#ℰ . replied.
~ Visit in the hospital ~
Theme: Shigaraki visits you in the
hospital after you got injured on
one of your recent missions
on your own birthday.
= Genre: fluff, angst, suggestive =
Tw: cussing, some grammar
mistakes, slightly suggestive
in the end
and it's self inserted
But anyone who wants to can read it
~This is a short fic/wholeass scenario~
Reader is gender neutral,
I'm using you/yours as always
•=> Tomura, •=>you
=....That's all....=
~ ℰ 𝓃 𝒿 ℴ 𝓎 ~
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You were laying on the hospital bed, all alone in the white room, the only thing that was heard was your breathing and heart's pulse. While you tried to fall asleep again, right when you were about to close your eyes, the door of the hospital room opened.
It was Tomura...
"Hey, better now?" He whispered to you. "You got fucked up pretty bad, if I wasn't there, you would be dead right now" Shigaraki spoke calmly, closing door after himself slowly, while walking over to your hospital bed as he set down one bag on the floor.
"I came to visit" He said with a little smirk on his face, while staring at you with his crimson bright red eyes. He looked annoyed and worried at same time, actually you couldn't even understand what that emotion and expression of his was. He's just a complicated person, not very good with expressing emotions.
"Yeah, they really did. At least I still kept my identity hidden from them. They still didn't find out who I am."
You replied to him finally, opening your eyes completely and looked at him tiredly, returning him smirk slowly. Your voice was a bit raspy and dry since you just woke up earlier.
Shigaraki gave a small chuckle as he got down to the bed side and shook his head a bit while sighing.
"So...how are you feeling?" He asked in plain and blank tone, it sounded a bit cold and harsh, but that's just how he is usually. He crossed his arms over his chest and sounded a bit curious too even though his tone was harsh and cold.
"Like shit"
You replied without hesitation while staring at ceiling blankly.
"Ah, don't be so down." Shigaraki spoke in sarcastic tone, but at the same time he ment it, he tried to comfort you, even though it didn't work, at least he tried, right? He looked down at you, than took a step closer to the bed, he was still staring down at you while those crimson eyes seemed to pierce your soul. "We made it, you know?" He said calmly, as if that was supposed to just erase the fact that you got really hurt.
"Yeah at least something I guess-..."
You started to speak, then you tried to move a bit in hospital bed and change position you were laying in, but you got cut off by quiet pained noise you made, after moving or at least trying to move. You froze for a while than slowly leaned back.
Shigaraki raised his 'eyebrows' as he looked down at you, his eyes still piercing you, he was looking at you as if he was trying to analyze you or something.
When you made that pained noise it seemed like it snapped him out of the daze of him staring at you, that cold smirk forming at you slightly. "Hey now, don't move." He said as if he was scolding you.
"Yeah...I forgot how much it hurts actually" you said and coughed once then laughed a bit shortly from slight embarrassment while you avoided eye contact with Tomura.
Shigaraki seemed a little too amused at your pain, that harsh gaze still fixated on you as he continued to watch you silently. He raised his 'eyebrows' again when you laughed a bit. "You alright?" He asked curiously, but he sounded a little intrigued by the fact that you laughed while being injured, it was just funny to him somehow. He was glad that you were laughing at least, better than crying and screaming from pain that's for sure.
"Somewhat" You shrugged and sighed while staring at wall for a while, than looked up at him finally. Your replies were a bit dry and short since you were injured, so no wonder.
"Only somewhat?" Shigaraki sounded a bit mocking as he asked that, his voice still had that little amused tone as well as that cold smirk on his chapped lips.
His gaze kept shifting from your face to that bag he brought, it was on the floor by the door. His hands were shoved in his jacket's pockets, that same harsh gaze was still on you.
He looked like he wanted to do something, but he still looked like he was restraining himself.
"That bastard threw my ass into the building and burnt me literally."
You said slowly in plain and slightly irritated tone while looking into his eyes with your heavy eyelids.
Shigaraki scoffed, that amused look shifting to an annoyed one for a second. "You're still alive, are you not?" He asked in the same mocking tone as before.
His gaze shifted back to looking at the bag by the door, his hands still tucked in his pockets, he seemed to be waiting for something as he stood still, looking at you.
"Yeah, alive and barely moving"
"Still moving." Shigaraki's voice was almost mocking, but there was a serious tone in it as well. "Better thank your lucky stars you even woke back up."
You just rolled your eyes to the sky in response while sighing. You still laughed a bit and nodded while smirking at him lazily , he had a point.
Something changed about him as he continued to talk, Shigaraki was no longer looking down at you, but instead at the bag on the floor beside the door. His hands slowly pulled out of his pockets, his eyes seemed even more focused on you now.
"Anyway, I got you a little something." Shigaraki sounded a little too amused again as he started to rummage around inside the bag on the floor.
"Ah yeah, forgot to ask you. What's that bag you brought with yourself?"
You asked curiously, but you were still too exhausted to be excited at all or react, all you could do is lay down and stay still, just stare. You were kinda surprised, you didn't expect him to bring anything with himself for you.
Shigaraki paused while looking inside the bag, he finally found the thing he was searching for in there, he pulled out a small and thin wrapped black box, placing it on the hospital bed on top of you. "Here."
Shigaraki's cold smirk grew in size while he looked at it, his eyes still on you. "Go on, open it."
"Um alright...?" You looked at him for a while than looked down at box as you slowly took it in your both hands... feeling a bit suspicious of it and nervous since Tomura doesn't give gifts or shows much affection or whatever, so this is weird and new.
He looked almost annoyed. "I gotta go do something now, when I come back I want to see the box opened" he said in more calming tone, but it still sounded cold and harsh a bit.
"I'll be back, don't move a lot while I'm gone now, alright?" Tomura said quietly and opened the door of the hospital room you were recovering in, leaving you alone, before you could ask him anything he shut the door closed behind himself immediately.
You were still nervous and kinda scared shitless secretly of what will be inside, you trust him of course, but you were still worried a bit and kinda curious and excited, since he never gifted you something before.
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You were a bit confused by the sudden change of his behaviour as well, but too exhausted to think much about it so you brushed it off. He's a leader after all, always having to do something or go somewhere, so no wonder.
When you had looked inside the box, you saw two small framed photographs. Two pictures of Shigaraki and you when you worked together back in the league as allies, before all that paranormal liberation front thing.
Your expression relaxed and softened when you saw the pictures and carefully took both of them in your hands, looking at the picture of you two and inside of the box at the same time to check if there's anything else in there.
There was something else in the box along with the picture, something like a piece of paper folded...a note?
You took the piece of paper from the box, it seemed like something was written on it, a longish note... You started reading paper to see what was written on it.
The writing on the piece of paper was slightly messy, but clean at same time somehow, you could understand what's written there it looked a bit like he wrote it with haste.
The message written on the paper was as follows:
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It was a small and simple little gift, but it warmed your heart still. You find it adorable how such... dangerous and powerful person is too shy to say all this in your face.
You are definitely keeping this, it's rare to see this side of him, specially him showing affection in his own way.
Staring at the note for a while and two pictures of you two in your hands...you slowly put the stuff back in box carefully and closed it, than put the box near the hospital bed on one of the nightstands.
Your eyelids were getting heavier and heavier while you waited for his return and continued staring at ceiling and wall in boredom, not being able to move at all. As the time passed and passed by you closed your eyes and sighed quietly, beginning to doze off finally...
Thoughts about him and his gift continued running through your mind while you were falling into deep peaceful sleep slowly.
After between 30-45 minutes he returned finally, seems like he got what he needed but anxiety kept him from entering your hospital room immediately. He was walking through hallways of the hospital in slight panic and awkwardness.
You were still asleep, so you didn't hear it when he opened the door and entered the room. He calmed down instantly when he saw you asleep, but that didn't stop him from feeling bad for leaving you for so long randomly at the same time.
Tomura slowly walked up to you and kneeled down while watching your sleeping face, you had some of your hair covering it which made him smile.
He brought some of your favourite snacks and a drink, and slowly put it in the nightstand near your head.
When he was done with that he got closer to you and carefully wrapped his right hand around your left hand, sliding his long and slim scarred fingers between your own as ge gave your hand gentle squeeze.
"you must have been a lot exhausted to fall asleep this quickly, hm?" He whispered and laughed quietly a bit as he started to caress your face while you were being asleep. Tomura was talking to you as if you were awake.
"I can't blame you.."
He continued whispering while caressing your face with his left hand and holding your hand with his other still.
After a while of standing like that, he leaned a bit closer, careful to not wake you up accidentally as he leaned his head gently on the side of your neck and put his arms around your waist.
...There was a long pause....
"I gotta be honest, you scared me to death, I thought you wouldn't make it.
I don't know what would I do without you if you didn't make it out alive"
Tomura's voice became slightly shaky while he was thinking about this, but he was still relieved knowing that you are alright now.
He started to caress your waist slowly and gently while whispering ramblings into your ear and neck, his breath and his rough voice tickling your ear each time he spoke and exhaled.
"You are one of the most important people in my life after all...even though I don't deserve you. I don't deserve your loyalty, care, kindness, your help and everything you are doing for me." Shigaraki remained silent now, that cold and harsh side of him completely gone at this point as his eyes were getting a bit watery, but he still didn't let himself cry, he felt weak when crying, he didn't want that, he couldn't let that happen.
"I don't know how to show you how grateful and glad I am for everything you've done for me..." He continued whispering with more emotion in his voice, those words sounded genuine.
"I don't want to lose you, ever..." Shigaraki then squeezed your hand a bit more tightly, but not so tightly to hurt you now of course, you could feel how emotional he was right now you could see that he was struggling a bit to contain these emotions. You were slowly waking up, but you didn't opened your eyes or moved or said anything...you pretended to be asleep.
Shigaraki was trembling slightly at that moment as he was being completely honest with you even though it was hard for him to be.
The coldness of his gaze seemed to be gone and he actually seemed very emotionally vulnerable right now.
"I don't want to be alone again..." His voice sounded like it was gonna crack a bit when he spoke, like he was trying not to break down in front of you, but he still kept his whispers as quiet as possible. "I just want you by my side, till death do us apart. I know that sounds selfish, but it's true...I just want you and you. I never met someone like you."
"You have to promise me that you'll stay with me until the end, okay? Promise me that...even if it's a lie" Shigaraki asked quietly while still having his arms wrapped around you tightly, thinking you are still asleep.
"I already lost so many people that were important to me, but no more, I can't lose you... loosing you would be the end for me"
He sounded desperate and in pain at that moment, he really didn't want to lose you like he did others. This is where he finally broke down, after holding it all back whole time, his cries were silent, but you could still hear his quiet gasps for air and sobbing, you could feel his hands shaking while he kept his arms wrapped around you. The more he tried to hold back tears, the more tears were rolling down his face, falling on your neck.
"I know I should be the cold and harsh person that everyone is scared of, but you make me think otherwise..." Shigaraki said quietly while crying into your neck. "I'm sorry if I'm being too emotional..."
He was speechless for a few seconds again, you could feel him trembling still, and you could hear him try to speak and stay as quiet as possible, but struggling a bit.
It was too hard for him to express his feelings for you right now as he never experienced what this felt like.
"I feel like you'll get tired of me eventually...sooner or later" He whispered softly, his voice breaking a bit while whispering "just like everyone else."
Shigaraki was probably thinking that you would eventually abandon him, just like everyone else in his life did.
"But I don't want to think about that, I want to believe that you'll stay, even though it sounds too good to be true" He continued.
The cold man you used to know didn't seem to exist at this point as he was completely breaking down in front of you, crying into your neck. "I don't want to lose you...I know I said that already...but I really don't want to loose you, I want to have at least you" He whispered quietly to himself, like he wasn't sure if he really wanted you to hear these words, but he continued to whisper you his ramblings and his thoughts anyway
"... you're the only person who has ever treated me like a human instead of a monster." He whispering quietly, letting out a small exhale as he spoke, still trying to keep his harshness away from his voice.
Shigaraki sounded extremely thankful to you at this moment, as if no one else has ever treated him the way you were.
"You have every reason to hate me and leave me, but you fucking stayed, you treat me like a human being anyway after everything I've done."
He spoke in shaky voice as he laughed a bit while breaking down silently, he found you insane for being this way, but he wasn't complaining. It was very unusual seeing him in this state, you never saw him so...emotional before.
"You are insane...but I love you anyway" He whispered into your ear as he was burying his face in your hair and neck while crying still, his grip on your hand tightening desperately.
You were shocked seeing him like this, even more shocked when he said these three simple words that you never in your life expected him to say, but you still pretended to be asleep, since this is the only way he'll open up to you.
It was hard, because you were holding back tears as well and felt like you were choking and drowning in your own tears that you were holding back.
You felt bad for him, you wanted to comfort him and give him hug that he needs. All you could do is stay still for a while and make him think that you are asleep, you were waiting for him to let it all out first, then you'll finally do something. For now, you just continued listening to him.
"I really do love you" he continued whispering to you while burying his face in your neck while sobbing quietly. "Look what you did to me..."
Tomura started caressing and rubbing your hand with his own, continuing to speak quietly in shaky voice with sad small grin on his face that was wet from all the tears.
"You make me feel stuff I never felt before. I'm not sure do I like that or hate that." He laughed a bit and brushed away tears from his face with his hand as he got up slowly from the floor which he was kneeling on next to you.
He looked down at you for a while than carefully sat down next to you on hospital bed you were laying on and he took your one hand in his both hands.
Tomura gently moved your hand up towards his face, and placed one small kiss on your hand while holding it. He than moved your hand down and placed it on his lap as he started to caress it slowly. After minutes of silence he spoke up again quietly.
"instead of leaving you alone and letting you rest, I'm here bothering you with my thoughts and worries. Damn how pathetic I am, hm?" He said with wide disappointed grin as one more tear rolled down his face slowly while he started to laugh silently at himself. He really felt pathetic and disappointed in himself.
"hope you don't mind.." He whispered again softly and leaned closer carefully while holding your hand in his own.
Tomura started to caress your wrist and your shoulder as he moved his other hand towards your face, cupping your one cheek gently with it while looking down at you.
"But...thank you, for existing" he sighed quietly and started placing few soft kisses on your forehead while cupping your cheek and holding your arm.
After a while of standing like that he leaned back and moved away a bit as he started to shake his head a little while laughing quietly at you.
"My idiot, I can't believe you got injured on your own birthday. I bet you didn't even realize what day it was"
He sighed and shook his head a bit while grinning, than continued speaking
"Alright then, I'll leave you alone now, better get that rest." He spoke softly while looking down at your hand as he rubbed your shoulder slowly. There was another moment of silence, but after not so long he spoke up again.
"Take care, do it for me at least if you don't want to do it for yourself, okay?"
Tomura looked around hospital room in a bit paranoid manner, afraid of someone getting inside and seeing him like this, he leaned closer once again when he made sure it's alright and gave you small quick kiss on the lips, pulling away immediately.
Your heart was going crazy from whole situation but you had to pretend being asleep still, waiting for right timing to do something. You almost opened your eyes wide when you felt his lips on your own.
"I know you probably don't hear me, since you are asleep but... I'll continue anyway" he let out tired sigh and continued whispering to you. Tomura looked in other direction for a while as he sat still next to you, than after not so long he looked back down at you again and smiled sadly. He wanted and at the same time didn't wanted you to know or hear everything he just said now.
"...happy birthday" he said in warm and gentle tone as he kissed you once again on the lips carefully while squeezing your hand. He started off with sweet tone but than he switched up to more harsh and serious one. "And be more careful on your next missions, you fucking idiot" he continued to look down at you with small smug smirk growing on his face slowly as he let out a quiet laugh and shook you gently in playful manner with his one hand.
Tomura than slowly got off bed and stood up, turning around to look at you once again before he says goodbye and leaves, at least that's what he thought will happen....
"I guess I'll go now, I'll visit you again probably"
He whispered and was about to start walking away from you and hospital bed you were laying on but he felt something grab his wrist suddenly. Your action made the man jump, clearly he thought you were still asleep. You were face to face and he couldn't hide the fact that he has been crying. His pale face was covered with dried up tears and his white strands of hair.
His eyes widened and he quickly turned around to see you pulling him towards yourself..
"Don't go, yet.." you whispered while you sat him back down on the bed next to you carefully, moving your both legs on the other side of bed to give him a bit more space. He was flabbergasted and shocked, but sat down next to you again anyway while looking down and avoiding eye contact for a while, than looked up to you in the eyes finally.
"wait...you are awake?.." he asked you in loud whisper.
"Yes... I heard everything. Well...not exactly everything but most of the stuff, I think"
"What did you hear exactly?..."
"it doesn't matter, I've heard what I've heard Tomura.." You pulled him even more closer and your foreheads met. His crimson eyes pierced your soul, but now they were less aggressive. He looked fragile, vulnerable. He was still slightly shocked and a bit mad, but his expression slowly softens. Your heart was beating way faster than usual. As your words came out of your mouth, his eyes locked with yours, the way he looked at you was terrifying yet comforting all at the same time. He seemed shocked, as if he couldn't believe that you heard most of stuff he said. He slowly starts lowering his guard the more you two look into each other's eyes. The man then notices your forehead is touching his, the closeness between him and you make his body heat up.
"It doesn't matter..."
"You don't want to be alone ever again, right?"
"I won't leave you."
"You won't?"
"I won't."
Silence filled the room. You had just promised him that you will stay by his side no matter what, while he seemed to be in shock. "Why?" He asks you again, a little confused as to why anyone would ever want to stay close to a person like him. After a while, you look into his eyes and gave him a weak smile.
"Why not?"
"But I'm..."
"You're what?"
"Just say it damn it."
"I'm a monster."
Silence once again filled the room. This time you were the one to be quiet, not knowing what to say to that. It was a fact, after all. He was responsible for the deaths of thousands and yet, he was afraid of being alone. You could tell he wanted more than anything in the world to have someone besides him, even though his own actions caused most people to stay away from him.
"Look, I understand why would people view you as monster and why would you call yourself one"
You started talking again slowly and quietly, looking for right words to say.
"I understand why would they be afraid of you, why would they avoid you, scream when seeing you and run away, but...have they seen your good side? Your...caring and loving sides? The sides you only show around the ones you love and care about? Have they...?"
"No..they didn't" Tomura replied after short moment of silence.
"Even if they did, is that enough to outweigh the horrible things I've done?No... I guess it's not. The lives I've taken, people won't forget or forgive me for those. So, why would you want to be by my side?"
His words hurt. He was right, it wasn't fair for you to forgive him when all he brought was death. But you can't help but feel a bit touched, just to see him care enough to show his vulnerable side.
"you are right about that... I'll give you it"
"But I'm not talking about outweighing horrible things you've done now. I'm talking about the fact that, you aren't a complete monster, you are still human, you still have emotions and feelings."
There was a long pause between you two after you said this, he seemed to be thinking about your words for a while as he was looking down at your hands that he was holding. After not so long, he replied finally in his usual cold and harsh tone.
"I have a lot of blood on my hands."
He lets go of your hand, slowly sitting up next to your legs looking around as if he's about to leave me once again.
"Look, don't get me wrong, I'm glad that you can see some good in me, but you shouldn't be associating yourself with me."
He pauses for a moment, looking back at you.
"Maybe you are right... I'm not a complete monster."
"But I'm still a monster."
"you are my monster."
You whispered softly and took his hand back in your own, pulling him gently and slowly back to yourself so that he can lean on you.
His head turned towards you, his red eyes filled with surprise.
"...I'm your monster?"
He looked down, staring at your hand that now held his once again. He seemed surprised, maybe even taken aback by your words. He looked at me once more, and to my surprise he turned bright pink.
"I'm yours?"
"My monster..."
You repeated and squeezed his hand gently as you brought it slowly closer to your face, placing soft and small kiss on his scarred hand. "Mine..."
His reaction to this was almost funny. If it weren't for the fact that a dangerous villain like him was so easily flustered, you would have laughed at him. He was now a bright, bright pink, clearly embarrassed that someone would willingly want to be with him of all people.
Your heart skipped a beat as you felt his hand squeezing yours back. His warm touch made your heart go insane, and yet, you wanted more. You want to stay close to him, you want you two to be eachothers forever. After all the things he's done, he deserves to be loved too after all. He still stayed frozen for a moment, his face showing every possible type of emotion. After the initial shock, his gaze turned to you, his eyes sparkling like never before. He was completely red in his face.
"I'm yours...?"
He was at a loss of words, he couldn't really process everything that just happened. It seems that for the first time in his life, someone claimed him as their 'monster'. He just didn't know what to do, I guess your love just caught him off guard.
His voice was soft, it sounded like he couldn't find his normal tone ever since you kissed his hand. His eyes were still shining, he just couldn't bring himself to look away from you. After a while he moved his hand to brush some hair from your face, his face slowly changing back to normal. You slowly pulled him more closer, making him lay closely to you. You two lay there for a moment. Your bodies were touching but your hearts were completely in sync. His breath was heavy like he had been running around but his skin felt warm to the touch. You caressed his hair, feeling his soft hair on your fingertips.
Silence started to fill up the room as the two of you stared into one anothers eyes. After this short moment of awkward silence, Tomura speaks
"...If I may ask, can you promise me something?"
Your eyes remain locked to one another. You can't believe that the time has finally come when Tomura actually opens up to you. His voice is soft and his expression is filled with uncertainty. You slowly nod your head and whisper:
"Yes, of course anything..."
He looks away from you for a few seconds before he looks back at you with a faint smirk on his face.
He says, his voice filled with determination and a desire for reassurance.
"I want you to stay with me forever"
Your heart fluttered when you hear his words. Tomura is asking you not as the leader of the liberation-army or as the head of the league of villains, but as a friend and as a lover. You have never been so sure about anything in your life. Your mind is filled with all the memories you two had together.
You took a deep breath, trying your best to hide your overwhelming emotions.
"Don't be afraid, I won't leave you. I'll stay by your side till the end of time. Even if every day ends with us fighting, I'll still be by your side, always."
Your voice was soft and low, making it hard to hear your words. But both of you heard the message loud and clear.
You felt his body relax as he buried himself onto you for a hug. Your shirt got a bit wet from the tears on his cheeks while he was still in that state of shock. You could feel his heart beating fast, it was fast like the first time you met him. His hands were shaking, like he was about to cry again. You hugged him tightly, holding him close and let him rest his head on your chest, wrapping your arms around him to give him comfort, you let him vent the way you did to him, it was only fair he was allowed to.
He held onto you, not letting go for what felt like an eternity. It felt like both of you two were drowning with each other and no one could pull both of you out of it. A moment later, his lips met yours. Your eyes were closed tightly, it felt as if time stopped for us there and now. You were in your own bubble, your own small universe where nothing else mattered.
Nothing else mattered. No other person, place or thing mattered as long as you and him are there, as long as you and him are together. "Don't worry." You whispered into his ear, hugging him even stronger and caressing his hair. "I won't leave you." You whispered again after you two pulled away slightly from eachothers faces.
His eyes lit up with a warm glow, he slowly leans towards your face again as his head is just a few inches away from yours. He looks at you with his eyes filled completely with love, as he presses his forehead against your forehead and takes a few deep breaths.
You could feel his hands grabbing yours as he tightly holds your arms so he can get closer to you, your heart is pounding like crazy now, and then all of a sudden..he kisses you again.
Your eyes widened in shock as your cheeks turned completely red. You feel his lips, and his hot breath, and his touch. His hands are grasping your body as he slowly pushes you against the bed, so that you are flat on your back as he climbs on top of you. Just the thought of Tomura being on top of you is enough for you to turn completely red in seconds.
As soon as the kiss finishes you whisper in blank and soft voice "I love you...more than you can imagine"
Tomura pulls away for a second after hearing your words. When he looks in your eyes his heart skips a beat. For a moment it seems as if he can't believe what I just said. The silence filled with nothing but you and him staring at each other is the greatest feeling you have ever experienced.
He slowly leans towards you again, holding your face with both of his hands. He kisses you again, for a longer and more passionate time, it seems that his emotions have been building up inside of him for a while now, maybe even longer.
Your kiss ends as he separates from you again, this time leaving a small trail of saliva between your faces. Your face is completely red, you feel hot and sweaty. He leans his head on your shoulder than, and pulls you closer to himself.
Tomura wraps his arms around you and says in a soft quiet tone, as he is still breathing heavily after the kiss.
"I love you, too." as he's saying those words a few tears fall on your shoulder. He kisses your forehead a few times, and then gives you a few light kisses on the edges of your mouth too.
"also ..happy birthday" he whispered as a little smirk grew on his face, he stayed like this on top of you for few more seconds, than got up slowly and grabbed bag that's filled with snacks and drinks he brought. "I bought these for you, mind sharing this with me?" he said playfully, than hands you the food and drink he brought with himself, as if nothing had happened between you two.
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I should've finished this shit more than two months ago, but my ass took break so...💀 BUT I DID NOW SO IT'S NOT IMPORTANT 😹😹😹
I apologize to mutuals that I worried or scared to death with my sudden disappearance, I'm alive y'all 👍
I was writing this on vacation with @wholelottawidows by my side, she was calling me poochie at least 100 times and tried hitting me with blanket, or even bury me with it.... justice for @tomurasmoleunderhislip ✊😞 I went through five wars at least
@minnieplier-blog @shiggyniggy @slayersins @smuttysammie22 @lovesickvamp @nooooonaame @eccentriceli @used-bones @carlgr1mesrighteye @skibibadadobop
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regiiiumarchive · 7 years
hit the heart if you desire memes. 
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mgicunleashed · 5 years
@kreuzritter-xnline​ replied to your post:      ��ℰ��������;;– MFW moment when you remember your...
Reinhardt: Eh, one time on a mission I told her she forgot to tie her shoes.
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     🌺ℰ𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎;;– ‘ Pfft really? How confused was she by that? ‘
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vntas replied to your post:      ������ℰ: you know, i was actually going to say...
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     𝒟𝒜𝒱ℰ: now that’s kinda asking the impossible.      𝒟𝒜𝒱ℰ: but i can give it my best shot.      𝒟𝒜𝒱ℰ: also... where the fuck are you? who the fuck are you? and why do you seem so shouty?
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voiceofmany-a · 5 years
The fancy looking E - race @ jack uwu
[Medieval Sinday meme] - accepting!
ℰ For my muse to walk in on yours getting dressed
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Most of the time, Jack can count on all the kids to follow him like a pied piper all the way to the distribution center in the mornings - but today, as he comes down from the roof, he catches sight of Albert hanging back while everybody else thunders down ahead of him. “Ey, s’a matter?” He recognizes a distinct absence of someone who’s always stuck to Albert’s hip, and he scoffs. “Don’t tell me Higgins is sick’a nothin’.”
“Nah, he slept in,” Albert replies in his usual drawl. “Prolly still sleepin’-”
“I got it, I got it.” Jack rolls his eyes and waves his hands loosely at Albert. “Go on, get down there.” He’s not gonna have any Delanceys giving them shit about being late and not letting them buy papes.
He walks down the hallway, face already pulled into an irritated frown, when he turns the corner and. Freezes.
Race, it seems, has finally pulled himself out of bed. He’s in the middle of the room next to his bunk, back to Jack, in nothing but his drawers as he shakes out his shirt to freshen it up. There’s a long stretch of time where all Jack can see is the slenderness of his bare legs, the swell of his rear, the slim waist that leads into broader shoulders, and smooth, smooth skin that has Jack’s fingers tingling, and-
And what the fuck?
Race throws the shirt on over his head, breaking the strange, tremulous spell - but Jack’s hands are still shaking, and he clears his throat, surging into a fit of temper. “Y’gonna stand here all day an’ make us all late, Higgins?” he snaps. “Fuckin’ bell rang goddamn ten minutes ago.”
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crimsxnrebellion replied to your post: -sees Dante- [ ℰ ]     “nope. time to go.”
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swcctmagix · 6 years
vigilanteblue replied to your post:      ��ℰ������ℯ;;– ‘ Serious question: does my...
they look fine everyone is just mean :(
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     🟈ℰ𝓁𝒾𝓈ℯ;;– ‘ Not going to lie, “toast” is the most creative description I’ve heard. ‘
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ariel-lahey-blog · 7 years
"ℰ𝓈 𝓊𝓃 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓂𝒶 𝓆𝓊ℯ 𝓋𝒾𝓋ℯ ℯ𝓃 𝒶𝓇𝓂ℴ𝓃𝒾́𝒶".
—¡Sebastian!—Había exclamado la rubia al verlo doblar la esquina de aquel arco que daba hacia el área de los jardines del castillo, era curioso, pero no estaba segura del por qué le hablaba solo lo hacía, de algún modo, desde que lo había conocido como tal había algo que la atraía hacia él, ¿qué era ese algo? No tenía idea, pero estaba ahí, quizá se debía a que era un hijo de muggles, quizá otra cosa.
Avanzó a trote hacia él luego de llamar su atención, con los dos pequeños libros entre los dedos y estos últimos tamborileando ligeramente al compás de una tonada que había tocado más temprano en los dormitorios de Hufflepuff.
—¡Chary!—Dijo él de manera graciosa al darse la vuelta, imitando el tono de voz ajeno y una sonrisa se dibujó a los labios de Burbage al escucharlo.
—Ya no sé qué decir, no pensé llegar tan lejos—.Le contestó ella al pararse y quedarse casi helada ante Fordstron, fue ahí que comenzó la conversación, una conversación realmente vaga y sin sentido que se había dado la tarea de planear de la nada al verlo andar por los pasillos en soledad, cosa extraña, porque a sus ojos él siempre se había dejado ver con ese par de amigos que se cargaba.
Temas un tanto curiosos habían llegado a los labios de ambos, pasando a la sombra de un árbol para continuar, aunque esa estancia no duró mucho más, luego de que el castaño le explicara la diferencia entre "cosmo" y "cosmos"; la tejona supuso que era algo gracioso por el tono de sus palabras, pero la explicación que únicamente quedó clara fue la de "cosmos" .
—Cosmo, el de la jalea de uva. —Repitió asintiendo con la cabeza asiosamente, pues por la cabeza había pasado la idea de tener que anotarlo para poder ahondar próximamente en aquellas palabras—Cosmos=Sistema Armónico/Universo. Va a mis apuntes—Le dijo entonces y él con aquella sutil sonrisa asintió—Eres un maestro excelente—Agregó y los hombros se vieron 'empujados' al frente a manera de ademán.
Hasta ese punto fue que Charity repasó lo sucedido y se dio cuenta de que Fordstron no se había dado el lujo de despegar la mirada de ella ni una sola vez, que atento, era atento, ¿no? Y aquella inocencia boba no la dejó notar para nada todo lo que podía haber ahí, ni siquiera luego de la respuesta ajena:
—Quizá podría enseñarte algunas otras cosas.
—Eso sería muy bueno, sí— Le contestó con aquel tono un tanto infantil que llegaba a notarse de vez en cuanto por su parte.
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[Ultimo Reply] Chary: La mirada de Charity se paseó de un lado a otro, como si buscara algo o a alguien entre el pequeño tumulto de personas que ahí había, como is de a poco se diera la tarea de analizarlos y es que en realidad era lo que hacía, era uno de aquellos juegos que en su mente le gustaba formular cuando se encontraba en un lugar público y lleno de desconocidos, los observaba con atención y descifraba pequeños aspectos de sus vidas, claro que en este momento aquel juego bobo no duró mucho, sino a penas algunos segundos entre los que escuchó aquel saludo por parte del castaño y ella se mantenía acomodándose a sí misma sobre la banca. «¿Hay algo en la fuente que llame tu atención?», escuchó y la mirada regresó a posarse sobre él, o más bien sobre la mano que jugueteaba con los cabellos propios, acto ante el cual el entrecejo de la rubia se frunció y el resto del rostro plantó una mueca momentanea. Elevó una mano, cual meneó para apartar la ajena y luego asintió, aún sin saber cuál sería aquel comentario que le dejaría para molestar. —Sí—Inquirió y los hombros se elevaron, segundos más tarde la mirada regresó al frente y ella divisó a su excusa juguetear al rededor de la fuente, pegando de brincos—¿Ves a ese chico de allá? Es muy lindo—Entonces, con disimulo un dedo se elevó y apuntó al frente, en dirección de un niño, aproximadamente de unos cinco años el cuál correteaba a las palomas que se posaban sobre el borde de la fuente, la ojiazul nunca habría dicho nada parecido si su único propósito en aquel momento no hubiese sido molestar a su acompañante, sabía que él no tendría en cuenta de quién hablaba hasta que ella le apuntara y entonces el chiste se vería hecho, no sin antes sacarle una mueca y eso, sacarle muecas, era uno de las cosas que más le divertían en la vida. Contuvo la risa una vez terminó de delinear en la mente cada aspecto de su reacción y fue entonces que giró, solo para verse golpeada por el viento y los cabellos contra el rostro cosa que le hizo tener que llevar las manos a apartar los mismos y 'acomodarlos' en una especie de torcido a un costado del cuello. Sebastian:  Arqueó la ceja izquierda al notar su mirada una vez más pérdida en la fuente preguntándose que tendría de interesante aquello hasta que sus palabras le dieron una respuesta poco esperada, buscó entre la gente a algún mayor que le hubiese llamado su atención hasta que gracias a la señalización logró identificar a un infante saltar alrededor de aquel atractivo, rodó los ojos negando un par de veces al tiempo en que una risa silenciosa acompañaba la sonrisa de sus labios. — No sabía que te gustarán menores, eso explica muchas cosas.— Comentó con cierto desdén encogiéndose de hombros, conocía aquel juego entre ambos, él la molestaba, ella le respondía incluso minutos atrás cuando su mano fue apartada de su dorado cabello, era parte de ellos, de lo que eran. Inclinó su cuerpo hacía adelante apoyando los codos contra el muslo chasqueando la lengua al encontrar.— Creo qye intentaré ligar a menores ¿Crees que me funcione? — Cuestionó incorporándose en espera de una respuesta, posiblemente se le acercaría a alguna niña explicándole la situación para que le siguiera la corriente esperando por la barba de Merlín que asi fuera. Sus manos se apoyaron contra la cadera mientras su mirada se centraba en una pequeña que se encontraba dándole de comer a las palomas aquellos granos que tanto les gustaban, vaya suerte tenían las aves de tener personas a su alrededor que aún sin conocerles siempre les brindaban compañía. No esperó aprobación, se aproximó a la niña de alrededor unos diez años, se sentó a su sintiendo la mirada pesada de la infante, él le dedicó una soneisa que no fue devuelta por lo cual se limitó a echar la comisura de los labios hacía atrás haciéndole saber a su compañera que la misión había fallado.
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mgicunleashed · 5 years
chant-this-charm replied to your post “     ��ℰ������ℯ;;– ‘ You know… For once, I actually don’t care. ‘ She...”
// I'm willing to write with her if you'd like! //
Bless please! She needs more people to talk to. She’s a very lonely princess
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mgicunleashed · 5 years
hauntcamp replied to your post:      ��ℰ��������;;– This is the face of someone who...
lena, beginning to vibrate: you ok em?
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     🌺ℰ𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎;;– ‘ I’m too late! Lena, what have you done?! ‘
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saviourisms · 6 years
Anyone know why the app is not letting people cut replies???
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saviourisms · 8 years
Continued from here with @ofhistory
“Well... yeah.” Emma replied, nodding as she turned to look at him. Emma knew of his past as the two became close over the years before turning their friendship into something more. Emma had always had an attraction to Tobias since the first day he taught her glass, but the young blonde never dared to pursue anything. Student and professor relationships that went behind the classroom were prohibited. Besides, he was a married man who seemed to be happy with his new life, so Emma couldn’t intervene even if she wanted to. 
With his recent divorce the two became close since they reunited years after Emma graduated and after Tobias left teaching to travel. Destiny seemed to have brought them together in the recent months, providing them ways to grow closer and eventually into a relationship the two never imagined they would find themselves in. Emma loved Tobias. It was a feeling she didn’t want to admit as she was afraid of her past repeating itself, but Emma could live the rest of her life with Tobias back in without telling him. It was a pleasant surprise that he, too, felt the same way towards her. 
“There’s always been a part of me that wanted to have a family of my own. I was just always afraid to bring it up to you given everything that happened the past...”
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