#“mahoooganyyy” typical david not understanding the possible undertones of what he's saying
suspended-and-why · 7 months
Finally watched the last episode (SE4-EP20: with Friends like these) of Camp camp. It wasn't perfect, but I still enjoyed it a lot! The new voices kinda put me off at first, especially Gwen. I was fine with Nerris and I just imagined Max going through puberty. What bothered me the most was the pacing, some dialogues didn't flow really well, some animations didn't too (felt like they were running in place), cuts were sometimes weird. The audio was strange too. BUT !! I had just rewatched the entire series and it helped draw emotions when it was needed, despite the pacing kinda fucking it all up. LOVED all the references to previous seasons and episodes. "Because somebody fucking has to!" And the photos at the end!!
The scene with Max and David was perfect though. Nothing to say against it. "One of these days I'm going to close up camp for the last time" ARGHGRGGHH !! y'know? "So the more I can make of what I have today, the more I can walk away with when it's gone" The entire dialogue! had me crying! a little!! "That's all I want for you kids Max, to have something to take with you." Kill me David, why don't you! They BOTH killed me to be honest. 😭One of my favorites scenes all episodes considered.
All in all an okay and kinda great close to this summer. That lasted like, 8 years. or 7. Next summer's in a week :) 🏞️☀️
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