#“Turtlier” Teetlez
ye-it-is-skeet · 1 year
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Colored "Turtlier" Teetlez drawings ✨🌸
The brothers that have that beige or whatever underbelly (neck, arm, whatever) are because their turtle species have it, except Leo.
I drew them in their ninja outfits as well so you'd know what they look like.✨
I'm just deciding what sort of "Turtlier" comic to make next, so ye✨🌸
I love drawing these guys and I loved coloring them🌸
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ye-it-is-skeet · 2 months
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I found some poses on Pinterest and you can guess what happened✨ Also taking this time to show the full-body full-designs of the teetlez+Usagi✨ And to talk about the designs and choices that were made. Also behind them is basically the shapes I imagined as I drew them all
<Info-Dumping Zone>
Leo- The most I can say about his design is like.. He wears wrappings either to have support for his wrists or just because. I have sketches of all their masks from behind but Leo's is based on, when I looked up traditional ninja designs, and saw a ninja with a warrior man-bun type deal so ye✨
Raph- His rough and "spiky" look is more just to show his aggressive demeanor most of the time. At first I just added the armor because I saw some ninja outfits where they wore armor (mostly on their shins and forearms), but after drawing this I realized it can be good for ramming into people and having that protection. Also the instant I finished designing him I knew I wanted him to be DARK, and I am OBSESSED with how dark he is✨ Also the short mask tails are because I see so many ppl giving Rise Raph specifically his tails tied to a bow so ye. Also it wasn't just a pentagon, it's more that I just thought about polygons.
Donnie- I actually designed Donnie first, because he's my favorite, heheh✨ His design is simple, I wanna talk more about his Bo-Staff. As I drew this I just made this area that stuck out from the staff where the wrap is, and it reminded me of those pencil grips. So now it's that Donnie doesn't like holding the rough staff for too long and has that little area to give his hands a break as he continues to fight. The armor on his shins I do not yet have an explanation for. Maybe it's so his kicks can hurt more.
Mikey- Again, simple design. When I designed him I wanted him to look round and a lil chubby maybe~✨ Quick tip: if he doesn't look baby then you drew him wrong.
Usagi- For the most part I just did my own thing, the outfit design, more specifically how the blue cloth bits are designed, were entirely based on how @okumura-senseixxx draws Usagi (love how they did it✨, obviously). Using that design because I wanted Usagi to look pretty, and that design of clothing is very pretty✨ Other than that it's a matter of just flipping Usagi's hair because trust me it doesn't look good any other way. I didn't think heart when designing Usagi, but when I think of Usagi I think "heart" so ye.
Teetlez- I am thinking of doing one of those "art study" sheets for my teetlez and characters if you guys ever want, I'll just do a mini worded version for now since I'll be working on something else. Overall their bodies are based on the first concept designs of my "Turtlier" Teetlez which was the Rise Boys just.. "Turtlier". Those designs changed but I loved the body type and used it here✨ The beaks are personally a must✨ I find it more interesting to draw beaks than normal mouths for the teetlez✨ The tails are also just a personal must, I just like them✨ Took a while to figure how I'd draw the individual pieces of their outfits, I thought doing brown or grey (ew) but both matched Raph's red in greyscale so it would never work. Then I looked back at my sketched design of Donnie and noticed to differentiate the pieces of clothing I had shaded his arm and leg bits. ✨Lightbulb✨ Just make the other pieces darker variations of the main color✨
I have a lot of information that I'm still trying to hash out, so ye✨
References (if it's important at all, from Pinterest except the nunchaku one, google):
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ye-it-is-skeet · 1 year
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The first ever comic with my “Turtlier” Teetlez✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
These comics are little funnies with turtle facts attached, I love researching the species and it’s blossomed into this wonderful comic🌸✨
This one was introductory, lemme get through all the “Turtlier” traits of these teetlez✨
Snapping Turtles are Nocturnal, but Raph needs to watch these bozos during the day too, so he goes to bed late and wakes up late but still during the day✨
Leo shoving Donnie off the rock was him doing a territorial joke as Sliders are very territorial, in actuality Leo doesn’t mind the company since sliders always bask in groups anyways✨
Softshells just have long necks and can extend them, so obviously Donnie does that (more so when knowing Leo is grossed out by it)✨
Lastly Mikey napping in a burrow, obvious but Box Turtles don’t really sleep either they just take a ton of naps✨
My OC will feature in this comic but spotted turtles survive off being sneaky and secretive in their behavior, so I was just showing that✨
I hope you ✨LOVE✨This introduction comic and I’ll make more at some point, there’s no real story but it’s fun✨
(Extra info, they do still live in a lair in the sewers but since literally everyone but Mikey is an aquatic turtle they have an indoor pond)
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ye-it-is-skeet · 1 year
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“Turtlier” Teetlez expression practice because maybe I’m going to make some little comic bits with them when I feel like it
*crawls back into burrow*
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