#‘kay how’s foretold going’ we’re 4k words deep and still in the first two weeks on the moon
kayzero · 9 months
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FUNNY YOU SHOULD SAY THAT I was just thinking the other day how I should link you if not my general zero escape playlist that I'm still messing around with at least the zwg one since that has far fewer songs by comparison
I also only unlocked the ability to blorbo playlist like a year and a half ago or something?? Because I enjoy losing my mind mostly over lyrics when it comes to songs right and somehow there is not A SINGLE lyrical cover of any major ze music or even fansongs there's only two I could find and I did not like them so I had to make do somehow my brain learnt to project lol
okay listen. listen. listen.
firstly yes send me the zwg playlist i’ll put it on my tv and play it through my earpods and open my word document and think to myself “god damn it Diana why are you so hard to write dialogue for” (FOR THOSE OF YOU KEEPING TRACK! WE ARE NO LONGER GOD DAMNING SIGMA! SIGMA ANGST SCENES AND SIGMA + AKANE SCENES FLOW SO SMOOTHLY AND I’M SUPER HAPPY ABOUT IT! but Diana’s current vlr timeline characterization is making dialogue. stilted. if it’s not one thing it’s another.)
secondly. i was just thinking about how much of a god damn shame it is that i’ve never used the midi keyboard i got for christmas like two or three years ago and i came to the conclusion that i’m just Not A Musician. love music, very capable of vividly imagining choreography and music videos and my current daydream hyperfixation has me pretending that in another life i’m a successful cover artist (and also fully transitioned—less relevant).
but like. that love doesn’t translate into being able to create music. i don’t know what happened exactly but between me giving my first keyboard to my younger sister when she left for college (the musical theater major graduate who also Actually Composes Music) and getting the tiny midi keyboard with no compatible software i have completely lost the ability to even like, mimic music.
this has just been me ranting about something that makes me sad that i can’t stop focusing on (because NOW whenever i listen to FUCKING ANYTHING i am forced to imagine That Other Universe Kay covering the music and having friends) um. i lost the plot.
OH YEAB this is the part where i say “let’s make our own zero escape fansongs” except the whole lack of musical talent thing. HOWEVER (and i say this with zero evidence but that just means i have zero evidence to the contrary) I Fully Believe that if someone were to write lyrics to Blue Bird Lamentation and you were to sing those lyrics it would be beautiful.
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