#“the Justaerin's grinding charge” that's the good shit right there
fourgods-nobrakes · 10 months
Falkus Kibre spends a lot of time in the background just quietly being there, devoted to his lord, but man I love the moments where his unshakable dedication gets foregrounded—like this one, during the earliest "Black Legion action", when Abaddon and his followers stormed an Emperor's Children stronghold to stop them from weaponizing a clone of Horus Lupercal:
Squads of Emperor’s Children took position at critical junctures to defend their master’s vessel, pouring bolter fire down the corridors at the Justaerin vanguard. Bolts strike Terminator plate with the echoing clang of a hammer at the forge; hundreds of bolts striking makes the very noise of Hell itself. Into this withering blizzard of explosive bolts, Falkus and his warriors advanced. Tusks and horns broke away, leaving bloody wounds in their wake. Armour shards were blasted clear, revealing the mutated flesh beneath. Still they walked, implacable, over the bodies of their fallen brethren. Those who stood against them died beneath claws and hammers, each falling blow ending a life precious to the Youngest God. Those who fled bought their lives at the cost of pride. Forever would we remember the crew of the Fleshmarket who broke and ran before the Justaerin’s grinding charge.
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