#“Supergirl? We can't name her that!” - Threads
Kara bit her lip nervously and pushed up her glasses as she shifted on the couch to look at Daisy. She had no idea how to bring up this whole sex talk thing. She didn’t often have to do it with her past partners and doing it now felt weird. Not bad weird. It just made her nervous. “Can I... ask you something? Or well... talk to you about something?”
She knew Daisy wouldn’t ever make her feel bad for wanting to talk about something like this, but Kara was definitely worried about embarrassing herself. Especially regarding several of the questions she wanted to ask. “You can say no, if any of what I ask is weird. Cause it might be but...”
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Continued from here || @asterobellis​
[Text: Daisy] i am SO ok
[Text: Daisy] and thats really sweet 
[Text: Daisy] but not really what i meant
[Text: Daisy] i mean
[Text: Daisy] do you LIKE me
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Kara was struggling to get dressed, her arms hurt and her whole body was weak. She hated feeling like this. Even after years of feeling like this, she still wasn’t used to. But now, she had normal tasks to try to complete by herself and it made her feel immeasurably worse.
She hadn’t heard Laurel come in and by the time she noticed, fingers were tracing over the large scar between her shoulder blades. Kara spun around and smacked the hand away on pure instinct. “D-don’t touch that,” she stammered, eyes wide and voice panicked. Her arms crossed over her chest in some vain attempt to hide the second part of the scar that sat on her chest, directly over her heart.
Kara had many scars covering her body now. She couldn’t even remember the story behind half of them but that one... that one hurt to even look at. She tried to forget it even existed but having someone touch it... it ripped up unwanted memories to the surface.
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Continued from here || @ceolenaluthor
[Text: Lena] im sorry!! it was an accident!
[Text: Lena] im sure eliza wont even remember
[Text: Lena] and yes! 
[Text: Lena] it is
[Text: Lena] you can’t leave me to deal with eliza and alexs bickering alone
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Kara had been desperately tying to avoid Cat all day. She didn’t know why, but the thought of having to speak to her boss was overwhelming. She hadn’t spoken to her in... years. It was different than when she first saw Alex or Lena or Winn or any of her friends. She saw them all relatively soon after she was found, but it had been six months since she got back and she had been holed up in Alex’s apartment or the DEO for most of that time. Now she was back in the real world and the real world was big and scary. She didn’t know how to handle the real world and Cat was part of that world now.
And now Cat was coming right towards her and it almost felt as if her heart had stopped beating in her chest to somehow prepare for the oncoming conversation. Her arms found their place around her waist out of instinct, in an attempt to solidify herself and try to cover up any obvious distress. Though she was sure the action only made her look all the more insecure.
“Hi, Miss Grant,” she finally managed, somehow not stuttering.
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“I’m sorry I broke your helmet...” It was Kara’s helmet, she knew that. But it was Lena’s too. She had spent so long working on that helmet, making sure it was perfect. “You spent ages on it. It was really nice. I mean, it had a whole electronic interface! I still don’t know how you did that.”
She couldn’t help but stare at the shattered helmet from where she sat as Lena poked and prodded at the cuts and pieces of glass that were stuck in her face. She felt really bad. It was such a good helmet and had survived so much in the last month. Seeing it in such a state made her sad.
“Ow!” Kara yelped, pulling away from Lena as she tried to pull out a piece of glass.
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Continued from here || @womenfindaway
[Text: Nia] I HAVE A DATE!!!
[Text: Nia] SO
[Text: Nia] you remember laurel?
[Text: Nia] from barrys world
[Text: Nia] or well not really his world but
[Text: Nia] her
[Text: Nia] we sort of
[Text: Nia] did stuff last night
[Text: Nia] and now i have a  date
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Continued from here || @asterobellis
[Text: Daisy] uhhhhh
[Text: Daisy] noooo
[Text: Daisy] well i mean
[Text: Daisy] idk
[Text: Daisy] i wouldn’t be opposed to it?
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Emerson laughed when Andrea asked them how they had lost their hearing. They used to tell fantastical stories about it that definitely weren’t true, but they weren’t gonna lie to their mom. Any of them.
“Turns out, blunt trauma isn’t so good for your hearing,” they said, signing as they spoke. They weren’t sure what the sign for blunt trauma was so they moved as they were swinging a bat. “It was years ago. Before I even knew you guys existed.”
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The first week of being the so called vigilante, Armistice, had been exhilarating and maybe a little bit scary. But Kara hadn’t expected to be so... popular. Maybe she should have expected it, considering National City only ever had Supergirl and never a vigilante but... being so publicly known again scared Kara. She had no plans on doing interviews like she had as Supergirl but everyone was more than a little obsessed with Armistice. She was all over the news.
She also hadn’t expected a presumed reporter or photographer or whoever to be bold enough to actually get so close to take a picture of a picture of her while she was fighting.
Kara froze when she saw the woman there, standing maybe five feet away from her and the unconscious bodies in front of her. Finally, she tapped a finger against the blacked out tempered glass, activating her voice changer.
“Who the hell are you?” Kara Danvers rarely cursed and Supergirl never did, but Armistice? Armistice had to be the polar opposite of Kara or Supergirl. Gruff and a man. Or at least many people assumed she was a man, which had been the whole point of a suit that hid her body and could make her voice much deeper.
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“So,” Kara started, grinning as she moved to sit on her girlfriend’s lap. “What would you think if I wanted to call you Daddy?”
She had wanted to ask for weeks, but it had taken that amount of time to build up the confidence that she currently had. They had explored tying each other up among other things, but something about calling Laurel Daddy felt more intimate and therefore scarier than any of that. It was something that people typically either loved or hated and Kara was scared that Laurel would think she was weird for liking something like that.
Hell, she had thought it was weird at first too, but the feelings it brought out of her had been far too tempting to not at least broach the subject with Laurel.
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“Babe,” Kara whined, making grabby hands at her girlfriend. “Come cuddle me.”
She was lying on the couch, knees curled up to her chest and arms wrapped around her stomach. This was the most comfortable position yet, but there was still a never ending pain radiating through her abdomen and back. This was mild compared to most of her cramps, but the pain still made her nauseous and not want to do anything.
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Continued from here || @asterobellis
[Text: Daisy] oh.
[Text: Daisy] i hope you have fun
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Continued from here || @womenfindaway
Kara shook her head adamantly. “No. I’ve never once forgotten. You’re Laurel. My Laurel. And yes, Black Siren is part of who you are. Just like Black Canary is and just like Supergirl is part of me. But you don’t have to push me away. I know that’s what you’re doing. I think you’re scared and you don’t like feeling that way. But I’m here and I’m not going anywhere no matter what you say or do.”
She was good at speeches. But this wasn’t just a speech. She really, truly meant it. She thought that maybe she loved Laurel, but using that word? It might scare her away. So she said it with other words instead. 
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“Stupid fucking...” Emerson quietly swore (or they hoped it was quiet anyway) as they tried to get out of the hospital bed, cords tangling and tripping them up. They hadn’t eaten in hours and they really wanted something from the vending machines. Did they have any money? Not exactly, but they’d figure it out.
Finally, they managed to get out of their room, dragging the I.V pole with them. They quickly rounded the corner that led to one of the many vending machines and smacked right into someone. “Shit!” The sudden intrusion startled them, eyes widening and breath picking up. “S-sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
They were still getting used to not being able to hear. They really had to pay attention to their surroundings or else shit like this happened.
A stab of pain shot through their head and their hand shot up to cover their eyes. This happened often, but it was still unpleasant and they were probably scaring the lady they just ran into. And they were looking away which meant they couldn’t understand what she was saying. 
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Okay, maybe Emerson was a little drunk. Just a little! It was nearly four am and they were drunk off their fucking ass, actually. “Mom!” Emerson slurred from outside Alex’s door, fist pounding on the door. “Mom, your lock’s broken!”
It was definitely not broken, Emerson just couldn’t get the damn key in the lock. They were really fucking drunk. Too drunk. But it was fine! They’d just have a little hangover in the morning.
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