#‘vincent is taller-‘ and he’s a pillow princess
evrensadwrn · 8 months
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they’re having gay museum sex
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unrequitedmime · 7 years
Amy barges into me as soon as i step down from the stairs. I hug her back fiercely, and sigh sadly as her body shakes with sobs against mine. I pull back, and look up into her terrified eyes. "Adelaide's fine," i whisper, smiling comfortingly. She collapses into tears as she hugs me again, squeezing with relief. I wait for her to calm down, understanding. Amy has been sitting in this room for the last hour, waiting for Vincent or I to come down and tell her if Adelaide was going to be okay. She's had a whole entire hour to imagine how bad Adelaide's injury was. Vincent waits a few moments, and then softly pushes past me, striding up to the Latino boy leaning against the kitchen counter. I watch them over Amy's shoulder. The boy  -Damion- glares at Vincent, obviously ready for another fight. His left eye is swollen shut, and his bottom lip sports a deep cut. Dried blood dribbles down his chin from his nose.  Rhyder got him good. Vincent ignores his glare and grabs his chin, inspecting his injuries. After a few moments, the boy drops his guard and lets Vincent apply ice. He looks down to the ground, ashamed.   Amy sits down on the couch, staring blankly at the black TV. Henry glances up from his book and meets my eyes. Despite my hostility towards these boys, i can't help but nod a thank you at him. He calmed down Amy when Adelaide was hurt, and kept her away from the room. Somehow he knew that Amy wouldn't be able to handle seeing Adelaide's blood seeping into the pillows behind her.  I hardly did.  He nods back, and leans back in the armchair, lost again in his book. My gaze settles on the two boys in the kitchen.  Vincent says something to the boy, and he shrugs. He doesn't take his eyes away from the ground. After a few moments, i allow myself to wander over there. Vincent doesn't look away from the boy's face as he feels my presence behind him.  "Mya," he introduces, "Meet Damion."  Vincent must feel the anger radiating off my body, because he suddenly turns and grabs my wrist mid-air. Damion stares at the hand in front of his face, and meets my cold eyes. I glare.  "I'm not sure how you greet people back in California," he says, his voice low, "But I'm pretty sure that slapping people isn't the new handshake. That's not a trend, sorry Mya."  "Neither is throwing defenceless girls against walls."  He flinches, and Vincent's eyes widen. The boy meets my eyes again.  "I'm sorry for throwing your friend against a wall, Mya," he says.  I hear the sarcasm in his voice, and i take a step towards him. Vincent steps between us, his gaze warning me.  "FUCK.YOU"  The boy doesn't look away from me, and his lips curl into a snarl. The front door slams suddenly, and i tear my eyes from Damion. Rhyder stands on the other side of the counter, watching us with cold eyes.  "Shut up Damion," he growls, "Otherwise I'll fucking kill you this time."  I blink in surprise, shocked by the anger in Rhyder's voice. Vincent sucks in a breath.  "Guys," he says quietly.  "Do it, Rhyder," Damion laughs, "Why are you so mad? She's fine. Vincent fixed her."  "Vince wouldn't have needed to fix her  if you had controlled your god damn temper."  Damion's eyes harden, "Okay, Rhyder," he spits back, "I'm sorry I scruffed up your little princess. It's been three hours dude, try not to fall in love with her so fast."  Rhyder's eyes flash with anger, and before he can charge Damion again, Henry appears behind him. He rests a warning hand on his shoulder. Rhdyer's tense body suddenly relaxes, and he closes his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. When he opens them again, his green forests shine with a controlled calm, with focus.  Amy whistles, "Wow," she announces, "And you've all been best friends for years?"  I stare at Amy, realising that Henry had explained everything to her. She stares back, and her eyes shine with warmth. She knows it all, and knowing Amy, she would've had a hard time accepting it, too. I smile.  Damion pushes Vincent and i away from him, and stalks out the sliding doors across from the kitchen. I watch him pace around the large backyard for a few moments, the dew drops catching onto his jeans. He disappears into the forest bordering the property. I glance over to Vincent, and see worry shining in his eyes as he stares at Damion's retreating form.  "Shit," a voice carries across the room, and i whip my head to look over at Adelaide.  She stands on the steps, watching everyone with blurry eyes. Her skin is flushed with the effort of walking, and her hair hangs messily down her back.  "This is a nice house, Rhyder," she slurs.  Everyone stands frozen, watching her. Rhyder strides to the bottom of the stairs and meets her eyes. She stands a few steps above him, and is only just taller than him. She meets his gaze with a heavy and drowsy one of her own.  "I would like to know, first of all, why there is so much blood on my pillow," she whispers, her eyes blinking closed, "and also, why the hell I'm still being held hostage in this fucking house."  Her knees buckle, and she stumbles weakly against the railing. Rhyder catches her and without hesitating and carries her silently back upstairs. We hear her door click shut, and let out a breath. Amy and I look at each other with worried eyes. Vincent sighs and hops up to sit on the counter, swinging his legs. For the first time in two hours, i see him relaxed.  "Rhyder will explain it all to her," he assures Amy and I whilst making a coffee.  He takes a sip of his coffee, and winces, "Ugh, this is cold," he flicks the jug on, "But I've gotta be honest," he continues, "I feel a tad sorry for Adelaide.  Rhyder will not be kind or patient when he explains the story. So if Adelaide is scared right now, then she's got another thing coming."  Amy snorts and hops up from the couch. She comes to stand next to me, "I think Adelaide can handle Rhyder."  Vincent raises his eyebrows in confusion and shrugs it off after a few moments. Henry comes to rest against the other counter in this giant kitchen.  "You know, somehow i think she will," Henry ponders, "Rhyder can be a dick. But if Adelaide has even some of the same fire that you two posses, then she'll be more than fine."  Amy grins at him, "Adelaide tends to get more violent than me."  Henry's eyes widen in worry for his friend upstairs, and i let out a laugh. Something inside of me releases, and suddenly my polite laughs turn into desperate gasps for air. I laugh so hard i double over, and i feel my body shake as i choke out squeals. Amy watches me freak out, and eventually she begins to giggle too. After a few minutes, the two of us are laying on the floor, clutching each other, laughing so hard our whole body's ache. Tears run down my cheeks as i smile into my curls. I desperately clutch my stomach and groan through my giggles. Nothing Henry did was funny, nothing that has happened in the past few hours has been even remotely amusing, but i need a release. Somehow my body needs to rid of the tension and the fear running  through my veins. I need to laugh it out, make it seem alright. Eventually we calm down, and we lay on our backs side by side on the clean kitchen tiles, staring up at the white roof. My hair fans around around my head like a halo, and it mixes in with Amy's brown waves. She clutches my hand, and i squeeze back. Henry and Vincent sit on their counters, watching us with curiosity.  "Hey, Amy?" i whisper.  "Yes, Mya?"  "Do you remember when May died?"  I feel her body tense, and she is silent for a long time. My heart begins to hurt again.  "I remember," she breathes, barely audible.  I close my eyes, "I wish she were still alive," i say to the kitchen, "I think she would get along well with Damion."  Amy releases a small laugh, "You mean she'd pester Damion with her constant grin and her snarky jokes and force him to fall in love with her?"  I open my eyes, and blink up at the roof. A small smile curves my face.  "That's exactly what i mean."  Grief washes over me, and settles once again into my bones, aching. I never stop missing May, but sometimes the pain is bearable. When she died, i felt like i had lost a part of me. I had lost a piece of me. She was my other half. She was all of my impulse control, and she was my dares to live and my smiles and my tears and my heated arguments. She was with me on everything, she was in me. She was everything to me.  I feel empty now that I've lost her.  But i haven't told anyone that. I haven't told anyone that after she died, i used to visit the old Brodney Bridge and stand on it in the middle of the night. I used to stare down into the water, and i used to wonder if it would kill me. If it could take me to May. The jug boils. I blink, and bury the grief deep down again, burying my body in it. Burying it deep within my body. I force myself to sit up, and my curls fall against my shoulders, stale. A mug is suddenly placed onto the ground beside me, and i look down into the swirls of soft coffee and steam. I nod up at Vincent, thanking him. He smiles back before handing Amy a mug. She doesn't hesitate before gulping it down. I watch her, surprised. Amy hasn't drank coffee for three years. She only ever drinks tea. Henry settles himself down onto the kitchen ground beside Amy, and drinks his own cup of tea. I can't help but smile at him. After a few moments, Vincent plops himself down on the floor, forming a circle. I sit in between Amy and Vincent.  "First things first," Vincent says, his eyes sobering, "When did you find  out you had the Sight?"  I raise my eyebrows in surprise, and glance at Amy. She bites her lip.  "Five years ago," she answers, her voice strong, "It's how we became friends."  Vincent nods, "How did you find out about each other, and yourselves?"  Amy looks down into her lap, "I always knew i had it," she says to the ground, "My talent is to project memories and emotions to other people. I can show them some of my past memories, and i can make them feel my emotions," her eyes harden, "When i was little, i used to use it on my mom."  "Why?" She lets out a breath, "She was a drug attic," she says quietly, "She tried to stop for me, and whenever she had her withdrawals, I would sit by her side as she cried and send her my memories. She would see my memories of her when she was a sober mother. I would show her the greatness of the responsibility i felt as a little girl, having to care for myself."  "How old were you, Amy?" Henry asks kindly.  She looks up at him, and her eyes shine with strength. I feel pride well up within me. This story hurts her. Thinking of her mother puts her in pain, but she will not cry. She will not hide away from her past.  "I was seven," she answers, her voice firm.  Henry nods in mercy, and Amy lets out a breath.  Vincent turns to me, "What about you?"  I shrug, "I found out i had the Sight when i was 14. We were at a school dance, and i couldn't find my sister. I was panicking, and without my control, my mind went into hers, and i was in her body. I found her in the bathroom stalls, throwing up. Her drink had been spiked by some pricks, and we took her to the hospital," i look down to the ground, "She could've died that night. Whatever unlocked my talents had saved her life."  Silence settles. After a few moments, Vincent respectfully continues with his questions.  "Do you know when Adelaide discovered her talents?"  Amy frowns, "I do," she says, "She told me once. She was the last to discover hers. She was in school, freshmen year. The first memory she was thrown into was Mya's."  Vincent and Henry stare at me in surprise, and i shrug, letting Amy continue.  "They had met, and when Mya shook Adelaide's hand, she was thrown into her mind. She found the memory of Mya's first time using her Sight. It was a big confrontational moment in their friendship, bla bla bla, and Mya explained it all to Adelaide. Bets friends since." I smile.  "And how did you come into the equation, Amy?"  Amy shrugs, "Adelaide found my memories, too."  Henry and Vincent are silent for a moment, thinking. After a few minutes, they speak.  "Have the three of you told anyone else?" Henry asks carefully.  Amy glares, "We're not stupid, Henry."  He nods, ignoring the bite in her voice.  "Have you improved with your talents over the years?" Vincent asks me.  I nod slowly, "When i first started, i could only do it if i had touched that person within the last few minutes. Now i can do it with anyone I've touched as long as i remember the feel of their skin and their physical energy."  Amy nods, "I used to have to touch people in order to project my messages, but now i just have to make eye contact with them," she bites her lip, "Adelaide doesn't use her talents."  Henry chokes on his coffee, "Excuse me?"  Amy shrugs, "She despises it. No matter how hard she trains, she can't control her Sight. So she gave up trying to embrace it. She locks it away, fights it. Rhyder's mind was the first that she's touched in about a year."  "Yeah, and it got us kidnapped," i grumble.  Amy shoots me a warning look, and i feel my stomach sink. Amy's right. This isn't Adelaide's fault. I turn to Vincent, suddenly frustrated.  "What about you?" i glare, "You need to tell us more about this Fenoda Agency."  He glances at Henry. Henry sighs and nods before he begins.  "It's an intricate facility," he says, "It has centres all over the world, but the main centre, the Headquarters, are in Oregon. Headquarters trains agents as well as monitors the Inhumane activity over the world, sending out alerts and missions. If you are a Fenoda Agent, then you live at the centres that you are assigned to."  He looks down for a moment, tense. Vincent picks up where he left off.  "You cannot sign up to become a Fenoda Agent, you are chosen. The Agency runs through your heritage, your families legacy. If someone in your family has been a Fenoda Agent in the past, then there is a chance that you will be chosen to become one, too. You can only be chosen at the age of 16, and when you receive the letter of recommendation, know that it is not a request. It is a demand," his eyes harden with silent anger, "When you are asked to join the Agency, you are to leave everything behind and pledge loyalty to the cause. You leave behind your family, your friends, and your home. You are not permitted to see them again until you retire."  "We move into the centres, and we train, and we learn. Once you hit the age of 17, you are sent on missions," he gulps, glancing up at me, "On these missions we disable the Inhumanes," he says quietly.  Amy sucks in a sharp breath, "You mean you kill them?"  Henry rubs a hand over his eyes, exhausted, "No. We capture them and send them back to HQ. If they are dangerous, and have hurt people, then we will not hesitate to kill them. That is the only time we murder."  "And what happens to these people when they are sent to your Headquarters?" I ask, my voice shaking.  Vincent avoids my eyes, "That is confidential information," he says quietly, and a shudder runs through my body, "Not even we are permitted to know. All we are told is that research is being conducted, and that we are slowly saving the world," he finally looks at me, "All of our questions about the behind the scenes are brushed aside, ignored."  Amy makes a noise of disgust in the back of her throat, and i can't help but agree. She stands up, suddenly furious. Henry and Vincent follow her moves.  "So, what?" she suddenly yells, throwing her hands in the air, "You get asked to join this powerful agency, and then you happily spend your life killing innocent people with gifts?"  Vincent's expression darkens, "Not happily."  Amy forces a bitter laugh, "Yeah, obviously! Have you ever thought of doing something about it?" she accuses, "Fighting the system? Leaving?"  "You don't understand," Rhyder's voice vibrates the air. He stands on the stairs, and Adelaide stands behind him, looking healthier. She meets my eyes, and i see the fear and understanding in them. I push past Rhyder and barge into her, squeezing her tight. Rhyder ignores us, walking to the kitchen. His eyes don't leave Amy's wild ones.  "Are you okay?" i whisper to Adelaide.  Her eyes are unfocused for a moment, and i realise that she's seeing one of my memories. Her eyes clear less than a second later and she smiles up at me, her lips trembling.  "I don't know," she answers shakily, "I'm overwhelmed both with pain and information, but I'll recover."  I feel Vincent behind me, and i step aside so that he can inspect her. He takes a few moments to ask her if she's physically stable, and then deems her okay before heading back to the kitchen with a gentle smile. Adelaide meets my eyes.  "I saw your discussion," she says quietly, and i frown in confusion.  "What?"  "When you were all sitting on the floor before," she explains, "Everything replayed in your memory," she grins, "So I'm officially caught up."  I rest my head on her shoulder as we walk down the stairs, "I don't think any of us are caught up, Laide."  "What don't I understand, Rhyder?" Amy shouts from the kitchen, "You kill and capture innocent people. You ruin their loves simply because they have a talent. Because they are not completely normal. And you don't try to fight against it!"  He shakes his head, frustrated, "You obviously  don't understand, Amy," he says calmly, "We can't fight it. We can't run, because they will find us. We cannot demand the truth, because they will feed us more lies. We cannot fight the system, because they will swiftly destroy us," he shakes his head, "I don't know about anybody else, but I have a family that i intend to get back to after my time at the Agency. I have siblings that are waiting for me, and i have parents that are praying for my safety every night. I will not abandon them simply because i want to be reckless and fight the law."  Vincent nods, "Amy, you have to understand this. You cannot win against the Agency. You cannot deny their missions and you cannot leave simply because you don't agree. It's not just your life on the line; they have no problem using your weaknesses against you. And a lot of our weaknesses are our loved ones. I won't put my family in danger because i felt like doing what's right. I won't sacrifice their safety. No way."  She stares at them in shock; anger and fear and confusion racing through her body. Adelaide winces.  "I can feel her fury from here," she whispers to me.  Henry steps forward, and forces Amy to look at her.  "Amy," he says softly, "I agree with you. We all do. It's disgusting. I hate myself because of the harm I've done to innocent strangers. I wish i had run away instead of accepting the offer from the Agency back when i was 16. I want it to stop. I still have nightmares," her eyes soften, "But there's nothing any of us can do. Trust me, I've done my research. The Agency is powerful, and almighty. We cannot change decades of tradition simply because we disagree. We have to start with the small things, and work our way up the scale."  I frown, "What are the small things?"  Henry doesn't look away from Amy. She stares up into his eyes, sadness moistening hers. Tears spill down her cheeks as she looks up at this boy with big muscles and soft eyes and a kind heart. She hiccups once, and her knees buckle as she collapses into tears. He catches her, and brings her to the floor. She cries into his chest.   "Rhyder," i repeat, "What are the small things you intend to use against the Agency?" He meets my eyes, and his blank stare echoes through my hollow body. I blink in recognition. Loss. It burns bright in his green eyes. My eyes looked like that for three months after May passed. I saw loss every time i looked in the mirror. I still see it now, on my bad days. When the sound of her voice dances through my veins and the memory of her smile crushes my heart to dust yet again. On the days when i can hardly get out of bed.  He's suffering. Has been for a long time.  "You," he answers.  I blink in surprise, rocked out of my memories and thoughts. Adelaide steps forward, in front of me.  "Us?" she asks, incredulous, "You plan to use three Inhumane girls against the mysterious Agency? What the hell is your plan, genius?"  Damion appears in the middle of the mess. His deep black hair is wet, and his eyes are bright with the beauty of nature. His cheeks are flushed. Adelaide stares at him for a moment before it clicks in her mind. Without hesitating, she steps over Amy and Henry, and punches him right in the nose. Shocked silence falls. His head snaps back, and as it begins to bleed again, he considers her carefully. She looks up at him, hatred burning in her eyes.  "You got a good arm," he finally says to her.  She touches the back of her head, "So do you."  Vincent grabs ice from the fridge and tosses it to Damion. He catches it and silently sits down at the table. Adelaide leans against the counter, shaking out her hands. Rhyder watches her.  "I'm not going to bother patching up your nose, Dame," Vincent announces, "Because sooner or later someone's going to punch it again."  Damion snorts, "Why? Because everyone's in a bad mood and I'm the only one game enough to say the cold truth?"  "No," Rhyder says, tearing his eyes away from Adelaide's bruised knuckles, "Because you're a dick."  I lean against the counter opposite to Adelaide, staring at Rhyder. He leans back against the sink, staring icily ahead at Vincent as he searches the fridge for food. Rhyder stands between Adelaide and I, and i roll my eyes at Rhyder for her benefit. A laugh escapes her mouth.  Rhyder's body tenses. I frown.  "Our plan, Mya," Henry says from down on the floor, "Is to use you three girls as an example of the positive and harmless affects that Inhumanity has on this world."  Amy leans against the counter, beside my feet. Her head is buried in her knees, and her shoulders shake with silent sobs. Henry sits back against the cupboards beside Vincent. His head rests against the door, and his hair is a mess. His skin is awfully pale, and his eyes are half closed as he breathes deeply.  He's exhausted. I frown, studying him.  "Excuse me?" Adelaide snaps, stepping away from the counter. Her eyes burn with anger, "You're using us as guinea pigs? You're risking our lives just so you can maybe prove a point to this facility that trains ASSASSINS?" Amy looks up at Adelaide in shock, "What?" Adelaide ignores her, glaring at the boys, "You're fucking kidnapped us because you wanted to be rebellious little boys? You've ripped us away from our naive lives and you're going to present us to the Agency that wants us wiped off this Earth? Are you stupid?" Amy jumps to her feet, staring at Adelaide, "What the fuck, Adelaide?" Adelaide glances at Amy in surprise, "What?" "YOU'RE WORSE THAN THEM." Adelaide blinks. Amy's temper snaps, and she loses it. She loses all of her control, finally. "Do you realise how selfish and horrible you sound?" she spits at her best friend, taking a slow step forward. Vincent's eyes widen in surprise, and Rhyder watches the girls carefully, sensing a fight. I don't take my eyes away from Henry. "You're mad at them for finally making a decision? For deciding to stand up to that shitty Agency using witnesses and calm arguments? For taking a stand using the gentle truth instead of violence? What the fuck is wrong with you?"  Adelaide takes a step back, shocked. Amy has never held fire within her like this. Ever. Adelaide brightens with anger.  "Amy, they kidnapped us and held us hostage. I nearly died! We were innocent, and ignorant, until they ripped that safety away from us! Now we have to live our lives in fear, continuous, gut-wrenching fear. They don't even know us, and suddenly they want us to stand with them against a powerful army of assassins? How the hell could they expect us to be okay with that?"  "It doesn't matter if we're okay with it," Amy snaps, "What matters is that they're doing the right thing. If this can save lives, then we have to risk our own."  Damion sits up straight at the table, intrigued by the argument. Rhyder takes a careful step towards Adelaide, and Vincent closes the fridge door, subtly edging closer to the burning Amy. I carelessly walk in between my girls and crouch beside Henry, knowing they don't even remember I'm alive right now. I have no reason to be gentle and subtle around them when they're mad at each other.  I'm usually the one with the temper.  I glance momentarily up at Amy and Adelaide, confused. In stressful situations, hell, even in calm situations, i have a tendency to throw in a few snarky comments and unnecessary swear words. Amy is usually sweet, gentle. She's brilliant, and works amazingly under pressure, but she is the one that understands how to be kind, and empathetic. Adelaide may be able to understand people's emotions because of her talent, but she has received too many signals and energies over the years that she has learnt to block out the emotions of others. She is not the patient one; that is Amy's job. Yet, since we were taken, Amy has been wired up. She has been snapping and arguing and throwing punches at every opportunity. "We don't even know if they're telling the truth!" Adelaide yells to Amy.  "You do, Adelaide! You're the one that can connect to other people's emotions, so you tell me whether or not they were lying. You know when people are lying to you, and so far you've acted relatively calm! You trust these people, and you know they're kind."  "Maybe I'm struggling to connect to people's emotions because my head isn't working from when they THREW ME INTO A WALL."  Damion snorts, and Amy clenches her fists.  "AND THEN VINCENT SPENT AN HOUR TRYING TO FIX YOU."  "I WOULDN'T HAVE NEEDED TO BE FIXED IF THEY WEREN'T SO VIOLENT AND ILL-TEMPERED."  I look up at Rhyder, surprised by the resemblance between Adelaide's words and Rhyder's words earlier. He meets my eyes, and they blink at me in shock.  As the girls continue to scream, i block them out and look down to Henry's pale face. His eyes are unfocused, yet they stare into the distance in concentration. His pale skin has begun to sweat, and his messy blonde hair is damp. His lips are bright red, and his laboured breaths stutter in exhaustion. Worry kicks at my heart, and i inspect his face, confused. Dammit, I'm not the medical student here, Amy is. I try to slap Henry back into focus, cursing my law degree for not teaching basic CPR.  It clicks.  "Are you fucking kidding me right now, Amy?" Adelaide spits, "You're going to side with our kidnappers? The ones that tied you to a van and are keeping you hostage in this house?"  "Better than siding with a selfish cow that only cares about her own safety!"  Adelaide stumbles back in shock, and i hear Vincent suck in a breath, his eyes trapped on the girls. I feel Adelaide's heart break. I stand up, and finally take my eyes away from Henry. I stare at Amy with blank eyes.  "Get out," i tell her.  Her eyes widen in angry surprise, "Excuse me?"  "I said get out of this house right now, Amy," i instruct.  She doesn't move, so I grab her by the shoulders and drag her to the front door. I don't have time for her hesitation, or another argument. Her body is weak with shock, and she doesn't fight me as i throw her out the front door and slam it in her hurt face. I turn back to the kitchen, ignoring Adelaide's shaking body leaning against the counter, or Damion's amused eyes. I ignore Vincent's surprised expression, and Rhyder's look of respect.  I kneel beside Henry again, and take his hand. I allow myself to wonder into his mind for a moment, and see nothing but blurred shapes and feel nothing but a draining exhaustion. I snap back into my own body. "AMY," I yell loud, knowing she can hear me from outside, "GET AWAY FROM THE HOUSE, NOW. START WALKING DOWN THAT GOD DAMN ROAD."  There is silence. Everyone waits wordlessly, shocked by my cruelty. I try not to roll my eyes. I hear a sob from outside the house, and then i hear nothing. I know she's walking away.  "Mya," Vincent says softly, "You can't kick her out. She doesn't even know what state she's in."  "Shut up, Vincent."  I don't take my eyes from Henry's. I wait for a few minutes in agonising silence. Finally, his eyes flutter wide. His breathing halts, and then he takes a deep, steady breath. He blinks, and his eyes clear. The concentration disappears from his gaze, and he blinks around in confusion.  "Shit," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes. I stand up, letting out a breath.  "Damion," i announce, "Get in that ugly van of yours and drive around. Look for Amy. Bring her back."  He raises an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"  "When she panics, she runs. She ran track in high school, and she could last for hours. You should probably check the woods; she likes running through nature. It calms her down."  He doesn't move, and suddenly Adelaide picks up a spoon and throws it at his head. He ducks, swearing.  "HURRY THE FUCK UP."  He stands up, mad, Rhyder swipes the keys off the windowsill behind him and tosses them to Damion. Damion slams the front door in an annoyed huff, and a moment later we hear the van start up. I look up at Vincent.  "Are you aware that Henry has the Sight?"
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