#† º • * arc ––– road movie   ( s. 1-3 )
endfaith · 6 years
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         IT’S GETTING JUST PAST THE BORDER                          of being   annoying .   it got shaggy somewhere along the line ,   before sam even noticed ––––––   waist - deep in tracking dad ,   in swirling thoughts of   jess ,   of trying to   NOT DIE   while he found his momentum with dean .   things came to a rigid halt after their father’s funeral .   it was in the long ,   hot days that they spent   COPING   at bobby’s that he really noticed for the first time .   since then ,   he’s been trying to part it ,   just to keep it out of his eyes .   but it’s still hot ,   drying funny   after his shower ,   and getting on his nerves .   really .   it takes   a lot   for him to ever reach the point where he’s   TRUSTING DEAN   with a pair of   clippers .               ‘   just trim the ends off ,   okay ?   don’t hack it .  ’                    // @tobeblamed
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endfaith · 6 years
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             ‘  C’MON ,  DUDE .                       don’t tell me you thought that movie was   scary .  ’         // @rxbcurn
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endfaith · 6 years
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          THE ONLY THING HE’S CERTAIN OF IS                         that there is a full   pack of werewolves   living in this town .   with that in mind ,   the bloody trail that seems to have started of its own accord should be a no - brainer .   any hunter would have this wrapped up by tomorrow’s sunrise ,   and be on his merry way .   they’re   LUCKY   that sam doesn’t trust things to be   so straightforward .   lucky ,   or perhaps sam is just naïve .   still ,   he hasn’t forgotten the number one   WINCHESTER   rule ;    never lose control .                 ‘   stiles ,   if we’re going to do this ,   we’re doing it my way .   the lore   works ;    but it won’t if we make stupid mistakes .   have any of these kids fought a   MONSTER   before ?   outside their own kind ?  ’                    //  @rxdstring                 ( s.c. ) 
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endfaith · 6 years
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          ‘  IF YOU’RE JUST GOING TO TURN                             around and call it a   liar ,   then you shouldn’t be fucking with a   OUIJA BOARD ,   in the first place .   it can sense that .  ’               // @wndibro             (  s.c.  )
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endfaith · 6 years
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          ‘  NO ,   DUDE .   IF WE DO TEQUILA SHOTS ,                    it’s gonna be me dragging your   sorry ass   out of this bar by the end of the night .   happy birthday to me.  ’      // @xxbrokensoldierxx
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endfaith · 6 years
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          ‘  NO ,   COOL IT FOR TONIGHT .                   we’re not going anywhere until tomorrow .   ––––––  . . .   number one ,   because you smell like   GHOUL GUTS ,   dude ,   and I’m not sitting in the car for ten hours with you .  ’             he can’t really talk ; he sure as hell doesn’t smell like a   PEACH ,   himself .   the point still stands .             ‘  there’s a   super - 8   on the next exit .  ’                    // @deservedhell        ( s.c. ) 
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endfaith · 6 years
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          ‘ I KNOW DAD’S JOURNAL SAYS                                that he was tracking a   demon   here ,   but I’m telling you ,   dean .   I    searched   the vic’s house .   there was no sulfur .   the family didn’t report any strange behavior ; nothing out of the ordinary before it happened .   there isn’t even any   EMF ,   so it’s not a vengeful spirit .   there’s   no way   this is the same thing dad was after .  ’                    // @tobreakhell           ( s.c. ) 
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endfaith · 7 years
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         ‘  I SAY WE DO SHOTS .  ’         he says it in place of the congratulatory back - pat ,   in place of the   happy  birthday ,    in place of the    you only turn 29 once .   they don’t make a fuss about these things ,   anyway ,   and for the first time sam is endlessly glad .   LAST BIRTHDAY .   bill coming due in three months and change .   he’d like to be whiskey - warmed and not think about how cold the next january will be .   ‘  not like you got a job interview or anything .  I’ll buy .  ’              // @hesrighteous      ( s.c. )
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endfaith · 7 years
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          ‘ HAVE YOU EVER USED                     a   ouija board    before ?  ’     something is telling him no –––– she doesn’t really seem like the   SLEEPOVER   type .   then again ,   he’s been surprised before .              // @southrot    ( s.c. )
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endfaith · 7 years
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          HE DOESN’T REMEMBER ANYTHING FROM COLD OAK, at the end. after the dream, the yellow-eyed demon, ava and jake talley .  .  . sam has a scar down the end of his spine, but no recollection of any of the pain. he thinks dying feels like falling asleep. maybe the still of the morning, the time where you may not even notice that you’re asleep at all. he might just be optimistic. ‘ what is it like ? ’ // @diesfirst
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endfaith · 8 years
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         IT’S QUIET, HERE, IN THE MORNING. sun filtering through a large kitchen window. he’s the doctor’s second appointment today, apparently, and he’s early. quiet as hell, easy to slip into his mind. he doesn’t hear the kid come into the room, but he doesn’t jump at it, either. things rarely make him jump. 
               ‘ . . . you think I could bum a cup of the good doctor’s coffee ? ’ // @obituariies
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endfaith · 8 years
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       NO WAY SHE DEALS. HE’S BEEN out of high school for a hot minute, sure ––––– but she looks like she’s twelve, under the PIERCINGS and mascara. hands rest limp on hips, an exhale post-assessment coming out like a chuckle.
                      ‘ . . . you hear that on tv, or something ? ’ // @honeyburnt
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endfaith · 8 years
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     THERE’S A GREAT HUFF, A FORCED unclenching of the thing in his gut that sees the inhuman and says shoot. it’s difficult, sometimes, to believe that there are so many shades of grey. it never used to be like that. but then again, many things were simpler before his brother RETURNED FROM THE DEAD. perhaps it has to do with ruby, or just that things that aren’t meant to be often have little say in the matter. he doesn’t know. arms cross over a steady-held chest, the thrum within it evenly paced. he has to admit, looking UPWARD to meet anyone’s eye is still strange. ‘ okay, LOOK ––––––––––– you got someplace else to go ? maybe somewhere . . . further out ? ’ a gesture, lax and flippant, toward the shadows of great trees beyond their meeting place. ‘ I can’t promise that there’ll never be any more HUNTERS out here, you know. especially if little kids start to go missing. ’ // @ignatiius
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endfaith · 5 years
tag drop . 
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