#⌇♥︎ lexine
mythvoiced · 1 year
"Did you know that, uhm, apparently, smell is the only one of the five senses with direct pathways to the hippocampus and the amygdala? Which...means noses are...uhm, connected to our memory center." She spills the tidbits of trivia with a small smile; brown eyes suddenly narrowing when she catches sight of something. "Speaking of, uhm, noses...you have something on---" Without much thinking, she gently leans in, taking away the speckle of dust (perhaps pollen?) that gathered on Julian's nose. It almost seems like she's booping their nose, which causes Lexine to chuckle in slight bashfulness. "So--Sorry, I should've asked first, before---" (you said 'boop the doctor's nose' so...not me, logging in just to send this UIWEHDKASHDWUIEHD, I HOPE THIS IS OKAY?? BUT FEEL FREE TO IGNORE IF IT'S NOT FITTING OR SOMETHING; PLS HAVE A GREAT DAY DAY, LEN-LEN!!)
@theimpalpable | CASUAL MID-CONVO BOOP?
There is a lot of things Jules knows that relate to anatomy, biology, the way the body functions, but he can't actively claim neurology to be his favourite subject among all those they'd at least had to dip their toes into to even become a general practicioner.
There are things he's forgotten about.
Things they've carefully stored elsewhere in their brain, to be picked out in case of necessity.
And even things he's familiar with but likes to discuss and relearn as often as possible.
At the time, he doesn't quite recall which of these apply to the context of listening to Lexine describe the connection between one of the many senses the human body is capable of relying on - because oh yes they've been reading articles, identifying colours through touch? - via the section of the brain tasked with translating what is experienced into information for the human themselves to access, but that paraphrasing alone, and the continuous nodding, bright eyes trained on her as still in his GP, depending on her to make it through the three years of their specialisation, what better way to portray how truly enthralled he is?
Enchanted in the most innocent way, simply an active and curious mind, metaphorically walking alongside an equal, a woman who seems to sparkle with enough interest of her own that, by the time he's managed to distract himself from all the ways they could continue this conversation into even more intriguing themes to notice she's approaching his face, she's already apologising.
Ah, yes.
Julian blinks at her, one hand shooting up instinctively to touch where the remnants of her boop are still fluttering along the skin of their nose, beckoned into the motion more by her apology than the gesture in on its own.
"Ah, oh no, don't worry," he laughs, and there's not a note of awkwardness in their tone. If there's one thing they're used to, then it's the occasional hand in their face. Be it just via experiences with... odder patients they've had before they were kindly redirected to someone who could be more helpful to them, or even the women in his life (mother, two aunts, one of which had a wife) who'd always enjoyed wetting their thumbs and dragging it across his cheeks (no matter how old they are), Julian has no complaints here.
Not that... they'd tell her that.
That'd probably be weird... wouldn't it?
He blinks.
Oh, hell. Gotten lost in their head again. They quickly shake the concentrated frown off their face and continuing dismissing Lexine's worry.
"Don't worry, I should thank you, actually. I'd have never noticed," because they never do. "I- I mean, not that... No, I just... It's a habit, I don't realise- You see, I've had quite a few situations where-- sometimes odd things happen and--" they swallow around the jumble of words he can't disentangle and press their forefinger to his lips, as though shutting himself up.
"I'm making a mess," a chuckle, "what I meant to say is, thank you. You were saying?"
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decoresca-archived · 2 years
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This list is non-negotiable; I get attached to portrayals and sometimes one just becomes it for me. The same goes for oc fcs; I interact with a character that has the fc and that fc becomes that character. Of course, this won’t happen unless the character has a huge impact on Peach’s life. I will not roleplay with any character who shares these fcs unless an alternative face claim is used !
♥ @theimpalpable Daxten Calloway  /  Jon Bernthal Lexine Logan  /  Anne Hatheway
♥ BRUCE WAYNE of DC - @crimefightr​
♥ KYLO REN of STAR WARS - @destruqtivist​
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This list is negotiable; I get attached to portrayals and sometimes one just becomes very important for me and Peach too. I will roleplay with any character on this list, but these portrayals will always come first if I do.
Currently empty !
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This list is non-negotiable; I get attached to portrayals and sometimes one just becomes it for me. The same goes for oc fcs; I interact with a character that has the fc and that fc becomes that character. Of course, this won’t happen unless the character has a huge impact on Peach’s life. I will not roleplay with any character who shares these fcs unless an alternative face claim is used !
♥ @theimpalpable Daxten Calloway  /  Jon Bernthal Lexine Logan  /  Anne Hatheway
♥ BRUCE WAYNE of DC - @crimefightr
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This list is negotiable; I get attached to portrayals and sometimes one just becomes very important for me and Peach too. I will roleplay with any character on this list, but these portrayals will always come first if I do.
Currently empty !
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mythvoiced · 2 years
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@theimpalpable​ | “ be careful ” (Lexine to Hyun? ;W;) two word starters
“Careful is my middle name.”
Which is the biggest load of bullshit he’s ever offered to anyone and used to kid himself into believing he hadn’t already started developing feelings for Yeong Boram way back when the mere idea of feelings had left him yearning for a peaceful way out faster, if only it could rid him of the morbid desire for a romantic future.
That dark spiral of thoughts aside, Hyun is not a careful person, not on his best days and on his worst days, luckily in a very sarcastic way, he’s usually out of it enough to not get himself into any trouble, which saves him from most accidents, unless he counts trying to cook while he’s dissociating.
That other unpleasant train of thought aside, Hyun simply doesn’t have ‘careful’ as a middle name.
He sticks his arm into a thorny bush because that’s what he felt like doing. Taking shameless advantage of his healing abilities had always been amongst his top favourite things to do, mostly because he likes taking shameless advantage of the abilities he’s naturally equipped with.
The privilege of navigating through nature with a nose much finer than that of any human, shifting into any shape that wrapped better around his skin than the one he’d woken up with, preserving a natural youth because a touch of vanity or some sense of pride in one’s own looks had never killed anyone, and of course the ability to live long enough to learn a thing or two and have centuries worth of discoveries left to uncover.
Or maybe he just woke up in a particularly good mood, who knows. One that prompted him to follow impulses into more reckless and youthful, almost, endeavours.
Or maybe this is all nonsense to mask the fact that he wants to help Lexine, nothing more, nothing less.
Offering his nose to help her find herbs had been a hefty indicator of that being the most likely reason as to why he’s crouching next to this bush, to reach the natural conclusion that he’d simply taken a liking to the herbalist doesn’t seem too outrageous.
Maybe it’s the lack of threat she exudes or how she bothers to find a way through their first interaction without sending him on his merry way, held back either by some lack of self-worth or something within her that had made her more interested in prolonging their encounter over ending it as quickly as someone else might have.
Maybe it’s the softness of her presence, the hesitation in some of her words and their delivery. Young as any human is to him, kind as not too many are, maybe Hyun simply broke the lock on his knee-jerk helpfulness and decided yes, why not?
She seems nice enough.
He’s got Boram on speed dial if he ever starts doubting her intentions and needs someone to give him a second opinion. Or an easy way out.
Or just because he likes talking to him.
That aside...
He shoves his other hand into the bush and spreads the branches apart, turns his head to glance at her over his shoulders.
“Look inside, is it in there?”
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