#“Most of them did call me 'Peppino' since as far as we know I was Peppino.”
In a way I guess you were their parent huh, should we call you Papa Pep?
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Pep: "Huh...?"
Pep: "'Amam' ro 'Apap' esu did meht fo emos. Seno elttil eht, ho?"
Pep: "Onippep saw I wonk ew sa raf sa ecnis 'Onippep' em llac did meht fo tsom."
Pep: "Enif si 'Pep' tsuj... Hguoht 'Pep Apap' em llac ot evah t'nod uoy..."
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phantomdoofer · 10 months
Chapter 17 - Grudges, Part 1
Trigger warning. Just... trigger warning.
Peppino stood in front of the oven. He scratched at the rampant stubble on his cheek. It had been two weeks since the attacks, and everyone in the town was on edge. While the cold had loosened its grip, the icy fog still showed up daily. Everyone was a nervous wreck. Several more attacks had happened, only blunted by the fact that no one went out without a Toppin alongside them now. No more deaths, at least. Peppino had narrowly dodged a few himself. The only thing that seemed to stop the horrible things was a strange reluctance to enter buildings.
Peppino was hardly sleeping. He'd forgotten to shave so many times now he was in danger of looking like his brother. Not that anyone else is different. The police were stretched to the limit, patrolling day and night. Vigi seemed to be more coffee than cheese these days - his arm had grown back in short order, but that was small consolation.
Peppino glanced across the street. Noisette's was quiet these days - both for lack of customers and fear of attracting attention. Peppino's own business was slacking again, though his deliveries were through the roof. He refused to do them after dark, however. I'm not risking anyone, even for my business.
Tower Town and La Crosta were cities under siege.
Mushroom piped a little noise, trying to cheer Peppino up. He idly scratched its cap, thinking. We have to find a way to break this. There were no leads, however - nothing so far had given them a single clue where the monsters came from. Even Giuseppe's vaunted secret connections were coming up blank.
The door opened, and the man himself appeared. Speak of the devil. "Buongiorno, Seppe. What brings you out in this?"
Giuseppe walked to the counter, Sausage hopping off to greet Mushroom. "Mio Dio, Pino, you look like hell."
Peppino looked his brother over. "You're-a one to talk." Indeed, his brother's mustache and beard were even bushier than usual. His hair looked mussed. Looks like he just rolled out of bed. Or forgot to roll into it.
Giuseppe flippantly waved his hand. "Too busy trying to find out where this nut is." He leaned over exhaustedly. "Not that I've had any luck. Nothing. No one has a clue. Even Anita's underworld connections are clueless."
Peppino slammed a hand down. Giuseppe jumped. "Porca Puttana, fratello, we have to find-a something! We can't-a live like this!"
"I know, I know!" Giuseppe grabbed the sides of his head, his eyes bleak. "Even the government is clueless, though! These things are starting to turn up other places, too! Did you know there was an attack on the Italian capitol yesterday?"
Peppino was stunned. "Why didn't-a I see that on the news?"
"They kept it quiet," Giuseppe said, "trying to quell panic. But it's getting worse." He shook his head. "That's the fifth capitol that's getting attacked now. No one knows where they're coming from."
Peppino matched the motion. "Come on, fratello, think! Monsters don't-a just appear from thin air, do they? Except... in... the Tower..." Peppino's voice trailed off.
"The Tower... that only appeared... when it wanted to be found..." Giuseppe's voice trailed off as well.
The looked at each other in surprise. They spoke in unison.
"The Ruins."
Peppino had called in the Tower Bosses, just in case. Peppino, Noise, Pepperman, Vigilante, Gustavo, Brick, Fake, and Giuseppe stood outside the crumbled remains of the Tower. Purple stone walls and pillars stood everywhere.
Noise flicked a cigarette away. "So why are we here, fat man? Figure you can't handle ol' Pizzahead alone?"
Giuseppe shook his head. "Most of us were the first targets. Everyone here was involved, except me. And since I was attacked at the same time, I'd be willing to bet he wants me here, too." He walked to a particular spot, and opened a hidden trapdoor. "My team found this right before I moved here, but they said they didn't find anything. Got a hunch that'll be different now." He pulled a handful of flashlights out of a bag and gave them out. "Stay together. No telling what we'll find in here."
Below the trapdoor was a set of solid stone stairs. The dim light seemed reluctant to enter - the shadows were thick within a few feet. As the group walked, they shone the light around. "None o' this looks familiar," Vigi said, "and I thought I explored the whole place." He turned to Fake. "I know you got around, any o' this look right?"
Fake shook their head. "Nnno. We explored as well, and we never found this. Somehow it was hidden from us."
Noise snorted. "Youse guys remember that ol' Pizzaface said no one could find this place if he didn't want it found, right?" He growled. "Guess he didn't want us findin' this. Creepy as hell."
Gustavo patted Brick - the rat was shivering. "Something's not right. Brick was never this scared in the Tower. Not even at the top."
Peppino turned. "Do you-a think she can pick up what-a the Toppins do?" The Toppins had one and all refused to come into the Tower ruins. "Badbadbad," Cheese and Pineapple had both repeated. Kind of wish I'd listened to them.
Gustavo touched the rat's head, and she turned and nuzzled his hand. After a moment, he nodded. "She says this place feels unnatural. Threatening. Like it's angry we're here."
All of them felt a chill at the words. How can a place feel hate?
Suddenly they could all feel it - pure malice on the air, like a stink. Peppino shivered. "Whatever's-a going on here, we should be-"
"-care...ful...?" Peppino trailed off. He recognized the feeling from his previous visit. We just got teleported.
Behind him, Noise looked around in a panic. "Uh, just you and me here, big guy. Great. Where'd the rest of 'em end up?"
Peppino grimaced. "Wherever they are, I wish I hadn't-a ended up with you."
"Fuck you too, fat boy."
Peppino snorted. "I may hate-a your guts, you little-a gremlin, but this is serious. I'd-a work better with pretty-a much anyone else."
Noise looked thoughtful. "Which is probably why Pizzamug put us together."
Peppino raised an eyebrow. "Good point." He looked around. "Well, it's-a obvious he's here. Let's try to find-a the others."
As they walked, Peppino looked back at Noise. The little man was walking slowly, looking around. He had a Noise Bomb in each hand. He's terrified. "I don't-a think I've ever seen you this scared, Noise."
The yellow-suited man growled. "Listen, pasta paunch, Pizzahead freaked me out before I found out he was psychopath. If he's back, and mad at us, I'm gonna blow shit to hell if I catch even a whiff of him."
"Capisco," Peppino replied. Seeing the little man so unnerved would normally have made him happier. But in this situation...
The two crept along the dark hallway, checking every shadow.
"...what in the hell?" Vigilante said. He clutched his head. He'd only experienced the feeling of a teleporter once, but it gave him a migraine.
He looked around. The dark hallway was empty, except for himself and...
Brick nosed the cheeseslime, obviously distressed. Her eyes were wide, and she was whipping her head around, searching.
"Just you and me, looks like, girl," Vigi said. He pulled his sidearm. Not risking it anymore, with Pizzahead around.
Brick turned and looked at him. She squeaked pitifully, and clenched her paws. She looked ready to cry.
Aw, hell, don't have time for this, Vigi thought. He held out his free hand. "Listen, girl, I'm sure he's somewhere else, that's all. We just gotta find him."
She looked mournfully at him, then stood up and struck a stolid pose, squeaking confidently at length.
Wish I understood what the hell she just said. Vigi shook himself. "Aight, let's see what we can see. Stay together, ya hear?"
The rat nodded.
Gustavo winced. Great, a teleporter. "Hey, Brick, you all..."
He turned. Brick was gone. In fact, everyone was gone except for... "Pepperman? What happened?"
The giant pepper was picking himself up off the floor. "I... don't know. My head is positively swimming." He looked around. "Where's everyone else?"
Gustavo shook his head. "Think we got teleported away." Be safe, guys. "Any of this look familiar?"
Pepperman looked around. "No. Of course, I never ventured as far as the others. I'm afraid other than my dashing good looks, inestimable charm, and massive strength, I won't be much help to you."
Gustavo rolled this eyes. If egos were weapons, we could level the tower right now. He chastised himself. Being away from his companion had him edgy. "I can't sense Brick. Too far away, or something else?"
Pepperman shrugged. "With the technology in the Tower, could be both. We could be on the other side of the world."
That thought chilled Gustavo to the bone. "Let's hope not. Come on, let's see what the can find."
Giuseppe immediately threw up his hands in a defensive position. Teleporter! He scanned around. The room was different, a long hallway. It was just him and Fake.
Fake was down on all fours, growling softly. "We smell him. We smell him here."
Giuseppe's hair stood up a bit. "Pizzahead?" And now we're separated. Wonderful. He pulled this firearm. He knew all too well what the insane Ninda was capable of.
Fake whipped their head around, trying to keep everything in sight at once. "We're not sure where, but the smell is everywhere." Their hands reflexively formed into claws. They climbed onto the ceiling. "We will stay up here. If an attack happens, we will defend you."
Giuseppe snorted. "I'm not exactly defenseless, you know."
"We know," Fake replied, "but he has planned this. We leave nothing to chance. Be ready to fight."
Giuseppe nodded. They've got the right idea. "All right, I'll take point. Keep your eyes open."
A distorted figure stated at monitors. Each one displayed one of the four groups. They grinned, their face twisting horribly with the motion. "I hope they enjoy the playgrounds I've prepared for them. This will be so much fun!"
Their voice cracked and echoed as they cackled. The figures around it, each twisted and monstrous in their own way, shrunk away in fear. Their master tended to spread the "fun" around.
The figure turned and waved a hand. One of them burst into flames. They didn't even have time to react before they were a pile of stinking ash. "Don't worry, children. You'll have your fun soon enough."
Giuseppe crept along the darkened corridor. It was still of debris. Lots of places to hide. Or be hidden. It also prevented him from getting up to speed - he didn't have Peppino's acceleration. Probably by design. He shook his head. Can't believe I didn't think about a trap. Too tired, I guess.
Above, Fake crept along the ceiling. They had been deathly silent the entire way - Giuseppe couldn't hear the faintest sound from them. They were moving in a very predatory way, creeping from shadow to shadow, slinking along like some malicious cross between a big cat and a snake.
The fact they were doing this on the ceiling just added to the anxiety factor.
Suddenly, Giuseppe saw something on the ceiling he recognized. He waved at Fake, making a "stop" motion.
They obliged, tilting their head inquisitively.
Giuseppe pointed at the object, then pointed at Fake, making a motion like he was pulling off a bit of himself and rolling it into a ball.
Quietly Fake spit out a glob, balled it, and dropped it to Giuseppe. Just like a wad of dough. Giuseppe tossed it at the object.
A virulent green ray shot out and the ball vaporized, then the object sparked and fell apart.
Fake dropped down beside Giuseppe. "What was that?"
"We called 'em biomines. They're only set off by biological matter getting too close. Figured your dough would count. Good thing it did." Giuseppe shivered. "Evil little things. Thankfully they pretty much always give out after one use. Lost too many people to them over the years."
Fake looked thoughtful. "Then you won't like that we can see several more ahead, on the walls, floor, and ceiling."
Giuseppe sighed. "Well, think that's up to you. Not like I can snap off my fingers and toss 'em."
Fake grinned. "We could snap them off for you, if you like."
"Very funny."
A few minutes later, the passage was full of sparking, smoking debris. Giuseppe carefully searched. "Nothing. You see anything else, Fake?" Silence. "Fake?"
He turned. Fake was sprawled on the ground, unmoving. "Oh, merda." Giuseppe trotted over and flipped them over. They're not breathing... do they even breathe? "Fake," he said, shaking their shoulder. "Fake! Say something!"
Fake weakly turned their head. "We used... too much... so tired..."
Giuseppe's heart clenched. Without a word, he grabbed them and tossed them onto his back. They're so much lighter...
Fake looked up weakly. "You... why? Why are you doing this?"
Giuseppe grimly trudged through the gloom. "I'm not leaving you behind. I'm not losing anyone else if I can help it."
Fake sensed there was more to that than was being said. "But... we are... extra. Expendable. No one needs us. Why do you care?"
Fake felt a shiver pass through the big man. "Fake, never say that around me ever again." He shook his head. "I saw... too many people toss away their lives for "the greater good" over the years. Dozens. Maybe hundreds." Giuseppe faintly heard the sound of bodies hitting the floor, the sizzle of energy beams, the rumble of an overloading engine.
And bodies. So, so many bodies.
He shrugged Fake higher up on his back. "Besides, who said no one wants you? You really think Pino would let you stay in his pizzeria if he didn't care? Do you think he'd put up with your pranks?"
Fake considered. "He invited us to Christmas dinner."
"Exactly. Not exactly a wide invitation." Giuseppe was quiet a moment. "I don't think Pino would want you to be left behind."
Fake considered this. "We're sorry. We never really considered it." They thought a moment. "Your fear of leaving someone behind... there's more to it than that. Something deeper."
The big man shuddered again. "I lost a lot of people that way over the years. The worst was... a little kid. Couldn't have been more than ten. A refugee. Didn't know til later he was the deposed president's son. We were trying to get him to the border, but they had vehicles, and we were on foot. Even I couldn't outrun them yet. The kid kept telling me to let him go, that they only wanted him." He paused. "Suddenly the kid lets go of my hand, and runs back. I didn't even feel it at first. I was too focused on running." He sniffed. "Before I could catch up, those bastardos gunned him down. Like... like he was nothing. In the end, his sacrifice didn't matter. They caught us, and we had to fight our way out." He sniffed again. "He gave it all up... for nothing."
Fake was silent. "We're sorry for bringing up such painful memories."
Giuseppe paused to wipe his nose. "Ah, forget it. But... no heroic sacrifices. I don't think I can handle any more."
Giuseppe felt the ground tremble. "Uh oh." He jogged to the side, and laid Fake down.
"Something... is coming..." Fake muttered.
Giuseppe looked grimly down the hall. "Yeah. Figured. Try to stay out of sight, all right?"
Fake nodded and crawled behind a rock.
Giuseppe jogged to the other side and hid in a small cleft in the wall. He started working up his rage. He hated doing this. Always feel burned out afterwards. But it was useful for activating his powers when he needed them.
Down the hallway loped... something. It was at least twenty feet tall, or would be if it stood straight. It looked to have multiple limbs. It crawled along, weaving it's head around, obviously searching. For us.
As it got closer, Giuseppe realized... It's Fake. A giant Fake... but horribly, horribly changed. Multiple eyes dangled from its face. It's mouth extended much too far - it's entire face was split. A sickly yellow tongue lolled out, practically dragging the ground. It had four arms, and they ended in vicious claws. Its body was covered in things that shouldn't be there - eyes, teeth, fingers. Its back legs had far too many joints, and it didn't even have feet.
Giuseppe had never seen anything like it. Talk about nightmare fuel.
The thing raised its head and snuffled, searching for them. Great. And me without de-scenter. It had always been a problem of his during stealth missions - he had a strong scent.
It was only a matter of time before the thing found him.
As Giuseppe worked himself up to charge, the thing suddenly whipped it's head towards -
Fake! As weak as they are, they'll have no chance!
That was enough to make his anger burst. In a flash, Giuseppe charged the beast, slamming into its side.
The creature emitted a horrible gurgling shriek and fell on its side.
Giuseppe pummeled it quickly, but seemed to do nothing. It's made of dough, too!
Suddenly the creature stood and opened it's mouth wide at him. A strange rumbling sound filled the air...
"Look out!"
Fake appeared from nowhere and tackled Giuseppe out of the way just as a huge blast of heat came from the thing's mouth. Giuseppe smelled burning rubber and baking dough. His shoe soles had partially melted, and Fake's feet looked crispy.
The wall behind them spewed melted rock.
"Figlio di puttana!!" Giuseppe yelled. He was shaking. It reminded him of the weapons the Demons had used in Inferno.
Giuseppe grabbed Fake and ran for it.
The giant clone roared and gave chase.
Giuseppe frantically dodged as smaller bursts of hot light melted rocks around them. He was fighting not to panic. "I can't dodge this thing forever! I don't have any weapons that'll take it down! You have any suggestions, I'm all ears!"
Fake nodded. "It is dough, like us!" They yelled. "Tough, but if blown apart it may not hold together! If you throw me at it, I will distract it while you get up to speed, then you will ram it!"
"Are you out of your goddamn mind?!?" Giuseppe said. "It'll kill you! You're too weak! I'm not sacrificing you! I'm not sacrificing anyone! Not again!"
Fake grinned. "Do not worry! We have an idea! There will be no sacrifices today! Trust us!"
Giuseppe turned this head. Fake looked completely serious. "Promise me!"
"We promise!"
Giuseppe nodded, turned, and charged at the beast. He juked as it fired several small blasts at them - the smell of poisonous gas and hot rock was choking. As he ran past, he hurled Fake on the beast's back.
The creature warbled in surprise. Fake grabbed it by the sides of its grotesque head. "HUNGRY!" Fake yelled... and bit into the beast.
The giant shrieked as Fake began devouring its doughy flesh.
Giuseppe, still turning in the distance, heard the bloodcurdling cries. Whatever they're doing, that thing really doesn't like it! He dug down and pushed himself beyond his limits. His eyes turned wild. Not again! No sacrifices! NOT AGAIN!
The room shook. A sonic boom echoed as Giuseppe broke the sound barrier.
Seeing the shockwave, Fake leapt upwards. "Addio, abominio!"
Giuseppe flashed underneath, and the creature exploded.
Skidding to a stop, Giuseppe turned. The walls were laminated with burnt dough. The smell of bread was almost overwhelming.
Fake crouched on the ceiling, looking enormously pleased with themselves.
As Giuseppe panted and caught his breath, Fake dropped down beside him. He obviously was feeling better. "What... what did you do?"
Fake looked smugly at their fingernails. "We saw they were made of dough, like us, and realized... we could distract it and replenish ourselves at the same time. So we started eating it."
Giuseppe shivered. "That's... that's a bit fucked up, Fake."
"We know. Normally we wouldn't do such a thing anymore. But we would not have survived." Their expression turned serious. "Sometimes it is kill or be killed."
Giuseppe looked at Fake grimly. "True. Doesn't mean I like it."
Brick picked her way through the rubble of the huge room, Vigilante on her back. "Better if can get a good view, right?" He'd said, and she'd seen the wisdom in it. Not that it had helped much, though. The room was so huge even Vigi's telescopic sight couldn't see the walls, or ceiling.
Brick considered. She might be a rat, but she absorbed everything she heard. She recalled something she'd heard someone discussing. "This place can be bigger on the inside - a lot bigger. You could fit a whole city on a floor of this place."
Seeing this, Brick believed it. Her senses were scrambled - it was telling her she was in a small room and outside at the same time. And nothing her nose told her made sense.
She was relying on the cheeseslime on her head to guide her.
Vigi scanned the terrain, looking for any clue of where to go or what to do. Every time he tried to use his Sight, he got dizzy. The images were confusing. Swear this place is designed to fuck with me. How am I supposed to aim when I can't damn well see right?
He closed his eyes, remembering his days with Grandpa John. Just close yer eyes and visualize, Vigert, his grandpa had said. He opened his eyes again... but things still felt just as distorted. He snorted. "Somethin' messing with me in here. How about you?"
Brick nodded. She was nervous, interacting with the cheeseslime. Like all of her kind, she loved cheese with a passion, even an obsession. But cheeseslimes were not food, they were people.
The smell was driving her crazy, even so.
Suddenly a strange device popped out of a rock nearby. "Gun!" Vigilante yelled.
Before Brick could react, it fired on her.
Brick doubled over in pain - her hunger had increased immensely. Food! FOOD!
Vigilante picked himself up from where he'd dove, hoping Brick would be able to get out of the way. He turned and saw her doubled over. "Ah, no," he said as he oozed up to her. "Where ya hit, girl-"
Suddenly Brick snapped at him. He jumped away. "What the hell?" He looked at her as she stared at him... Red eyes. She's droolin. Aw no... He remembered the Giant Rats, back in the Tower. They'd looked like that. Pizzahead had kept them hungry, and they'd eat anything. They especially liked Cheeseslimes. He'd had to put quite a few of them down. He'd hated doing it - they were just following their instincts - but they were a menace.
Brick had the same look they'd had. She advanced on him, slowly. Food, food!
He pulled his sidearm out and pointed it at her. He trembled. He hated putting down animals. Grandpa had always had to do it. It's a kindness, Vigert, he'd said. They're just a ball of pain and rage at that point. It's mercy.
But she's not an animal. "C'mon, girl," he said, "snap out of it! Don't make me do this!"
She continued stalking towards him. Food. Food. The thought filled her mind. So hungry. So tasty!
No! A tiny part of her screamed. Friend, not food! Not an animal!
Vigilante cocked the hammer of his pistol. He was trembling so hard, he wasn't sure he'd even hit, if he did shoot. "Brick! Please! DON' MAKE ME DO THIS!"
Brick paused. No. She shook her head.
Vigilante realized what the motion meant. "Yeah! Fight it, girl! Don't let it win!"
The inside of Brick's head was chaos.
Food FooD
The red left her eyes.
Brick collapsed to the floor, writhing and squealing in agony. She thrashed around - her pained squeals made Vigi's heart ache. Then she started banging her head against a rock.
Vigi was horrified. He oozed over. "Stop! STOP! YER GONNA KILL YOURSELF!"
Brick looked up at him. There were tears in her eyes. Her expression said it all. Good. I want to die.
Vigi's heart clenched. "Naw, naw, girl. Don't be like that. You fought it. You beat it. You didn't let Pizzahead win." He patted her head. "You beat it."
She stared at him for several seconds. Then she squeaked piteously, and wrapped him up in a hug. Vigi felt tears dropping on his hat.
He patted her back. He was trembling. Damn you, Pizzahead. Damn you for what you almost made us both do.
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cow3survivor · 4 years
Episode 1 Pt. 2: “Playing a Game With A Fresh Slate” - Jessica
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We did it! We won immunity! Shout out to Sammy for making the flag that won us the advantage and Pete for doing so well in luck! Also in 6 hours or however long it has been since my last confessional, I have decided I do like Sam and we will align. So I guess I want to align with everyone except Madison... hopefully if we lose she is out first!
So our tribe is heading to tribal and I'm very nervous because anyone can go atp. I need to make sure that isn't me.
we flopped that :(( and i think i may be one of the reasons :( trying my best to not let anybody know im upset but as tribal council looms closer im getting worried
(a little later)
im trying not to throw anybody under the bus but i think that im voting out nash :(( they havent been super active and they havent texted me back since i texted them so it just makes sense to boot them :((
(after eating some rice)
voting out another black woman weighing heavy on me :( i hate that its coming to this
our tribe had a celebratory discord call which only consisted of like 4 or 5 people but i joined later after everyone left anyways i had a long nice chat with Sam in which i found out he hosts an in person survivor with his friends at home and hes nice ANYWAYS he apparently, like me, is cursed to forever be a premerger. So from here on out i solemnly swear to never vote for Sam during the premerge phase fuck yeah
remind me tomorrow to chill out and take a back seat on the vote lmaooo
Going to tribal i feel like i'm pretty much safe. I feel like that 4 minutes was a good time for the easy jigsaw, but Ethan getting 1.5 minutes is almost impossible. Assessment on my tribemates Jabari: Seems like a nice person, has talked more and has been much more active, I think she has gotten herself off of the chopping block. Jake: Still a nice person, but has lost some activity during yesterday. Possible Ally still Jennet: Nice, active enough, not a target Jones: Not very active. A bit of a target. I will most probably to vote her to be say. Lindsay: Very active, we talk to each other a lot, nice person, possible ally Mikey: Nice person, nothing much, not a target Nash: ˆˆˆ Nicole: ˆˆˆ, but not as active Silver: Active, nice person, but he doesn't respond to my dm's that much, but, still, a possible ally. I feel pretty good about this tribal honestly
WELL HELLO LADIES. SO SO SO SO SO! Instead of rambling Ill just get on with it. Starting off, Me and Nash REALLY freaking connected. Like they’re so fun to talk to!! BUT. They’ve been inactive. and so Pennino is now going around spreading their name, and basically everyone is saying sure why not. This SUCKS because Me and Jabari wanted to make an alliance with them and jake, but now we are faced with a problem. We both have basically decided that instead of Nash we are gonna drag in Peppino. I brought that idea up because me and him are both the youngest people in the game, and I really wanna go far with Peppino. My goal this season is to beat a bunch of adults and make them feel angry that a 15 year old outsmarted them. Its so funny! Anyways besides that, Im feeling good about that 4. I wish it wasn't Nash going home, considering the only other name out was Jones, and I woulda much rather did her, but you know that's how the cards fall I guess. A bad bitch is done with tonights confessional. A bad bitch is now gonna press submit. A bad bitch says GOODBYE ASF!
im crying i have no idea whats going on!!! HKDHEJDHW all i know is talk to mikey and play 8 ball with nicole
(a little later)
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Charan's Hot Confessional Questions
<a:dance:777952213808447519> 1. Give us a Trust Rankings of your tribemates! Who are you bonding with the most? Who are you bonding with the least? I trust Shane the most, and right now that’s because he is the only person that is actively strategizing. Besides that, I feel the most amicable with Jessica, lovealis, and Daisy who are wonderful people. Unfortunately both Cloud and Madison have made 0 effort with me and are generally inactive with me. <a:dance:777952213808447519> 2. Have any alliances formed on your tribe? If so, how loyal are you to these alliances? If not, do you think there are alliances out there that don't include you? There are no alliances that I’m in that have been formed, but I suspect there are some out there. Alliances without me are ok, I just need to know about them, and if there are any right now, I don’t know about them, and that’s concerning. <a:dance:777952213808447519> 3. How did your first Safari experience/run go! Did you get any closer to finding an idol? I WILL NEVER FIND ANYTHING IN A LUCK BASED SYSTEM <a:dance:777952213808447519> 4. Explain why Ryan and Charan are hotter than you A fact of life... these two slay.
So things are going okay on the tribe so far! The first immunity win was rather nice & I like being able to have a bit more time to read people until were thrown into the pressure of a tribal. So far I’m definitely clicking the most with Shane and then probably Jessica but the time zones are getting in the way a little - just glad I have more time to really click with people and try and cement a place for me in this tribe. I think my contributions to the challenges have definitely helped my standing but not everybody is being super social with me so that’s a little bit of a worry - just gonna have to go ham at bothering people in private messages until they respond I suppose! 🤪
Hi beautiful humans!!! I wish I had tea for y'all but we've won 2 challenges in a row and I really don't see the grind stopping in the foreseeable future so the tribe is kinda just vibing which gives me a little bit more time to build relationships which is a blessing and a half. I always get extremely paranoid the first week in games so the fact that I know for certain I won't be first boot is amazing!!! Tribe bonding is scheduled for tonight so hopefully by next round I'll have an alliance or 2 (maybe even the idol if I'm feeling really lucky)
Last night really lit up a light in me. it sounds like everybody wants to work with me which is good so im now newly excited to play the game
okay okay okay so I would do a full out cast assessment but I literally just can not do that rn...so let's talk about who I vibe with most and who I have made like strong connections with so far! Initially, both Daisy and Jess have declared I am someone they really want to work with which is perfect for me because I want to work with them as well. I know daisy is going to be such a great competitor and I want to be on her side 100% but same with jess...im such a loyal bitch okay!! Me and Kiki really bonded over that logic puzzle so she went up in my rankings (as if she was ever low to begin with) I am not sure how well me/Pete/Nicole(opposite tribe) are gonna mesh...like I really hope me and Nicole can come together this game but I know we are just gonna end up being paranoid of each other but I love her so much. I REALLY WANTED TO BE ON A TRIBE WITH NASH AND JENNET I luv their vibes so much. okay back to my tribe tho, we won reward #mwah! I put so much effort into that because I just knew if we were to go to tribal that's an easy thing under my belt I could use as a "omg u need me for challenges". I noticed I was coming on a little too strong and presenting myself as a leader which I don't think really hurt me I think it made more people realize they should talk to me KHFBHIS. Umm okay so I love lovelis even tho he is not very active but I just know we will have each others backs for a bit. I connected well with Shane and Ethan very early and they just seem so sweet. I think if we would have went to tribal sam/lovelis/Pete could have been in danger. I would have preferred sam cause he isn't that active but he did help out some with the flag work. ANYWAYS this was not my best confessional but I do want to point out I FOUND A VOTE BLOCK SO HOLLLLLLAAAAAA! we are using this as a way to gain peoples trust so I told daisy and jess to strengthen those relationships mhmm
me pretending to be surprised that ppl wanted to vote me out first because i was kinda inactive.... i thought survivor would be different 💔
not me being targeted for being a pretty black girl with a juicy fat ass *sad face emojis*
(a little later)
its tribal council and im shaking and im nervous, this could go horribly wrong or this could go super right
0 notes