#᯽ muse ⊱ ── 𝐓𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥
dcviline · 2 months
᯽⊱ @myrc3lla ⊱ I thought you were all about self-control. for trystane
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝ I  THINK  YOU  DESERVE  BETTER  THAN  SELF  CONTROL.  YOU  DESERVED  TO  BE  ADORED  .  .  .  WITHOUT  LIMITATIONS.  ❞  How  long  has  he  waited  to  give  her  everything?  Every  piece  of  him  belongs  to  her,  wedded  or  not.  They  have  found  their  own  ways  to  share  their  affection  in  private,  and  that  has  sufficed  thus  far;  his  mouth  and  fingers  have  had  her  in  ways  that  would  make  that  mother  of  hers  rage  if  she  knew.  But  it  feels  unfair,  that  no  matter  how  much  more  they  want,  it  is  always  denied  to  them  by  this  dreadful  waiting.  He  wants  to  do  right  by  her,  to  give  no  room  to  rumors  that  the  princess  has  been  despoiled  by  her  betrothed,  and  yet,  there  is  a  building  frustration  all  the  same,  a  resentment  for  the  schemes  and  politics  that  endanger  their  engagement.  Why  can't  they  just  be  allowed  to  be  together  as  they  wish?  They  have  nothing  to  do  with  their  families'  spites.
  ㅤㅤㅤTrystane  had  said  as  much  tonight,  perhaps  spurred  on  by  the  rush  of  having  her  in  his  mouth  again,  stopping  abruptly  to  proclaim  his  desire.  A  knuckle  wipes  away  the  remnants  of  her  juices  that  drip  from  his  lips,  crawling  slowly  up  her  frame  to  press  his  forehead  to  hers,  looking  into  her  eyes  with  a  soft  affection.  ❝ I  love  you,  Cella.  They  can  stall  our  wedding  as  much  as  they  want,  but  it  does  not  change  the  fact  that  I  want  you,  ❞  Trystane  continues,  a  thumb  brushing  against  her  cheek.  A  sudden  boldness  overtakes  him,  heart  racing  in  his  chest  as  he  turns  his  head  aside,  bringing  his  lips  near  to  her  ear  to  whisper,  ❝ And  I  want  to  be  inside  of  you.  I  want  to  have  you  the  way  a  man  should  have  his  wife,  to  hear  you  call  my  name  as  I  fill  you.  ❞  He  settles  between  her  legs,  letting  his  hips  press  forward  ever  so  slightly  just  to  see  how  it  feels,  but  his  own  sensitivity  surprises  him,  drawing  a  groan  from  the  prince.  His  eyes  find  their  way  back  to  hers,  noses  brushing  as  he  lingers  close,  his thumb tracing over her bottom lip.  ❝ I  want  to  give  you  everything,  Cella.  Only  if  you  let  me.  I  always  thought  I  was  an  honorable  man,  one  with  restraint,  but  every  day  you  grow  more  beautiful  in  my  eyes,  and  every  day  I  want  you  more.  ❞
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dcviline · 4 months
᯽⊱ @draconisa ⊱ ❛ i’m so close - ❜ (trystane ha ha BYE)
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ㅤㅤㅤHE KNOWS THAT SHE NEVER ASKED FOR HIM TO FALL IN LOVE WITH HER. It was never part of the arrangement. Marriage doesn't require love, not in their world. Maybe in ten years they'd be as in love as all these other arranged couples pretend to be. Amicable. That was the expectation. Trystane has failed miraculously in that regard. They're not even married yet, and he would do anything for her. Perhaps he should blame her somewhat, if only for being so easy to love. She could wrap him around her finger if she was cruel enough, make a puppet of her devoted fiancée. But she hasn't. No, quite contrarily, she's the one left to the whims of his fingers at the moment. In the most literal sense. He's never touched her before, not like this, but what else was he suppose to do when he found her in need of a very specific kind of attention ? It was never a question of if he was willing, only if she would let him. His offer was silent at first, a touch at her ankle as he sat next to her upon her bed, his hand not rejected as it traveled higher, and higher, crossing the entire length of her leg to find her wet and waiting. ❝ Let me take care of you. ❞
ㅤㅤㅤEverything has unraveled from that moment. His shirt has found its way to the floor, impassioned kisses capturing her soft lips between his own, fingers stroking in and out of her in a careful rhythm as his thumb makes dedicated circles, moving it until he's certain he has the perfect spot. They're still there when his mouth takes her as well, sucking and teasing that tiny bundle of nerves he's found. His eyes barely stray from her face, always watching for her approval or rejection. All he wants is to make her happy. Anything else is secondary. But there is a fire in him as he pleasures her, his own desire for her burning him from the inside out. She says she's close, and something within him takes that as a challenge. ❝ Daenerys, ❞ he says her full first name, letting every syllable hang upon his tongue as he rolls it against her clit. His fingers never stop, mouth continuing its teasing while his free arm reaches across her stomach to hold her down. ❝ Come for me. ❞
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dcviline · 8 months
᯽⊱ @draconisa ⊱ “Do you really want to put yourself through this? Is loving me really enough to endure everything you have to just to be with me?" (Trystane)
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ㅤㅤㅤIT'S A LOT, HE MUST CONFESS. Their engagement was arranged, perfectly planned down to every last detail, and yet he never expected all of the trouble that would come from it. Trystane had thought the worst would come from the media. Paparazzi and annoying reporters are nothing new when you grow up in old money. But what he hadn't expected was the nasty side of the business world rearing its head in a way he'd never experienced before. The people his wife-to-be encounters on a daily basis are sharks, circling around their peers as they wait to smell blood in the water and devour each other. Cruel, malicious men and women who would do anything to sate their greed, and they seem to come for his fiancée almost every day. How does she bear it all? But even they are not the worst, no, the worst comes from Daenerys' own family; more specifically, her father. One would think Aerys would be happy, seeing how he had arranged this himself, but nothing about Trystane ever seems to satisfy the man's judgmental gaze and words, no matter how hard he tries. He wants his daughter to marry so his family can benefit, yet nothing will ever be good enough for her in his eyes.
ㅤㅤㅤIf his family knew, the arrangement could be easily undone, and Trystane could be free of it all. Marriage contracts may be commonplace among the elite, but they rarely hold up in open court these days if one party decides not to honor it. These things only work if both sides remain willing. Such is the value of autonomy in these matters. A wiser man might have cut his losses and called off the engagement, but Trystane had never claimed to be wise. He thinks of his family, how badly they need what the Targaryens can give them. Most of all, he looks at Dany, and he sees a woman who bears too much on her own. The media vultures, the business sharks, the snakes in her own family, she has always endured these things alone, hasn't she? She is giving him an escape here, he knows, to not feel guilty for choosing to leave, yet he cannot accept it. Her words may free him, but his heart does not.
ㅤㅤㅤ❝ Yes , ❞ Trystane says, at last breaking the silence left by his considerations. He recognizes then, as that singular word passes from his lips, the calmness he has amidst his own decision to stay. Maybe it wasn't a decision at all. Maybe he already knew somewhere inside that he could not bring himself leave her. ❝ I would endure it all and worse, if need be. They could break me, and I would still give you whatever pieces of me are left behind. Don't you see? ❞ Caressing hands press to her cheeks to hold her gaze to his, one brushing away loose strands of platinum hair to tuck behind her ears. ❝ You're worth it to me. ❞
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dcviline · 9 months
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ㅤㅤㅤTHIS WILL BE GOOD FOR THE FAMILY. Trystane repeats that over and over in his head as he walks to her doorstep. The Targaryens get a good public relations spin to keep the paparazzi entertained and distract from the bad stories about her father, and his family gets a few hundred million to throw into their projects for the next decade. Quentyn volunteered himself originally, but whatever he said during the first meeting with her father must have rubbed the man the wrong way, and now this relationship has been dropped into his lap. It's not uncommon for people of their status. Celebrities and the rich have PR relationships all the time. Only, the vast majority of them don't come with a contract to marry in a year attached. Like the one their families signed.
ㅤㅤㅤHer words register after a moment, snapping him out of his runaway thoughts. ❝ No! Yes, I mean . . . no? ❞ He cringes at himself then. What a way to make a first impression, babbling like an idiot. A deep breath sees his composure return. ❝ Sorry. I mean that in a good way. Your father's words did not do you justice. ❞ Trystane settles down onto one knee, raising a bouquet of flowers to gift to Daenerys. ( In a few months, he'll have to do the same with a ring, albeit in a public, more photogenic location. ) The flowers are all white, red and black to fit her family's famed aesthetic; white and red amaryllis as the primary blooms, with chocolate cosmos, black dahlias, white zinnias, and other smaller flowers as accents. Everything was carefully selected by his own hand, and he can only hope she might appreciate the gesture. Or that she even likes flowers at all. ❝ Hopefully these will make up for my botched introduction? ❞
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