#“legend has it theres still a guy left in stasis on it cursed to just float through space aimlessly for the rest of eternity”
ssphiree · 4 months
i wonder how the rest of the world/solar system/wherever people were living at that point responded to the radiation leak on red dwarf, if they all knew it was a radiation leak that wiped them out or if that info didnt get back to most of them, if its remembered as a historical event like the titanic or chernobyl, or if its a mystery that spirals into a bunch of mad conspiracy theories like the bermuda triangle or the loch ness monster
does it go down in history as "the mysterious case of the disappearing crew of red dwarf" or is it commonly known as "the red dwarf radiation leak tragedy"? did holly manage to get the information back to them?? or did they not even know the crew disappeared at all & just saw the ship start ominously floating out into space without any explanation
if they do know it was a radiation leak do they know why it happened?? do they know it was because rimmer didnt fix the drive plate properly & if so did he become a historical figure as "the guy who wiped out the red dwarf crew" or do they just know it was a botched drive plate with no other specifics??
did they know there was still a guy in stasis on the ship who had survived?? did they ever try to go on a rescue mission to get him?? did they find out about the cat race evolving on the ship???
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