#“oh il me court après ce con” bien avec l’accent du sud J’Y PENSE TOUT LE TEMPS
carlandhoe · 10 months
Charles’ new vlog episode just confirms to me he’s at his funniest when he speaks french. English is his business-professional language, italian is the one he loves to flex, going over the top and all,, but french 💀 he uses such casual expressions (“on pouvait pas s’blairer”😭), even when he’s in a somewhat serious setting like an interview or whatever, he’ll say the most unserious thing with a deadpan face and immaculate delivery (“j’ai fait des pâtes et elles sont dégueulasses en plus” helpp) THAT paired with the southern french accent, sends me in orbit every time. French-speaking Charles is my fav Charles for sure
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