#‘AH NANAMI glad you’re here! i was gonna try to boil eggs but you’ve got it from here right!! remember i don’t really like cilantro’
miekasa · 2 years
nanami the cook! gojo the intrusive third wheel! not if nanami can help it)
Wait this is so funny. Just you, Nanami…. and this man with the radioactive eyes between you LMFAOOOOO. Gojo texts you and asks if you wanna grab dinner, you tell him Nanami is already cooking and his only response is “ooooo daddy’s in the kitchen 😩😩😝😝🥵🥵🥵🥵 save me a plate i’ll be there,” and you have approximately 17 minutes until he’s crashing through your doors, fork in hand and ready to go. Nanami drops off lunch for you and work and Gojo offers you $30 to split it with him. You’re on a picnic date and Gojo is conveniently biking in the park, nearly crashes into the tree when he swerves to see you guys, and Nanami is contemplating murder when you invite him to sit down and offer him a finger sandwich. You two wanna try this new restaurant, but the only way to get a reservation this weekend is for a party of 3, so you already know who’s tagging along.
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