atlaswinged · 6 years
Upon entering his office, the very smol woman would approach him, and kiss him... on the cheek. Clearing her throat afterwards, she offered what he could essentially dissect as an apologetic look. "I was dared, sir." [ THE DARE IS COMPLETE. SMOL AS KISSED TOL. NEVER STATED WHERE AND HOW also enjoy ilysm
@licentiapennas / HEATHER’S GOT BALLS
He’s  staring  at  the  map  of  Shiganshina  and  going  over  his  plan  again  and  again  in his  head  ,  not  only  to  make  it  as  flawless  as  he  possibly  could  but  to  distract  himself from  the  persisting  pain  from  a  limb  he  doesn’t  even  have  anymore.  It’s  why  he doesn’t  even  raise  his  head  from  his  work  ,  not  even  realizing  that  he  isn’t  alone anymore  because  it  burns  and  aches  at  the  same  time  (  as  if  to  remind  him  that the pits  of  hellfire  is  all  that  waits  for  him  in  the  end  ,  like  a  brand  ).  It’s  only  when he catches  movement  out  of  the  corner  of  his  eye  that  he  glances  up  ,  about  to  ask what  she  needed  when  she  leans  in  ,  lips  brushing  on  his  cheek  in  a  light  peck without  him  being  able  to  react  ,  surprise  catching  him  completely  off  guard  but  he’s quick  to  recover.
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❛  I  hope  that  whatever  you  gain  from  this  is  worth  it.  ❜   Understanding  and  a  touch  of  amusement  lingers  in  his  reply  as  he  makes  a  mental  guess  as  to  who  had  made  such  a  challenge.  The  pain  is  forgotten  ,  just  for  a  moment.
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atlaswinged · 6 years
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❛   I   pay   well.   ❜     Rumors   say   that   the  Ackermans  possess  talent  that  can’t  be owned  by  anyone  ,  only  temporarily  bought  for  a  price.  He  wants  to  see  for  himself  how  talented  they  really  are  and  perhaps  ,  earn  a  loyalty  that  would  be  convenient  to  have  at  his  own  fingertips.    ❛   And  I  can  double  the  price  you’re  asking  for.   ❜   
Chin  comes  to  rest  on  gloved  fingers  ,  blue  eyes  gleaming  in  a  knowing  light  but  gives  away  nothing.  Having  been  in  this  kind  of  business  as  long  as  he  has  ,  he’s  come  to  know  that  most  loyalty  can  be  easily  earned  and  the  one  who  paid  more  than  his  rivals  came  out  on  top.  Betrayal  comes  easily  to  most  ,  just  as  much  as  the   pull  of  a  trigger.  Guns  for  hire  are  a  different  story  ,  most  of  them  lone  wolves  who  preferred  their  independence  but  how  deep  does  that  desire  run  ? 
@brazcns / GANGSTER AU
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atlaswinged · 6 years
❝ are you angry with me? ❞
He  is  ,  in  the  most  logical  sense  of  the  matter.  It’s  unusual  for  him  to  let  his  stoic  mask  slip  ,  especially  in  anger  or  irritability  which is  hardly  like  him …  no  ,  it’s  more  of  a  kind  of  disappointment  at  her  actions  in  Shiganshina  which  had  been  incredibly  reckless  ,  even  for  her.  The  last  time  he’d  felt  this  heated  storm  stir  within  him had  been  when  he  had  stood  in  front  of  his  father’s  tombstone  ,  with  a  calm  sort  of  rage  directed  only  at  himself  for  being  such  a  fool  that  is  as  much  a  part  of  her  personality  as  it  is  his  ,  being  so  willing  to  sacrifice  herself  for  others  despite  her  value  to  the  Survey  Corps  and  to  humanity.  Trading  her  life  for  something  as  replaceable  as  his  does  nothing  for  anyone  ,  especially  when  he  doesn’t  want  to  be  saved  but  still  ,  he’s  responsible  for  putting  her  in  such  a  situation  in  the  first  place.
‘  I’ve  told  you  how  important  you  and  Eren  are  to  all  of  us …  ’   He  can  finally  sign  again  with  his  arm  regrown  ,  a  sign  of  how  inhuman  he’s  become  (  he despises  it  —himself  —-  more  than  anything ).  None  of  his  emotions  bleed  through  his  moving hands  ,  only  his  eyes  that  glint  like  the  brief  glare  of  a  drawn  blade.  ‘  Don’t  value  other  lives  over  yours  ,  including  mine. ’   It’s  an  order  that  he  has  no  control  over  but  he  couldn’t  overlook  this  ,  not  when  she  seemed  unable  to  cast  him  aside  when  she  needed  to.  
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His  gaze  turns  upward  to  take  in  the  stars  ,  connecting  certain  ones  in  his  mind’s  eye  to  see  the  shapes  like  he  had  done  when  he  was  a  child.  It’s  hard  to  stay  in  his  office  when  everyone’s  gone  ,  barracks  empty  and  hollow  ,  the  silence  digging  into  him  like  claws  ,  reminding  him  of  all  that  he’s  done  that  would  always  remain  unforgivable.  Although  the  people  had  cheered  for  him  and  his  soldiers  for  the  very  first  time  as  they  charged  headfirst  into  battle  ,  he  is  so  painfully  alive.  He  had  charged  with  them  ,  heard  their  last  cries  around  him  ,  had  resigned  to  die  with  them  but  even  that  wasn’t  a  choice  he  could  call  his  own.  It’s  a  fitting  punishment  for  him  and  he  accepted  it  wholeheartedly  but  what  he  couldn’t  accept  was  her  attempt  to  try  and  save  him  when  he  had  been  beyond  saving.
He  doesn’t give  her  any  room  to  argue  or  resist  as  he  walks  past  her  ,  putting  the training  grounds  quickly  behind  him  in  just  a  few  strides  ,  pausing  briefly  as  he  reaches  the  fence.  ❝   You  can’t  save  everyone.   ❞   He  ,  of  all  people  in  particular  ,  wasn’t  worth  saving  at  all.  He  walks  away  ,  melting  into  the  night  with  a  guilt  that  feels  more  unbearable  than  before  and  he  can’t  help  but  recall  Zackley’s  words  and  how  death  would  be  easier  for  him.  It  probably  was.
@lunima / MEME
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atlaswinged · 6 years
"what do you think would have happened?" his voice breaks the sunset-silence, a murmur as warm orange light turns erwin's hair golden. their fingers are tangled together. "if you hadn't died." (he can say it without flinching now.) "if we'd actually defeated the titans the way we wanted, stopped worrying about who'd be eaten next. do you think we'd ever have been..." he gestures between the two of them, "this? or were we always too fucked up for that?"
It’s  rare  of  Levi  to  broach  the  subject  of  his  death  like  this  ,  without  the  brief  glimpse  of  pain  that  seems  to  take  hold  EVERY  TIME  they  skirt  around  it.  The  very  mention  of  it  brings  about  his  endless  guilt  to  the  surface  that  he  still  keeps  buried  for  having  caused  Levi  such  pain  ,  for  putting  him  in  such  a  situation  that  still  haunts  them  both  ,  even  now.  He  had  left  behind  a  terrible  burden  for  Levi  ,  with  barely  a  choice.  It  had  been  cruel  ,  there  was  no  other  word  for  it  ,  not  that  it  was  anything  new  coming  from  him.  He’s  just  sorry  that  Levi  had  to  experience  it  too  when  he’d  known  the  terrible  responsibility  he  was  placing  on  Levi’s  shoulders.
❛  Oh  ,  I’m  sure  we  would  have  managed  somehow  ,  as  we  always  have.  ❜  His  answer  is  light  hearted  despite  the  gravity  of  the  question  as  he  takes  in  the  bleeding  horizon.  The  sky  had  been  so  clear  ,  so  defyingly  blue  that  day  ,  when  the  voices  around  him  faded  into  the  background  and  all  that  was  on  his  mind  was  that  he  was  lucky.  He  had  always  expected  to  die  alone  which  would  have  been  a  fitting  ending  for  someone  like  him  ,  who  had  committed  too  many  atrocities  that  he  could  NEVER  ATONE  FOR.  
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Even  if  he  hadn’t  died  then  on  that  rooftop  ,  he  would  have  been  doomed  to  die  thirteen  years  later  anyways  from  what  he's  been  told.  This  alternative  ending  is  even  crueler  for  Levi  than  what  had  originally  happened  in  his  opinion  ,  slowly  dying  and  wasting  away  with  each  passing  day  in  front  of  Levi  for the  consequence  that  befalls  all  titan  shifters  wasn’t  what  he  would  have  wanted  ,  for  Levi’s  sake.  He  doesn’t  find  it  necessary  to  say  all  of  it  though  ,  too  morbid  in  front  of  such  a  serene  view.  ❛  It  would  have  been  a  shame  if  we  couldn’t  move  on  and  find  a  bit  of  happiness  after  all  we’ve  been  through  ,  especially  for  you  in  particular.  ❜
The  hand  intertwined  in  his  feels  so  small  in  comparison  but  so  FULL  OF  WARMTH  too  as  he  gives  it  a  small  squeeze  of  comfort.  His  head  turns  slightly  ,  blue  hues  meeting  stunning  grey.  ❛  You  of  all  people  deserve  all  the  happiness  that  this  world  has  to  offer.  ❜  A  soft  ,  apologetic  smile  graces  his  lips  ,  almost  sheepish  as  if  he’s  the  butt  of  a  joke  ,  trying  to  pass  this  off  as  less  serious  than  it  is.  ❛  And  I’m  sorry  that  it  has  to  be  with  me  again.  ❜  He  wishes  that  Levi  could  have  a  genuine  chance  at  true  happiness  that  didn’t  have  him  interfering  with  it  ,  in  a  world  without  him.  It  may  have  been  Levi’s  choice  to  choose  him  again  but  that’s  only  because  of  the  history  they  share  together  ,  filled  with  TOO MUCH  PAIN  to  even  be  considered  good  memories.  He  hopes  that  in  another  life  ,  Levi  can  forget  the  old  memories  and  create  new  ones.  If  the  universe  could  grant  him  that  one  favor  ,  he’d  happily  pay  the  price.
@choosingfreedom / CHU
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atlaswinged · 7 years
Most  know  him  simply  for  THE  MASK  that  he  so  cunningly  wears  ,  as  the  charismatic  and  successful  businessman.  It’s  a  public  face  that  he  skillfully  made  his  own  to  HIDE  HIS  TRUE  NATURE.  If  anyone  else  knew  ,  they’d  find  it  ridiculous  that  he  was  kneeling  in  front  of  the  young  girl  with  a  smile  that  matched  hers  as  he  offered  the  wrapped  gift  to  her. 
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                    ❛    This  is  for  you.   ❜   He’s  sincere  in  his  fondness  for  Ariana  although  he’s  careful  with  HOW  HE  PRESENTS  HIMSELF  to  her.  Children  are  intuitive  ,  able  to  notice  small details  that  adults  would  otherwise  miss  as  to  who  and  what  exactly  he  is.    ❛   I  hope  you  like  it.    ❜
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atlaswinged · 7 years
@choosingfreedom / ♥ ‘ d for a dad joke
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               He’s  right  in  step  with  the  Slytherin  in  no  time  at  all  with  a  just  a  few  steps  to  catch  up  ,  potions   book  in  hand.  He  knows  that  Levi  is  warming  up  to  him  ,  even  if  it’s  just  by  a  little  bit  every  day.     ❛   My  favorite  spell  so  far  in  class  has  got  to  be  wingardium LEVI - osa ,   ❜   he  says  with  a  small  smile  ,  enunciating  the  name  in  particular.
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atlaswinged · 7 years
@ignaeflos / ♥ ‘ d for a dad joke
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         He  snatches  the  case  files  away  from  her  before  she  has  a  chance  to  peek  through  them  ,  amusement  lighting  his  blue  eyes  as  he  shakes  his  head.   ❛   If  prisoners  could  take  their  own  mugshots  ,   they’d  be  called  cellfies.   ❜
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atlaswinged · 7 years
CONTINUED [ ☆ ] B/C @choosingfreedom IS RUDE :’)
CAUGHT  IN  THE  GRASP  OF  THE  CULMINATION  OF  FEARS  that  only  Levi  can  see,  all  he  can  do  is  to  try  and  pull  Levi  out  of  it.  He  knows  the  risk  of  it  ,  never  forgetting  the  HARSH  ENVIRONMENT  of  the  Underground  where  falling  asleep  could  mean  an  easy  death  at  the  hands  of  another.  THAT  NATURAL  INSTINCT  that’s  so  deeply  ingrained  into  a  part  of  Levi  he  would  never  fully  understand  could  lash  out  to  him  too.  The  defensive  position  ,  tense  and  distraught  ,  MORE  THAN  HINTS  at  how  severe  the  nightmare  is.
He  knows  what  that’s  like  as  he  often  has  HIS  OWN  of  a  father  who  had  never  gotten  the  chance  to  see  his  son  grow  wings  and  rip  off  the  feathers  from  others.  It’s  a  small  mercy.  THE  DISAPPOINTMENT  that’s  deeply  reflected  in  the  depths  of  blue  eyes  that  are  a  mirror  image  of  his  own  ,  containing  a  sea  of  countless  dead  soldiers ,  civilians  ,  the  commanders  who  came  before  him ,  all  within  those  hues  bore  that  same  look  as  his  father  did  when  their  gazes  RISE  TO  MEET  HIS.  His  greatest  fear  is  to  let  them  all  down  because  of  his  incompetence  ,  his  failure.  He’s  made  a  vow  to  himself  THAT  DAY  ,  as  he  stood  before  the  grey  headstone  of  a  dreamer  who  had  entrusted  his  knowledge  to  the  most  naive  minded  fool.  To  wake  up  to  all  of  it  ,  alone,   is  a  misery  ,  WELL  DESERVED  in  his  case  but  not  Levi.  The  least  he  can  do  is  to  cut  the  pain  short.
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He’s  always  KNOWN  HOW  QUICK  Levi  could  be  but  barely  just  awake  and  not  even  letting  the  haze  of  it  slow  him  down  is  amazing  to  see  in  action  ,  unexpected  and  impressive.  Blue  eyes  widen  in  surprise  ,  jaw  clenches  ,  teeth  gritting  down  as  pain  shoots  UP  HIS  ARM  that  could  have  been  worse  if  he  hadn’t  resisted  just  a  bit  at  the  last  possible  moment.  His  free  hand  grabs  Levi’s  wrist  too  ,  the  one  that’s  reaching  for  WHAT  COULD  ONLY  BE  a  weapon.  The  face  that  Levi  wears  is  one  that  he’s  seen  one  before  ,  with  knees  digging  into  the  ground  with  the  KISS  OF  COLD  STEEL  poised  and  ready  at  his  neck  ,  except  it’s  blank  ,  without  the  anger.  It’s  unprejudiced  defense  ,  OUT  OF  REFLEX  before  Levi  could  even  realize  what  he  was  doing.
              ❛   Levi  –––––––––––  ❜   It  comes  out  soft  and  gentle  ,  a  soothing  touch  to  his  voice  THAT’S  USUALLY  RESERVED  for  his  horse  in  the  rare  times  it’s  been  spooked.  Maybe  he’s  heard  ,  maybe  not  but  Levi  seems  to  finally  realize  where  he  is  ,  consciousness  breaking  through  the  haze  of  his  fear  THAT  STILL  CONSUMES  his  grey  eyes.  His  hold  on  Levi’s  hand  loosens  but  he  doesn’t  pull  away  ,  thumb  brushing  over  THE  INNER  WRIST  in  a  back  and  forth  motion  ,  hoping  that  it  would  help  to  ground  reality  somehow.  Erwin  just  calmly  watches  Levi  take  in  all  the  surroundings  ,  letting  him  get  his  bearings.  He  may  NOT  KNOW  EXACTLY  what  Levi’s  seen  but  he  can  imagine  ;  they’ve  both  seen  hell  ,  found  themselves  in  the  middle  of  all  the  carnage  ,  and  then  THE  AFTERMATH  that  came  after  ,  of  faces  they  would  always  remember.
He’s  only  ever  seen  Levi  so  shaken  up  ONCE  BEFORE  but  not  as  bad  as  this.  He  wishes  there  was  more  he  could  do  but  this  burden  isn’t  one  that  can  be  shared.  Their  demons  are  THEIR  OWN  but  they  didn’t  need  to  face  them  alone.  His  other  hand  grasps  Levi’s  shoulder  ,  giving  it  a  comforting  squeeze  ,  recognizing  the  kind  of  distaste  that  comes  with  the  unintentional  SHOW  OF VULNERABILITY.  He  feels like  he’s  intruding  but  there’s  really  nothing  he  can  do  about  that  ,  eyes  just  briefly  stopping  at  THE  LOCK  OF  HAIR  NOW  DAMP  that’s  still  just  as  tempting  as  before  to  brush  it  aside.  His  gaze  finally  finds  Levi’s  avoiding  his.    ❛    –––––––––––   look  at  me.    ❜
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atlaswinged · 7 years
007. cry on . / i was in the mood for angst but you could include one of the hugs just for bonus tbh...
When  he  receives  the  list  of  names  from  that  day  who  were  all  UNACCOUNTED  FOR  and  presumed  dead  ,  their  deaths�� BECOME  an  excruciating  weight  on  his  mind  and shoulders  that  he  wholeheartedly  accepts  but  nothing  compares  to  the  utter  devastation  of  LOSING  AN  OLD  FRIEND.  He’s  always  known  that  it  could  happen  to  him  or  anyone  else.  It’s  a  part  of  his  calculations  and  gambles  and  yet  ,  his  MANGLED  AND  BLEEDING  heart  that  he’s  closed  off  emotions  to  is  still  torn  to  shreds  at  the  name  of  humanity’s  second  strongest  near  the  bottom  ,  marked  as  ‘ MIA. ’  He’s  been  prepared  for  this  ,  all  the  time  ,  but  even  THE  DEVIL  has  sentiments  even  he  can’t  let  go  of.  Hope  of  survival  is  grasping  at  dreams  that  he  doesn’t  have  the  LUXURY  FOR  in  this  cruel  reality.  It’s  NOT what  Mike  would  have  wanted  ,  he  knows  that  for  a  fact  but  he  can’t  help  closing  his  eyes  as  he  lets  the  paper  fall  on  top  of  his  desk  WITH  THE  WEIGHT  of  so  many  dead  ,  PAINSTAKINGLY  DEAFENING  with  the  cries  of  the  fallen.  guilty  ,  guilty  ,  guilty !!  and  he’s  responsible  for  them  all  so  why  is Mike’s  voice  the  loudest  of  them  all ?
When  the  news  reaches  him  first  about  Mike  surviving  ,  still  alive  ,  he’s  the  first  to  visit.  The  doctors  tell  him  that  Mike  would  be  just  fine  and  HOW  LUCKY  he  is  but  they  understand  nothing.  Even  he  can  surmise  what  happened  from  the  wounds  that  they’ve  found  on  Mike’s  thighs  and  he  KNOWS  MORE  than  anyone  else  what  it  can  do  to  someone  ,  just  barely  escaping  Death’s  clutches.  It’s  not  until  Mike  wakes  that  he  realizes it’s  SO  MUCH  MORE  than  just  that.
He  makes  time  to  visit  Mike  in  the  hospital  as  often  as  he  can  ,  finding  the  bed  empty  this  time.  It  DOESN’T  take  long  for  him  to  find  Mike  though  ,  not  too  far  ,  taking  a  walk  through  the  trees  nearby.  From  behind  ,  Mike’s  broad  shoulders  still  RADIATE  STRENGTH  as  it  always  had  but  when  he  approaches  and  his  old  friend  turns  around  ,  those  eyes  tell  him  differently.  It’s  the  look  of  a  broken  man  ,  desperate  to  find  someone  who  could  understand  JUST  A  FRACTION  of  what  he’s  going  through.  He’s  here  to  listen  ,  about  the  speaking  titan  ,  about  the  escape  ,  or  nothing  at  all  if  that’s  what  Mike  WANTS  right  now  ,  barely  having  called  out  his  friend  by  name  when  the  distance  between  them  closes  as  arms  wrap  around  him  without  a  word  ,  clutching  him  tight  as  if  he  was  what  kept  THEM  BOTH  FROM  DROWNING.
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They’re  both  men  of  FEW  WORDS  and  even  fewer  lapses  in  emotion  too  often  misunderstood  for  apathy  ,  always  keeping  their  feelings  close  to  their  chest  so  that  no  one  could  see  them  bleed  but  with  EACH  OTHER  ,  they  didn’t  need  to.  His  own  hands  rise  to  rest  on  the  wide  surface  of  Mike’s  back  before  one  of  them  drifts  higher,  fingers  ENTANGLING  in  golden  strands  of  hair  as  they  cradle  the  back  of  Mike’s  head,  bringing  his  friend  in  closer  into  the  crook  of  his  shoulder.  THE  TEARS  ARE  A  VULNERABLE  TESTAMENT  and  it’s  the  only  conversation  they  need  to  have  right  now  so  he  brings  Mike  in  closer  ,  tighter.
                               I’m  sorry.   
                                                       I  believe  you.   
            I’m   here.
・。☆  ━━   @cfdevotion  /  MEME.
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atlaswinged · 7 years
・。☆  ━━   @choosingfreedom  /  ♥ ‘ d
        ❛  THAT WENT WELL.  ❜    He muses out loud when they’re finally left alone , taking a sip of tea before elbows find the table top , fingers clasping thoughtfully with his chin resting on top.  His gaze is distant , one that can SEE MORE than he lets on.  The revolution is at hand , one in the making since before he was born , the most important difference being that he would NOT FAIL like his predecessors had.  Most were content with living like dogs , hesitant to defy their masters although they were getting more confident as this latest meeting implicates.  Still , he holds his second hand’s opinion in HIGH REGARD and so he asks , just because he wants to.  
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         ❛  Tell me , what do you see , Levi ?  ❜
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atlaswinged · 7 years
[ defend ]
・。☆  ━━   @choosingfreedom  /  NON-SEXUAL ACTS OF DOMINANCE your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them
    He knows how much Levi hates THIS , being paraded around like some kind of prized stallion and humoring nobles who wanted the opportunity to meet humanity’s strongest one on one.  As much as they both hate it , they can only grit down on their pride as human beings.  In the eyes of nobles and everyone else who only knew the comfort behind these WALLS , they’re not even that.  It’s why they gave so much interest to the Survey Corps , even a generous amount of funding , and it was that very OPPORTUNITY he’d take advantage of , more than willing to lick the boots of every single wealthy and affluent individual if he had to. 
So he tolerates every ebb and flow of conversation , letting the peacock strut and walk ALL OVER him in the privacy of the noble’s own home they’ve been invited to.  The corps needs this to go well if they wanted supplies for the coming winter and they’re almost done when it’s their host who decides to leave them with PARTING words that were supposed to be compliments , one for Levi and his superb abilities while the other had been for him  ––––––––
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❛  Thanks for coming today ,  ❜   he finally says after a few moments of silence within their carriage , WATCHING children play out in the streets.  All for the greater good.  ❛  I know how painful all that was for you. ❜  Knowing amusement dances in his blue hues that had been masked and stoic for the past few hours.  Levi would choose to FIGHT TITANS any day over dancing in the ballroom of politics.  ❛  But next time , let them say what they want to , Levi  —-—-  some of us deserve it you know. ❜ 
IT HAD ALL WORKED OUT IN THE END ;  they had gotten what they needed as their noble had taken a liking to Levi’s sharp tongue , being that much of a fan but what he didn’t want was someone defending him ... even if somewhere deep inside , something fragile basks in the protection of a friend and he lets it , just for a little bit.
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atlaswinged · 7 years
・。☆  ━━   @choosingfreedom  /  [ CONT. ]
[TEXT: LEVI I was just looking out for you, Levi. You don’t need to get defensive. [TEXT: LEVI ] I never said otherwise ?? [TEXT: LEVI ] You wouldn’t. :)
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atlaswinged · 7 years
∘ * ゚・ ◟ ☆      The world doesn’t FEEL the same when death is the cloak that every soldier wore, invisible to everyone else.  It happens when the RESPONSIBILITY of decisions fell on anyone in battle, forced to choose between the greater good and a lifetime of guilt that gnawed the soul dry.  It’s the WAY soldiers grow in a way that they only could rather than giving in, breaking down  —-—-  he’s seen the recruits evolve into being MORE. jean has come a long way from the NIGHT he’d joined the survey corps, eyes immersed with a fear rooted in reality unlike his own when he had been recruited.
He only has a small FRACTION of his soldiers left, in a battle that he should have died in along with the rest. Whispers and doubt behind their backs are back in FULL FORCE, the existence of their FACTION now questioned as most of the titans have now been exterminated. His hand comes to rest on weary, young shoulders, meant to soothe a tempered spirit in the midst of blind fools who only knew COMFORT & POWER behind the walls.
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         ❛  We’re leaving. ❜  He doesn’t wait for an answer, FIRMLY guiding Jean toward the exit among the flock of vultures who they needed support from.
℘. @circumspects ・˙ * ❰ STARTER CALL ❱
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atlaswinged · 7 years
He had been created for one PURPOSE and only one  —-—-  or so he’d thought. The war between his kind and the demons has been never ending , as if their ONLY purpose was to fight and die. He’d refused to believe it and it wasn’t long before his loyal soldiers were joined by OTHERS who shared his thoughts. Together , they refused to fight so blindly against enemies that they’d been trained to KILL since they came into existence, living among the humans they naturally came to look down on as weak , to experience what it was LIKE and to help them in times of need. They protected humans rather than WATCHING them suffer from the safety of the skies. Freedom was SWEET and he’d hold onto it now that it was his. 
The body drops to the floor at his feet , no longer possessed by the DEMON. The warehouse was full of corpses , a NEST of the devil’s most skilled and talented. It had taken weeks to track down but his bet had pulled through. The bodies would be LEFT for the police to FIND , courtesy of an anonymous tip. He focuses on his destination , ready to spread his wings and instantly appear where he ENVISIONS to be when he can sense that he’s not alone anymore.
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❛  What a coincidence that you happen to appear right after all your friends have died.  ❜  This demon’s human form was ... SHORT so it’s easy to gaze down , blue eyes drinking in every detail  to the GREY hues that only burned with stone cold defiance.  ❛  I take it you’re not here to fight but to talk since you haven’t attacked me yet. ❜  He GLANCES down at his watch before they flick back up , SCRUTINIZING but a curiosity gleams dangerously within the depths of his eyes.  ❛  So tell me , demon  –––––––––––  what can I do for you ?  ❜   
℘. @surveyscaptain ・˙ * ❰ ANGEL & DEMON AU ❱
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