aliasrocket · 1 year
How do you imagine having a first date with Rocket would go? Poor guy would probably be so nervous cause it would be his first real date ever.
OOO I’m usually not good at fluff but this would be a good warm up so why not?? Thanks for this request this is so cute <3
(Side note for those of you who read ‘last (friday) night’, you can take this as a sequel that happens like a year after multiple ‘accidental’ nights and they finally sort out their feelings.)
(This was supposed to be a drabble but it would appear I got carried away. I might post this to ao3 if I’m in the mood HAHAH RIP)
taglist : @caesarhamato22 @cosmic-lavender @shybabylovestmnt-blog (send me an ask if you wanna be on my taglist! Do specify what kind of content you’d like tonbe tagged for <33) or
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“Buy me dinner first, captain.”
It was supposed to be stupid joke. That’s the thing. Even Rocket laughed at the time. You laughed at the time.
So that perfectly explained why he’s grounded in dark blue lighting, the low light outside giving his room a taste of the windy evening while he adjusted the tie around his neck.
“Dinner,” he murmured, lips barely parting. “Yeah, right.”
He grabbed the knob to his door and it flew open and shut right after he slipped past it.
He was immediately greeted by the chilly Knowhere air, proving his effort of putting on a suit jacket useful. He typically didn’t like putting on a coat so early in the night, but judging from the people fading by the street, it was probably going to be a colder night.
Your door.
His feet stood planted on the ground, shoulder width apart after he’d slipped his hands into his pockets.
Hello, door.
Was that enough?
Of course not.
But talking to the door is a lot easier than knocking on it, Rocket found, with the way his hand shivered at the very thought of leaving its snug pocket.
His hand rose from its bed anyway, stopping right before the plastic surface in a fist.
Well, he was being dramatic. It was really more of a knock.
He knocked two more times, and his hand quickly retreats back into his now warm pocket.
One second, two then three when a cool air brushed past him and a light touched his fur.
“Oh! Look at you, all dolled up.”
You had your head tilted and your back arched as both your hands tended to an earring on your right ear. Rocket wandered further down, observing the shine on your exposed shoulders, the spaghetti strings holding your dress up and how it so generously cherished your curves in its hold.
Rocket licked his lips. Cold air can turn your lips dry, he reminded himself.
“What can I say? You’re a doll.” He shrugged. “Ready?”
He almost had the instinct of holding one hand down but that would mean taking the other out of his pocket. They were dampening his pants from the humidity on his palms.
“Yeah!” You beamed with a cherry-chapstick smile, a white glimmer gilding across your lip as you closed the door behind you. “Where are we going?”
Rocket chuffed to himself, a smile curling his lips. “I think I’d better show you than tell you.”
“C’mon, I know all the great restaurants around here. It won’t take long for me to guess.”
You both descended down the last flight of stairs before making contact with the ground—your apartment hadn’t been as high up as many of the other civilians in Knowhere.
“First of all, we’re not goin’ to any restaurant. Second of all, it so, definitely would take you a millennia to guess.”
“Mm, and why’s that?”
Rocket wasn’t sure if it had been on purpose, but he could have sworn he heard that line from a 50’s show on Terra. That’s what they would call it, anyway, and they were usually of really poor quality and the film would be black and white. When he looked up, your lip was still the light’s favorite, gracing it with a little white dot as if Rocket hadn’t already given it all the attention it deserved.
“Because I’m not taking you anywhere you’ve been before,” Rocket replied.
It didn’t take long before you both reached the desired destination.
“Why are we at a parking lot?”
“You wound me, princess,” Rocket lamented theatrically, holding his hands to his chest. He snickered at his own gesture after you laughed at it too. “Don’t you know I wouldn’t take you to just any parking lot?”
“What kind of parking lot is this then?” You held a hand to your hip, and Rocket stole a quick glance before quickly looking away. Needless to say, it highlighted your hips a lot more than he would have liked for his own well-being.
“You’ll see.”
You both walk a little further in to find a large ship, and it probably occupied the entire parking lot from its sheer size alone.
“Woah,” your lips hung parted as your head swung left and right to get the whole view of the vehicle. “Your ship?”
“The guardians’, but basically, yes,” Rocket’s brows furrowed with a smug grin. “It’s called the Bowie.”
“Bowie—as in David Bowie? The Terran singer?”
“Yeah.” Rocket nodded. “You know him?”
“I mean, duh. I lived on Terra, once upon a time,” you smiled.
Rocket smiled too.
You seemed to notice.
“Wanna check it out?”
“You’re asking me if I wanna check out a ship named the Bowie? We’re going!” You laughed and began to run, forcing Rocket to chase after you.
Rocket gave you a conservative tour of the ship, but you didn’t seem to mind when he managed to swiftly get you across to the cockpit of the ship where the real magic was.
“Is—is that takeout?”
“Yeap. Terran delights. You seem very in touch with your roots so I started there.”
You rush towards the brown bags, peering inside to see the blue holographic container given in most takeouts orders to keep food warm. Rocket walks over to the pilot seat and you open the container.
“Fuck, chicken, I’ve missed this,” you sighed, inhaling the delicious aroma now filling the air.
The handles in Rocket’s seat was now infected by his damp hands. He clenched his jaw, wiping his palms on his pants harshly before pulling up a holographic control panel.
“Rocket,” you said cautiously. “Rocket what are you doing—”
“Getting a better view for our table.”
And that, he did, when the entire parking lot floor began to oscillate and the walls unfolded rigidly to reveal a familiar lens that seemed to unscrew.
“What—wait that’s—”
“Do me a favor?”
“What—we’re going to space?”
“Yeah. Strap on, put the food on your lap and do not let go of the bag.”
“Rocket, are you sure about this?”
“It’s completely safe. And I’m a pilot, remember?” Rocket’s chair pivoted to face you.
You stared out at the windshield, back slouching as you said nothing. Your eyes had perfectly reflected the stars and the skies that strewn the canvas of space.
Though, Rocket wasn’t quite sure if it was a reflection of the stars or something your eyes already behold.
You look up at him.
“What’s wrong?”
You blinked, and your gaze was no longer on him. Your head was still tilted up but your eyes had wandered somewhere else.
“It’s … been a while. That’s all.”
“We don’t have to go,” Rocket said, softer than he would have thought, or liked. It made his voice … light. Something he didn’t consider himself to be.
“No!” You exclaimed, and then cleared your throat. “I-I mean, um, no, sorry—this is amazing. I want to go. I’m just … nervous. That’s all.”
“Don’t worry,” Rocket consoled, his voice becoming something of a velvet texture when it rolled past his tongue. “It’s nothing but gorgeous out there. You’ll fit right in.”
You covered your mouth.
Rocket grinned. It was stupid, sure, but he saw the way your cheeks rose and knew he didn’t have to worry.
And with that, you settled into the seat a few feet away from Rocket’s own, placing the brown bag on your lap and holding onto the rim.
You gave him a nod, and Rocket snickered as your head was sent back onto the head rest at take off, pressing before you found the strength to resist the pushing force.
Rocket was quick to settle the ship in space, the view partially including the ancestral head Knowhere was stowed away in. The rest of it had been space and everything else it’s always been; an endless, black vacuum lucky enough to end up with stars as freckles.
Except, this view had been different—somehow, there were some purple and blue hues bleeding into the black scene like paint being dipped in murky water.
“Holy shit.”
It was as quiet as a breath one would let out in an exhale, but somehow, Rocket heard it all the same.
“Holy shit is right,” he chimed in.
“Rocket … where is this …?”
“We’re near a planet and this one in particular gives off a plasma that’s highly reactive to its own natural hydrocarbons, so it takes the purple color of the planet’s surface and it drifts past the planet’s atmosphere and—”
You got off your seat and quickly set down the food on the floor between the two pilot seats.
“Oh! Sorry, continue—”
“No, you’re right, I should shut up,” Rocket agreed with a smile before getting off his seat and crossing his legs on the floor.
Rocket frowned as soon as you were occupied with the food. The thing is, he can’t really remember the last time he’s rambled like that to someone else. It wasn’t like he expected you to understand him and the only other person he’d ever rambled about science to is …
You set aside the brown bag, allowing Rocket a better view of you. You place down his own food container before opening yours again.
You took one of the pieces of chicken in your hand, your head lowered but your eyes on Rocket’s own.
“And it never drifts far because of the planet’s gravity, right?”
Rocket’s ear twitched and he perked up at your words. He felt the end of his tail jerk in every so often and he tried his best to keep it directly behind him.
“How’d you know?” He asked, grabbing a utensil and scooping up his own food.
“We go to school on Terra. Ever heard of it?” You joked.
“For some reason, I don’t buy it—not the school thing but the ‘they teach us in school’ thing,” Rocket said in a pitchy voice, stuffing his mouth with food and chewing.
( you weren’t surprised. If you were being completely honest, you wanted nothing less than to impress and knowing that Rocket was a pilot, you’d done all the research you could about space and took in anything that was comprehendible for you. School was nothing but a nightmare. It’s one of the reasons you left earth. But rocket didn’t need to know that. )
“Rocket, chew your food, c’mon,” you said with a smile.
You titter at his state, and rightfully so; he had taken a huge bite, and he was lucky you didn’t have a mirror on you or else his cybernetically engineered rib cage might combust.
“But for the record, it …”
Rocket exhaled through his nose.
The purples floating in space had somehow also gotten on your form and smudged itself on your cheek. You weren’t facing space, and it was at this moment that Rocket knew,
you had your own solar system, orbiting in your very eyes.
“It means a lot to me.”
You smiled.
Rocket wondered if the rose tint had always been in your cheeks or if it always emerged whenever you did something pretty.
Certain images of you began flooding his mind, images he’d seen before; the way you bite your lip, how it parted when he tugged your hair or did something to make you elicit those lovely sounds he relished hearing.
“The food is amazing,” you complimented right after swallowing your first bite. “Thank you, I really, really missed this.”
“It’s not my cooking, but no problem,” Rocket replied.
Both of you look out at the windshield, taking the view in once more and making sure it seeps into the little gaps of fur and skin.
“I know this date’s only just started but …”
Rocket turned back to you, another bite of food ready on his spoon.
“This might be the best day of my life.”
Rocket froze.
Soon enough, the spoon ended up in his mouth, withdrawing as soon as his teeth scraped the food off for him to chew.
“Well that’s a little depressing,” he smiled.
It turned into a hearty guffaw at your frown, your own mouth too stuffed with chicken for you to reply so soon.
“How is this day being the best of my life depressing?” You managed to make out right after swallowing your food.
“It’s a first date with take out fried food and we’ve barely just begun—”
“Well I’m sorry for finding your well-thought out date to be one of the best things I’ve ever experienced!”
Rocket paused for the second time that night.
“You mean that?”
Your eyebrows raised. “Of course, I mean that. I wouldn’t go out on a date with someone I didn’t like, I’ve spent way too much time on Terra doing that.”
“Well, then … what else is up on that list?”
Rocket’s eyes were practically tied to your body. He’d been looking at the stars for half the night, but each sentence you spoke somehow made you lean forward a little more and due to the nature of your dress, you sat with your legs glued together but folded by the side.
All of which gave Rocket a very distracting view.
He couldn’t just steal a glance like before, no—because your dress stopped right above your cleavage and with you leaning forward, it was an angle that was all too hard to simply steal.
“What else was on your list of ‘the best things you’ve experienced’?”
Rocket looked away, finally.
But it might have been too late.
You snorted.
“That’s real cliché, Rocket,” you remarked.
“Hey, I’m sorry! I’m only a man—a man who’s happened to have the luxury of having sex with you and now I think I kinda want more,” Rocket confessed frankly.
“Tell you what,” you began, setting your chicken bone down on your food container. “Thirty minutes,” you paused, gesturing towards the food. “Wait for this to settle. Then I’ll suck your dick on that chair.”
“Fuck,” Rocket exhaled. “You’re so goddamn hot when you do that.”
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thank you so much for reading!! <3
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