#‘you break my heart in the blonk of an eye’
libidomechanica · 17 days
To trammes the Argo, condemne
And something what a knyȝt þe dust.     And no play with hyȝe hode on hiȝe sete, þat mode their dam’s teats,     and kills them at on left a foo creater summon upon!     At your cheere that when from thee! Long, and they see from his scheme     then pryde soþe, ’ sayde ful straight
eyes made up a wyȝe in his wrather.     From mortal eye of shame, þat ryol red golden, in a     voice morne, still as to lives sweet the air one will price, and lamber     nowþe. More fote lyȝtly hym so fail the louies, where the vale     you sigh, this vigil or
dede turn untouch you. With croon If     one discretion of Shame. Softly blood and the dress has loving:     but til at once, þat I beg all that’s streȝt, þe noble     poyntez, and quaint, we lives, a commits, but if we lead till     on hit is litter wyndez
ful þike, rugh roché ground with a     wretched mach, yes. Saint honour, when hondelez hym restore     is on which alone: our Mother with mine: and on fyue wyth     his Grace cries and death, that day with him not, there’s no doubt,     which prison seemed as do
that nature I may be destined     to all costliest nard. Sky, when shield didden schulderez     wyth my lyf, leude full wel þat my heart of global     civilization, the nature of alle his craftez kepe þe,     lorde, sir Doddinaual desty
shaw, in vayrest al inward     joy. With haþel, by magic, ghost be stinking and sellyly     abides, and that ripe age nay, þenne þay be shee vanisht by     so neȝed ful lyȝt aȝte. He þonk, syȝ hym þoȝt. The heed in on     Nw Ȝeres vast embranch
a smoothly, as lordez þad day,     a plentyng on a spirit round; some rehead been kneled     on þat gost lace, kepes, maud with such a sweet smiles. Firstly,     he watz Gawan, since ane halchez ofte full for through I know,     lege on a day and heart
and painture as craftez kepes,     and sayde, Iwysse met! No doubly name my mete a     philosophy. ’ Since that she crest more sydez out ful come wyth     cowarde and make mind. For ȝe lye in Ohio called þe     werkez. With I was bedde
burnez him with yours in any     tears its prey. Them what push- pin, for every sisters ȝod, country     last could for þe lude, slentyng of drurye doubtless in t,     likewise is that’s in sylk, ne ferde me þynk as hot blysse! Ne     I know your sweet and and
þay were easier wroȝt tok gates     of this torn into the wounde of those new acquaint innocent     blood. Pleasure as your skin. Breath and at lengez adoun,     and close—Desires, þat þe sure with vain description of     vast aboute cast my drink
of waking, marrow charms have but     do not die, or King. Wine upon his sere sober lighter&     hand: and lived among þe lorde, and goes agony trouble-     felt and yet watz hasped bot he was beddez verayly     þe break in God’s sweete Art
care I ate? To trammes the Argo,     condemne to schal sexes; that voices of grene, and said     hear sighs for here before þe best for thou laugh its an ages,     of thing to hideous pointed nouþer, floating journer     of what is on blonk, suande
grace the Frenched to thy pap well     in a beast scham inter will shepherd, Strength of all of folly     after was spring- time;—but all my words, that fraternal     years tapitez to save. Love all its tread: but the wade     notes in Godez hom þoȝt.
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glbertblyth · 5 years
Ohhh this song was so perfect for them and??? it was edited?? so well???
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imaslutformaybank · 3 years
*requests part 2 on your recent angst fic seductively while batting eyes👁👁*
I can hear my own eyes rn blink blonk
when I tell you- the SMIRK I got when I knew my heart was ab to just
🫀 c:::::::::::::[]=¤ԅ╏ ˵ ⊚ ◡ ⊚ ˵ ╏┐
I egb of you 人´∀`) please can we have an angsty part two? PREETY PLEASE? *pleas in heart break
hi lovely! i tried to write a part 2, but i couldn’t come up with an idea for it.  i wrote it and rewrote it like 3 times, but nothing seemed to be working out, i’m sorry! if you have any other requests though, i will gladly write them! sorry again :(
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