#ლ they helped me regain my memories now it is time to return the debt «au 3rd semester»  ლ
nabigeshonidol · 3 years
“Akechi-kun, I do I want to know why the LAPD is after you.”
Insert a very loud sigh here.
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lxstnavigatxr · 4 years
Persona 5 3rd semester
With her memories returned, Yaldabaoth gone and humanity once again safe. Rise thought that it was time to kick back and relax... or at least relax as much as her schedule allowed. She made it a priority to regather with the Investigation Team to make sure everyone else’s memories were returned like hers’ were. Though based on the group texts, Rise had a good feeling that wasn’t going to be an issue. 
Though the good times didn’t last as long as she hoped. She noticed that something was wrong incredibly quickly. Kouzeon was on high alert, something that only happens when something is drastically wrong, causing Rise to be on edge. The first thing that she noticed was that everything was going too well. She was familiar with the world of showbiz and things never run as smoothly as they were those first few days after Yaldabaoth’s defeat. That’s why they always had backup plans for when things inevitably go wrong. She wanted to brush this off as coincidence and believe that nothing was wrong. Though in her heart she knew that was denying the truth sitting right in front of her.
The event that led her to accept that something was truly wrong was when Ryuji misses their weekly movie marathon and snacks night. The idol knew that he had things other things to do, but he never missed that weekly event... at least not without telling her first. A text was sent out and the message received back was not one that she was expecting at all. The message was one of surprise and he stated that he had already scheduled some track practice for the next day and so he had to go to bed early. 
Rise knew what happened to Ryuji and how that wasn’t possible for him to be doing right now. At this point she messages Joker and asks what’s going on who then reveals that they are in some alternate reality. He voices his surprise that she’s also not under the illusion. Rise assumes that after Yaldabaoth and her personal resolve not to forget such important memories again, that’s why she wasn’t effected. Though neither one of them dwells on that fact too long as they had to get the rest of the thieves back to their senses and figure out what’s going on this time. Rise tells Joker that she’ll handle Ryuji personally and not to worry about a thing. 
She is able to snap Ryuji back to his senses after a long talk and then she joins the Phantom Thieves for the last push through Mementos. Maybe after this the world can stay
Note: Ryuji can be replaced with any of the Phantom Thieves. This will be whoever she gets closest to that’s not the protagonist. Ryuji will just be my default.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
The last week and a half were filled to the brim to non-stop action. The Depths of Mementos, Yaldabaoth, and recovering her lost memories. Not to mention the fact that she spent most of the next three days sleeping off the exhaustion. She went through re-awakening to Kouzeon right before one of the biggest battles of her life. She only made it through the fight through sheer adrenaline and willpower. She didn’t realize anything was wrong until Ryuji missed their weekly movie night due to track practice in the morning. it was then that she contacted Akira having a strong feeling that this was tied to the cognitive world in some way. They were able to talk and Rise learned of this fake reality that they found themselves in. It was decided that they would split up and try to gather information and reinforcements for the upcoming battles. Which is why Rise sent a text to Naoto to see if they could meet up at a small cafe today. 
A glance up from the menu, Rise spotted one of her closest friends from the Investigation Team. If most of the Phantom Thieves were captured by this disgusting illusion, then maybe it was the time to bring in reinforcements. Rise saw mention of the Shirogane family solving a difficult case a few days ago. She secretly prayed that Naoto wasn’t nearly as captivated by this world as Akira described some of the the others as.
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“Naoto-kun, you came. Please have a seat.”
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
Quickly glances around to make sure no children were around to hear what she was about to say.
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“I call dibs on being able to punch Maruki in the fucking face at least one time.”
A loud breath was released shortly afterwards and a small smile came onto the idol’s lips. There was a limit to how much bullshit she can deal with at one time and Maruki’s shenanigans was pushing her dangerously close to that limit.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
@chibitantei said : “Rise, are you alright? I thought I heard you say, ‘What am I supposed to do when I can’t even trust my own mind?’ or something similar.”
Progression through the Palace was slow if she was being honest. This was far larger than any Palace she's been to and the enemies they were facing reminded her of those that lurked in Izanami's domain. The group was forced to retreat to the nearest safe room after Oracle managed to get them out of a very sticky situation. Even with everyone back to their senses, things were still incredibly dangerous. They had plenty of frontline fighters right now, she knew that her skills would be better served if she was able to Navigate. However, the voices she's been hearing... they worry her. Normally it's not a problem as they are so mumbled that she's able to tune them out with no issues. However... ever since Maruki took over they've been united on one front.
Getting everyone to accept Maruki's reality.
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She's afraid of letting the other's hear their voices and more importantly... She was terrified of the others' succumbing once again to Maruki's reality because of her own actions. So she insisted on not doing any navigational work until this was over. She told the others that the false reality was interfering with Kouzeon's Navigation mode and locking her out of it. Lying to them wasn't her favorite thing to do, however, she would lie in a heartbeat if it meant potentially protecting them.
She sat alone in the corner of the safe room with her mask in her hands. A few words slipped from her lips, quiet enough that she thought that no one else would hear them. That is until Naoto spoke up, quickly Rise's head snapped to where Naoto stood. A hard frown was on the idol's lips, as she looked for a proper explaination to what she had just said.
"Yeah I'm fine."
Another blatant lie, but one that Rise tried to convey with utmost honesty.
"I'm just stressed out about this deadline we are under. It's a lot more important than most of the other deadlines we've worked under. So I haven't been sleeping well."
Well... at least this time it wasn't a complete lie. It was true that she hasn't been sleeping well and she was stressed out over the deadline. Though the main reason she wasn't sleeping well was the voices of the collective unconscious never quieting.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
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“If humanity can stop wanting to be controlled by some entity for FIVE MINUTES that would be great! Because you don’t understand the sheer magnitude of the headache I get whenever all I hear is the repeated chanting of said entity’s name AFTER Kouzeon tries to silence the voices of the masses. That would be just fantastic because being forced to stay in only a handful of locations or else I can’t think is just a little bit annoying.”
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
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“So if we are living in a fake reality right now... does that mean we have nothing to loose? If we fail... then Maruki will readjust reality to make it so everything is happy. If we succeed then we will return to the true reality and this current one is erased? Asking for a friend.”
She may or may not have snapped at Inoue a few days ago because she couldn’t handle one more thing on her plate right now.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
@jesterofinaba​  said: 📺 + how do you feel about adachi? especially that you've had to team up with him? >:3c [meme] || send 📺 + a question, and my muse’s shadow will answer it! || Accepting
“Have I mentioned how much I dislike him recently? Because I dislike him a lot. However... he has kept his word about abiding by this world’s laws. Not to mention that he’s helped us get out of trouble during the fighting tournament. Though that doesn’t change the fact that he’s killed two people and encouraged the mass kidnappings. 
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I loath to admit that I owe a lot to him though. If he never encouraged Namatame to start ‘saving people’ I wouldn’t have realized all the things I was hiding and running from. So my current success is in part due to him. 
Working with him is... unique. We tolerate each other’s presence and I’m never going to miss a chance to give him a hard time. However, since we share a common goal. I guess I can consider him a comrade and that’s it. There’s absolutely no way in hell I’m going to consider him part of either team or even a friend. He hasn’t done nearly enough to make up for the blood on his hands.”
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
@chibitantei​ 📺 + How do you feel about Naoto? [meme] || send 📺 + a question, and my muse’s shadow will answer it! || Accepting
“You want to know about Naoto?”
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“She manages to be one the dumbest and brightest person I know. AT THE SAME TIME.  Like I don’t know what part of her brain thought that getting KIDNAPPED to prove a point was a GOOD IDEA. It doesn’t matter that she let the people who could save her know ahead of time. 
This isn’t even getting into how it comes off that she doesn’t feel like she can trust me with how she really feels. Like we’ve been through so much shit together. I’ve literally seen her at her worse and it still feels like a struggle to get her say how she feels. 
Hearing her say that we weren’t friends hurt me in a way that I’ve never felt before. I know that it’s because of Maruki’s damm influence. But still...”
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
@jesterofinaba​ said:  ❝ I’M GONNA MCFREAKING LOSE MY MIND. ❞ [meme] || shit i say — sentence starters || ALWAYS ACCEPTING
Rise was sitting on her couch, a single earbud in as she was listening to the Phantom Thieves hold their strategy meeting. She had zero interest in introducing Adachi to the Thieves in the real world. So until Maruki’s palace is taken care of, she would attend the meetings remotely and relay the information to Adachi. His sudden outburst caught the idols attention. Muting the call, she took the earbuds out and gave him an unamused look. 
“Please do tell me more.”
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Sarcasm dripped in her words. He was talking to the one person who was actively loosing her mind every single day that Maruki is left to do whatever he pleases. Unless Adachi suddenly was dealing with something similar in nature, the amount of sympathy he would find from her would be minimal at best.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
@jesterofinaba​ said:  “But, a wolf in sheep’s clothing is more than a warning.” [meme] ||  Set It Off — Duality Album  {Sentence Starters} || Accepting
“Says the wolf.”
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 Phoenix let out an audiable sigh as she saw the benches for this rest zone come into view. She didn’t realize how massive Mementos was until she was here without Mona. Having to walk though each floor was both tedious and a huge waste of time. However, she wanted to keep Adachi away from the rest of the Thieves for as long as possible. Hence why they were in Mementos trying to clear some of the lower floors for practice. Phoenix assumed it’s been a few years since Adachi last fought and she doesn’t have a lot of experience with Kouzeon’s combat mode. 
The fights weren’t hard for the experienced Persona users, just slow. There were only two of them at the moment and with no backup, they couldn’t go all out on each fight to end things quickly. She leaned her naginata against the wall before swinging the backpack she was wearing around. There were plenty of supplies for the two of them, a combination of stuff gotten at the clinic and some leftover items from the TV World. Pulling a water bottle out of the bag Phoenix cracked it open and took a gulp of water before turning her attention to her companion. 
“Why bring it up though?”
She didn’t enjoy this partnership based on a common enemy. If she had her way, Adachi wouldn’t be involved with this at all. However, given the limited manpower that they had access to due to the other Thieves being ensnared in the fake reality. Phoenix decided that it was in everyone’s best interest to leave her complaints until after this fake world was torn down and burnt to ash.
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lxstnavigatxr · 4 years
“It’s nothing, I swear. Just a mild headache.”
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It was a blatant lie as she paused her steps. Rise gently cradled her head with her right hand with a wince on her face. Unlike Fuuka and Futaba, Rise was sensitive to people’s emotions. It was why she could synchronize her own with other peoples and use that to power her Persona up. While that was a key skill that helped them through the Love Meets Bonds Festival incident, it was hell right now. Because of what was going on with Tokyo, Kouzeon was picking up on all of the feelings. Despite not being seen as a public enemy in the waking world, in the Metaverse, she was a wanted criminal. Though through the nature of a certain someone, the goal was to bring them all back into the fake reality. 
Which meant that whenever she was outside of a “safe zone” being her house, Naoto’s house, or Leblanc... Rise found herself being constantly bombarded by the masses. Their feelings and thoughts were quiet at first, but the closer that the team got to their goal... the louder the masses got. She had to keep fighting this invisible battle every day. The fear of being swept away and loosing herself once again was far to real.
“I’ll be fine.”
A well practiced smile was on her face now, she hoped it would be enough to calm the other’s worries.
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nabigeshonidol · 3 years
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“I’d rather die while remaining true to myself then live in a world of fake truths and delusions. I’ve lost sigh of my true self before and it’s the worst feeling in the world. There’s nothing he could say or do to make me change my mind.”
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nabigeshonidol · 4 years
“Sorry I’m late, I couldn’t seem to find my glasses.”
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Rise came jogging in with a Bo staff bag slung over her right shoulder and a small backpack was resting flat against her back. Bags were visible under her eyes. She hasn’t slept well since the new year because Kouzeon wouldn’t settle down. She knew that her Persona wasn’t doing this to antagonize her. Rather, this was her Persona’s way of keeping her safe against whatever is causing society to act off. Each day that passed, she could tell that something was growing. Rise knew that if she didn’t keep her guard up, she might find herself entangled by that thing... and the chances of escape were minimal at best.
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lxstnavigatxr · 4 years
[Text]: any recs to pass the time [Text]: im stuck @ home 4 bout 2 wks [Text]: n i have no song ideas rn
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