#―  ༄  Ⅻ.  ︳OOC. ―  speaking honestly and truthfully,a guide must be paid with leaving the dead behind.
vremyanoi · 4 years
do not reblog this.
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Some things that I learned about Rosa/Poca the Polar Bear Waifu (for me) from theReddit things and which I will change a bit based on my portrayal and my knowledge of Russian history since Ursus IS Russia in Arknights. I only read Reddit’s posts and I also added some of my personal thoughts. Everything is a combo of what I found and what I will put into my portrayal of the polar bear and heavy weight sniper. 
1. She was the student council president in 4th Boris High school. A funny thing: in Russia, student councils do not exist. However, if we’re judging what Arknights tries to show through nobility and such, the student council is more likely to be a government-type. A starting position in the government to make nobles go further in the chain. 
2. Rosa’s full name is Rostova Natalia Andreyevna. Not Natalia Rostov Andreyevich. She is a female and her name would be written differently. Her name Rosa/Poca is pronounced rosA with underlining the last ‘a’. The same goes for Зима/Zima, as it’s pronounced zimA. 
3. Unlike Zima’s group, Rosa is supposed to be 18 by the time she joins the fight with Rhodes Island. High school in Russia is 10th and 11th grade where student can be either 17-18 at the time of graduation. Taking into consideration the unknown period of time they spent in the school enclosed and forced to fight each other because of starvation, Rosa must be 18 when she’s in RI. Plus, when she joins the fight. It’s been a YEAR since she came with Ursus group, but she wasn’t taking part in missions before that point. 
4. SUI.CIDE MENTION WARNING !  Rosa’s token is a paper cutter. This is a direct correlation with her attempts at suicide before joining the fight at Rhodes Island. 
5. If you think about it, the biggest reason why Rosa probably didn’t join the fight earlier is because of how deeply traumatized she was when she joined Rhodes Island with the group (since it’s said they joined TOGETHER). I’d assume that she was carefully watched by the Rhodes Island crew due to her suicidal state and only when she got better and proved that she will not do anything rash, she was allowed to pick up a weapon and also join the fight. 
6. Rosa’s survivor’s guilt and guilt towards Zima’s group is IMMENSE. It’s turned into self-hatred as she looks back at what she did (as a perpetrator in stealing the food from ‘commoners’ as a ‘nobility’s leader’). She was spared by Zima and Rosa remembers it vividly and every single time she looks at Gummy, Istina, and Zima - she feels intense guilt and a wish to protect them now that she knows she did wrong (even if it was for survival). 
7. Rosa’s different hair color locks are probably a way to signify her respect (?) to Zima and Istina: Red and Blue. Or they can be just a thing signifying the blood and the winter, who knows. I don’t know what that can mean. Maybe it’s her heterochromia eye colors as well. 
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8.  Another thing, the hat that Rosa wears is similar to hats that police officers wear in Russia. Fluffy with a “signature” / emblem of the district.  
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9. She found her weapon while strolling around Chernobog, judging by the information given. I don’t know how accurate it is, but for now, it stays that way. As a noble lady, it’s a really weird weapon choice, but it’s a proof of her abandoning her nobility status in Rhodes Island once the ‘survival’s game’ happened. 
10. She’s very polite and educated. Her education stands above ‘commoners’ since she was a noble. The air of maturity beyond her years are a sign of that. 
11. Some of the things written on her clothes prove she’s a Polar Bear: 
Полярные - Northern - Polar. 
U. Martimus / Ursus - might have correlation with Marxism or smth like that. Idk, I need to revisit some studying about 20th century Russia because Ursur seems to be that state of affairs. 
Chordata is a classifcation of animals who have tails (thanks Kae!).  Mammalia - probably Mammals.  Carnivora - Carnivorous - eating meat.  Ursidae - probably Ursur / Bear meaning. 
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So, yes, I’m playing Rosa on this blog as well and once there will be more information, I’ll be updating my knowledge and my portrayal on her. 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
mephistone replied to your post: Ok, but do you think that as a student council...
yes. trust patriot to leave everyone to someone who’s obviously unhinged. winkwonk. ‘sides, mephisto actually did listen. he tortured his own men but left the ursus on their own. they just can’t leave. /WATCHES THEM EAGERLY BEFORE LEAVING TO TRY TO KILL DOC AND CO.
not sayin’ he’s innocent of his crimes there. BUT hey, they were safe from the catastrophe outside. and he didn’t instigate or help them. just watched.
rosa/poca: patriot had rights.  me: ........ rosa.......... don’t you just want someone to kill you to make you atone for your sins? 
        sorry , didn’t mean to sound it like that! I should’ve worded it better + read some more of translations on reddit. I’d say in Rosa’s eyes, she would continue to blame Mephisto because they were fine before. With everything that passed, it’s natural for her to be angry or not think it was also Patriot’s fault because ‘he trusted mephisto, so it meant it was supposed to be different’ which is something that I’m sitting here like ‘you put too much thought into it.’  ofc no one is free of their sins, but you’re right - Patriot put Mephisto to overlook over the student. Yeah, he didn’t torture them and tortured his own men, but I’d say the fact that he didn’t allow them to leave was just... bad. With everything that happened. 
         I’m sure if Rosa will spend more time thinking about it after being allowed to leave HR and watching the world, she’ll come to a better understanding of what could’ve happened and the fact that they were still ‘safe’ in a sense despite having the Hell being inside the school where they were. Maybe the longer she’s on missions and the longer she’s interacting with others, and the more thought she might put into it, it might just come to the end where she’ll change her mind on Patriot and just everything because, still, she’s ignorant of what could’ve happened and what did happen. Wow, my brain just died inside and I’m so sorry, English doesn’t work with me today. Wish I could explain stuff better. 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
mostima is honestly the hottest and most beautiful of them all. time stopping is also a big ass plus, but that mystery? rarely people can rival it. 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
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Do you think Reunion ever met Mostima? Because damn. That’d be fun. 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
homeport replied to your post: take poca with you to beat mephisto take poca with...
She’ll have to get past Faust first.
Poca vc: He’s the next heaviest target. It’s ok. This time, I’ll protect them. 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
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Mostima is so ridiculously broken lore wise and I’m just sitting here ‘Mostima, what the fuck.’  Also Pramanix? Speaking to a goddess? Holy shit??? 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
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Ok, so I found this theory and I’m going !!! over it. I’m so glad I’m looking over everything before actively writing things, but gods, Mostima’s past is so mysterious. Maybe I should leave it as mysterious and even use some tricks to keep it like that. Ohhh, the creativity juices are flowing today as to how make Mostima remain the mystery she is. 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
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Being Exusiai is suffering, because Mostima speicfically distances herself and wants to keep the red-haired safe. She gotta go every single time. :)
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vremyanoi · 4 years
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Have you ever noticed... how Mostima’s aura and sometimes her behavior... like she’s so much older??? And it’s probably connected to her time manipulation powers as well??? Like. hM. Even her age is at question with that in a sense. I’m just thinking about it and how the concept of time is not the same for her as for other people. 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
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vremyanoi · 4 years
mephistone replied to your post: mephistone replied to your post: ...
nah. i mean /present/ time. in the current arc. in the past, it’s cool.
OHHHH. gotcha!!! now it makes more sense. Thanks for explaining!
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vremyanoi · 4 years
mephistone replied to your post: Do you think Reunion ever met Mostima? Because...
although CoB takes place at least months AFTER the current story, so as long as exusiai and the rest of the penguin logistics aren’t there… it could happen?
You forget that Mostima has been traveling around the world for at least 3-4 years. So she could’ve met them during that time. So who knows? :thinking: 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
mephistone replied to your post: Do you think Reunion ever met Mostima? Because...
what if motisma met reunion before talulah became possessed and everyone was actually good and well for a while. they could have shared a meal, maybe promising to meet one another again on good terms… then flashforward to now.
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I like this idea a lot and please come at me. 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
mephistone replied to your post: mephistone one thing though. patriot’s dead and...
btw sorry if it seems like i’m asking a lot of things. i’m genuinely curious.
I LOVE QUESTIONS. LISTEN, THEY HELP ME SO MUCH !!! it makes my brain work, so, please, don’t apologize!! I love these questions :eyes:
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vremyanoi · 4 years
one thing though. patriot's dead and faust is dead, BUT mephisto has a chance of joining rhodes island now after ch 7. how's rosa gonna feel about THAT.
oh. and how about the realization that mephisto was long gone after she'd finally gotten out?
and that they could have left at any time.
1) Mephisto joining RI is... Let’s just say, Rosa/Poca will be extremely protective of Zima and others. Even if they don’t need it / want it. She would be hurt at first that RI allowed him in, but then again? It’s war. It’s a battlefield. RI needs as much power as they can gather and that’s why even Ursus students who are PTSD-ed to no end also fight. That’s why they all fight. Rosa knows she fucked up that time, big time, and she will never trust Mephisto. If Doctor tells her that Mephisto cannot be killed, she won’t raise her hand against him but his presence alone will make her feel like she’s walking on needles, always expecting him to do some shit. She will never be able to forgive him, but she cannot go against Rhodes Island, Amiya and Doctor who truly saved them all. Only for Rhodes Island will Rosa not throw her hand at Mephisto or won’t allow Zima to do thesame. Because they’re better than that and they need to move forward (even if it’s hypocritical from Rosa’s side since she blames herself every day and can’t forgive herself and probably still wants someone like Zima or Istina or Doctor or Amiya to judge her at the end and take her life smh, before she’ll arrive to the point where she’ll learn more truth and understand more things). 
2) The thing with Rosa, she knows she’s guilty as well. She’s not just a victim. She is one of them in a sense, but not as much as “commoners” were. She knows she can’t completely blame Mephisto for everything because she was one of the perpetrators and that’s why she can’t fully say it’s ALL his fault. Rosa’s self-hatred and guilt are born from the understanding that she did the shittiest things but still survived. When Zima could’ve killed her as well since she was just the same noble scum, if not worse: she was the leader of student council. The realization that they could’ve left at any time would certainly lead her to double in guilt because ‘how could I have not seen that? I had the authority, the knowledge, I should’ve been smarter.’ But then again, I assume that by the time Mephisto was gone, it was already too late for them to ... even think about getting out? The thought of getting out was erased by the plain need to survive, turning them into semi-monsters, drowning in their despair and need to live. 
There are so many things that I still need to learn about Rosa and her behavior as well since she is on this thin line of wanting Mephisto dead but also not being able to see herself as a person who is allowed to punch or kill him because she thinks Zima has more reasons to do that. If anyone deserves to lay a big ass punch, it’s Zima and Rosa understands it because she also deserves to give up her life to Zima for not killing her during the Survivors event. 
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vremyanoi · 4 years
and now I saw Zima’s reply from @homeport and I’m crying over Ursus students all over again ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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