#“think of the greenest innocent you’ve ever tumbled” why would you say something like that. i don’t even wajt to think about it
ariannnawinchester · 7 years
Bitterly Sweet.
Characters: Dean, Reader and mentions of Sam and Jo
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Mostly just swearing. This is fluffy af. I’m quite proud.
Summary: The Reader is the oldest daughter of the Harvelle family and she feels like it’s her responsibility to take care of Jo and make sure she has everything she wants. Until one day, a beautiful man, with the greenest eyes makes her slightly selfish. For the first time she wants something for herself. Can she have it?
A/N: Again, I heard a song and I had to write something. I feel like my writing goddess has woken up after a deep slumber. I am so inspired. It’s a great feeling. Thank you for reading. It means a ton. As always, constructive criticism and feedback is highly appreciated.
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“I’ve been here a week and the most I’ve gotten out you is a glare.”
The gruff voice gets your attention. But all you do is roll your eyes and grit your teeth. Dodging his large solid body to get to the other side of the counter. He’s watching you, his gaze unwavering as you move towards the crate of glasses. As you reach for the dish towel, he snatches it away. Wringing it in his big hands whilst smirking at you. The fucker. He knows exactly what he’s doing. This stupid goddamn game he’s been playing since forever. All you want to do is slap that smirk off his face. Or kiss it. It doesn't really matter.
“Get lost Winchester.” you spit out, reaching for the towel, “Can’t you see I’m busy?”
You don't have to be busy. It’s actually your day off. But, you’re spending it here. Not because you don’t have a life but because you wanted to keep a close eye on him. To prove to yourself that he’s as much of an ass as you would like to think he is. You have heard stories about his father, John Winchester. Apparently during your childhood, Dean and sweet Sammy fazed in and out of your lives like the seasons because your father was John’s best friend. But then, something happened. 
Your father never came home and neither did John and his boys.
A  month ago, or something. He blew through the roadhouse. Like a hurricane on bowlegs, with murder in his green eyes. His brother in tow.
Those same green eyes are looking at you now, sparkling with mischief. “Ask me for it.” He teases, holding the dish towel over his head. The edge of his Henley rising, letting you catch a good glimpse of his tanned skin. “Come on Y/N. This isn't even about the dish towel. I just want you to say my name.”
“Why? Don’t you know it?” you bite back.
“I said I’m busy. So go.” you snatch the towel away harshly, “Go bother Jo. She loves your attention.” you fling over your shoulder as you busy yourself with the wet glasses. You hear him shift his weight from one foot to the other. A certain amount of pride fills you when you realize that you have rendered Dean Winchester speechless. He starts to walk off, feeling a twinge in your chest, you have the sudden urge to call him back but you fight it. 
Then he stops. And swings around.
“I don't get it. What have I ever done to you? his voice deeper, laced with frustration, “Why are you like this? You’re all bubbly around Sam and with me? With me, it’s like you caught me pissing in your coffee.”
His words catch you off guard. Your blood rushing to your face. Whether it’s from fury or shame, you haven't figured it out yet. You somewhat feel like you’ve been slapped in the face. You just blink at him. Not sure how to react yet.
Too quickly, your shame turns to anger. 
You fling the dish cloth to the ground. All you want to do is curl your fingers around his thick neck and squeeze. You grab fists of his shirt, tugging him to your height. The green in his eyes is darker now, softer but somehow that frightens you more.
“You frighten me Dean. When you’re around I feel things that I don't want to feel.” you spit. Like your admission is poison, “If I let myself want you, I know that there’s no going back. Jo’s so taken by you. She’s my sister. I can’t hurt her like that.” That’s when you break, a sob erupting from your chest, “I’m in love with you and I can’t stand it.”
You’re searching his eyes, for anything. Some kind of sign. Or reaction. But nothing. He’s just watching you. His hands snake around your waist, pressing you to him. Holding onto you like right here, is the only place he wants to be. You sigh against his neck when his fingers tangle into your hair. 
Finally he speaks, his voice settling over your skin making goosebumps. “Y/N. Can I try something?”
You just nod. The fluttering butterflies in your belly making your hands clammy.
He tilts your chin upwards, your lips merely inches away from his. You can feel his breath, warm against your skin. At this moment, you realize you have never wanted anything more than this your entire life. It settles, you love him and that’s okay.
His lips mold to yours. So softly. So tenderly. He knocks your breath away. You can’t think straight. Tender innocence shifts to fiery passion. You want to pull away before you lose yourself. But you don’t. You’re already in too deep. He’s under your skin and in the air around you. You’re drunk on him. 
“Y/N.” he mouths slowly, against your lips. Prolonging each letter as if to savor the taste of them.
You smile. Your heart tumbling in your chest, “Here it is, flat out. Plain and simple. I love you.”
“I know.” he says. Never before has anything sounded so beautiful.
You lean in for another sweet promise.
Tags: @thedevilinthedetails @my-supernatural-dreams @damn-sassalecki @akshi8278 @tia58 @laurwinchester @the-amaranthine @merci-is-screaming @pizzarollpatrol @torn-and-frayed @tom-is-in-my-tardis @anokhi07 @nightmaredean @captainemwinchester @sleep-silent-angel @kittenofdoomage @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid
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