#— ❛❛ // DATA MOCHI ¦ Sunlight in the darkness you never gave up on me・ 「diademreigned」
oathofpromises · 6 months
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Featuring: @diademreigned and @crystalmarred
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oathofpromises · 7 months
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You don't have to hide your tears, my darling, for I will be your shelter during any storm.
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oathofpromises · 7 months
“ i love you. i’m sorry. ” — Data to Hiroto
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Hiroto's chest trembled with a mix of excitement and apprehension upon hearing those three words. When was the last time someone had spoken those words to him with genuine intent? Data wasn’t a liar; he had always been honest, ever since the day he met the brunet. But could the viper allow him to get that close? What if he saw something and ended up leaving, too? The little love Hiroto had left and the constant fear that somehow his heart would shatter if someone else came into his life only to end up abandoning him or, worse, stabbing him in the back. It was causing the viper felt overwhelmed, as he leaned against the table.
“Data…those words…please don’t say them to someone like me. I am the least suitable person to be graced with something so tender," Hiroto whispered, as his hand reached out and softly brushed the side of the brunet's face.
Data was a beacon of sunlight in the darkness, the one person who had seen Hiroto in his entirety and never judged him for his past. He had even forgiven the viper for attacking Stella, which still shocks him to this day. How easily the red mage had worked his way into the older Caelum heart, but all that would await Data would be pain. Darkness that would threaten to consume him too, and that was the last thing Hiroto wanted. He was too good for him, that much Hiroto was well aware of, yet he yearned to be close to him, even if that was selfish.
Gently, his fingertips brushed against the softness of Data's lips—a simple gesture that sent Hiroto's heart into a frenzy of butterflies.ed the viper; left his chest feeling heavier than before. The truth was, he longed for Dat’s presence, yearning for their souls to intertwine. However, a haunting trepidation enveloped his heart, echoing the realization that agreeing to the brunet's proclamation of love would eventualy lead to Hiroto destroying all that Data was.
Leaning closer, he felt Data's hand grip against him as he pulled the other so close. With Data's lips just inches away, he felt an irresistible pull to move closer. As time went on, his breath became increasingly labored, as though the atmosphere itself was infused with an undeniable chemistry. The notion of distancing himself from Data and fleeing appeared to be the most effective means of keeping the other safe, but the ache in his chest remained unrelenting. The gentle movement of his thumb against the sides of the other person's face held him in place, preventing him from leaving.
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“You should run... All I do is destroy anything I care about,” whispered Hiroto, as his lips briefly pressed against the brunet’s. It wasn't a full-on kiss, but the fleeting touch of their lips sent a wave of goosebumps across his skin. The taller Miqo’te pulled Data even closer than his white tail wrapped around the bard’s leg’s leg.
"Please, push me away. I don't want to hurt you," Hiroto whispered, his hands gently cradling the brunet's face. As he kissed Data again, tears threatened to spill down his face, a mix of joy and sorrow. Why did it feel like paradise to kiss him? The way it made him yearn to be even closer was almost unbearable. They were already leaning into each other, their bodies positioned in a particularly intimate manner.
“You..changed everything.. I was okay with you all hating me. I could handle that. I have allowed no one close to my heart. Not since… It doesn’t matter. You make me question so much. All those feelings I had thought had gone are now flaring back up again. I burn for you, Data. I want you to flee, but the other part of me needs you close and I know how selfish that sounds. You turned my dark world into something brighter…and I don’t know how to handle that.”
One time, he had given his heart away in such an unreserved manner. He had faith that the people he loved most weren't going to abandon him, but in the end, they were the ones who stabbed him in the back. acted toward him as if he were a monster, and perhaps a part of him still harbored the belief that he was one. How else was he supposed to feel? Anytime someone got close, they would either stay for a time or end up leaving and the viper would once again be left alone to pick up what remained.
"Please don't say those words unless you truly mean them, Data. I can’t handle losing anyone else or being abandoned again…it almost killed me last time. Some part of me wishes it had.”
Hiroto took a step back, releasing his grip on Data, and deliberately turned his back on the other. It was best to just keep Data at arm’s length. To let him down easy and watch as he fell in love with someone else. It wouldn’t be that difficult. There were plenty of others out there that were much better than he was. They would take care of Data…give him the life he deserved. It hurt a lot to admit that to himself and did nothing but cause the ache in Hiroto chest to grow larger.
In the end, who could ever love a beast like me...
“I know…you care but trust me. There are better people out there that can give you the life and love you deserve. Don’t pick me…because I wouldn’t.”
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oathofpromises · 7 months
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I never sought attachment, yet you both radiate as beacons of light in the darkness that has filled my heart for years. I love you endlessly, and even that is not enough to convey the depths of my affection.
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oathofpromises · 8 months
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starter for: @diademreigned
How many years had passed since Hiroto last laid eyes upon his younger sister? His recollection of her appearance was hazy at best, as he was promptly dispatched to Tural, his fathers homeland, shortly after her birth. In that moment, he found himself uncertain as to why they had chosen him as the one who must depart. Despite being the eldest and expected heir to lead the tribe, Hiroto was sent to reside with acquaintances of his father, who he had connections through his occupation as a Viper. It was only recently that the older Caelum sibling had met Stella face to face. Hiroto only wanted to talk to her, but there was that tiny bit of his heart that resented her.
With a sigh, the Miqo'te with white hair cast a glance towards the bustling crowd. His hand had recently been bandaged following a heated altercation between Stella and himself. As a Warrior of Light, she possessed remarkable abilities beyond ordinary comprehension. However, it was evident to him that engaging in combat with him was not a desire she harbored. Yet, the most agonizing aspect of their situation was her complete lack of memory that he even existed.
‘I…I don’t remember having a brother. It was always just Dad, mom and me.’
The impact of those words pierced his heart deep, even though he harbored a strong suspicion that she would not retain any recollection of him. After all, when he departed, she was just a newborn. How could anyone expect someone so young to recall those memories. Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt, it only made Hiroto feel like he was the outcast in the family. Shaking his head, the Viper jumped down from the balcony having spotted his target. A smaller Miqo’te with tanned skin and freckles.
Data Mochi…wasn't that his name? One of his sister's close friends. He craved the prospect of learning more about Stella from someone close to her. Since he has re-encountered Stella, it appears that many details of her life have escaped his notice. However, an incredible wave of rage coursed through his veins once more at that precise instant. He worked hard to quell those thoughts. The last thing Hiroto wanted was for people to think he was a heartless person. that he had no intention other than to inflict Stella harm, even though that was not the case at all.
Hiroto leaned against a nearby pillar, his red eyes fixed on Data as the brunet moved through the crowd. As he was dressed like a red mage, it seemed reasonable to conclude that the stories were accurate. The other person was, in fact, the Crimson Duelists' second-in-command.Hiroto only found out about this when he ran across X'rhun a few days before. The two had gotten into a discussion over what the Red mages were up to, which led to him discovering Data's relationship to his sister.
'I will say this…my sister surely knows how to pick them…' Hiroto murmured, his gaze lingering on the brunet shape for a little longer than usual. Just as Data was going to walk by, Hiroto teasedly let his tail twirl around his waist. It would be uncharacteristic of the elder Caelum to pass up the opportunity to try and rile someone else.Hiroto's mouth made a low purring sound as he leaned over to whisper in Data's ear. Keeping his hand on the back of the other to hold him close.
"Ah, Data Mochi, if I am not mistaken? Nice to meet you. My name is Hiroto Caelum…I'm Stella's brother, but I'm sure she's told you everything about me by this time."
It was difficult to determine if it was good or negative given how protective G'raha had been of her. Naturally, Data would initially also react defensively toward him. Hiroto lingered his lips near Data's ear, and the Viper inhaled deeply, taking in the woodsy aroma. It reminded him of home, but that was only diverting him from the reason he had sought out Data in the first place.
"Excuse me.I'm so accustomed to behaving like this around others.Regarding Stella, I have some questions for you. If you could spare a moment of your time.”
How many times had Hiroto used his body to lead unwary individuals to their demise? The isolation he had been subjected to for so long had seeped deep into his own being. The fact that Hiroto's tail refused to unwrap from around Data's waist baffled the taller man more than anything else. While they had only just met, the brunet gave off a warm vibe that seemed to follow him around.
A sense of comfort enveloped Hiroto, a rare emotion that had eluded him for countless years. With a shake of his head, the white-haired man finally let go of Data. Although it was wrong to approach someone in that manner, there was a part of the older Caelum that didn't regret it. Despite the fact that the movement had clearly taken Data by surprise. His excuse was that he was nurtured by a group of Vipers, who had instilled in him the use of these tactics at a young age. It had merely become second nature to approach those he deemed attractive in this manner. It was rare, but when Hiroto got that feeling in his chest, he tended to act on such emotions.
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"Unless…you despise me as well. After all, I couldn't really hold it against you.I went after Stella. One of the people that you seem to care about the most. G'raha was quite angry with me too. I can only imagine how you'll react. She got such an easy life compared to me. So many see her as some hero, but reality is she took my life away from me."
The weight of enduring such intense emotions for an extended period became insufferable, with Stella emerging as the sole person they would cling to. Each time Hiroto's gaze fell upon her, a pang of anguish coursed through his heart, for she served as an unwelcome mirror of their beloved mother. Their actions mirrored each other with an uncanny resemblance, too, which didn't help matters. In his absence, he was unable to protect Kuri from any potential harm. Perhaps, in the depths of his heart, he harbored a sliver of blame towards Stella for the tragic demise of their parents. However, one cannot help but wonder if he possessed a complete understanding of the intricate events that led to their untimely demise, or if his perception was merely a reflection of what the tribe desired him to believe.
"You are her best friend…tell me how you could care for someone like her? Stella caused the deaths of both of our parents."
Hiroto's brows widened as he noticed Stella heading down the trail with Marv. It didn't take him long to figure out she was heading in their direction. The older Caelum remained motionless as she came to a halt in front of the two of them.
"Data…why is Hiroto here." whispered Stella, as Hiroto noticed that her forehead was bandaged from their struggle. It appeared to be healing, yet she acted as if it were nothing. She bent down and picked up Marv before gently handing the Dodo to Data. As the pink-haired Au Ra turned and headed back up the stairs, they exchanged an unspoken glance. G'raha was waiting for her, and he sent Hiroto a scowl before grabbing Stella's hand.
"See. I told you she hates me, so you should too yet you haven't even tried to run away yet."
Distance yourself from me, before it's too late. I am but a harbinger of suffering…
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oathofpromises · 6 months
[ 🎼 ] + Stella/Data OR Hiroto/Data
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                                SUNLIGHT IN MY DARKNESS
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1.You My Everything-Ellie Goulding
You were my backbone when My body ached with weariness And you were my hometown when My heart was filled with loneliness And just as the dark was rising I heard you close the door again And just as the light turns off I know who I dream of
2.Darkness in Me-Fight The Fade
Can you see the darkness in me The side that I've been hiding? Can you see the darkness in me The dying light behind these eyes? How is it that you can see through me now When I keep trying to hold the world out? It's like you know who I am, who I was, who I could be And you're still standing here in spite of everything
3.Fools-Lauren Aquilina
Those hardest to love need it most I watched our bodies turn to ghosts Such good friends, it has to end it always does That's the way life is Do we take that risk? And so it all boils down to this We've got our aim but we might miss We are too fragile just to guess And I've been in this place before Fine as we are but we want more That's human nature at its best
4.When The Darkness Comes-Colbie Caillat
I'll be here waiting Hoping, praying that This light will guide you home When you're feeling lost I'll leave my love Hidden in the sun For when the darkness comes
Now the door is open The world I knew is broken There's no return
5.8 Letters-Why Don't We
You know me the best You know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge That right there is the scariest feeling Opening and closing up again I've been hurt, so I don't trust Now here we are, staring at the ceiling
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oathofpromises · 6 months
you  were  the  better  part  of  every  bit  of  beating  heart  i  had,  whatever  i  had.-flora cash
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oathofpromises · 6 months
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Just like a sunflower blossoming in the midst of darkness, you've had my heart since the start. The one who beheld me in my entirety and never fled.
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oathofpromises · 7 months
"Pocky" - from Data to Hiroto O<O because of course why wouldn't I indulge
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The viper picked up a biscuit from the box in front of him. He twisted it between his fingers, feeling its texture before bringing it up to his mouth. The crunching sound echoed in the room as he bit into one end. The buttery aroma of the snack reminded him a lot of the green tea. Why did he even have such a thing? Well, Stella had thrown a box of them at him earlier that day. He couldn't help but smirk at the memory. Stella, his younger sister was a petite woman with striking features, her arms crossed over her chest before shoving a box of pocky at his face. Hiroto turned to look her, his eyes furrowing slightly.
"I find it confusing how a simple snack can somehow help me and Data have a deeper connection. At times, I struggle to comprehend my sister's thought process."
As he contemplated the day's events, he suddenly remembered a particular incident that had caught his attention. Earlier that day, he had inadvertently walked in on Stella, who was sitting on G'raha's lap. The two of them were sharing a piece of pocky and seemed to be enjoying it, or at least the kissing part. The two were nibbling on opposite ends of the snack, their lips grew closer, touching for the briefest moment. As their hands intertwined with each other adding more to the closeness.
The crimson locks of the Miqo'te sway as his tail curls around her leg, drawing her closer to himself. Their lips in a soft embrace, lingering as they finish nibbling on the sweet pocky sticks. Instead of leaving it there, the two had remained so close. Hiroto can't help but chuckle at their playful flirtation, yet he can't deny the similarities between their behavior and that of him and Data.
A few nights ago, Hiroto and Data were standing close to each other, their hands intertwined and moving in a rhythmic pattern across each other's skin. Hiroto's heart was racing as he felt the soft, warm lips of Data pressing against his own. In that instant, everything else faded away, and the only thing that mattered was the brunet in front of him.
The Viper sighed deeply as he flung the box onto the table. He realized that being romantic wasn't exactly his forte. Many years ago, he had gone through an awful heartbreak that led him to close his heart off to the world. It was better to shut everyone out than let another get that close. Of course, he periodically indulged in one-night stands, primarily for missions but would even use it to numb his emotion. Nothing to get attached to if people only craved him for his body. Yet here he was, trying to devise new and sweet gestures to show his boyfriend.
Which was another thing: Hiroto was still getting used to the idea of having a boyfriend. Meeting Data for the first time was unpleasant; they had crossed paths under the worst circumstances. Hiroto felt like he deserved a beating from Data that day, but the Red Mage hadn't donea thing. Instead, the other had shown a surprising amount of kindness and understnairng. Despite the initial awkwardness, Data wasn't hostile towards Hiroto.
Another thing caught the Viper off guard was the mage hadn't tried to get rid of him. Unlike most people from his past, who had made numerous attempts to make his life a living hell. Data's attitude towards him was the opposite. It was reassuring, which was so unfamiliar and different. The Viper inside of Hiroto had learned to expect betrayal and abandonment from those around him. It was just a fact he had gotten used to over the years. However, Data was different, and Hiroto was still trying to figure out what that meant or even how to feel about the whole thing.
The idea of finally allowing himself to experience happiness was both exhilarating and terrifying. He had yearned for it for so long, but the thought of opening up to Data made him feel vulnerable. He knew that in order to let Data in, he would have to reveal everything, which would include all his deepest fears and insecurities. A side that the viper had sworn to never show another person again. The last time he had allowed someone to get that intimate with him, they had betrayed Hiroto, leaving the white haired male feeling used and a broken heart.
" I care for him so much, in a way that I never thought possible. Despite my uncertainty, he has always been kind and supportive, never revealing any trace of hatred. However, the thought of allowing someone to get so close to me is a daunting one. Can I truly trust myself to be so open again and bare my soul..or will my fears hold me back?"
Hiroto's eyes fluttered shut as he let out a soft sigh, attempting to ignore the dull ache resonating in the back of his chest. He was just about to rise from his seat when the sound of the front door opening caught his attention. He listened intently as the soft footsteps descended the stairs Before he could say anything, he felt the gentle weight of the brunet settling onto his lap, it was calming.Slowly Hiroto's eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light in the living room. He looked down, just as he felt a weight lean against his chest. There Data was nuzzling into Hiroto body, seemingly lost in thought.
"Data?" Hiroto whispered, His voice was husky, betraying the slight fatigue he felt. He hadn’t gotten much sleep last night due to returning home late from his recent mission. The Viper could tell the brunet was also exhausted since he had been gone since early this morning. It was a daily occurrence that the brunet would go on his daily botany run with Marv. Gently Hiroto cradled Data closer to his chest, feeling the weight of the brunet's head on his shoulder. He smiled softly, savoring the warmth. It was clear that Data had overexerted himself and was now thoroughly exhausted. Probably due to the fact that somehow he had ended up getting wrapped into someone else affairs.
"Hey, Data," Hiroto said, his voice low and gentle. "I know you're feeling tired, but could you sit up for just a moment?"
Slowly, the brunet sat, his legs now strading Hiroto's lap, reaching down the white-haired male pulled out one biscuit, placing one end into his mouth. A slight part of Hiroto was internally cursing himself for even attempting this, but maybe it would put a smile on Data's face.
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"Let's make a game out of this," he said. "You bite into one end, and I'll bite into the other. We'll take turns nibbling away at it until we reach the last piece, and whoever gets it wins."
With each bite, Hiroto savored the snack, allowing himself to fully partake in the delightful sensation of the biscuit's sweetness melting on his tongue. While he was nibbling on it, he couldn't help but observe how their faces were getting closer. As Data finished the last piece of the biscuit, Hiroto's spine tingled as their lips softly brushed against each other. The overwhelming sensation enveloped his thoughts completely.
It wasn’t enough…the kiss was too quick.
Hiroto still feeling the taste of the biscuit lingering on his tongue, blending with the sweetness of the kiss grabbed Data and pulled him back in. Every touch, every gentle caress, sent waves of bliss rippling throughout his body. He could even feel the rise and fall of Data's chest against his own, their breaths intertwining in a synchronized rhythm. Being this close, he felt a sense of completeness, a feeling Hiroto had yearned for all his life.
Soft fingertips traced the curves of the freckled face, his touch feather-light. Hiroto leaned in closer pressing his forehead against Data’s, "Wow…that was different." There was a hint of surprise in his tone, mixed with a tinge of excitement and curiosity.
"I must admit, my sister was right. But please, don't tell her I said that. She'll never let me hear the end of it." He laughed before nuzzling his face into the crook of Data’s neck.
You make me feel human…give me something worth fighting for. One day, I’ll be able to say those three words you deserve to hear.
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oathofpromises · 7 months
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Starter for: @diademreigned and @crystalmarred
Never in his life did Hiroto Caelum believe he was worthy of love, mostly due to his past. Deciding love wasn’t worth the risk, he built impenetrable walls around his heart, shielding himself from the vulnerability that came with such affection. For years, he used one-night stands as a way to numb any sort of flicker of love. No one had ever proven the Viper wrong, or their intentions were purely for pleasure. So, he accepted that there was not a single person who would change that. Little did he know that destiny had a different plan, for it was two enchanting Miqo'te who would defy his expectations and weave their way into the very fabric of his being.
The viper leaned against the pillar outside their house as X'Kijin and Data tended to the garden. His ruby hues softened as he watched the two giggling softly as the three dodos circled around them. At this point, they might as well have started a little dodo farm of their own with how many birds they had currently. Briefly, the white-haired male closed his eyes, listening to their laughter as it carried with the wind.
Hiroto's heart skipped a beat as he felt arms instinctively encircle his own waist. Red eyes fluttered open, revealing a breathtaking sight. There, on either side of him, stood X'Kijin and Data. With an effortless grace, they had ensnared him against the ancient stone pillar, their bodies pressed intimately together. Hiroto smiled softly as his long, fluffy white tail skillfully wrapped around the two. In a passionate embrace, he swept both men off their feet, drawing them closer as their lips met in a fervent kiss.
The sensation of their lips meeting his own sent a rush of warmth through his entire being. It was as if a long-lost flame had been reignited, filling his chest. As their tender embrace deepened, their tails intertwined, creating an intimate connection that mirrored the entwining of their souls. With his arms lovingly cradling both of them, he felt a sense of completeness, as if he had finally found his place.
A gentle breeze whispered through the lush, verdant meadow, the dodos, with their plump bodies and endearing waddle, approached the trio. With each step, their feathers rustled softly, as if in anticipation. Amidst the playful giggles that escaped their lips, the lovers found themselves captivated by the whimsical dance of the dodos. With a tender care, Hiroto carefully lowered Data and X'kijin to the ground.
"Alright, Alright. I know you all are hungry. Loves, I finished breakfast if you two are also staving. I know you both have been up for a bit."
Data the longest, given how early the brunet would go out hacking at trees or fishing for new fish species for his aquarium. As soon as they purchased this house, they made certain that there was sufficient space for a tank and books, so that they could combine some of the activities that Data enjoyed doing.Hiroto also wanted to make sure the new house had the perfect kitchen area. X'kijin loved to cook, so he made sure he had plenty of counter space and items to use to make whatever he needed. The Viper would even venture into town when they were running low on items to keep their fridge stocked.In the end, the white-haired male wanted this to be their dream home. A place that encompassed all of the things they loved about each other and made them feel warm and safe.
It wasn't the biggest house in the neighborhood, but it was cozy enough for the three of them to retreat to when they needed some alone time with each other. The world could be harsh, but at least they had this sanctuary. Hiroto Tail wiggled as he moved over to the dodo play pan, sprinkling food into each of their bowls. He took the water dish and replenished it before turning and walking towards the door. Data and X'kijin were waiting for him as the two reached out and grabbed for the taller Miqo'te's hands.
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"I know my cooking is not the best, or what others would consider professional-looking, but you both seem to enjoy it when I do cook. This morning I made some miso soup with steamed rice, grilled fish, and some tamagoyaki. I probably made a little too much for what you two normally eat, but I wanted to surprise you both."
Hiroto wouldn't admit quite yet that he had asked his sister to show him some new recipes too. The wide grin that appeared across Au Ra's face when he asked made a faint flush appear across his face. She had, of course, playfully teased him about impressing his partners. Which did cause a smile to appear on his face at how open Stella was to accepting the relationship he had with Data and X'kijin.Not everyone would, considering it wasn’t what a lot considered the norm. He felt his hand clench at his pants as he recalled Stella's words the first time she learned the three were seeing each other.
'Hurt either of them, and I will kick your ass brother.'
Yeah, Stella inherited that side of her from their dad, which did nothing to calm the Viper down at all. What if they hated the breakfest? It wasn't like they had asked him to cook this morning, but a part of Hiroto wanted to feel like he was contributing in some way. As long as they were happy, that was what Hiroto wanted more than anything. Which was new considering months ago he was still sleeping around.
The viper's thoughts were disturbed as he felt X’kijin and Data sit on his lap. The two hadn’t touched their breakfast quite yet as they turned, and he felt X’kijin press their lips against his ear. The flush on his face grew a bit as his tail fluffed slightly. His hands found theirs as they intertwined together before he felt Data's lips against the side of his neck. Closing his eyes, the white haired male felt a soft purr release from his lips.
Damn it, they know my weak spots too well.
“You two aren’t playing fair," muttered Hiroto as he felt both their heads lean against his chest. A soft smile spread across his face as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to both of their foreheads. He hadn’t come home last night, spending time away on a new quest. Which meant the two had spent the night without him here. It was hard when one or two of them were away on business. Both of them were warriors of light, which required their attention a lot.
“You two keep kissing me and your going let your breakfast get cold.” Stated Hiroto, as he gently placed each one beside him. Getting up, he walked over to the counter grabbing the pitcher of orange juice. He enjoyed their kisses a lot, but the viper worried that the two were becoming more exhausted lately.
“Eat up. I promise, after you get your fill, we can do whatever your hearts want.” Hiroto said as he walked towards their bedroom, tossing off his shirt. The door was open, as the scars on his back seemed redder than usual. It was almost like they were starting to act up a bit, but the viper had not uttered a word of discomfort to either of them. The last thing he wanted was to ruin their day together. Hiroto just wanted the three of them to enjoy their time away from things. To relax and feel like everything was normal. In reality, things would fall apart again and require their assistance as usual. That’s just how the world worked for them.
Wincing Hiroto pulled his red shirt over his head, trying to avoid it touching his scars. Which was hard considering the placement of some of them. The fabric would probably irritate them off and on throughout the day. His hand started to shake a bit as he closed his eyes and quickly grabbed it. He was trying to use the healing magic to soothe the ache in his left wrist.
The last mission he had been on was a lot for one person, yet they hadn’t required more than a single bodyguard. A part of Hiroto wanted to ask Data and X’kijin to accompany him, but he also didn’t want to see either get hurt. They were strong and perfectly capable of handling things, but being as intimate as they were, it was hard to want to drag them into his messes. The last time one of them had gotten hurt, he had gotten so upset that his rage woke up, and he ended up punching the person responsible for it until they were near death. That hadn’t been a pleasant experience for anyone, and Hiroto wasn’t sure if the two were weary around him because of it.
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oathofpromises · 7 months
breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much - from Data to Hiroto, in a moment when Hiroto is his most vulnerable and open
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No matter how desperately Hiroto yearned to escape the clutches of his past, it forever loomed over him like a relentless shadow, refusing to be cast aside. He may've successfully escaped the confinements of the cellar, yet but the scars lingering on his back and in his mind stayed. How many nights had the viper laid awake, hoping to finally have a good night's rest? For the longest time, he simply went without sleep. It was not the healthiest way to cope, but anytime he closed his eyes, all he would see were memories from his shattered past.
Biting his bottom lip, he leaned against the pillar and kept a watchful eye on Data as the brunet gathered some ingredients for dinner. Hiroto promised to show Data a few meals he learned as a kid from Tural. Hiroto warned Data that the food might be a bit spicy, at least compared to what he was used to around here.
They planned to buy the ingredients and return home quickly, where it was safe. The viper hated being so out in the open; he hadn't exactly left Tural on the best of terms, which meant the people there might have sent other vipers to take care of him. Either bring him back dead or alive, depending on what state they require his body to be in. He hadn't told Data that lately he had been receiving letters, mostly threats from some of the very same people who had scarred his back.
He's happy. The last thing I want to do is mess that up. Besides, as the Warrior of Light, he had plenty on his plate to deal with. 
Hiroto knew the last thing Data wanted was for him to keep secrets or to hold back anything, and it wasn't a lack of trust. The brunet became someone that the viper wanted to protect—to allow past the defenses he had built over the years. Yet there was a tiny part that feared that Data might not like what he saw.
'Well, well, if it isn't Hiroto Caelum, it has been awhile.'
Hiroto turned, and his eyes widened as he saw Jivu, Cizu'yi's girlfriend—or was it his wife now? He didn't know or care, but seeing her brought on flashes from the past. She laughed as they stabbed daggers into his back, using her magic to keep him in a loop. She was one of the ones who took pleasure in causing others pain.
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"Jivu. I don't know why you are here, nor do I care," stated Hiroto, as he already had a dagger out. He spun it around a finger before his crimson hues glared at the female Miqo'te. She had a lot of nerve coming here and right out in the open too.
'Hiro, still trying to act strong. We both know who you really are, and once that brunette you are hanging out with knows the full story, He will abandon you just like everyone else.'
Stop. I don't want to hear that. It's not something I haven't already told myself...
Jivu smirked as she leaned in and stabbed a dagger right near Hiroto's face, her hand traveling up his chest. Closing his eyes, he hated her touch—the way it made his stomach turn into knots. Normally, he would've easily had her off him, but she was using some paralyzing spell. She wanted to make him remember the cruel treatment he had received back then.
'Come now..Hiroto. You've slept with so many people before. Why not indulge yourself, or is this one different? Does he know that the man you loved was already taken, causing your heart to be broken and ripped into pieces? That he hated the sight of you.'
Please stop..
Hiroto felt a needle prick into his skin as his eyes widened, images from the past flooding into his mind. The pressure of the needle jabbing into his neck, the cold of the chains keeping him against the cellar wall The feel of each instrument they used craving into his back—the way he wanted to die back then. Why live when his life was a cycle of pain? Without his family, he was utterly alone.
Suddenly, he saw Jivu notice Data walking towards them, and without another word, she vanished. She desired him to break and reveal all that lay buried deep within his heart. Biting his bottom lip, the viper reached into his pocket, pulling out an antidote. Whatever she used was probably the same substance they had used on him years ago. Taking a deep breath, he tried to act naturally, yet his body betrayed him. His legs felt weak, and just as he was about to fall forward, he felt warm arms wrap around his body.
Hiroto muttered "Data..." as he observed the concerned expression on the brunet face. He had probably seen something was up and tried to approach calmly. The last thing they wanted was to cause a disruption.
'Hiroto, let's get you home..' whispered Data as he allowed the Viper to lean on him. He was so much smaller, yet he carried so much more than a normal person did. It broke Hiroto's heart how often Data had pushed his own feelings to the side.
They had barely made it into the house before Hiroto laid his head against the brunet chest, arms wrapping around the other waist before tears started to fall. It was rare that Hiroto allowed himself to cry; in fact, it had been many years since he had..not since that night in the cellar. For a time, he believed it was a weakness to show such emotions. It was only something a person could use against him.
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"I...I can't lose you too. I know that I am nothing and that there are so many others that would be a better fit for you. I carry too much baggage, and you already have enough on your plate. I didn't want to worry you, but people from my past are starting to come back. They want me dead—or to suffer more. It doesn't matter. I just...if I tell you everything, I don't want to scare you away." Hiroto muttered as sobs escaped his lips.
Slowly, Hiroto reached up and unbutton his shirt, letting it fall to the ground. Turning,  he took a deep breath. This was something he had never shown to a single soul; it was a lot, and either it would disgust the other or make them run in fear.
"I told you a bit about my past—that I was treated badly by the people I was sent to live with—but I never showed you to what extent. No matter how much magic is used, the scars will never heal. There are times when they burn horribly. The other night, when we were kissing and I suddenly ran, it wasn't because I hated it. Quite the opposite. Feeling your lips against mine was bliss. I just didn't want to scare you away. I come with a lot and have only scratched the surface at everything."
Hiroto closed his eyes as he felt the brunet fingers gently reach and trace a few of the scars. It wasn't painful, yet it wasn't a side that the viper wanted to show him. There was so much he had to explain, and yet the tears wouldn't stop falling.
"Please say something," cried Hiroto as his shoulders shook. His entire body felt heavy as all the emotions were pressing against his chest.
Don't leave me…
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oathofpromises · 7 months
“Neither of us are perfect but, together, it feels like we’re a little better.” - Data and Hiroto
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As the white-haired man felt his thoughts drift to bygone days, fiery red hues flickered out towards the setting sun. The viper shook his head, pausing to admire the top of the Ala Mhigan royal palace. There were red flowers everywhere, and one could see the entire landscape around them. Hiroto hadn't seen much of the area, so data suggested they travel to the various cities so the viper could see everything. 
Hiroto gave the sky a sidelong glance as his hawk floated closer to him while carrying a letter that was fastened to a small pocket on the bird's leg. The viper let out a long sigh. Whatever it was asking would almost certainly result in Hiroto disappearing for a few days, and the last time he was gone for a few days, it had all but worried Data. As he unrolled the paper, he attentively read the contents aloud to himself.
'Hiroto. You haven't gotten back to us in a while. You have fallen behind on your assignments. There will be severe consequences if we do not receive a reminder of the debt.'
It was, of course, a threat. They had all but sent various threats since the viper announced he would no longer be working for that company. They falsely claimed that he still owed them money. He had given them more money than was necessary to pay off what was owed to them. His father would have been ashamed of those Vipers if he could have seen how far they had fallen. Then, again, his father would probably despise Hiroto's behavior for years, but did he really have a choice? Either do things their way or be tortured and left to starve for days on end. Either way, the outcome was the same.
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Data deserved someone far better than him, not a snake like himself who had committed so much sin that it would seem nearly impossible to atone for all the wrong he had done. Hiroto paused as he felt arms wrap around him from behind. Turning his head slightly, he could see the spiky brunet hair. A tender smile formed across his lips as he turned to fully face Data.
'There you are... I turned my back for one moment, and you were gone.' muttered the Sage as he buried his face into Hiroto's chest. Gently, the taller Miqo'te ran his fingers through the soft brown locks of the other.
"I apologize; I got a little distracted. You know how my past likes to resurface and haunt me. A part of me worries that I can never fully deserve your love..the type of man that deserves to have you in my life."
Hiroto was taken aback when he felt Data lean in closer to him and press his lips against his own. The brunet had never been one to hide his feelings; he was always quite obvious, but every time he took the lead, it left the Viper feeling a little out of breath.
'Hiro...Neither of us are perfect but, together, it feels like we’re a little better.You think that you aren't perfect...yet I never asked you to be. You see me..more than anyone else ever has.'
It's true; Hiroto had witnessed a side of Data the Warrior of Light kept hidden from everyone else. Not even to Hikari, his younger sister. However, Hiroto could understand keeping things away from his younger sibling. It was just their way of keeping them safe, and it was also because they had the impression that it would only add to the weight that someone else was already carrying.
Gently, Hiroto cradled Data in his arms, his heart racing with anticipation. Drawing closer, he leaned in, their lips meeting again in a passionate embrace. As the gentle breeze caressed their cheeks, flower petals pirouetted in the air, creating a whimsical dance around their entwined figures.
"I love you," Hiroto murmured, his breath caressing Data's skin as he pressed their bodies closer together, savoring the sweet intimacy they shared. They simply didn't have the luxury of being as greedy as they pleased with one another. Duty called, and it was just something Hiroto had gotten used to. That didn't mean that he didn't want Data to feel loved and cared for. To give the brunet his heart and soul.
Which was such a scary concept to think about, thinking back on how the two of them first met. The way the sage had been cautious around him. The other had good reason, though, Hiroto ended up hurting Stella, someone who had a close connection to Data. If there was one thing Hiroto wishes he could go back and redo, it was showing Data more of who he was at the start, but the brunet never blamed him for keeping parts of his past a secret. He listened and cared, which was a lot more than anyone had ever done for the viper.
Tenderly, the white-haired male cupped the others faces, gently thumbing the sides of Data's face as he pressed his forehead against the smaller Miqo'to. Taking a deep breath, Hiroto tried to find the words to describe how he was feeling. It wasn't like talking about emotions was easier for the viper. He had gone years without closing off anything he felt to protect his own heart.
"For the longest time, I wanted to put a distance between us—not because I didn't care for you quite the opposite. I feared that if you got close and saw the type of person I was and the things that I had done, it would scare you away. You know about the man who broke my heart. I closed my heart off to love for so long because of it, but being with you makes me happier than I ever have been. You don't see me as just being Stella's older brother; you saw something deeper, and I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay that kindness. I just love you so much. It scares me sometimes at how quickly you worked your way into my heart."
Data wasn't like anyone else; Hiroto wanted to cherish the time they had. In fact, it had surprised the viper that he didn't crave more intimate moments with the brunet. He wanted Data to be the one to ask for such things, which was new to Hiroto, a man who would sleep with various people just to feel another warmth, but being with Data was vastly different. He wanted to savor each second with the other, to show that he truly was in it and that it wasn't just a fling.
"At every turn, you caused me to question everything I had told myself for years. I truly believed that the more I cared for someone, the greater the risk they would pose to me, but the truth is, you are the one I chose. Even if it's selfish and there are tons of other people better suited to be with you, I just can't give up. Call me  selfish but I want what we have: to spend time by your side for as long as you will have me."
Hiroto burned for Data in many ways. The white-haired male just hoped that the brunet would stay; if he ever lost Data, that would shatter his heart beyond repair.
I never want this feeling to go away...
The two men smiled as their noses gently brushed against each other. Before Hiroto leaned down, still holding Data close, he felt the brunet wrap his legs around his waist. A sly smirk slowly formed across the Viper's face before he picked up a rose, twirling it around his hand before placing it in Data's hair.
You are sunlight, and I am merely a shadow, yet despite all that, you still love someone like me.
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oathofpromises · 7 months
[ coping ] - Data to Hiroto 👉👈
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Reaching up, Hiroto rubbed his forehead. Everything seemed so far away, but despite the splitting migraine, his entire focus remained solely on Data. The brunet had requested that the older Caelum accompany him into a dungeon the night before; the viper was initially perplexed as to why Data needed him there, given that he was a warrior of light. However, the determined expression behind those teal eyes said it all.
It was something he wanted to do for himself. According to Stella, Data had a tendency to be overly critical of himself. Even to the point where he had trouble breathing in certain situations. Some may attribute it to the brunette's fear, but that was not the case. The healer in a party had a lot of responsibility, and it's understandable that he'd be stressed out by the weight of trying to keep everyone else alive and well. White mage, the same class that Stella and Hiroto's mother, Kuri, had learned. It hadn’t been easy for her at first either.
Hiroto had immediately recognized that Data's breathing was a little more labored than normal. Now that he thought about it, he remembered that the brunet had been unable to sleep the night before their expedition into the dungeon. Probably his mind filling with the what if scenarios. Which was understandable considering it was a new area they had yet to venture into. Hiroto sheathed his swords before approaching the white mage, his hand shaking slightly around the staff. The man with the white hair reached out and cupped Data's face in his hands gently. He could tell the brunet was struggling to breathe, not just from anxiety. It was also a panic attack, which was causing Data to lose focus on everything around him.
"Data. Look at me. Concentrate on my voice. Anything to tether you back," Hiroto said, feeling the brunet's body shake. Data's hand reached up and clamped down on his own throat, as if he were about to pass out from the stress of the situation.
He ruminated on Stella's words, a fleeting recollection that danced around the edges of his mind. What exactly did she tell him? Those words of wisdom now seemed so elusive. It was the idea that the violent storm of a panic attack could be calmed down by just holding one's breath. Hiroto sighed, his mind wrestling with the possibility that she was joking about such matters. There was no way that something as simple as holding one's breath was going to be able to put an end to the overpowering sensations that a person was currently experiencing.
Hiroto gently cupped Data face. A part of him knew he'd probably get slapped for this, but it might help Data's breathing. Leaning in, the white-haired Miqo'to pressed his lips against the others'. It was warm and soft, something the viper hadn't felt in a long time. Closing his eyes, the Miqo'te half expected the brunet to push him away, but it never came. Instead, it appeared as though Data had kissed him in return, but Hiroto was more concerned with the fact that the other person's breathing had momentarily ceased, making it appear as though Data had been holding his breath at first. Hiroto cleared his throat as he leaned back. The last thing he wanted was to give off the impression that he was weak. It was a flaw he couldn't afford.
“Before you say anything, my sister, she said holding one’s breath can stop a panic attack. I wasn’t sure how to get you to do that, aside from kissing you. If you’d like to slap me, you can. I deserve it, but it looks like it worked. Do you feel a little bit better?"
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Hiroto could already see Stella smirking mischievously. She'd probably tease him about how her little piece of advice had just come in handy. Which was fine and everything, but the older Caelum's pride would suffer a significant setback as a result of the process. The very last thing he required was for his younger sister to make a joke about how she was in the right. That was all he had ever felt for years—how she was always the one their parents loved more, or so he told himself. What else could he say to convince himself that it wasn't true? Their parents loved them both equally, but for reasons unknown to him at the time, they were forced to separate their children.
As it shook his head, the viper inspected Data for a moment. The other person's breathing didn't seem to be as labored, and he appeared to have a lot more composure than the first. This was not even something that he would do in his regular routine. Hiroto was taught that being honest would result in people stabbing him in the back. For years, the older Caelum had barely survived on what was necessary. Perhaps it was his history, the way that people would take advantage of his generosity and openness in the past whenever they could. The times he had spent as a child crying himself to sleep, feeling completely alone, the weight of ensuring people's survival was enough to cause even the strongest person to slowly break.
Maybe just this once..I can be honest.
"Data, look at me." Hiroto said softly as he reached out and propped the brunet's chin. Teal eyes met red as the taller Miqo'te leaned forward and pressed his forehand against the others.
"You did your best today, and everyone came out okay. You won't be able to save everyone. I know you're concerned that you'll let someone down, but I assure you that you're doing enough. At one time, I was in your shoes. I was afraid that anyone who did care about me would be hurt or even worse off as a result of me not being "enough,"so I numbed my emotions and shut down my heart. Don't be like me."
Hiroto didn't want to see Data succumb to fear. The way anxiety and thoughts could gradually take over everything a person felt, It was difficult to process everything, and there were times when it could leave a person feeling completely and utterly depleted of all they had. Data carried so much on his shoulders that the Viper hoped the brunet would lean on him more, but maybe that was merely him seeing only what he wanted to see.
Who would put their trust in you, Hiroto? In the end, what happens if Data abandons you? The only other person who was ever nice to you, besides your sister, will no longer be there for you. Maybe it was for the best. Anything beautiful eventually faded away, which was the last thing Hiroto wanted for Data. The viper knew he shouldn't be thinking about such things at this moment, so he bit his lower lip nervously. Data needed him, and that was more important than the conflicting emotions racing through his own mind.
Gently pulling Data towards his chest, the white-haired man allowed the brunet to listen to his heart. Who knows? Maybe the white mage would find solace in the sound, or at least take heart in knowing that Hiroto's survival was due in no small part to his assistance. There were a number of times that the Viper had almost met his end. The curse of being stubborn and slightly reckless yet another trait he received from his father. Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of the white mages head.
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oathofpromises · 8 months
kissing the tears from their cheeks . — from Data to Hiroto 👉👈
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Hiroto let out a heavy sigh, his exhaustion evident as he ran a weary hand through his disheveled hair. Beads of sweat trickled down his furrowed brow, an indicator to the intense battle he had just emerged from. With a sense of finality, he carefully sheathed his gleaming swords, their blades now stained with the remnants of his formidable adversaries. Several days had passed since his last encounter with Data. The last time the two had talked, things hadn’t ended on the best of terms.
With a gentle, deliberate motion, Hiroto extended his hand, delicately placing a finger upon his lips. The gesture mirrored the tender proximity he had shared with Data, a moment that had stirred a tempest within his heart. Overwhelmed by the intensity of his emotions, Hiroto instinctively resorted to his tried and true method of coping - fleeing from the scene. Data was deserving of far more than the presence of an individual such as him, yet the elder Caelum couldn't help but acknowledge the profound longing he felt for the brunet. The resounding echoes of the words he had vehemently shouted at Data continued to reverberate within his mind.
Why did Data stir up such a whirlwind of emotions within the depths of his heart? The other had never harbored any animosity towards him, nor had they ever displayed a hint of doubt or suspicion. Every fiber of Hiroto's being yearned to be near the other, even if it entailed surreptitiously watching over Data from the recesses of the shadows. He was a radiant beam of sunlight, a soul adorned with the most tender heart. In contrast to Hiroto, who saw himself as a person of impure nature. A dark figure of shadows, fated to wander the world in solitude for eternity.
Filled with worry about Data's well-being, Hiroto discovered himself standing outside the abode of the captivating brunet. He was perhaps the very last person the other longed to lay eyes upon at this moment, considering the unfortunate turn of events that had transpired between them. However, deep within Hiroto's heart, he could feel an undeniable connection to Data, a sense he required his presence. Or perhaps, it was merely the whispering of the Viper's desire. Hiroto's heart fluttered as he patiently lingered, his ears yearning for the sweet melody of another voice. Alas, the silence persisted, compelling him to gracefully bend down and retrieve the spare key, that was carefully hidden under one of the flower pots.
"Data..are you here?'
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Hiroto's heart skipped a beat as he stepped into Data's bedroom, only to find the lovely brunet nestled delicately on the bed. Silently, the viper crawled into the embrace of his warm bed. Tenderly caressing the face of the brunet, he beheld tears cascading down the tanned complexion. With utmost tenderness, he inclined towards Data, delicately caressing the contours of his face with his own lips. The flavor upon Hiroto lips resembled the delicate essence of sorrow, yet the older Caelum found himself unaffected by its bittersweet taste.
"Data…what troubles you?"
A wave of unease washed over him as he sensed the weight of the other's head seeking solace against his chest. As he enveloped Data in his embrace, he felt the subtle quiver coursing through the small Miqo'to form. The brunet's face bore the unmistakable marks of anguish, leaving no doubt that something big had transpired. And yet, Hiroto found himself grappling with a sense of uncertainty, questioning if he even had the right to be here, let alone hold Data like this.
'Why did you leave…'Data whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. His words hung in the air, heavy with sorrow, as Hiroto felt the grip of brunet hands tighten around a handful of his shirt. In all his encounters with Data, The Viper had never witnessed such a display of raw emotion. The brunet had always been adept at concealing his innermost feelings from the prying eyes of others. Always putting others before himself, it was one of the reasons Hirtoto wished to be someone the brunet could lean on.
"Data... I don't want to hurt you, and that's all I have ever done most of my life: disappoint or bring misfortune to those I care about. You deserve better, but I realize that I shouldn't have run off like that. I don't handle emotions well sometimes and end up running away from them. You know my past. For so long, I was alone, but meeting you changed all that. I can't think around you. Which is such a new concept to me."
Why do you make me feel so weak...like I want to spend so much time around you...that nothing else matters.
With tender care, Hiroto cradled Data's face, lowering himself as an endless stream of tears cascaded down the brunet cheeks. This was solely his doing—just another wound inflicted by the venomous serpent. He bestowed a cascade of tender kisses upon Data's face before gracefully rising from his place. The last thing he wanted to do was leave, but the fact this was his fault only caused Hiroto to hurt worse. He stayed near the edge of the bed, as Data had reached out and grabbed for Hiroto wrist. Holding him there.
"You deserve better..believe me..I am only doing this to keep you safe. Someone like me isn't worth it. Never has been."
The weight of those words hung heavy in the air, as Hiroto grappled with the realization that uttering them aloud was a departure from his usual demeanor. Yet, deep down, he knew that this admission held a truth that had been silently brewing within him since his earliest days. Exiled by his own parents, young and vulnerable, he was thrust into a realm shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. He had traversed a treacherous path, committing countless misdeeds in order to endure the harsh realities of life. Yet, with each transgression, his heart grew colder, gradually sealing itself off from the world.
Data's gaze shifted languidly towards Hiroto, their foreheads gently pressing together. The viper's heart danced with delight and his ears quivered with anticipation upon feeling the gentle touch. The blurred blush that began to grace his cheeks only intensified, as he became acutely aware of the mingling of their breaths, a sweet and intoxicating dance.
"Data..." Hiroto muttered, his heart yearning to succumb to the irresistible urge to gently caress his lips against the captivating brunet's. He embodied the essence of sunlight, radiating a brilliance that had the power to engulf Hiroto's entire being.
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oathofpromises · 6 months
h = hobbies; does anyone share any hobbies/passions? how do they include the rest of their partners in them?
i = in sickness and in health - when someone falls ill, who’s the carer and who’s the germaphobe? is there anyone that resists being looked after?
r = romantic; is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners?
o = open; how open is everyone with one another?
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The ot3 in particular is Hirokijidata which are @diademreigned and @crystalmarred boys and my fruity boy. This is honestly just a dynamic that came up the more we wrote with them in different threads. I adore all these boys so much and I see what you did with the questions you picked you little sneaky sweetie.
H=hobbies; does anyone share any hobbies or passions? How do they include the rest of their partners in them?
I feel like these three do a lot together, even if it might not be something one truly enjoys doing. They just love being around each other. For example, Hiroto isn’t much of a botantist himself, but he would gladly go out gathering with Data and Kijin just to spend some time with them. I also can imagine Hiroto teaching the two how to be Vipers too, like teaching them the various techiques because if there is one thing that Hiroto is proud of in himself is his swordsmanship skills. He wants the two to be extra protected when they are out protecting the world.
I do have a cute image in my head too of Kijin teaching them how to cook various recipes too. Which is part of the reason that Hiroto started to take up cooking was to try to impress the other two. Give them a nice meal, come home to and let them relax from the day.
I = in sickness and in health - when someone falls ill, who’s the carer and who’s the germaphobe? is there anyone that resists being looked after?
I don’t see any of them being germaphobe at all. They're really comfortable being around each other. I do feel like the role of carer switches depending on who is sick. The image I have in my head is if two are sick out of the three. The one that isn’t would cook them something warm and tend to them throughout the day, too. I also have this scene in my head where the carer is gently using a cold, damp washcloth to try to bring the other two fevers down.
They are just really attentive when it comes to how the others are feeling.
R = romantic; is anyone a bit of a sap for their partners?
This one is such an easy answer. They are all saps for each other, even if some of them aren’t as showy at first. I know with Hiroto it takes him a bit to open up to someone..to trust them, but there are ways that he shows he cares a lot. He is very much the type who will show his feelings through gift giving like him taking extra missions on just to try to get Data and Kijin pretty rings or things they will use daily.
He puts a lot of thought into what he gets them and it isn’t to buy their affections, but shows that he notices what makes them happy. My boy is so fruity...like once someone wins his heart, you got him in the palm of your hands. Data is very open with his feelings. He isn’t the type to immediately fall for someone, but he does always care. He is very attentive to the needs of others and tender to those who have earned a place in his heart. He cares a lot and that is shown regardless if he is friends or more with someone.
Kijin is also very loving when it comes to those who have earned a place in his heart. He cares for both of them and goes out of his way to ensure that they are happy.
O= open; how open is everyone with one another?
Hiroto, as I stated before starts off not revealing too much about his life. He just feels like it is better remain distant and not share too much information. He already had that used against him once, not that he ever felt Data and Kijin would but it is way he was very close off at first.
However, overall these three are very open with each other especially when they get closer. They feel safe and trust one another completely. I know in future that Hiroto does plan to get rings for them both..which is a huge sign that he feels like both are people he trusts and loves more than anything. I AM GETTING SQUISHY BUT THESE THREE LOVE EACH OTHER.
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oathofpromises · 7 months
                              Hiroto Caelum Tag Dump
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— ❛❛ // HIROTO CAELUM ¦ Painful past and shattered Hearts yet a light burning within ・ 「 Threads」
— ❛❛ // HIROTO CAELUM ¦Shattered Glass and Scattered Memories ・ 「 Musings」
— ❛❛ // HIROTO CAELUM ¦ Live or Die that's the only choice left ・ 「 Playlist」
—  ❛❛  // HIROTO CAELUM ¦ Scars that linger etch the memories into my heart「 Headcanons」
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                                          Dynamic Tags
— ❛❛ // DATA MOCHI ¦ Sunlight in the darkness you never gave up on me・ 「diademreigned」
— ❛❛ // HIROTO CALEUM & DATA MOCHI¦DYNAMIC・「I swear I’ll be yours forever my beloved 」
— ❛❛ // X’KIJIN LYZEJ ¦You make me question everything I ever knew・ 「 CRYSTALMARRED」
— ❛❛ // HIROTO CALEUM & X’KIJIN LYZEJ¦DYNAMIC・「You healed my scars the part I never thought could feel again 」
— ❛❛ // A'ATAHNI TIA ¦ No matter how much you try and hide it I can see your gentle heart ・ 「 CRYSTALMARRED」
— ❛❛ // HIROTO CALEUM & A’ATAHNI TIA ¦DYNAMIC・「Darling when I’m without you it’s hard to sleep 」
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