#“Come on Patchaliou! i have the perfect role for you!” Sally would say
eve-pie · 2 months
Sally, Patches, and Wally
It was another bright sunny day in home! Just like everyday before and everyday after especially the flowers that were in bloom thanks to the monstrous Julie joyful these flowers were as pretty as a rainbow blush in spring. Our dear neighbor Patches bashful as per usual was rambling on and on to herself about the sweater she made and is wearing...wait not to herself why Wally darling was with her! He was quiet and was dissociating he's more of a listener anyways
As the pair sat together in the lovely flower bed Sally starlet walks over. Patches ears perk up at the sudden arrival of her neighbor she smiled realizing it was just Sally, Patches being the first to speak
Patches: “Hi hi hi Sally! Can I help you with anything?”
The star smiled as she spoke in her usual confident tone with a wave of her hand
Sally: “Patchaliou! oh there you are, I've been searching for you for a while! Your just the sheep I needed! I need your assistance, see I'm currently working on a marvelous play that I've concocted with our dear Poppy partridge in it! I call it Sally and the beanstalk!”
Sally put one hand up and slightly moved it in the air to add dramatic effect Patches admired the confidence but... seriously? She was the only sheep in the neighborhood and if she needed assistance shouldn't she have asked inky? nevertheless Patches simply just shrugged it off it was probably yet another knitting issue still the sheep smiled to her neighbor
Patches: “oh my my my my sal! That's swell! I like the idea even if you made it another play with your name in it but who's keeping track anywho”
Sally: “that's not all I want you to make the costumes seeing as Poppy will be busy even thespians such as myself needs assistance I already have inkurali and Frank isn't doing me any favors but I guess beggars can't be choosers”
Sally spoke in a mumble finishing up the remaining of her sentence. patches nodded slightly at this that's why she didn't ask for Inky's help she's already helping the sheep sighed then spoke up again with a bit of a stutter this time
Patches: “o-of course! I would love to assist!! I can't wait to see how this play will be!”
Sally: “with your enthusiasm patch I should have you in it as well”
Patches becomes flustered finally was her bashful side showing it's color's she did show confidence near her neighbors that much is true but when it came to acting and certain things she couldn't handle that. patches tugged on her collar causing the bell attached to jingle Wally only lifted his head a bit at the sound but didn't react otherwise she used her free hand to wave Sally off
Patches: “oh no no no no I simply couldn't...i mean especially not after my screw up in sleeping beagle....”
Sally: “But you could Patchaliou! I see a star in you, you have such a charming face you were made for camera!!’’ Sally whined before putting her hands out towards Patches “We all mess up on stage not me of course but i know you can do it!’’
Patches only lowered her head than shook it no Wally tilted his head a bit lifting his hand to hold Patches' which made her smile Sally dropped her hands then let out a huff she rubbed her nose and started tapping one foot
Sally: “Alright...Patchaliou I'll drop it but can you create a beanstalk and some costumes for me’’
Patches: “of course I can i-i'll get right on it that nick name you know i never understood why Barnaby and Sally call me that’’
Sally thanked Patches both saying goodbye patches sighed as she went back to knitting the clinks of the needles are what filled the silence she finally was able to clam down as she turned to Wally
Patches: “oh my my my my... This is such a promising opportunity! I guess..’’ Patches cleared her throat despite her voice still showing a hint of nervousness “Do you think you'll come with me to get yarn Wally’’
End tape
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