#— if ur cool with a random starter before deport plotting or in gen throw down an emoji in the replies and ill chuck that out!
yeonghan-bh · 10 months
skibbidy beep bop boo what is up its ya girl soggy unmicrowaved nuggets aka sun back here with a second muse that i swore up and down was not going to become a thing but say hello to no impulse control (hi that's me!)
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i am here to introduce my bad decision, cho yeonghan rivers !
fulfilling the canon role mock orange after lots of questions with our dear admin! i bring to you darker themes with rivers! explicit details weren't described in his app or background but you guys probably get the gist of dark, gorey and grimey. see below the cut and give this a liddol like, i will swim swam into dms and! this is a secondary blog so any asks/likes from rivers' account will come through yeonsu's!
trigger warnings: child abandonment
born to a couple that came from a community of the past monarch's supporters and people in the small unknown town of hwabok. they basically became a cult with the mentality they had hoping that the late monarch's line would one day return to rule.
the couple found comfort in each other because neither of them wanted to continue living in that environment. after they got married, it wasn't long before they became pregnant with their first child. however, the thought of raising their child in such a place started pushing them over the edge until it became obvious to everyone that their views did not align with the community!
basically, they were named as traitors and given the ultimatum of paying for their betrayal with their lives, or paying for their freedom with their firstborn. (think rumplestiltskin!)
the fear of dying was heavy and even more because the threat was very real to them and their unborn child. so they made the unspeakable decision of leaving their child behind to spare all their lives.
abandoned, the child was given the name 'yeong' as curse in meaning he had nothing and no one wanted him. however, the village elder who came to be responsible for him changed his name to yeonghan so that he would have a more respectable name he would be able to carry with pride one day.
yeonghan was the mark of shame for the community and it was made clear to him from a young age. he had no control of his life and lived to complete the dirty work and biddings for the community.
the name rivers came to after someone overheard his conversation with the elder taking care of him- telling him to take the path of least resistance like a river. the idea of yeonghan living only to bend to everyone's wills was quickly spread amongst the people and everyone soon called him rivers as another reminder of his cursed life.
however, the comparison given to him was that the path of least resistance would always lead him to finding a way and so yeonghan wore the name rivers with silent pride.
growing up, yeonghan was able to secretly develop his artistic skill thanks to the elder who took care of him. it was with their hidden support that he was able to create art and sell them in secret whenever any traveling merchants passed through town. this was how he earned enough money to finally escape the town following the death of the elder.
he's been in beonhwa for about four years now and has tried to live a quiet life. however, not long after his arrival to beonhwa, he was found by one of the townspeople who exposed his true identity as hwabok's dirty dog for those in support of the past monarch.
this made things difficult for rivers to truly start new, however, he was able to make do by continuing to sell art and using his skills to gain favor with certain nobility.
however, when rivers is in a pinch and needs quick cash, he has no issue turning to his past and taking on any dirty work from those looking to have things done in secrecy within beonhwa.
the biggest cynic and pessimist
but also the biggest romanticist?? it's the artist in him tbfr
lowkey mean af but it's just bec he doesn't give a fuck about people really
but he minds his own business so... if he does something to offend you, it's because you weren't minding your business! aka dont talk to him at all!
okay okay he isn't always taking shots at people but he isn't the brightest ray of sunshine out there but he does have the type of judgemental stare that will keep you up at night second-guessing yourself about if what you did was stupid or not
heavy chain-smoker and has recently switched over to herbal smokes now that he's out of the hellhole that town was
rivers' identity and origins aren't hidden. not after the way it was publically exposed following his arrival to beonhwa, and he's never done anything to shed or erase the past from his image. the community has mixed reactions about his presence in beonhwa and sometimes he's still referred to as hwabok's dirty dog. someone spits this to his face one day— maybe your muse defends him or maybe your muse agrees with them.
your muse is a collector of art and one day sees one of rivers most known pieces floating around. they want to commission something from him.
a fire has started in one of the fields in the outskirts and rivers happens to be nearby. after some investigation, a cigarette butt is found and seeing a chance- people immediately accuse rivers as the culprit. the cigarette butt they find in question however has traces of tobacco versus the rolled flower petals present in rivers pockets.
someone wants to hurt your muse and rivers was hired to carry out the deed?
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