#⊰ ` i. study: headcanon / / the bulwark against the darkness. ´ ⊱
rahorak-a · 2 years
What are some of the key differences between how the Rakkor and Solari at large treated Leona before and after her climb to Mount Targon's summit?
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Leona was brought up an orphan, and she spent the first half of her life fighting for recognition. Her adoptive parents were lovely, but they had kids of their own and even though they loved Leona, they also treated her different from their biological children. Not by a lot, but enough that Leona could feel it. Needless to say, Leona picked up her sword and shield at a young age in an attempt to become someone her parents would be proud of. This desire to do well then gradually evolved into wanting to be better, and eventually to do good. But she started out simply wanting to be worth something ━ she doesn't talk about that fact for a number of reasons, above all that she is embarrassed with her former motivations, nowadays.
However, in fighting tirelessly to improve and so on, her peers came to have a certain level of respect for her, some even admiring her. Leona cast a long shadow over most, and those who were serious about climbing to the ranks of the Ra'horak ( Leona herself being among them. ) saw fit to put Leona's shield and resolve to the test. She often sparred, and with each one, grew ever stronger and smarter.
She became a force to be reckoned with, but even with all her hard work and training, she was still unprepared for what awaited her once she joined the Ra'horak. The elite warriors of the Solari saw no room for weakness, and Leona had to double her efforts to keep up with them. Where before she had some room to have a personal life, she certainly didn't now. She moved into the Solari camps, where she dedicated every minute of every day to her training. She was proud to be among the youngest ever to climb to this rank, and she'd be damned if she ever let those who depended on her down.
And where at first there was caution and resentment from her fellow warriors, due to her being so young when she accepted her ceremonial shield and spear, she quickly gained some friends among them. In fact, she became popular and loved so fast she had issues accepting it, herself. Imposter syndrome and all that. But she did her best to put out as much love into the world as she was getting, and this has carried on into her life as it is today.
Following her ascent, and her taking up the mantle as Commander of the Solari, her parents are now proud of her ( They were for a while, actually. ) She has no short amount of people who look up to her, some wishing they were her, and others wanting to be with her. Though on the other side of the coin, she has enemies within her people, too. The elders being a prime example of this. They do not agree with Leona's way of leading, and seek to push her out every day. The elders want to mislead the Solari, to wage war against the Lunari, while Leona wants to make peace. I'm sure you can see how that'll cause problems. Leona must work from the shadows to bridge the Solari and the Lunari together. She is treated with respect, love and admiration by some, and resentment and betrayal by others.
She has her work cut out for her, is what I'm saying.
I hope this answers your question, or at least gives you an idea of how things are for our lovely sun goddess. Thank you so much for the ask!
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rahorak · 3 years
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𝕹elly Furtado’s “ Say It Right ” perfectly describes how my Leona like. . . Will fall for almost anyone who gives her the time of day. Who puts in the bare minimum of effort.
She can’t do casual relationships, she almost always ends up developing feelings for the person she is seeing. She is just such a bundle of love and joy, and she has a lot of love to give. This coupled with her tendency to like women who are cold and closed off, often leaves her heartbroken. But she is drawn to these women nonetheless, like a dog is naturally drawn to people who don’t like dogs.
Leona, if confronted by this tendency of hers, will obviously try to deny it. She doesn’t see the women she falls for as heartless or anything of the sort  —  on the contrary, she sees the good in them. She sees all the beauty about who they are as people, and that’s what she falls for. It’s as clear as day to Leona.
Now Leona also gravitates towards women who are as sweet and loving as she herself is. She has a deep love for them, and true enough, her most lasting relationships have all been with women who are open to love and being in love.
To distinguish easily between them, it could be said this way : Leona will often fall hard and fast in love with people who are more the closed off types, while she will have a steady and more healthy way of developing feelings over time for people who are open to love.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕷eona is polyamorous. Due to her love interests more often than not being homed in different countries than her, and there therefore almost always being long distance involved, Leona is of the mentality that if she cannot be there for her lover when they need her  (  Mostly sexually.  )  she is genuinely okay with them seeing other people in her absence. Of course, if she is present, she’d prefer they keep to her or ask her to partake. But even in her relationships where her partner lives close, she is mostly alright with them seeing others, so long as they ask first. She expects this to be a mutual thing.
This doesn’t mean that Leona can’t do monogamous relationships with the right people. In fact, she finds it harder to find others who are as open to the concept as she is, and therefore she leans towards monogamy. There are relationships where she never even brings up the fact that she is polyamorous, because it wouldn’t make sense to pursue such a relationship with her current partner. And she is fine with that.
She can be just as happy in a monogamous relationship as she can in a polyamorous one, granted that there is good communication and mutual understanding in both of them.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕷eona has always been one of the order’s most steadfast warriors, wielding an iron will along with her shield and sword. She has often been praised for her dedication to the cause, to the point where now that she is starting to be curious about the Coven and why its practitioners chose to go down the path they did, she’s afraid to let her order down. She’s worried they might see her curiosity as a weakness or worse, as treason. She keeps her thoughts to herself and has become more closed off, even to those who are closest to her.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕵ust like Diana, Leona was granted a rune upon being touched by the Aspect of the Sun. It’s placed on her forehead, glows gold like her eyes and looks roughly like this:
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She can’t feel it at all nowadays, but when she first got it, it burned into her skin harder than the power bestowed upon her even did. She was left with a splitting headache for days following.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕷eona has a thick Targonian accent  (  Comparable to Gal Gadot’s role in Wonder Woman 2017.  )  If someone knows the least bit about Targon and it’s language it wouldn’t be hard to tell that she is from there. She speaks Targonian, Common, Demacian and some Shuriman. It is when she speaks the latter that her accent comes through the most.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕷eona’s full name is Leonia Callistus Pia. As common for Targonians, she has a given name and two family names. Leonia means “ lion ”, Callistus means “ most beautiful ” and Pia means “ dutiful ”. Though, most foreigners struggle to pronounce her name correctly, so she tends to go by the simplified version of her first name, Leona, when outside of Targon. She also tends to withhold her last name when she doesn’t want others to know of her origins.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕺n both arms, Leona has full sleeves of golden tattoos. Constellations and Solari symbols neatly woven together to create patterns that stretch from her hands to her shoulders. Among them are also words written in Targonian runes, made to fit the constellations. Little stars are also scattered here and there and she has a sun on each shoulder.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕷eona has trained to become what she is today her whole life. First a warrior, then a warrior of the Light, and now a Blood Knight, she has climbed the ranks within her ancestral home to meet her full potential. She never tires of learning and growing stronger, be it physically or with her connection to the Light. In the recent years, she has also taken a liking to mentoring and sharing her knowledge with Blood Knights in training. All in all she is a bright personality who would never dream of turning down someone in need. This character trait is one that has moved her miles in her career.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝖂hile Leona certainly has many strengths, creativity isn’t one of them. Across all verses she isn’t the most creative person and she sometimes struggles to come up with good ideas that are unique and well, creative. The closest she comes to being properly creative is when she speaks at times, when she utters a sentence that is just a little more thought out than the rest, though she always struggles to get her thoughts down on paper.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕷eona’s all time favorite kind of tea is made with Targonian mountain water and the blend itself is made with Ionian herbs. She will sometimes drink wine, and she has no real preference between red or white. Other beverages she enjoys include hot chocolate, black coffee or coffee with cream. She drinks a lot of water during the day as well, as that is kind of a requirement with how much she works out. She’s generally very well hydrated in all verses.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕷eona’s letter dove, Dawn, was adopted when she received a cryptic letter. The bird just never left her home so she decided to feed it and it has stuck with her ever since. Leona has a special cabinet with bird food and toys and sometimes Dawn breaks into it and then you have a mess of seeds all over the counter and the floor. Let’s just say that Leona puts in a lot of work sometimes to take care of her.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕷eona is always covered in bruises of some sort  —  if not caused by strikes taken during battle, then by her armor weighing down on her body for hours on end, day after day. She only has them healed when she needs to, if they are hindering her movements too much, and keeping her from functioning properly. Otherwise, she is no stranger to pain that gnaws away at her. It is a strange day when she does not have a sore mark, muscle, a scrape, or even a small wound that she just ignores in her own private time.
She always hides her wounds from everyone around her, and thus, should she gain an injury on her face, she will tend to it as soon as she gets a chance to.
The same goes for any scars she has  —  they are only found on her body. Most of the scars she bears are cuts barely the length of a finger, although she does have a couple larger ones. One such scar stretches from her hip to the front of her ribs, as well as across her left thigh.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝖂hile she doesn’t have a routine in place, Leona definitely likes taking care of her partners afterwards. She will cook them something to eat to regain their strength or even just bathe with them and wash them down so they can relax. She pampers them, to be honest. Even if they just want to lie in bed with her, she will allow them and dote on them by touching them gently and whispering sweet nothings in their ear.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕴n the Rakkor caves, Leona has a little place on the mountainside. It’s one big room, complete with a kitchen, a bed, a table, her desk where she keeps all her paperwork and a bathroom. It is so open, even her tub and shower is visible from the rest of the place. It is marked heavily with the Targonian aesthetic, light, muted colors and marble. Her windows ( All floor to ceiling length. ) and her balcony all face away from the busy life on the mountain, providing her with privacy and much needed quiet.
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rahorak · 4 years
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𝕺f course, with her profession comes a great amount of exhaustion. Leona tends to countless things every day ranging from small transgressions to bigger issues. She has gotten used to working while she is spent, without letting it affect her output. As of now, it mostly means that she sleeps like a rock and that she knows her limits well. Her tiredness is hardly made better by the fact that Leona is always reluctant to spend time on her own well being, such as relaxation and tending to any bruises she might have.
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