#‘ viel spass ‘ - dash games.
mcmorare · 2 months
get to know me better.
alias / name: quinn
birthday: january 31
zodiac: aquarius
height: 5'4 (and a half)
hobbies: writing, digital art, making my own jewelry, doing research for my ocs, reading
favorite colors: deep dark indigo and soft buttery yellow
favorite books: oh GOD it's hard to decide. the book thief, a gentleman in moscow, fight club (i love anything by chuck palahniuk tbh), thg, and more that i am forgetting off the top of my head
last song: when i come around by green day
last movie: why can i genuinely not remember right now. i think it might have been x
last show: i literally just finished watching the mls all star skills challenge if that counts (but if that does not count then community)
recent read: i have not been as good about reading books over the summer as i have been meaning to but if it counts i read the news every morning
fun fact: i own an accordion
tagged by : @entriprises <3 tagging : @downspirals , @diemauer , @deathprcud , @nidscure , & anyone else who wants to!!!
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mcmorare · 6 months
when do you get your soft, italicized "oh?"
the kiss you typically wait until the last second to believe the truth--because it would destroy you to believe it, and then find out it was a lie. you are someone who has never wanted to want, but has rarely been able to do anything else. the idea that you might have to break down your walls for the sake of someone else, someone who could easily decide they don't like what is on the other side, is harrowing. why let people get close enough to be rejected? you are enough for yourself. and you will tell yourself that every time you catch yourself staring at their mouth, smirking at their joke, finding a reason to flick their shoulder. until the kiss. that's when the flood of want, want, want bowls over you and you realize that you are torn between two ways of living. Oh, you think. because despite how complicated you have made it, the moment you kiss, somehow, things seem incredibly simple. they won't be once you start thinking again, but for now, for this moment, you live in the quiet peace of revelation. Oh.
tagged by @arachnidiots <3 / tagging: @sacrificus (blight!) @tracksdown @70th @lvebug
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mcmorare · 15 days
Comfort food(s): number one is definitely my grandma's mocha cheesecake. other than that probably pasta or tofu or rice tbh. or popcorn Comfort drink(s): lemonande? idk most days i just drink water! but i do always love a passionfruit black tea with boba Comfort movie(s): amelie, scott pilgrim vs the world, but i'm a cheerleader, itsv Comfort show(s): everything's gonna be okay is my Ultimate comfort show, community, wynonna earp, btvs, you could probably throw aos in there too Comfort clothing: if i'm going out, tshirt or funky button up and jeans. if i'm at home, a tshirt or hoodie and shorts or sweats Comfort song(s): depends on what i'm feeling but in general this is the song (good luck) by the punch brothers, cherry by rina sawayama, pretty much anything by frank sinatra Comfort book(s): thg, pretty much any marvel comic that has quicksilver in it,,, idk i am now realizing i don't have that many books that are specifically Comfort Books Comfort game(s): uhhh minecraft, night in the woods, unravel, slime rancher
tagged by: stole it from @entriprises tagging: @lvebug @deathprcud @nidscure & anyone and everyone. steal it from me right now yes you
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mcmorare · 20 days
how do you best like to be loved?
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stay with me while the storm is strong we all need someone sometimes, and you often don't feel like you are worth someone remaining. you are, though. i know that you crave for someone to be there and rest their hand against your back during the bad times. for a loving voice to lull you to sleep with a cadence of compassion and a desire to remain. you just want someone to remain. through and past the bad parts when you know it is difficult. you want to fall asleep to their voice and wake up to them still there in the morning. you want them to know the way that you take your tea and keep a box of your favorite flavor in their pantry in case you have a bad night and need to come over. you want to trust someone enough to give them a key to your house. and you deserve it, love. you deserve for someone to linger. you deserve to place your trust in another and know that they'll help you brush your hair if you're just too tired. you deserve for someone to remain.
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mcmorare · 4 months
tagged by: @lvebug <3 tagging: @70th @deathprcud (blight or kasha?) @arachnidiots (liam!) @frfld & anyone else who wants to!! do it say i tagged you
compassion : 6.5 / 10 katrina does have compassion for others, it's just that other emotions or experiences can sometimes override that compassion. the most extreme example would be things like her having no compassion for the agents who experimented on her, but in moments of fear or anger she can also be prompted to act in ways that contradict the compassionate voice in her head (often for the sake of self-defense, whether that's from an actual threat or a percieved/hypothetical one). she's compassionate, it's just not her main motivator.
bitterness : 7.5 / 10 katrina is a very bitter person in taste and mindset. it's not something she loves about herself, but it's an attitude she's built up to attempt to cope with things (similar to the "if you expect disappointment you can't be disappointed" type mindset). as much as she might sometimes wish she wasn't so bitter, she fully understands why she is and is wary of stepping out of that comfortable zone and putting herself more out there in the emotional sense.
anger: 9 / 10 if it wasn't already abundantly clear, katrina is a person with lots of expressed and underlying anger. she's lived with a deep frustration since early childhood, and it's been a fire that has kept her going for a large portion of her life. her rage is a tool, a life force, a motivator, a weapon. she doesn't know how to exist without it. and her anger isn't always separate from her love, it can very much be an aspect of it - her frustration started as a wish for a better and more fair world (or, at least her town). that anger is still there. anger against suffering, anger on behalf of her own pain and the pain of those she loves. (i have so much to say about katrina and anger i am going to stop myself now)
happiness : 5 / 10 katrina isn't an unhappy person, and she does have lots of happy moments (especially in her adulthood), but she's also a person with a lot of psychological and physical pain, and a mental state that would be considered unstable.
politeness : 6 / 10 katrina is quick to frustration, but she was raised to be polite. up until the point that she loses her manners, she has good manners.
chivalry : 6 / 10 similar to the above. unless she's angry or frustrated (or around someone she doesn't particularly like) she's usually more or less chivalrous. she's a gentleman when she wants to be
pride : 5 / 10 pride is a tricky subject with her. she was raised not to be prideful, but tries to project a certain amount of pride as a defense mechanism, but truly does not have very good self esteem, but does still have self confidence. she has pride in her abilities and she's not about to let someone else shit talk her, but that pride doesn't really run deep. it's more of a shield than anything.
honesty : 5 / 10 katrina isn't necessarily a dishonest person, but she does lie (especially considering in her main verse that is a large part of her job). she usually lies to get out of talking about herself, her past, her feelings, letting people get too close. she's not the type to just make up grandiose stories for no reason, but she doesn't have much of a problem lying if she thinks she needs to.
bravery : 6.5 / 10 katrina would tell you she isn't that brave. she has done things that could be considered "brave" in her life, she's taken risks, jumped into the unknown - but all of those things were done out of a want to survive. when it comes down to it, in a serious situation her larger motivator usually isn't bravery, but fear of harm coming to herself or those she loves. (this could also be framed as her being willing to do whatever it takes for her loved ones, but she tends to see it through a lens more akin to weakness.) when it comes to smaller things however, she's more than willing to jump in, to take the first shot if someone else is nervous. she's not afraid of a fight.
recklessness : 7 / 10 katrina's sense of caution creates a sort of paradox that allows her to sometimes do reckless things. when it comes to emotional vulnerability, she's absolutely not reckless, in fact she could stand to be much more reckless in that arena. but when it comes to actual physical survival, her instincts sometimes drive her to do reckless things, such as running away from home. she'd rather take her chances in the unknown than face something that's sure to be awful. it's also no secret that she's got no problem being reckless in day-to-day life, considering how much she enjoys throwing herself into fights.
ambition : 4 / 10 katrina does chase down her ambition with all she's got, but she only really has one ambition in life. survival. that's it. she doesn't really have any big aspirations or goals beyond that. she never thought she would get to dream of anything beyond that. 
loyalty : 9 / 10 i knocked off a point only because it is so hard to actually reach the point of her being truly close with another person and genuinely trusting them due to past experiences of betrayal, but once she is close with you she is the most loyal person you'll know. the people she truly loves she would do genuinely anything for and she will defend them with everything that she has until her dying breath if she has to
love : 9 / 10 same problem as above, it's ridiculously difficult to actually get katrina to let her walls down enough to truly trust and love people, but once she does it's with her whole heart, with everything that she has. it is a fire, like her rage, burning bright and warm as the biggest sun radiating from her chest. only this time there is no urge to destruct. just love.
sense of family : 6 / 10 katrina never really felt very at home in her own family growing up, but she does grow to have a very strong found family who she very much loves. family is a bit of a tricky concept for her, but she's starting to get the hang of it.
attractiveness : 9 / 10 listen she's pretty. all women are gorgeous. no other notes
agility : 8.5 / 10 she doesn't have superpowers, but she's a trained agent, and she's been very active since she was a kid. playing soccer and running around in the uneven ground of the woods helped her get to be quick on her feet.
sex drive : 6 / 10 this is hard to answer because for her it fluctuates. i haven't written any nsfw here but sexuality is a topic i have thought of a lot with katrina particularly because she has a very complex relationship with it, and that relationship varies from verse to verse. but the bottom line tends to be, she's incredibly repressed (and honestly kind of insecure) and it takes a lot of trust for her to give up autonomy/control. generally, she has an somewhat lower than average sex drive, but if she is in a relationship where she's able to have trust and get herself to have a healthier relationship with sex, her sex drive does increase.
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mcmorare · 8 months
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mun vs muse!
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mcmorare · 1 year
spell out your url using song titles. then, tag as many people as there are letters in your url:
Malleus Maleficarum by AFI Cold Cold Cold by Cage the Elephant Minority by Green Day One Step Closer by Linkin Park Rise Like a Phoenix by Conchita Wurst Alien She by Bikini Kill Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer Exit Music (For a Film) by Radiohead
tagged by: @famegod <3
tagging: @starcchild @masteredlegacy @accenonyx @razorfst @wnterslder @aapothic @z00miez @therelentless
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mcmorare · 6 months
spice : cinnamon, ginger.
weather event / natural disaster: forest fire.
color : deep dark forest green.
magical power : memory manipulation (obviously).
shoe : doc martens.
plant :  trees.
animal :  feral dog, black cat.
weapon : karambit.
subject / major : none. she hates school
gemstone / mineral : heliotrope.
makeup product : eyeliner pencil and nothing else, done without too much care.
candy : dark chocolate.
fear : vulnerability.
sport ﹙ traditional or extreme ) : football (soccer).
method of long–distance travel : train.
hour: midnight.
wood: yew.
mythological creature : phoenix, nix.
three emojis : 🪴🔪🩸
moon phase : new moon.
tagged by: stole it / tagging: steal it from me say i tagged you
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mcmorare · 6 months
katrina, what ghost haunts you?
the ghost of your bloodline you were doomed from the start, weren’t you? born to bend yourself to the will of a bloodline that sneers at every effort you take towards betterment. you are stained by the hand of your father, your mother, perhaps a family member that looms over your weary shoulders. the first grave is the childhood home, after all. you can escape all you wish. your body can leave the home, the state, the country, but you will always be haunted by what raised you. when chelsea dingman wrote, “i have been trying to go home my entire life.” when graham greene wrote, “from childhood i had never believed in permanence, and yet i had longed for it.” when oscar wilde wrote, “a burnt child loves the fire.”
tagged by: @phoeanix / tagging: anyone who wants to!! i cannot remember who hasn't done this yet
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mcmorare · 7 months
emotional body language.  ˎˊ˗ bold: always applies. italic: sometimes applies.
i. DEFENSIVENESS. arms crossed on chest, crossing legs, fist-like gestures, pointing index finger, karate chops, stiffening of shoulders, tense posture, curling of lip, baring of teeth.
ii. REFLECTIVE. hand to face gestures, head tilted, stroking chin, peering over glasses, taking glasses off — cleaning, putting earpiece of glasses in mouth, pipe smoker gestures, putting hand to the bridge of nose, pursed lips, knitted brows.
iii. SUSPICION. arms crossed, sideways glance, touching or rubbing nose, rubbing eyes, hands resting on weapon, brows rising, lips pressing into a thin line, strict unwavering eye contact, wrinkling of nose.
iv. OPENNESS & COOPERATION. open hands, upper body in sprinters position, sitting on the edge of a chair, hand to face gestures, unbuttoned coat, tilted head, slacked shoulders, droopy posture, feet pointed outward.
v. CONFIDENCE. hands behind back, hands on lapels of coat, steepled hands, baring teeth in a grin, rolling shoulders, tipping head back but maintaining eye contact, chest puffed up, shoulders back, finger guns.
vi. INSECURITY & ANXIETY. chewing pen or pencil, rubbing thumb over opposite thumb, biting fingernails, hands in pockets, elbow bent, closed gestures, clearing throat, “ whew ” sound, picking or pinching flesh, fidgeting in chair, hand covering mouth whilst speaking, poor eye contact, tugging at pants whilst seated, jingling money in pockets, tugging at ear, perspiring hands, playing with hair, swaying, playing with pointer or marker, smacking lips, sighing, rocking on balls of feet, flexing fingers sporadically.
vii. FRUSTRATION. short breaths, “ tsk ” sounds, tightly clenched hands, fist-like gestures, pointing index finger, running hand through hair, rubbing back of neck, snarling, revealing teeth, grimacing, sharp-eyed glowers with notable tension in brows, shoulders back, head up - defensive posturing, clenching of jaw, grinding of teeth, nostrils flaring, heavy exhales.
tagged by @arachnidiots mwah <3 / tagging @tracksdown @70th @dumbthink @lvebug !
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mcmorare · 7 months
favorite color(s): deep indigo and soft butter yellow
favorite flavor(s): sweet i have the most awful sweet tooth known to man
favorite music: OHH so many... afi, rina sawayama, pinkshift, pup, samia, frank sinatra, maneskin, punch brothers, i like lots of music
favorite movie(s): amelie, sympathy for lady vengeance, fight club, but i'm a cheerleader, many more that i am not remembering off the top of my head
favorite series: succession, pose, community, everything's gonna be okay, midnight mass, reservation dogs, sharp objects, again there are so many i am bad at picking favorites
last song: rot by pup
last series: loudermilk
last movie: rewatched sympathy for lady vengeance the other day :)
currently reading: siren queen by nghi vo!
currently watching: la casa de papel, loudermilk, true detective
currently working on: Trying to write replies and also flesh out my thg oc more
tagged by: stole it
tagging: anyone who wants to! steal it from me!
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mcmorare · 8 months
what emotion are you?
disgust. Your disgust is like a rot, a vile and toxic waste that festers and spreads, poisoning everything it touches. It is a feeling that leaves a bad taste in your mouth, a feeling that makes you cringe at the mere thought of it. It is like a disease that spreads, infecting everything in its path. Why do you feel repulsed at the sight of yourself? Is the weight of the world so much that you must push it away? I can see you swallow down your words- the scowl on your face is enough to know why.
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mcmorare · 8 months
where do you hold your love?
in your teeth love has uneven edges but it is something you sink your teeth into. with love you give all of yourself over and feel everything as it happens- good and bad. for you love can be a fight, whether it's hard won or hard lost (or hard to hold on to), love has a way of leaving its impression in your skin. it's not that it hurts, it's just that it knows your tender spots and seems to hit those first.
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mcmorare · 9 months
what does love feel like to you?
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a knife you know you can't have them. maybe they don't want you. maybe you don't want to ruin what you have. maybe you've tried and it was ruined anyway. but it hurts anyways, doesn't it? it feels like a knife twisting itself deeper and deeper into your chest. you can't get a good enough grip on the hilt to pull it out. and maybe you don't want to.
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mcmorare · 10 months
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holding hands (in public) · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach in the forest · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photobooth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favourite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("i love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · grant them the last bite (from meal)
tagged by : @arachnidiots!!
tagging: @parker66 & @mazur5 & @dumbthink & anyone else who wants to!!
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mcmorare · 10 months
how are you color coded?
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black coded black, a study in secrets, the soul, and a love of the unknown. you love to tell people that you're dark - something along the lines of 'i like it as dark as my soul'? or maybe you're the sort of person to believe that the only thing you can trust is the darkness, and the things that lurk within it. maybe you're the sort of person who thinks that the light obscures more than it reveals, casting more into shadow than it illuminates, trusting only the shade as a friend. you don't think anyone understands you, and maybe to an extent no one knows the depths of your soul the way that you do. but that doesn't mean you should shut the entire world out. some people love the dark just as much as you, and that vantablack inside your soul isn't frightening to them. reach out.
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