machudson · 4 years
one of the 500 things I wish rosencanny ended with instead of leaving everything as loose ends? the champions showing up . because for one youvegot several dozen mutants who just appeared out of thin air after being gone for multiple months and they need some sort of aid and scotts on good terms w the champs so of Course he goes to them. two soorayas on champs and Friends Reunion. and Three, fabio and miles were roommates !!!!! like IMAGINE your roommate one day leaves in the middle of class or something to go fight some maximum stakes all hands on deck battle and he just doesn’t show back up and everyone thinks hes dead and then he’s BACK!!!!!!!
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67impalaandwhisky · 3 years
Get Some Rest
Daryl Dixon x Wife
Rating: 18+
Chapter 5.
Warnings (Ongoing and Will Be Updated): Blood, Death, Walker Bites, Smut, Impreg Kink, Pregnancy Sex, Fluff, Angst
Warnings For This Chapter: None Really
A/N: So I am watching TWD for the first time, I started writing this series when I was only on Season 2 and now that I'm on Season 7... We needa talk lmfao. I'm going to keep this series based before Negan in Alexandria before Glenn and Abraham... you know. Hershel is also gonna be alive cause that's grandpa and we love him. So keep that in mind while you read! Enjoy!
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The sun is only starting to go down when Daryl wakes up.
He pulls himself away from you slowly, kissing your temple.
If last night didn't finally pull some perspective out of him, getting home to you this morning to see how completely worried you were did.
He doesn't waste a second getting up, Hershel's orders echo through his brain like a ringing bell.
He grabs you a bottle of water, then two just in case before starting on some food.
You've actually been revolutionary when it comes to food for this town. You're so smart and so resourceful all from reading books and knowing little tidbits from before the apocalypse.
You taught people how to make pasta from scratch, taught people how to make edible wheat, you've even gone so far as to make equipment from scratch for food purposes.
Daryl knows the underlying reason if he's being honest.
You won't be asked to go out on runs and to go patrol if you're helping manage the food sources and helping bring old favorites back to the town's inhabitants.
He can respect it. It's smart.
You're smart.
Daryl cracks a few eggs into a bowl, peeking down the hallway every so often to make sure you haven't woken up.
Your husband has picked up on a few things since you've shown your skills and he's simply run away with the cooking in this house.
You do so much for all the townspeople, he's willing to do whatever it takes to make you just a little bit less stressed.
He's the survivalist of the family and you're the brains -- can't ask for much more.
"If you put the spring onions in the eggs it'll add a tasty bite to them, supplements the pepper and salt," you call to your husband.
Daryl jumps at the sound of your voice, nearly knocking the bowl over. "Jesus Christ! Don't ya know better than to sneak up on a man? Fuck!" he curses, putting his hand over his heart.
Your giggle is short and light, making up for the scaring incident just moments ago instantaneously.
"Go back to bed, you ain't walkin' around today," your husband instructs, grabbing the spring onions like you suggested.
"I'll go back to bed later, I need to go check how the rice is growing." you reply, sliding on your shirt.
Daryl shakes his head immediately, walking over to the front door and blocking your exit. "Go back to bed, baby. I ain't sayin' it again. You gotta rest. Doctor's orders."
Your frown is so deep, you wouldn't be surprised if your face gets frozen that way.
"But nothin'. Get your sweet ass back to bed. Just listen for once, please," Dixon begs, folding his arms.
With a whiny sigh, you trudge back to your bedroom.
"Stubborn pretty thing," your husband hisses, walking back to the kitchen.
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There's been many days lately where you just get to be laid up in bed. You've never seen the inside of your house as much as this month.
You find it difficult to just sit around when so much needs to get done in the way of food around here. Even Daryl finds it difficult to stay in one place but you relate that to him always being on the move since he was very young.
"You're jittery," your husband notes, sitting up.
"I'm just so used to doing stuff," you breathe.
You're so full from the good food Daryl made that you don't think you'd be able to move even if you wanted to.
"Your feet are so swollen, I don't think you're goin' anywhere for a while," the redneck comments, moving down the bed.
Just the notion of being stuck inside has you raring to leave.
"That sounds terrible," you chirp.
Daryl lifts your foot onto his lap with a lopsided smirk. "Hand me the lotion," he insists, combing his hair back with his fingers.
"Ah yes, the good ol' expired lotion." you tease, tossing him the bottle from the bedside table.
"It works, don't see you gripin' about it when I'm rubbin' your back," he quips.
Sticking your tongue out, he chuckles freely.
His thumbs work quickly once the lotion is on your skin, he applies pressure in all the right spots, dragging the pads of his fingers over your sore, swollen muscles.
"Oh God, you're sure you weren't a masseuse before the world ended?" you beam, resting back against the headboard comfortably.
"Ya got me," your husband teases, kissing over your bare calf.
"I gotta read this book on beans and how they grow," you announce, grabbing the hard covered book.
Daryl laughs at the notion, nodding at the thick book. "Go on, I'm gonna tell the baby another story."
As you flip open the front cover, you watch your husband's eyes glaze over like he's remembering thousands and thousands of memories all at once.
"Where'd I stop, kiddo?" Daryl murmurs, furrowing his eyebrows.
"You stopped at the time you broke Rick's nose," you remind him, flipping through the first pages.
Your husband hums in agreement. "Your mama has saved my life so many times over, not just from those damn walkers but from people too… We had a nasty recurring character in our lives, called himself the Governor."
You scoff at the name, grabbing your water bottle and shaking your head at the memory.
"There was a real bad illness flying around the prison back in the day. Your mama thinks it was swine flu. I think it's another joke God wanted to tell."
Daryl continues to drift his fingers along your feet and ankle, remembering the old days.
"The Governor gave us a lot of trouble. We just had the flu victims finally getting better and the mad motherfucker rolled up with a tank…"
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"What do you mean Carol is just gone?" you hiss to your boyfriend pulling him into an open cell.
"She burned two people… Rick said she had to go." Daryl murmurs, sitting on the bunk mattress and hanging his head.
"She was just trying to protect us! Is he crazy?! How's she gonna survive out there on her own?!" you gasp, covering your face with your hands.
You can understand where Rick is coming from but you can understand Carol's mentality.
If burning those two people meant that it could have stopped the sickness, you would have done it in a heartbeat.
"She has supplies, weapons, food…" the redneck whispers.
"Oh stop it! That doesn't mean shit and you know it! The only reason that she didn't come back with Rick is because that sickness spread. If it would have stopped at just those two, she would have been seen as a fucking hero. Such bullshit," you curse, folding your arms and taking a seat beside Daryl.
He hums in agreement. He has a special relationship with Carol, everyone knows this, they've become soulmate friends so fast after Sophia.
"Did you punch Rick again?" you inquire, leaning back against the wall.
"No… I don't even know how to process all of this… It's all ju-"
There's a large boom that echoes throughout the air and both of your heads slowly turn to one another with wide eyes.
"What the fuck?!" Daryl shouts, rushing out the cellblock with you in tow.
He grabs your hand, interlacing your fingers. "Don't you dare leave my side, you understand me? I ain't losin' you again. Stay with me."
You nod immediately, bursting out into the courtyard with him.
"Rick! Get down here!" the Governor yells, standing atop a military grade tank.
"Oh, he's so fucking insane," Tyreese murmurs.
Your boyfriend pulls you with him, handing out sniper rifles to everyone as quietly as possible.
You're unsure what continues to draw people to this psychotic one eyed man who is always the leader of a band of misfits and deranged sociopaths… maybe it's the drawl of his accent that lulls people into a false sense of security.
Your heartbeat is racing inside of your ears, like your body is getting ready for a fight it instinctively knows is about to happen. You can't hear anything from the outside world, only responding to small squeezes from Daryl's hand before he lets it go.
You, Daryl and Carl post up against the chain link fence, keeping the mouths of your guns faced towards the commotion.
"Jesus Christ," your boyfriend murmurs when Michonne and Hershel are pulled from the back of their truck.
You can hear the violent sobs of Maggie and Beth muffled, like they're screaming underwater to the vast ocean.
You can only think to yourself how completely tits up this is going to go.
"I can shoot him, I can end it right now," Carl insists.
"Or you'll start somethin' else." Daryl hisses, looking over at the boy with a stern gaze.
"Should have let him take that shot," you interrupt, studying the growing phases of the beans.
Your husband grabs your other foot, sighing softly. "I should have, yeah."
When The Governor grabs Michonne's katana… your heart thuds deep within your chest and your fighting sobs that threaten to slip past your lips.
There's only one way this is going to end… you can feel it.
"Get to the bus," you cry gently.
"No. We stand together. We all have jobs to do," Beth whimpers, trying to steel her resolve.
Rick begins a passionate plea, a speech that for all intents and purposes would put gusto and faith into many.
"This isn't gonna work, he's fucking craz-" your voice suddenly stops when The Governor chops at Hershel's neck.
The scream is so loud and you find yourself even yelping at the sight.
"NO!" Maggie bellows.
You fire the first shots at the survivors outside of the gates, if Daryl has taught you one thing -- survival of the fittest is the only thing that matters right now.
There's gunshots and screaming, blood just flying up into the air like fireworks on the Fourth of July.
You lose sight of Michonne and Hershel in an instant, even Rick is nowhere to be seen.
"Baby!" Daryl's scream is drowned out by missiles flying into the prison walls.
Everything in this moment is like the worst cacophony of a deathlike musical. The crying, the screaming, the shouts of anger… it all triples into a song of battle.
When the tank rolls in, you lose your boyfriend immediately. You don't stand your ground, you run and hide for a better angle on the incoming murderers.
You can hear the growls of walkers when bullets aren't whizzing into walls and plants by your head.
This is so beyond fucked.
You're so beyond fucked.
But you're gonna keep fighting -- because Daryl will.
Daryl's voice fades and echoes with each passing moment but you can't respond as you keep your finger on the trigger gunning down incoming folks.
When the tank drives closer, you feel a golf ball sized lump growing within your throat.
"Y/N, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" your boyfriend screams.
Finally, you catch him out of the corner of your eye. He's two seconds away from taking a bullet to the brain but you manage to shoot his aggressor in an instant.
"Walker!" you bellow.
Your boyfriend turns on his heel at your word, stabbing the walker in the temple with his knife.
He uses the dead man as a shield, absorbing bullets as you take out men here and there that shoot at him.
Daryl is comfortable with you watching his back so much so that he feels like can afford to take a second to pull the pin out of a grenade.
Your ears ring with the loud bang and you have to blink several times to will your vision to straighten out.
"Y/N, come to me! Now!" your boyfriend orders, pulling the pin out of another grenade and shoving it down the pipe of the tank.
You do as told, jumping up and running on weak legs towards him.
He holds up his crossbow, shooting it into the head of the plaguy tank driver.
"Carl?!" you scream at the top of your lungs, shooting some close walkers who are getting too close for comfort.
"We gotta go baby. Right now. We gotta leave." Daryl hisses, pulling you with him.
"But we can't! We have to g-"
"Y/N! We have to go!" the redneck yells, tugging you away from the prison.
"God, the smell." you recall, shutting your book.
Daryl hums in agreement, closing his eyes at the memory. "I didn't know what I would have done if I would have lost mama again. She was all I could think about."
"You were worried about Hershel," you comment, combing your fingers through his hair.
"Well yeah but he's fine now." Daryl murmurs.
"We lost everyone after the prison, everyone was split up," you tell your stomach.
Your husband scoffs at the memory. "Me and your mama just ran and ran until we couldn't anymore."
"I-I can't," you wheeze, jumping over a strewn tree trunk.
Your boyfriend looks around at his surroundings before nodding. There's no imminent danger that he can see so the least he can do is let you rest a few minutes.
"We sh-should hole up somewhere," you wheeze, crouching down to take deep breaths.
"Ain't got nowhere around here that's safe, baby girl," Daryl murmurs, passing you the only bottle of water left between the both of you.
"We can make a place safe, put up signs that tell the others where we are… they're gonna come look for us. I just know it." you breathe, leaning back against the tree trunk.
The redneck weighs his options and God, it sounds like a good one.
"I should try and track… see if they left any clues about where they took off to." Dixon announces.
He doesn't believe that anyone at the prison is still alive… hell, he's surprised you both are okay.
But you believe, and that's enough for him to keep going for a few hours.
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Next Chapter ---->
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Get Some Rest Taglist: @howlerwolfmax, @dunixxd, @daryldixonstorm, @shawtygonemad, @riverscyberwife, @gnocchey, @fuseburner
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