#“yeah the world may burn but at least i won't feel icky.”
Hi! Happy wbw! What does taking potions feel like in your world? -@dragon-swords-prophecies
happy wbw to you too, max!!! i hope you have a lovely day :D
Taking potions feels different depending on what effect they'll give, and what magics you're used to experiencing!
For example, a Flesh mage Ehlf taking a healing potion won't feel that much different - the most notable sensation would probably be the itching of their wounds fixing themselves, and the icky mouthfeel of the potion itself. Meanwhile, a human taking a healing potion (or any non-Flesh mage Ehlf) will feel a significant increase in physical sensation overall and a hyper awareness of the sounds of other people's existence (heartbeats, muscle movement, lungs expanding, etc.) on top of that itchy healing!
Otherwise, if one takes a potion of, say, Fire Elementalism in order to use a magic they usually can't, they'll feel really hot, like feverish sweats, and be warmer to the touch. Exerting that temporary power may feel like it's burning them, even when it doesn't physically do that, and until they've done it enough to become tolerant of the sensations and awareness of heat sources around them, it'll be super uncomfortable.
Other potions of note, at least for Firebreathers: people who want to physically transition will often take potions of Greater Shifting in order to change whichever parts of their body they want (including endocrine system for Magic™ HRT). But, because I like to project my own struggles with transitioning in real life, this process is pretty painful and often leads to several weeks of bed rest in the aftermath. Also, it's possible to experience phantom sensations in places that have been modified or removed.
The process itself feels like actual Greater Shifting - physically painful, because you're molding your body, but only in those areas you change. (If it were Lesser Shifting, you'd not only change yourself in entirety, you would hurt in entirety.)
But yeah, TL;DR: potions feel like using the magic they grant, and the novelty of those sensations depends on what magic you're used to using, if any!
thank you for the ask!!! <3<3<3
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