#— ❛❛ // SCATHACH ¦ love conquers all・ 「 SUP・CAEDA ! 」
sharpscion · 1 year
   “it’s odd, don’t you think..? two people is a lot to protect one small carriage.”
   while he agreed it was smart to have at least one student tag along with the goods to ensure it’s safety, he couldn’t fathom the need for two. especially having someone like queen caeda doing the grunt work that could be so easily left to him. at the very least, he could applaud the churches dedication to their annual ball. to leave him next to such a shining figure of history, though, well- it was awkward to say the least.
   it felt much like standing beside lord seliph, a place he shouldn’t be, a place that was better reserved for another. it was only natural, after all, those who shined brilliantly deserved to be in the company of their peers. away from the eyes of others was where he was best suited, doing the dirty work so that those he cared about would not have to worry. he was much more comfortable there, where he belonged... but as if by some joke by the gods, he always finds himself in places he does not belong.
   it would be a long trek with just silence though, and he didn’t want the woman to think he disliked her. some light small talk wouldn’t kill him, and if it didn’t hold any substance there was no way he could offend the other. it felt like a win win, though there was always the sting of anxiety while waiting for someone to reciprocate your attempt for conversation. she was kind from what he observed though, and in many aspects she reminded him of lord seliph. with that in mind, he hoped this trip wouldn’t be too strenuous on his mind.
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