#⁺ 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐀  ›  fallon.
aeipathys · 2 years
closed › @conkniving​
This was not her scene. 
The exterior alone of the Scaredy Cat Club should have been enough of a sign for her to run in the opposite direction, but Hansa Xu was never one to run, brushing off raised eyebrows at the entrance and heading straight to the bar. Leather jackets and ripped jeans brushed against the soft silk of her dress, and absently she wondered if the stains from spilled drinks she was accumulating helped make her look less out of place. It didn’t matter, anyway — she flourished under the spotlight, even if they were dim neon ones. Hansa knew she made a pretty show, regardless. 
“Watenshi, on the rocks.”
She pressed her lips together when several heads turned in her direction, puzzled looks within bleary eyes. “Gin — with ice.” She corrected dryly, shooting the bartender a mild smile. And then, under her breath, “ ฉันหวังว่านี่จะไม่ใช่คำพูดสุดท้ายของฉัน ( tr: I hope these won’t be my last words ).”
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