!), then doesn't miss a beat in fulfilling your request right afterwards
– best friends! you guys are super loyal to each other and balance each other out pretty well: you're shy where he's outgoing, you're usually pretty talkative when he doesn't have the energy to carry the conversation, he'll push you out of your comfort zone when you seem like you need a nudge. and on top of everything, you guys have the same sense of humor
– y'all love going to the movies together! definitely those friends that sit together in the very middle of the theater, sharing a bucket of popcorn and making hushed commentary on the movie to one another as you watch
– if you ask him, he'll definitely teach you a few filmmaking tips and tricks ;]
– he loves hearing about your interest in dark history! he also finds it super interesting, and the fact that it's a special interest of yours is just a bonus. watching you get to giddy while you talk about something you're really passionate about gets him super excited about the conversation as well
– loves going on drives with you down the coast and letting you play your music in the car as you talk about nothing. it's really therapeutic for the both of you
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showf4lls · 2 years
– My name is mj, and i go by any pronouns
– Either platonic or romantic
– also either c! or cc!
– I am pansexual
– I am a very wacky sort of person, huge on sarcasm, kind of ambiverted
– I enjoy band, minecraft, and I was a hard theater kid
– Dandelions by Ruth B., Me and my Husband by Mitski, and Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist by Rory Webley
– I would say either comic relief of dark academia (ish)
– Meme shirts, Hawaiian shirts, academia outfits
― vibe check! i match you with... ted nivison !
cw + info! fluff, headcanons / no CWs
includes! cc!ted nivison
note! so this is a lot of people my bad lol. you have very likable vibes and honestly i feel like you'd fit w most people i write for honestly, so this was a little tricky. i'm writing a few of these as platonic, as well! also, for anyone interested, feel free to check out the event here!
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– he was a choir kid, so that's essentially the same as theater (kidding). he did get the loudness and bitting from theater, though - something the two of you can definitely both relate to
– the two of you get along swimmingly; you're both just so goofy and play into each other really well
– when you first meet, it's almost concerning how easily you get along. anyone who didn't know better would think the two of you have been friends for years
– nobody is surprised when you guys start dating, the two of you just kind of complete each other. your aesthetics, your attitudes, your interests - they just fit too well together
– y’all would definitely start a minecraft world together! just to dick around and build and explore together; it would be very cute
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13 notes · View notes
showf4lls · 2 years
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disclaimer: these are not the only people i write for. feel free to ask me or make suggestions in my ask box and, if i end up writing for them, i’ll list them on here! for now i just want to keep it from looking too cluttered :>
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road rash [wc: 1.3k] ໑ fluff, minific
means something [wc: 1.3k] ໑ angst, song fic
potionmaker [wc: 0.9k] ໑ whump, minific
he feels like love ໑ honey, headcanons
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
the come down ໑ angst, hurt/comfort, minifics
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
soft spots ໑ honey, headcanons
teddy bear ໑ honey, headcanons
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
sleepy ໑ honey, drabbles
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
sleepy ໑ honey, drabbles
spoons ໑ fluff, headcanons
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
sleepy ໑ honey, drabbles
the come down ໑ angst, hurt/comfort, minifics
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
soft spots ໑ honey, headcanons
the come down ໑ angst, hurt/comfort, minifics
  migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
the come down ໑ angst, hurt/comfort, minifics
migraine hours ໑ comfort, headcanons
sleepy ໑ honey, drabbles
spoons ໑ fluff, headcanons
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big 100 event ໑ fluff alphabet
vibe check ໑ 200 followers event ; matchups
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45 notes · View notes