#βœπ’Έπ’Άπ“‡π‘’π’»π“Šπ“ π“Œπ’½π’Άπ“‰ π“Žπ‘œπ“Š π“Œπ’Ύπ“ˆπ’½ π’»π‘œπ“‡ || ask/answer
illuxions Β· 4 years
@bellwielder​ || continued:
That voice…
It had been haunting him ever since they collected the rogue innocence and were heading back to the Order. A strange melody riding on the wind, faint and quiet, yet it managed to pierce his ears like nothing he ever heard before. A voice like the one of a little girl, sometimes sounding from far away, sometimes drawing nearer. But never gone.
Daisya looked at the Finder accompanying him. If he heard it as well he didn’t show it. Maybe the exorcist was hallucinating. It had been an awfully long week for him, after all, and he couldn’t wait crawling into his bed and sleeping for two days straight.
Only now he noticed that the voice had come even closer. Closer than ever before. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks, clearly confusing his company. He lied to him about having forgotten something in their hotel room, something he couldn’t leave without. He should go get it, the Finder could leave already. The trainstation was close-by, and another group of Finders were already waiting for them there. He would hurry.
Daisya only ran for a few yards, then hid behind a group of trees and watched the Finder from afar. He savely made it to the station. The innocence was secured. Good. Now to handle that haunting siren.
β€œI know you’re there. Are you one of these Noahs again? You’re damn annoying, you know that?”
Letting one of her prey go was no matter to her. Far less interesting, far less ... fun. Holding back to sift amongst the trees, ducking away to her plane of dreams whenever they came close to spotting her. All while a song of her own creation fell cloying and sweet from her lips.Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œ Let the earth renew, Β  Β  Β all it’s errors and ways. Β  Β  Β And the people sing,Β  Β  Β  Β these are the last days ~ ! Β  Β  Β Now I know you’ll find Β  Β  Β just what is wrong with me... Β  Β  Β But my life, Β  Β  Β is nothing but a dream ~ ! ”
Almost impressed by how quick the exorcist had come to the correct conclusion ( she had half expected to have been called a demon, an akuma first ), she let herself finally step into the spotlight. The soft glow of daylight fell upon pale skin tinting with grey, violet hues that glistened with a golden sheen. The being of dreams giggled, a bright tone that lacked that extra note of childish innocence as it was cast to the air.Β 
She had to admit, this was one of her favorite ways to make an appearance.
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Β  Β  Β β€œ How rude ~ ! I give you a performance, and you Β  Β  Β have the nerve to call me annoying? ”
There was little fear in her approach. Her pace slow, calm, menacing against the smile that began to creep up her cheeks. She held out her hand to him, palm up - almost as if she was expecting a gift.Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œ Let’s make a deal. You apologize by giving me Β  Β  Β that innocence you found, and I’ll let you run along Β  Β  Β home and be that brave exorcist who survived Β  Β  Β facing another of the Noah family! ”
Β  Β  Β As if she was planning on letting him go that easy.
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illuxions Β· 4 years
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@wastedexorcist​ asked ::Β β€œ It wasn’t everyday that a dragon enters the dream world. Today is that day! Cross bellows out into the golden sky, a loud roaring tone in his voice as he calls out to a certain somebody. β€œROAD!! WHAT THE β€˜ELL IS THIS?!” ”
requested || always accepting
She had taken a risk in picking him up. Plucked from the Order at the drop of a hat through a door unmistakably hers ( the Noah did not even want to consider the size of the gate she had to create to force him though ) and into the world of her own. Sitting atop an ornate chair decorated with half - finished projects and the headless form of a doll slowly being repaired by her seamstress hand, she flicked her gaze up to the scaled form of the general. And laughed.
Β  Β  Β β€œ It’s a good look for you ~ ! ”
Crooned the dreamer, setting her works down for but a moment to leap off her throne. Striding right up to the mythical form without a shred of hesitation. Her tone playful, mocking.Β 
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Β  Β  Β β€œ You just can’t help but get yourself into shit you Β  Β  Β can’t handle, can you? ”
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illuxions Β· 4 years
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@novatvricnt​ asked ::Β β€œ If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t considered killing you in months. ”
black sailsΒ || selectively accepting
The soft patter of rain just outside made for a quiet backdrop to their meeting. The smaller ( far from the younger ) pressed against the glass of that ornate window, feeling the vibrations of the tiny droplets as they fell against the panes. Dreamer looked ... complacent, for a bit. Not angered at the other’s commentary, not happy. Just ... thinking.Β Almost as if she wanted to say something more, but kept thinking better of it.
Eventually, the soft line of her mouth perked up to a smile. Subtle .. but there all the same.Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œ I think that might have been the closest thing Β  Β  Β to a compliment that I’ve ever heard from you. ”
Throwing her head back to look among the sky, watching the storm roll over the halls of this dreadful order. She could not stay for long - but she could stay long enough to answer. She turned back to Miya, violet hues long since lost their childish spark - filled instead with the calm, clear intent of a soul who was not about to lose what she ( what the third side ) had built up a second time.Β 
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Β  Β  Β β€œ Would you believe me if I said I felt the same? ”
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illuxions Β· 4 years
@exorcistalice​ asked ::Β β€œ (places her url) ”
how do i feel? || accepting
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illuxions Β· 4 years
@tospititontheon​​ asked ::Β β€œ Nea for the icon-thingy-mabob! ”
the icon-thingy-mabobΒ || accepting
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And a bonus because I’m a little shit ::
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illuxions Β· 4 years
@wastedexorcist​ ||
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Β  Β  Β β€˜ Oh!! No worries, I know the struggle of holding a sideblog versus a main! If I follow back from @reperiire​, then rest assured both that cool lass and this gremlin are more than happy to plot something out with you! ’
Β  Β  Β β€˜ AND H- AAAH THANK YOU! Road is always a treat to muse ( even in her darkest moments ), and I love your Cross as well - consider me more than excited to start plotting! ’
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illuxions Β· 4 years
🌸(Tyki ❀)
flower || accepting
Fresh stem plucked from the gardens fit perfectly amongst her locks, almost as if such a gift was always meant to be there. Tilting her head to allow his hand more purchase until the petals were firm in place, waiting just until he moved to retreat before she struck. Slamming into his chest with a tight hug, arms hooked round his sides with the side of her cheek sans-flower pressed against his chest. Cheerful giggles escaped her as she all but hung there - a pleasant tune against the soft afternoon light.Β 
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Β  Β  Β β€œ I love it, Tyki ~ ! ”
Truly, she did. With more days coming filled with unrest than without, the chance to take a breath and let herself indulge in the carefree makings of a child and her beloved uncle was a treat she would never get her fill of. Prying her head off his chest just enough to set her gaze up to his.Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œ Though if you keep on stealing from the bushesΒ  Β  Β around here, β€˜ daddy ’ is sure to notice ! ”
Β  Β  Β Not that I mind. A bit of fun never hurt.
Bright smile quirked with the hint of a smirk. A playful glint sneaking it’s way to her gaze before she began to speak again. An idea already playing out in her mind.
Β  Β  Β β€œ Then again .. Oh! Think one of our flowers wouldΒ  Β  Β look nice on you too? ”
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illuxions Β· 4 years
flower || accepting
Violet hues flickered with veiled confusion as she felt the petals of a rose laid through her locks. White against purple - fitting for the dreamer’s wear even if the giver was not the source she would have expected. Taking her hand up to pluck off a petal from the flower and pressing it between her fingers hard enough to cause the color to drain with small beads of water budding twixt her finger tips. Turning her gaze up to the exorcist, smile a bit too bright to look genuine as she spun around in place to show it off just to finish in a childish curtsy.Β 
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Β  Β  Β β€œ Well would you look at that ~ ! You’re a disasterΒ  Β  Β when it comes to everything else, but at least youΒ  Β  Β know how to pick a nice flower! ”
The Noah had half a mind to find a flower of her own and return the favor. Why not after all - give the lady something nice as a thank you before the dreamer really got to work.
Β  Β  Β β€œ What’s the occasion for? What, are you trying toΒ  Β  Β butter lil’ ol me up ~ ? ”
Β  Β  Β I can’t say you’re doing a terrible job of that.
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illuxions Β· 4 years
🌸 ( from Doll!Kanda β™‘ lotusdelusion)
flower || accepting
Sitting by the side of a river. Feet dipped into the rapids as if to dare them to try to steal her away from her spot of rest, cares of the world thrown away for just a moment in time. After all, it would only be a few minutes before they would have to be on their way. Leaning back when she felt digits press to her hair, a glance to her side that let a gaze break into a playful sneer.Β 
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Β  Β  Β β€œ You could have found a better one, but I thinkΒ  Β  Β  this looks fine ~ ! ”
Teasing as she always had, reaching up with a hand of her own to feel the soft petals against her mane. Even without a direct glance she could tell the flora was in full bloom - bound to look at least decent against her shock of abnormally bright hair ( even if she would never admit it ). She had to admit his tastes in charm were top notch - no matter what sort of role he had to play in their twisted family.
Β  Β  Β β€œ Did you find any others you liked? ”
Β  Β  Β What caused this urge to give me something so sweet, doll?
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illuxions Β· 4 years
❛ this is not who i am . ❜ from dove !
horrortale || accepting
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Β  Β  Β β€œ Then what are you, exactly? ”
Knocking toes of a thick soled shoe against the ground, bird like tilt of curiosity towards a soul dressed so familiar. Who wasn’t her question - names meant nothing to her when it came to a kind so pervasive ( so quick to FALL ). What. What did he mean, what were his bonds, connections, his argument as if to convince her that he wasn’t attached to the very society he wore the mantle of on his chest. Golden hues narrowed to the gleam of a rose cross while child’s mouth sneered.Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œ You have the floor, might as well make yourΒ  Β  Β argument entertaining before I take my own fun. ”
Β  Β  Β I’ll be hanging on to every single word.
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illuxions Β· 4 years
β€œ I’m not sure i know who i’m supposed to be anymore. ” ( have Neah angst )
misc. feelings || acceptingΒ 
Β  Β  Β What a coincidence.Β 
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  I hardly know myself.
Taking innocence-laden hand in hers, she laid a soft kiss to the cross on the back of his skin, twinge of pain ignored in her gaze as she kept her view locked on his visage. Mind racing as if to find the right words, to use a silver tongue to build one she loved up, rather than tear a soul apart ( how long has it been since she’s ever wanted to TRY? ).
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Β  Β  Β β€œ You’re Neah. Whatever you choose to make of Β  Β  Β  your path, that’s who you’re meant to be. ”
Β  Β  Β Trying to find a purpose in the hellscape that was their lives would only serve to destroy a heart in want.Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œI remember what you wanted, all those years ago.Β  Β  Β Do you still wish for the same? Do you still wish toΒ  Β  Β try again, even knowing what has happened sinceΒ  Β  Β we failed? ”
Blame taken in twain. She had allowed it, encouraged his hand back when the thought was there of ending the terror of the grip of a Noah’s memory ( even if the end was through SLAUGHTER ). Taking hand fashioned to a weapon through innocence he had never asked for, pressing his palm to the warmth of her cheek. Clawed nails pressed light against the tender skin as she let her eyes fall shut. Trusting.Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œ I can’t tell you who you should be now. That’sΒ  Β  Β for you to decide. All I need to know is that you’reΒ  Β  Β still Neah … that you’re still my Neah. ”
Β  Β  Β I don’t think my heart could handle another change.
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illuxions Β· 4 years
β€œyou’re lucky i found you when i did.” (Tyki)
rising force || accepting
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Β  Β  Β β€œ I would have been fine without you ~ . ”
Half-truth in her words, but her state suggested otherwise. Surrounded in crimson pooled over the ground - shredded skin stretching and resealing by the second. Playful in her step, as if to hide the danger of her circumstances ( even if her plight was not troublesome in the physical sense ). Careless as she skipped over the bodies laid bare - though not by her hand.Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œ All I wanted to do was have a bit of fun, notΒ  Β  Β  my fault I happened to run into some of myΒ  Β  Β β€˜ father’s ’ cronies. ”
She should have removed them from the scene before they attempted to flee. She had been distracted, made impatient by a memory that wanted nothing more than to rend prey asunder.Β 
Β  Β  Β What would have happened if a member of the Noah family had been revealed to the world?Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œ Besides .. it’s over now, isn’t it? No need toΒ  Β  Β start nagging me!”
Not when she already knew what she had done was a hair’s breath from disastrous.
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illuxions Β· 4 years
β€œYeah. Careful’s not really my style.β€œ ( from Neah )
wyonna || acceptingΒ 
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Β  Β  Β β€œ And I wouldn’t have it any other way. ”
To show your strength to the world without fear of corruption. Nothing standing in his way but the very enemies he might take his fun in mowing down. Admirable. If only the world wasn’t so cruel to ones such as him ( yet that was where she took her stand by his side ). Turning towards him with a grin that stretched ear to ear.Β 
Β  Β  Β When would caution ever be your saving grace?
Β  Β  Β β€œ Who’s the lucky target? ”
Plan already set in her mind to follow regardless. Not through doubt of his skills, already more than confident in his own abilities as they returned, but through her own passion. No better way to spend an afternoon than through a hunt. Providing an edge to a sword already sharp - well, that was a bonus.Β 
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illuxions Β· 4 years
β€œHUH? WHO SAID THAT? I CAN’T SEE ANYONE.”(Alice considers herself tall against Road, though they differ in height only a little :D)
short as hell || accepting
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Β  Β  Β β€œ Bet if I lop off an inch, you’ll be able toΒ  Β  Β see me just fine. ”
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illuxions Β· 5 years
β€œWhy are you standing on the counter?”
short as hell || accepting
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Β  Β  Β β€œ Because I can’t - gh! - reach the top shelfΒ  Β  Β  otherwise !! ”
The heart wants what the heart wants. And if the heart wants those sweets that her dear old dad made for her to eat slowly? Well then she’s fishing to try to take the whole thing down at once.Β 
Β  Β  Β If only she didn’t TRIP. Off the counter she goes!
Β  Β  Β β€œ Woah - ! ”
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illuxions Β· 5 years
❝ be careful about going around judging people by their appearance. ❞ ( β™‘ lotusdelusion )
zelda || accepting
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Β  Β  Β β€œ I’m sorry, did I hear that right? ”
Child form draped in thick fur, chilled winds whisked against her hair as the brush of a painter. Visage of someone unassuming, perhaps innocent. Eyes that told a different story. Gleaming with distrust, veiled amusement that promised nothing close to mercy. Smirk towards the soldier. A hypocrite in the purest sense.Β 
Β  Β  Β β€œ I’d say you were making a joke if I thoughtΒ  Β  Β you were smart enough to make one. ”
After all, exorcists survived off their judgement. Caution, fear, loathing. Seen over and over again in the toys she breaks. Souls rendered to pieces. Cocking her head to the side in quizzical motion, letting one eyebrow raise as she spoke. Tone calm, cold as the deepest ocean.
Β  Β  Β β€œ Or do you mean to threaten me? Warn meΒ  Β  Β that there’s more beneath your surface? ”
Was he aware of how much of him she KNEW?
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