#“happy to rescue your family from that fire! just lemme indulge in a few deep whiffs of other people's burning flesh and i'm good to go”
stealthnoodle · 9 months
Might I ask how Durge run is going?
I'm chugging along through Act 1 and it has been WILD. I met an imp claiming to be my butler! I sleep-murdered! I canNOT stop thinking about what people would look like inside-out! And I'm doing it all while looking like a 90s trapper keeper come to life. Amazing.
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I'm playing Lisa Frank like someone who's trying not to do a bunch of murders all the time but sometimes needs to do a little murder as a treat, and I am being rewarded with such faces:
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The fluorescent hair truly elevates every scene.
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I am also (apparently) successfully romancing Karlach this time but I am low-key terrified this will end in tears after the Alfira incident (holy shit to that one, by the way). I am also nervous about the welfare of Scratch and the baby owlbear at my camp! My girl Lisa Frank feels like a ticking time bomb and I am very excited to see where this goes as the game progresses. (Is she wrapped up in some Bhaal shit? I bet she's wrapped up in some Bhaal shit. Can't wait for her to meet Orin.)
It's also been delightful to let her tell her new friends that she feels like she's starring in a Dexter reboot and see everyone's reactions to that information, hahaha
Making my Dark Urge character a bard has also meant I get a LOT of exciting dialogue options. (I also get the Drow options but don't usually use them, because c'mon, amnesia. Lisa Frank doesn't remember shit about that Drow life.) I am witty, charming, melodramatic, adorable, creepy, and not to be trusted with sharp objects. A+++
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