#ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ❱❱ × 𝙼𝙰𝙸𝙽 𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴
kruel-kreator · 1 year
A fat gray raccoon wearing a little backpack comes trotting up to Jesse and sniffs his shoes before sitting back on its haunches.
"I know you! Big fan of your work! Can I have your autograph?" she beams, then takes a notebook and a pen out of her backpack and stands up on her little hind paws to offer the notebook to him.
Jesse watches as the racoon moves around him, being careful not to step on her until she stops. He chuckles "Oh yeah, sure" He takes only the notebook as he kneels down, taller than he should be due to the heeled boots. From his pocket he takes out his stylus, which he uses to autograph the notebook, the color is purer than any pen can ever be, and as dark as the void. He writes on it "TO HELL AND BACK, JESSE ALKATRAZ <3" BEFORE HANDING IT BACK.
"Say, how'd you find a way in here? I thought I had closed off the Inanis Realm for the time being." He seems calm, he feels relaxed, he's not as tired as he usually is. Jesse's eyes aren't as closed as usual, but still have that smug look to t hem that comes with the eyebrows.
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kruel-kreator · 2 years
Ah yes, St. Valentines Day.
A date just like any other for our dearest creator, with a couple of differences, mainly the part where he goes looking in trash bins for unwanted chocolates and flowers. Jesse's never been a fan of Valentines, for the most part, because he just doesn't care. He knows he's never getting anything so he doesn't quite bother, after all not even he likes himself.
However what he does know, is that there are a LOT of people that throw away their flowers, chocolates, and candy. And he is not missing the opportunity for free sugar. Every so often he gets caught and shooed away like a racoon, once he got shot at even. There's a key difference this year though, as he stands before the gateway to the Inanis Realm (which happens to be his closet), he wonders.
And ponders, and stands, before walking through the pitch black darkness into the void. He opens his eyes from the darkness to a woman made of galaxy, who gives him a white platform for footing. She creates a portal, and he heads into the District of NEO Chaos.
The valentines decorations are around, and they look nice, home made of course. There's people going on dates, giving gifts, it's so much kindness. He wonders if this is what he created, or is creating. He doesn't wonder for long though, as people begin to stare at him, he quietly nods, lowers his head and continues walking. There is an aura of heartbreak and misery around him that catches other's attention.
The way his long trench coat trails behind him, accompanied by the abnormally loud steps of his heels. The usually dark colors of the District lit up with white, pink, and red, so of course he'd contrast. He doesn't even notice when the District's assigned leader and his partner bump into him. He keeps walking, looking for the elevator out.
The red headed partner of the leader is about to anger at the creator, but the leader quickly calms him as he catches up with Jesse. Anarchy Haulter, leader of the Chaos District. They make a quick small chat, Anarchy hands Jesse a hand etched flask full of a liquid, points him the way of the exit, and returns to his partner.
Jesse takes the path, boarding the elevator to the surface, he is met with ruins he created from a story he told. It's odd, he makes no sound now that he's outside, not like he cares though. Quietly, he approaches its ruined fountain and sits in front of it, leaning on the bottom edge. The sun is covered with clouds, he raises the now open flask.
"For a love that never was...!"
And smiles, taking a drink.
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kruel-kreator · 7 months
Another year, one more valentines. It's been much longer than it should've but well, he's still there, alive. Jesse sat there, at the edge of his world, a small box of chocolates to his left, some gold and red flowers, and a black and yellow blade that was gifted to him once upon a time rested on his right.
"Yknow, I didn't think I'd live this long. I mean, I know I'm supposed to but its still shocking." He spoke, taking a drink from the glass of wine in his hand. He was talking to someone, not himself. "I wish you were here with me, my dear." Jesse said as he sighed to himself.
He looked over at the sword and poured a bit of the wine on it. "This is my favorite brand..." He muttered to himself before looking over the edge of the universe again. Thats when a soft hum came from behind him. "I thought you didn't like wine" Spoke a gentle voice. "Ah- Connor. Or should I say Eleos. Why are you here?" Jesse asked to the darker man
Connor chuckled before sitting beside Jesse after the latter moved the sword onto his lap. "Visiting you, don't want you to be too alone on Valentine's. It's always been your weakness." Connor spoke with a softness to his tone that's only there when Jesse's at his worst. "But don't you have a wife to spend valentine's with?" Asked Jesse.
"I do, but you're still someone that matters a lot to me, and I dont want to see you suffering on a day like this." Connor answered, the bright halo that glowed around his head and the white stardust cape on him signaling his status as a creator of a realm.
"Why don't you come over to reality today? The day's great, in fact I can take you to the restaurant Camille and I are going to, you can eat whatever I'll pay." Connor insisted as Jesse sighed and got up. "Fine, but Vic's coming with me..." He said, holding onto the sword strongly. Connor didn't question it, just nodded as he opened the portal back to reality.
For the first time in more than 30 years, Jesse wasn't alone during Valentines.
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