#‘ohhh Noelle you’ve been improving so much surely taking two classes will not drag you back to the start’
ctommyisnt · 9 months
A timeline of events…
1. Opens computer at 10am determined to do homework
2. Fucks around until 10pm
3. Cracks open a cold one and is determined to finish at least two assignments by the end of the day
4. Opens textbook. Oh shit I forgot that reading is very difficult for me.
5. Hey I read a tumblr post about an extension that made it easier to read with my struggles
6. Made a google search that resulted in nothing so now I have to search through tumblr (hell)
7. Looks up ‘reading’ in my tumblr search bar (I didn’t have it in my saved tag and I don’t tag anything else) and ends up going through every post in their for amusement
8. Never found it. Opened phone to make this post. Remembered what the extension is called.
9. Eleven pm. Halfway through my blue freeze. Wish me luck.
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